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Are there any drugs that x knows about that increase intelligence and or cognitive function? Just wondering.
mushrooms like lions mane and psilocybes
Ty anon
Adderall, high protein low carb diet (like keto), some nootropics like modafanil, 5-htp, though I personally didn’t notice any improvements with modafanil, but I also might just have weird physiology since a lot of painkillers and recreational drugs don’t really effect me, so ymmv.
ty anon
I’d also 2nd this. You can also pick up amanita muscaria and blue lotus extract vapes from some gas stations or head shops in the US.
I’m a smoker and wear nicotine patches and the nicotine usually induces lucid dreaming for me almost every night.
Cocaine makes you smarter. Just ask anyone on cocaine.
Ty anon
Piracetam + Noopept will make your brain work faster, but without the jitters that caffein delivers. Just be sure and get it from a legit source that actually tests the shit before selling it
Galantamine will temporarily enhance the vividness of old memories. It's useful for digging up stuff from your childhood.
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Intelligence is best gathered organically.
Think of neuroplasticity as a muscle
>if you don't use it you lose it.
>be imaginative
Ty anon
Caffeine, workplaces wouldn't supply it if it didn't help with productivity. Even if it just helps with mood, that clarity of mind is an increase in intelligence. Too much of course can make you wig out and get all retarded though.
bulk supplements
your welcome
If there are, it's under lock and key.
Ginkgo bilboa and lions mane.
Both help with neurogenesis.
Not really, just drowned out with triteness like all other things in this world.
Creatine is known to be effective but everyone ignores it in these discussions.
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Einstein was the first person to do ahegao in his most famous picture
>high protein low carb diet (like keto)
keto is more of a medium protein diet
It increases neauroplasticity
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Ty anon
Depends on what you classify as "intelligence"

t. drug anon

Stimulants will increase focus and motivating, the ability to pay attention to one problem and gave the desire to solve it will increase your "intelligence" in the sense that you can use it to become better at solving problems in a timely manner.

Psychedelics like LSD can increase intelligence because they increase creativity and non-linear problem solving. You gain the ability to look at problems in new and novel ways. This is likely closest to the answer you're looking for.

Certain peptides can increase brain health, which can give you a more permanent increase in reaction time and spacial memory. Epithalon or others break down amylase plaques and increase blood flow to key areas of your brain. This is shown to increase your ability to recall information and store more information longer.
I'd reccomend a copious daily consumption of lecithin. The brain is made up of mostly lecithin.
unironically alcohol drives change and intent. Just don't overdo it
B12 and Ginko.
Checked and based.
Ty anon
nicotine and caffeine.The jew fears the morning coffee and cig
you can always tell when someone is a fat fuck, pro tip, unless bulking, protein never changes, its .8-1g for bodyweight, anymore does nothing unless with resistance training. What your dumbass is referring to is forgoing sugar for fat as your primary energy source. Double nigger, FAT is the key to brain growth.
DMT, Psilocybin, amphetamines, racetams, low-dose NMDA antagonists (memantine, ketamine) to enhance conceptual thinking
BAX inhibitors
Methylene Blue

completely changed my life after taking it on a 2 day cycle since 2 years ago.

my IQ has improved, I'm learning new skills, retaining information easily, pretty much eliminated my adhd. more confident, outspoken, find it much easier to navigate situations and get what i need without discourse. it also raises testosterone and declumps tau protein clumping in the brain commonly caused by over-eating salt which a significant number of western people have by default
it also makes you piss blue

and makes you feel mentally capable of tearing anyone in your path to shreds with your bare hands
Weed has mild neurogenic properties with few side effects. Psychedelic mushrooms are stronger but come with more side effects.

It's not about the period of high. It's about what your brain does for days after. Your brain is put in a state of temporarily increased elasticity, which is good for learning.
blue-brained bros...
placebos, placebos everywhere
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would any work?
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I kneel
fucking CIA poster

those brains have been DIRECTLY INJECTED with methylene blue you fucking retarded agent

anyone with a BRAIN can research this and find out you're bullshitting and posting a fucking psyop image
i am still convinced to certain kinds of users marijuana can be. it has been so polluted with stoner advertising, its always seen as the drug that makes you sleepy and think too deep about trivial things. but it really is a cognitive enhancer on some level and if used properly can reveal information about reality. i mean imagine there was a plant that if you smoked or ate you would receive mathematical or musical insight, such a plant would be seen as divine in some sense. and thats exactly what marijuana does, it offers insight and perspective. you just have to be using it for that purpose. its the same with all enthiogens, people misuse shrooms and LSD as "woah world trippy" instead of experiencing some of the greatest rational insights they will ever have in their life.
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your post is too retarded to be bait
Blue brain?
Every time methylene blue is mentioned some fucking glowing nigger posts this image to deter people

Hope you burn in hell for your faggotry
>certain kinds of users
I agree that it isn't for everyone if they want insight and persepctive. I am sure the people who are able to take it and go "woah!" watching netflix and eating junk food are just low functioning people without the weed. For anyone with more going on up there but it might be muddy or stuck it can help release it. Has to be used with intention this way, treat it less as "fun" or "relief" or whatever it is marketed as and use it as a real tool and it'll serve people well imo. It can be spiritual and/or intellectual.
Does my brain being blue affect anything or it purely cosmetic?
Alpha GPC and this stuff: >>39561588

I take nootropics constantly now for months and am absurdly more intelligent as a result.
I take it regularly specifically for the cognitive gains.
there's this research chemical called PRL-8-53 that some use a memory enhancer
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>Drugs that increase intelligence
The only correct answer.
I am recovering from veganism (lel) and two foods that I have found that legit get me high and feeling heightened are raw eggs (gross but feel so good after) and beef liver (i was taking dried capsules but started eating it once a week) and it adds up with others are saying here about stuff like choline, fat, creatine
You're looking for nootropics, I would recommend a Lion's Mane mushroom supplement, they work well for me. Ain't saying they make me any smarter, but I swear it boosts my processing speed if not power.
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue
Like him, inside and outside
Why do you think Shiva is blue, sar?
Ok bluebrain
It may not work for everyone, but when I get enough alcohol in me, I temporarily become the smartest man in the world.
Psychedelics don't increase cognitive function or intelligence, they increase neuroplasticity, which helps you develop intelligence but isn't intelligence in itself. Doing LSD in your room won't make you smarter, but theoretically doing LSD and doing focused reading and studying might.

The people who think neuroplasticity is the same thing as intelligence fry themselves and become drooling retards, neuroplasticity is your brain physically rewiring itself to accommodate incoming mental stimuli, so if you just jerk off and watch TV you're basically giving yourself brain damage.

Stimulants actually do increase intelligence, Caffeine causes a noticeable IQ bump, and Adderall, tobacco, etc. This is temporary because ultimately a lot of your cognitive function comes from your rate of metabolization, but it does make you "smarter".
Well said. I appreciate the nuance.
Gave me quite a good laugh. Thanks Anon.
I'm getting serious déjà vu here.
Hasn't this exact question been asked here like a million times.
I swear some of these answers are basically the same.
No such thing exists, Algernon
How does this make any sense?
Psychedelics only improve neuroplasticity but you need to keep learning and studying to be able to know extra stuff. So psychedelics make the process of assimilating new information easier.
But stimulants make you smarter? They give a temporary Int bonus. So what? You drink coffee and all of a sudden you know things you didn't know before? Rate of metabolization is a weird way of saying learn and study hard. In the end it just means psychedelics and stimulants act the same way, they make it easier for you to learn.
Stimulants decrease intelligence significantly in the long term which should be addressed, your brain responds to increased levels of monoamines by enacting homeostasis and downregulating the receptors they attach to, essentially over time you lose dopamine, serotonin and noradrenalin G-protein coupled receptors. Even one big dose can do this, normally the brain recovers and upregulates over time, but the effect is permanent if the drug is binged or used while underage

Note that this applies to basically all drugs. Cannabis will downregulate your cannibanoid receptors which is permanent if you keep doing it, alcohol will downregulate your gaba, etc. No drug on planet earth will make you smarter permanently except for psychedelics when used correctly, however even then I doubt psychedelics really enhance intelligence

I've tripped probably 50-60 times in my life and all psychs do is turn your brain into a sponge, whatever you're looking at integrates into your ego permanently. The newly formed neurons are just like babies, if you throw a baby in a ghetto you have a nigger on your hands. Well said, anon
Try modafinil + caffeine.
It also make it taste like blue raspberry

Books, my nigga
reading books ≠ getting smarter
Psychedelics help with abstract thought and digestion of new types of information

Stimulants make the engine run faster and increase concentration
So you're saying we need both.
Even so you still need to put in the effort to learn.
Still, not taking any chances with drugs of any kind. Have fun.
Instead of trying to patch the holes with drugs, instead look into fixing chronic low-level inflammation.

ADHD and depression (with no apparent cause) are caused by inflammation, usually from diet. There is a direct connection between gut health and brain health.

Other things to look at are: meditation, nofap, exercise.
Retards with no understanding of neurobiology do not belong in this thread
Gotta agree here, some are non responders but I do enjoy it. Also my hair hasn't fallen out.
Fish oil

It's called blue berries, yes all the best memory champions are eating them, People how have to remember 256 numbers 6 decked of card and thousands of digits of pie. And 450 plus random names and picters in order and thair number position. Or you can go blan B pore olive oil over your head, Black candle in bun hole as you study. Not being funny, I promise it works fore that big test. No lol .
>hallucinogens increase intelligence
>you need hallucinogens in order to imagine something
This entire thread is a psyop.
I'm not saying you need either. Just stating the effects. You need to chill out dude. Also, of course you need to put effort into learning what the fuck? Are you really thinking there's a magic pill that downloads information to your brain?
>thread asking about drugs has people recommending drugs in it
>Could this be a psyop??
Are you fucking stupid?
Nobody said nicotine, yet? Cigarettes have the dual bonus of not only making you smarter, but also cooler.
I heard this makes your sex drive go down, is there any truth to it?
I agree. It requires mental discipline to tame thc to its full potential. If you are a tard its simply limited to making you relaxed and hungry. I have wrote amazing music while stoned as fuck, and im fully functioning during my high. Ive seen tards become usless and never really got why when it helps me be creative
Piracetam is the monk's choice of supplement. It will make you less interested in socializing with other humans, so if you are TRYING to improve your social circle, get a girlfriend, etc, then piracetam is not for you. If you are a follower of the spiritual path, then yes, try piracetam. It will give you insane dreams.
the implication of the word "smart" doesn't pertain to the possession of knowledge but rather to an enhanced capacity to make use of such
say, a magic pill that increases IQ, spatial reasoning, abstract thinking, ect.
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Seeing some incredibly shitty answers here, as in normies who barely research shit.

Shit, doesn't even come close to adderall in the effects department, it had no focus effects on me and I remember taking two over a period of 3 hours and then falling asleep 3/10 (maybe the placebo)

Social lubricant, one time I had this "high" that reminded me of the limitless movie where he takes NZT, colours became brighter more vibrant, music was better to hear and I was chatting up random people. Overall chasing that dragon isnt worth it and you build up tolerance fast, 6/10, I find that it mostly has social effects (which HCC vapes are better at) and the intelligence stuff is mostly because you are somewhat relaxed and not overthinking

Had and did it for awhile, idk. My memory improved but the effects where not instant and rather underwhelming, it works. 8/10

Honestly read this;

Neuro-steroids and a good diet (RayPeat inspired?) and sleep will have the best effects. Pretty sure some rich mofos/agencies have some real NZT type stuff, it's not hard to notice with USA's previous president going from a husk of human being with no thought to a functioning human.
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Low key drink poppi, or even better Wonder Pop if you have a Wegmans. I feel like I’m operating in a do dimension because of that. It’s literally giving me psychic abilities.
Cerebrolysin (or eating brains), Actovegin (or drink blood), Citicoline (or eating 10 eggs a day), microdosing LSD/psilocybin, fasting for 3 days every 2 weeks (ketones clear brain from carbs protecting it from type 3 diabetes and increase LDL to fix any damage), fermented high meat, optimizing gut bacteria, removing mold toxicity and parasites from your body, increasing bloodflow to the brain, training n-back/corsi/grapheme color synesthesia/memory palace

I also did talk to my subconciouss a bunch of times, but you need to get yourself in theta waves (shower or near sleep) and have deep trust in yourself to do that
Nootropics is what you're looking for. (Mind lab pro is my recommendation for a beginner all around stack)

Colloidal Gold and Colloidal Silver work wonders for me as well. Gold for faster thinking and Silver to just completely eliminate sickness. (I recommend mesogold and mesosilver on [purestcolloids . Com])

I also recommend 750mg carvacrol which is the active ingredient in oregano oil. As well as 1000mg NAC.

I take all of the above daily and it has gotten rid of my brain fog and instilled a greater clarity of mind that I didn't realize was missing. The only way to counteract the effects of brain rot and fix your attention span is uninterrupted meditation for at least 30 minutes a day.
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Keto destroys your body.
Yes. Taking drugs that cause chemical addictions looks very intelligent, dont you agree?
There is. It's called reading.
It's the fat that's used to construct your brain
Eat more fish.
anything that fucks with serotonin will fuck with your sex drive, but 5-htp doesn't effect it nearly as much as an SSRI would and your body gets used to it after a few weeks, sex drive back to normal
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I would say kratom definitely has a profound mind-jailbreaking effect, it's like new insights pour in from a higher intelligence, or part of myself that I don't normally access.
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I want to ask something related to this.

Does anyone have the slightest idea of what was the experiment/process James William Sidis went through thanks to his father that made him so intelligent? I have a book related to it but haven't read it yet.
what even is krakom?
A plant with a TON of different alkaloids in it that despite loads of study, we still don't really know too much about, pharmacologically and medicinally at least.

Mostly relative to Asia; relatively unscheduled in the West, and mostly available online for purchase to make disgusting teas and tinctures with...Of the various alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-HMG are partial opioid agonists (though as I said, they cant even agree if they partially effect the μ or δ-opioid receptors) as well as, at low doses at least, (they say; it never did a damn thing to me) these also act as slight stimulants.

Because of these alkaloids many think that it is useful in the case of helping various types of withdrawal; or if you're chemically naive, possibly even inducing of euphoria. Thats the basics. Hope it helped some.
Any drug that will help me stop overthinking, say fuck it, and actually do the thing?
Microdosing meth then move on to macrodosing once microdosing become inaffective
Klonopin and Xanax
Xanax and klonopin will just make you want to do it less but you won't care as much. Take adderall or ritalin instead
Black seed oil, benfotiamine, nootropics like phenylpitacetam, sunflower tllethicin, ALCAR, I dunno l shit like that.
Benzos and opioids give me massive amounts of energy. I'll get shit tons of stuff done in one day under the effects of a benzo. But if I take stims like Adderall I just sit in front of my computer intensely researching shit or watching YouTube videos or movies but I do very little moving or accomplishing of goals. Ill build a website or code like a 1000 IQ made man on Klonopin or Xanax or opioid tho. But mainly benzos. My brains weird, benzos effect me like stimulants effect normal people. What's wrong with me?!?
Why would anyone wanna induce sleep paralysis? That shits terrifying annoying
I always heard it induces nightmares??
I always heard vitamin B6, valerian root and melatonin B4 bed can induce more calming lucid dreams. Your going off deep end by wearing a patch to bed tho! You mad lad! And who TF gets a sex dream sleep paralysis?? Lol it's always a feeling of pure dread and fear while it feels like a horrific terrible entity is in the room with you B4 you frantically jerk a leg or arm to wake yourself up. Lol
Haha I just recommended sunflower lecithin. How much do you take? I just added 3 grams of taurine daily to my supplement stack as well l. But I do need to get some more Nordic naturals proEPA. That stuff is good for brain health and mood as well.

Also look into berberine phytosome,vita good for mood and depression as well
Is that what's in "silly dots" at gas station? The Mario mushroom?
Post pic of your body
my man. great mood lifters as well. and lion's mane dreams are fucking INSANELY vivid
listening to audiobooks at 10X speed is even better
I mean... adderall kinda, you think faster

nicotine and caffeine are also drugs and they can help you certainly
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Alpha Brain
You just THINK that, you actually arent
Those solutions all require work. People like quick fixes which is why pills are so popular
hes not wrong. Type 1 diabetics are effectively on keto. Insulin management is the key to long life.Losing at least a decade of life on keto or type 1 diabetic
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Everytime i take one of picrel and take a 30 min nap i have a lucid dream that feels like hours.
What about rituals? Also Noopept, Semax, Dihexa and GH secratogues. Careful with the last one it'll raise you blood sugar and appetite. Great for rejuvenation of skin and hair plus strength gains
Also rapes your blood health
Hence GH secratogues, Dihexa and noopept to undo the damage
A bad source of Cerebrosylin will give you prion disorder. Its a fabulous nootropic but that small chance is horrifying
I think he was simply that gifted at the genetic level
Nootropics and psychedelics don't cause chemical addictions. We're not talking about alcohol and opioids here.
when did trannies start taking this shit? disgusting
Are you telling me that the whole experiment thing his father said he did on him may be fake?
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except for phenibut. don't see how retards get hooked on it. that shit is ass. once. never again
How so? Not doubting you, just want the evidence and information to make my decision as to wether i would risk taking it
chlorine dioxide and methylene blue.
the fact that no one has mentioned these is a sorry day for /x/.
I don't think phenibut counts as a nootrpic, it is an actual drug, although I don't know how to classify it. I did get hooked on it for like a week and had one of the shittiest withdrawals in my life. couldn't sleep for several days in a row and started seeing shit. But you are right, the high wasn't even that great so it definetly wasn't worth it.

Yep. I'm prescribed it for mentalism.

It's magic against anxiety, great for thinking clearly and feeling good. Just don't get hooked, the withdrawal symptoms are fucking hideous.
any supplement to make me not horny all the time. a drug that could give you that post nut clarity all the time would be a game changer
Creatine is very good for you body and brain especially if you are older. Walnuts and coconut are great for brain and some other foods. Rosemary avocado stuff like that i think on brain not 100 percent sure but good for body. If you couple with with meditation you can get real smart do this asmr meditation and gradually tweak it to suit yourself as you do sadhana and progress: https://youtu.be/l3mGH9emOYA?si=zLUSJRrS4A4IIo33
I did keto for 6 months and cut a ton of fat, made some good gym gains, improved my sleep quality, and generally felt great most days while on it.
You don't do that shit much longer than that at once though or you risk some damage, yes.
crack cocaine
This just proved that you are a dyel
Yeh man, Rastas smoking ganj isn't just a meme, they do it for spiritual insight. I think it originated with yogis in India. Shit threw me in face-to-face with my demons, all the baggage I've tried to run from, but I wasn't ready, it wasn't time, and haven't smoked since. Maybe it's time to face my fears
>déjà vu
Hm. This happened recently on /pol/. A noticer pulled up two other threads from the archives with the same topic and many of the same comments each exactly 1 year apart, not just to the day, but to the minute. They might be filler threads to feign activity
>psychedelics don't cause chemical addictions
Connor murphy would like a word

But you might also become schizophrenic
Connor Murphy is a gay schizo retard and so are you for not knowing what “chemical addiction” means
He was drinking ayahuasca several times a day for months and admitted to it. That's the definition of a chemical addiction, not sure what else is
someone already mentioned methylene blue
Has anyone tried Bacopa Moneris? Also known as Brahmi
Try the Philosopher's Stone
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>tfw I have a CHEMICAL ADDICTION to dihydrogenated oxygen because I drink water EVERY DAY
What about testosterone? That's the main drug that makes a man a man, and not only are men smarter than women, but low T men tend to be dumber in some pretty important ways. It may not improve your IQ measure per se, but it certainly improves aspects of the self that lead to more intelligent behavior.
There are basically 4 options in life. They are not completely exclusive, so you can do some combination thereof, but there are essentially no alternatives.

1. Live an unexamined life. Be stupid but happy.

2. Live a life dedicated to service, either to other people or to ideas, or to both. You may only serve the universe and not a single soul, but you believe a more well-ordered universe would also serve other people like you. This life is similar to #1 but perceives itself to be more purpose-driven. The problem is that the person often doesn't take care of themselves and cultivate strength (nor do they observe the morals required to cultivate it as such). This worldview seems like the best of all worlds until it comes crashing down with a few redpills. It's still a nice idea to dabble in, because the other options don't always seem so great.

3. Live an examined life, and suffer, for observance is generally first the experience of suffering before it is overcome. This type of life requires toughness, and its ethics cannot easily be communicated in words, because it is not based on the reasoning of the ideas. It's based on the reasoning of cause and effect. The furthest I've gotten is that strength is the most important ethic, and without it, there can be no others and no meaning.

4. Drugs: endogenous or exogenous, zero or non-zero sum values. One can approach life at a physical level, even as a conscious being, and based on #3, this certainly appears to be part of a winning strategy, as one needs strength, and strength does not discriminate. There are ultimately four categories of things that I'm grouping together here (the bijection of the two tuples listed above): endogenous drugs with zero sum values, exogenous drugs with zero sum values, endogenous drugs with non-zero sum values, exogenous drugs with non-zero sum values. It's easier to talk about these traits and then think of examples for all four categories. Endogenous drugs are things your body can create, ranging from something like DMT to dopamine to testosterone --- your body is a veritable drug factory. Exogenous drugs are things you consume, ranging from pharmaceuticals to herbs to foods to isolated vitamin/mineral/supplement/chemical extracts. Zero sum values refer to the fact that some drugs come with downsides that may equal their benefit (ie, zero sum), but you do them anyway because you are compelled to. This includes things like alcohol that may have hardly a conceivable benefit (especially considering alternatives), but it also includes activities more "hedonistic" in character that may offer diminishing returns as well as draw from a well of energy or capacity to enjoy other activities (making _that_ the zero sum). The non-zero sum drugs are the things that can be produced through beneficial activity like exercise, healthy diet, and health-promoting supplements and, yes, "drugs".

The very very last category that I mention is the whole point of this thread. This was a very long-winded way to make a point that drugs are indeed an important aspect of morality. They always were. I would argue that things which strengthen us as a physical level can allow us to give up the mental coping that appears necessary in the prior steps of evolution. All drugs, of course, can do this. Only some of them actually benefit us. However, it's pretty certain in my mind that some do, that a life on some "drugs" and supplements is a life better lived. This includes coffee, tea, maybe some weed, mushrooms during a moment of personal crisis, a good multivitamin, some Chinese/Indian/African herbs, a good diet, a good lifting regimen, etc. Maybe it includes some herb in the Amazon rainforest or in the Ural mountains that I've never heard of --- I remain open to taking anything that benefits me. I could include other activities such as a good reading regimen, but the mental does not preclude the physical. Conversely, the physical supports the mental. They must live in harmony, and philosophers must account for this.

In another sense, I am not recognizing heroine or fentanyl as good for you or defending their use, but I am saying some of the things that are seen as feeble options are in fact some of our best drugs, and they ARE drugs because they are impermanent and their primary benefit is physical, not ideological (covered by second category).

In other words, the progression from normie to enlightened is a continual process, as you spread yourself across these different strategies for maintaining/pursuing wellbeing. In some sense, you progress, although in another, your desire is always to fall backwards if you can. So in one sense, chemical alterations of the self (drugs) allow you to pursue behaviors that most deviate from the lower programming of psychologies of no thought / only instinct, only belief, or only rationality. It's playing life on "hard mode" to accept all three of these in your "mental family" so to speak, to use them as methods of going through life and accepting these parts of yourself, while ALSO not fully committing to them and losing this temporarily elevated sense of consciousness. This elevated sense of consciousness is thus supported chemically, through action or consumption, not thought or accident.

I truly believe that philosophers are weak men who pretend to be strong. And consequently, their philosophy ends up more often than not being a reversal of truth (good ones are brilliant in some areas and only short-sighted in a few), as a cope against reality which they are too weak to face without philosophy. This is true of religion of course too, so philosophy is only a more intelligent religion.
Combining 2.5mg/kg caffeine and 0.2g/kg magic truffles will supercharge your brain for about 3-5 hours. You'll notice that the math problems you normally find hard become easy enough to solve in your head. You'll notice that philosophical, metaphysical, and theological thought experiments that used to confuse the fuck out of you become almost intuitively easy to solve. The downside is that you unironically will get a massive migraine and a terrible bout of dizziness if you spend too long thinking while your brain's running at 9,000rpm.

You should also be mindful of the fact that taking a combination of drugs that has disassociative, entheogenic, and stimulant effects puts you in a sticky situation. You absolutely need to have a solid, well-defined worldview and ontological frame of reference you can refer to during your trips, or else you'll have a psychotic episode.
What's a safe dosage range for a beginner?
(((They))) don't want you to know this but this is where the flavouring in blue razz elfbars comes from. Why do you think so many people go missing in China every year?
It's a bitter-tasting green powder that gives you an effect that can only be described as "codeine/tramadol divided by five". You'll sweat a lot and your appetite will disappear, but you'll generally feel a lot calmer and somewhat more energetic.

Kratom is nowhere near as powerful as this anon (>>39586942) thinks it is. He talks with the same grandiose terms 16 year olds use describe cigarettes after trying one for the first time.
what's the problem
do you just not like the color blue or something
Weed makes smart people smarter and dumb people dumber.
grow up
>Kratom is nowhere near as powerful as this anon (>>39586942) thinks it is. He talks with the same grandiose terms 16 year olds use describe cigarettes after trying one for the first time.
It is for me, but it may be because I'm autistic, and it just unlocks my abilities which are normally hidden or suppressed.

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