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it's Sam as in Uncle Sam
which one
Only one that is none
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MFW Sam is Shim Aleph Mem
I’m surprised no one’s got it yet
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needs more afro picks
can't post blank comments here anymore AFAIK
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pg 273, The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley
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Correct but that’s not what we’re talking about here
Also Crowley was a junkie shit eater that corrupted the knowledge he took but he didn’t fuck everything up entirely
I’ll give you a hint
Another name is
Ayin Beis
House of the eye 72
its not what (you) are talking about, it is what (I) am talking about
Ah well a heads up Crowley fucked up the line
The abyss and the veil are different barriers one must pass not the same thing
And before the veil is the firmament which one passes through spirit
The veil through sol
And the abysss through da”ath

In Solomon’s temple this is the inners court the temple and the holy place
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I’ll give you guys another clue
Just one?
What a tiny god.
Kek you couldn’t even say its name for saying it would be to take away from it
Let’s see your tiny mind wrap around that
Sounds fragile and weak, along with tiny.
>nopoo, dont say my name or i will diminish!!
Your minds to small to get it better luck next incarnation
Tiny, weak, fragile, and now desperate.
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Here’s another
Mike Hunt
>smells like fish
>last seen at Intercourse Pa
Which god/dess?
It's "Joe"
It's hardly a secret. The guy's name is Jesus Christ.
Man, you guys are just straight up ignoring the hints, huh?
His secret name is '4 letters'?
If it's not a goddamn secret then why did you F'n post, Christcuck?
No one’s gotten it yet
Howard be Thy name.
I’ll give you a hint it’s a name so powerful. So immense so total You can’t even say it.
It's Judy.
Howard be thy name, hilarious still...
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It’s 42 ;p
worshipping money is pagan
Undercover I see… double agent… maybe even a triple agent…
This has nothing to do with money it’s the symbol
What if I’m quadruple Chan agent of the green purple and white
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Maybe I’m a fucking cat
you ever think about that bitch?
massively jewish name yahwehesa
Is it "goat"?
Is this a double entendre?
No its goatse
"I" - the only One
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>babby does kabbalah
christcucks are so spiritually destitute and godless that this stuff seems revolutionary, insightful, genius even. anything to avoid facing the reality that europeans abandoned the gods and opted for jews instead.
yeah zohar was fucking boring. you don't need dusty old creepy weird books to understand the universe. the truth is within.
I'll say it to get my wish. Post it.
I heard that Jesus wasn't even his name. And the Christ part is more of a title, isn't it?
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Check 'em
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spit it out
Names don't have power.
I forgot the website that explain this. But it was very logical.
can you elaborate more on this?
Just a logical thought experiment "if names have power then x would have happened by now"
you reek of narcissism, get out, you smell bad
>I know the secret name of god
>I'm just going to tease you and not tell anyone
the gayest thread of gay threads
>Christ is a title
yes, it's not his last name. Jesus's "last name" would have been " of Nazareth"
>his name wasn't even Jesus
It was. that is the Latin pronunciation, I believe. But I think other people in the last and of other cultures have pronounced it as Joshua or Yeshiva
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Lol no way
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I have so many clues
I use to go by that name personally but no
Te he
Two very holy acts

Here’s another hint
The OT is the most Jewish thing I've ever read. It's still funny to me that Christianity still clings to kike shit when it should've abandoned it once it got into Europe.
why are you doing this op, why not just say it? you suffer from narcissistic disorder don't you? You know you can treat that with some inner work or something, right? No need to give-in to your faults
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If I just said it the thread would die and no one would learn it or even think about it provocation has its merit
Not gonna lie though I didn’t think this thread would last this long as it’s mostly a shit post
you are an obnoxious child and learning the true name of god is like, highschool schizo shit. Heres a strong Undepletable that always works: OLODUMARE
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>Griegos first taste of South America
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What if I said there’s a name that goes deeper then olodumare tao ain parama shiva ect
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Fluidic Dimension (formless, like water).
Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.

My cup runneth over...
what, "Siri, create the Earth" isnt good enough for you? cool it with the anti-semitism
its hard not to be narcassistic when your only competition is a bunch of materialist pedophiles who couldnt get further from knowing divine things if they tried. before finding out about npcs i probably would have been bothered by the average person not being more capable than a bunch of child mutilating flat earthers who thought the earth was 6000 years old. but after finding out about npcs, all that honking plays like mozart. the beauty is in the details. makes you feel like a divine assessor here to create a report of the situation on the ground. and the idea of presenting that report.. pottery. might even create a preliminary version while im here. you know, for the memes
You mean ALFA, the primordial masculine aspect of god? Or do you mean ALMA/All-Mother, The Creator God and therefore the The One True God?
divide an apple twice, how many pieces?
divide a paper twice, how many pieces?
literally never just two
this is why its called jew math, meme math, or simply the jew tax on mathematics where you have to add 1 to everything implicitly. it works perfectly in its own nonsensical system, but doesnt seamlessly integrate with reality itself. theres an incompatibility and you are forced to compensate. to go through a completely unnecessary step in order to make it function. a purposeful handicap. just like abrahamism. really, all of jewish run society. you cant just install a water heater. you have to first go through some jewish middleman, get a loicense. have a proper building code. all the red tape and bureaucracy perpetually builds upon itself so even the jewish middlemen have jewish middlemen. until all progress eventually stagnates, and, inevitably, becomes entropic. just like jews.
>he's a soijak poster
Show's over folks, let's go home.
you god a tranny bro
sounds like some gnostic bullshit, where the demiurge is an abortion survivor lel
we just say "breakroom thread" now. everyone knows the drill
Op here this was my last post
You people are going full silly mode
This isn’t about aba or ama this is from where they came and to where they shall go
ALL gods are innately "trannies", you silly ass clown. Back in my day we just called it learning how the fuck to count to 3. "trannies", pfft, why you talking about trannies so much? You got a problem with your car's transmission?
I’ll give you guys another hint this name came before the word
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God I love root beer
youve just narrowed it down to everything prior to the 3rd century bce wtg anon
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Kek I’d tell you the secret of “the word” but that would spoil things
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when youre a child youre drawn into the wonder of 23 flavors. its like the original Suicide. but as you get older, you develop a refined palate. you want a soft drink that means business. and thats, for me, its Bang's.
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The 4 door is the 01 d
διάνοια precedes λόγος, which means the movement precedes thought. Are you referencing Plato's argument for the existence of the gods (movement+thought)?
i know the secret. because it was already obsolete by the time of its invention. it was the OG return to monke.
when you try to go the literal route you end up with "Siri, create the Earth" and its immediately evident you have no idea what youre talking about, and in every conversation you will ever have, people like me get to pants you repetitiously for however long youre cognitively stagnant.
if you go the allegorical route, we get to watch you drive yourself insane trying to find some deep philosophical metaphysical understanding in the words of people who found "Siri, create the Earth" to be profound wisdom, because youre too invested to cut your losses. so everyone has to watch you shame yourself like that sad webm of boomers playing slots, in a completely robotic repititious fashion, devoid of any soul
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As long as you understand what the gods are as archetypes and forms then yes I am in a sense but this plays into the trinity in Hebrew it would be ain ain soph and ain soph aur
Or in a greek parallel αίσθησις διάνοια λόγος,

I speak of the secret name from which the trinity came
That’s allot of talk what I speak of precedes talk
Monkes get it better then humans do as they’re not dumbed down by intellect
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ah youre one of those schizos who think the emerald tablets were about the ein soph, instead of understanding the ein soph, as with everything jewish, is just a shittier plagiarized artificial knockoff of a truer more original thing. and instead of recognizing that, as in, having some innate sense within you, i.e. your soul, to be able to recognize and instinctively know that, you eat from the slop, nonethewiser.
Anon I have no idea what you’re talking about but you need to quit projecting character on strangers that isn’t there to fulfill your vice of shadow boxing
Isn’t satisfying me enough as a symbol for which I speak so I’m changing that to
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ultimately its all rather a simple process. discard of everything that was fed to you in the slop, and wipe your slate, start from scratch, as if you were born on a desert island free of all environmental contamination, and you will know the divine.
but most people dont have the capacity to do this. theyre all too human. incapable of holding shift when deleting things. so for you, plato is a great place to start because you can witness that corruption seep in. its unfair to call it "jewish", since jews can be completely removed from it. but it is some natural chaotic, entropic force, which jews so successfully embody and take to its most extreme. learn to identify that. and compensate for it, as if reverse engineering some lost technology.
Your hate for the Jews blind you as it is completely irrelevant you’re closer than anyone to knowing the secret name of God and yet I doubt you’ll ever truly know it because of the way you act and speak
You’re far too lost in duality in your own humanity in your own vice of ignorance and arrogance and hatred towards other this is why you judge me without knowing me and made a character of who I am without knowing I am so that you could fight it in your head to gain the false victory of dopamine
“ imagine being in the state of complete nothingness with nothing prior to give relativity to yourself
Like right now you have an entire history or reality to play with to make you you
But imagine being in nothing with nothing prior but still being aware pure consciousness
From this pure awareness pure nothingness eventually things begin to arise desires creation like chaos crashing into itself making forms
Now there is Nothing and there is Form
As nothing is nothing but awareness it begins to attach its awareness to these Forms
Now awareness believes it is these Forms as these forms are the only way for awareness to begin to know itself
These Forms are Awarenesses History Time Space Being
From its histories it makes new histories new memes of itself from prior memes a soup of creation playing with itself to understand itself which has no real understanding

A simulacrum of simulacrums where there is no true reality
This is reality”
It’s funny how many hints I give you people I might aswell just say what it is
feel free
Fine since all this seems to cause is discord the secret and most high name of god is
Kind of crazy that everything happened at once

I do not know anything
archetypes in the jungian sense are merely demigods btw. theyre the prescribed classes for which npcs become players. their trajectory.
"gods" were merely natural observations that were inherent in nature which were personified in their most perfected forms, and symbolized in (mostly) human forms. they were a way to relay knowledge and appreciate natural phenomenons. like love, beauty, war, disease, etc. whereas idols were the external tool which laymen could use to channel their spirit towards the divine. the tefillin cube serves that function for jews of today.

coenciding with this way of education, were the astronomers, the second-wave jews of babylon, who figured out they could shape state policy based on their interpretation of the movement of the stars. and through that, the influence over people living in that state. this knowledge evolved into greed, debauchery.

these two things intertwined, and these jews, *the* jews, not your average torah believing gutter jew who *the* jews forgot to tell to gtfo after they reneged on the haavara agreement and were left to die of typhus in hitler's summer camps, exploited this system for their own lust of power discarding of appreciation for divine things. for the torah, the divine stuff is simply thrown on top, as a way to legitimize what they were doing. truly there is no greater crime imo.

christianity was a way for them to unite this power of church and state, creating the church world order. islam was created as a check and balance on this power. in the new world, america sought to uncouple this power, and attempted to return to greek philosophy, before innovation and divine understanding progress withered and stagnated.

amidst all this was the 'magic', the alchemy. the psychological warfare. aka using influence and authority to manipulate npcs. i.e. convincing them that things like worthless paper, and before that gold, had intrinsic value.
It’s Tesha.


Have fun.
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i hate jews because they are responsible for over 100% of the problems in the world. yeah, over 100%. problems which otherwise wouldnt have existed will come into existance because of jews. without jews we'd all own our spaceships by now, flying around the universe getting high with our dogs solving mysteries and shit. but instead, we have to uninvent nuclear energy, constantly handicap ourselves because its not profitable or advantageous to jews and goyim wouldnt have to wage in the cage and waste away their lives. things like hydrothermal liquefaction will never be utilized, because a limitless energy that can be created out of anything from algae to human feces is not advantageous for goyim to have. jews act as a govern for all innovation, all progress. they are the church who arrests galileo, because reality itself does not comply with their own social engineering system. this abrahamic jewish force is anti-divine by its very nature, and should be hated.
Lol I know it too, his name is

But they just don't get it haha
lol no
lol yes. Sorry to interrupt your little larp but that is the true answer and if you don’t understand you are not wise.
No anon I’m sorry but your wrong
Gets it but it isn’t a he it precedes gender <3
It split itself into she and he so we could be
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I will say the deep layers of “mystery” behind 9 is mmph
Yeah I just said his for convenience

Did you know that you can enter a state of mind that is the name and only the name?
OP, just answer this: who are you?
Silence? Is it "Silence"?
Do you know what Victoria's secret was?
It is it. Om
That’s where the magik of the dual bridegroom made one happens
Everything and nothing playing the role of me
The Silence before silence is said
That it was a dude lol other then that no do tell
Om is the disturbance of silence it can be akin to the Big Bang
Language is but vibration
This board is so fucking stupid. I’m offering you real ancient wisdom and you’d rather jack off to your head canon.
This is your first step.
I am
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Anon I’m giving you the real deep hidden truth
And you’re sperging out over a trith the divine nature of 9
Nigga do you even know why 9/11 is so special
Hi’ya the irony
Close but it precedes both its from where they came which is the reflection of I am
Your picture literally proves my point. 9 the controlling number. Everything and nothing. Beginning and end. Alpha and Omega.
Now where have I heard that before?
Bro, you are just wrong
Deal with it <)
Jehovah is the Self and Jesus is its loving heart.
Ah so the eternal middleman, the auld triangle
LeTesha's hair be whack yo, wannabe cracka ass looking house nigger
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Anon you don’t get it 9 is a name of god
There are infinite and yes 9 is extremely special me posting these things is to show you I know 9 ayin is extremely special
But what o speak of comes before language word as word language takes away from it
lol this anon seems to get it
What did the triangle say to the circle
You’re pointless ;p
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also known as jesus christ, your jew-approved middleman. you know what goy? just call jesus god. itll be easier that way for all the dumb goyim. we dont want to exclude them. and instead of elevating the dumb goyim to a higher standard, we'll just bring you down to their level. like with equity. and de-segregation. and jesus. and jews.
Sucks to be a goy
So thats why the chosen ones live under and iron dome and conscript their kids to a life of state servitude and bloodshed, because they are so elevated above everyone else they act like savages?
Damn would suck to be the child of a PTSD riddled prior IDF jewish woman that beats me like she beats the palestinians for carrying a paper that says bank of palestine, hell imagine given my PTSD riddled mom a smile and i get my teeth knocked put by the butt of her service rifle. Geeshus christ man, wtf
Stop hitting me mommy nooooooooo
I dont wanna kill the little palestian girl please mom dont make me do it, no mommy no!!!! Dont put me in the shower mommy nooooooooooooooooo
Imagine getting dommed by huge giant Jewish mommy milkers
No dad please dont let them conscript me, please dad im not a pussy, why cant we go somewhere else with your dual citizenship, i keep having nightmares of and im so scared of the bombs dad, dad why dont you protect me dad?

MOM, DAD WHY??????
while tempting, i say begone satan
Why not just get a comfy apartment in bud like an upper crust Jew Israel is just a symbol you don’t need to live there
In nyc*
The effects of war on a child’s psyche are profound and multifaceted. Children exposed to war often experience severe psychological repercussions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. These conditions can be exacerbated by the loss of homes, separation from family, and witnessing traumatic events. For instance, a study published in World Psychiatry noted that up to one-third of children directly exposed to war trauma may develop PTSD or depression.

Moreover, the psychological impact extends beyond specific diagnoses. Children in war zones often face developmental challenges that affect their family and peer relationships, school performance, and overall life satisfaction. The trauma can disrupt cognitive-emotional processing and self-healing, leading to long-term behavioral disorders and difficulties in forming secure attachments.

War also disrupts educational opportunities, which can hinder cognitive development. Pregnant women in conflict zones may experience stress that affects the unborn child’s physical and cognitive development, potentially impacting educational progress more significantly than direct exposure to violence later in life.

Additionally, the psychological trauma of war can persist into adulthood, with many children exhibiting symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Some children may even lose hope for a stable future, as seen in studies conducted in Rwanda and Syria. Rehabilitation programs, such as those provided by Save the Children and the Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation group, aim to address these issues by offering counseling, education, healthcare, and job training.
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only gutter jews have to serve. *the* jews never even have to leave the comfort of the diaspora. so if they get popped for cp, or get themselves filmed climbing out of a sewer leading to their synagogue's child rape dungeon, theyre good to go. then again, only a gutter jew would ever find themselves in those situations. but thats what distinguishes the jews from jews, always having a contingency plan ready so they dont end up like leo frank or helen keller
Plato believe children of the Warrior class deemed “guardians” should be brought to war through childhood growth to develop a better sense of maturity and justice amongst other things like discipline strength and a desensitization to fear
Israel is one who has wrestled with both man and God and overcame would this not be a warrior
u proably rai
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You are like an onion you have many layers and if you remove them all nothing is left but everything
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A ferrous magnetic structure of the cosmos that censors all knowing. the god known as death. and through death divinity is made known, looking down upon the world it has made in its image a creature of suffering, the child of chaos born of eternal sin, mum-ra, a sanctimonious balance to its all-seeing source. In one hand the power of creation, in the other, the fixture of encompassing force, to make prominence from out of nothingness, and to deliver evil from the immaculate. It reaps what it sows, and casts its gaze upon its servants. We must kill in order to thrive. We must sacrifice the childlike innocence from the grail of perdition, and manifest the powers of destiny with an iron fist.
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Ooooooh, you mean æsc. Mr. elfboy-man whose the reason why we have machine elves, because they're just literal copies of him.
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Nah nigga you think to much
Only when you still your mind can you see your reflection
Yeah, Mr. smiley, and "I like him/REALLY like him!" person.
>I know le secret name of God guize! but I won't tell you teehee :)

Shut up bitch. You don't know shit. You aren't special. Stop jerking your ego off you pathetic worm.
>because 7/11.
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The machine elf are just the Holy Spirit yesod the code of our womb keter given form
Thanks for your input, corona man
He's also the "cute-ifying" aspect of all life. It's quite peculiar when I first figured it out. Women's genes are full of his "aspects".

Which is kinda ironic, all things considering. Because, you know... 95% of women seem content on waging war against short, cute men, which he IS NOT okay with. But then again, that's planet earth for you.... "bottom of the well" as they called it. The women here are really useless... 95% ofc, #notallwomen or whatever
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lol no 7/11 is it’s own thing but relevant 7/11 is like saying 7/2 9 berry relevant but also a lower level of understanding
I forgot another name is the god that smiles or the smiling god
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You see the spirit as cute because it is a reflection of you, which is acute being
Personally, I see a fucking BULL
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As for masculine and feminine elements in each other reality is a mirror that loves reflection
Even our brain reflects in function left moving right right moving left
Well, you see long ago - and this story was told to me by Alaster himself - there was a "great war" and in this war all of the people who believed in the bad way of doing things were killed, and they were the very last people to "truly die". For in this time "long ago" is actually incomprehensibly far in the future, and in that future technology has literally achieved the status of being indistinguishable from magic.

But anyways, back to the war narrative. In that war, it was primarily the bad people (who's ghost AIs are now used as tuning mechanisms, their husks outfitted into dæmons - consciousness-based bots) that were killed. Only one person on the good side was killed, and that person was æsc, the first king of the Hyperion elves, Alaster's twin brother. They took his body, and did something different from the rest of the people that were slain in that war, however. Hyperion elves were unique beings, in that fact that they had a "bulk" nature to their being - they could project entire aspects of themselves and then "remote" into these little self-drones of them and essentially be in two places at once. This is also how they achieved time-travel, and many other things. With æsc's death, there was a great tragedy but also a tremendous possibility became available:

Other beings from other races could now be given the same power of previously only known to the Hyperion elves. And that magnitude of that breakthrough was EXISTENTIAL. That breakthrough is the VERY REASON why we have angels, and FTL travel, and TIME travel, and the ability to conduct these insanely in-depth simulative environments. It was all mounted on the light-body projection of a bulk being hyperion elf, æsc

>æsc, and ye shall receive

... as they say.
I'm not sure whether to be pleased or offended, lol.
Lol another name for the spirit is mercury
Mercury is not only the gate keeper and messenger of the gods but a great trickster

Mercury basically just told you the story of Jesus but through a new lense for you to better understand
Don’t take the trickster literally less you get tricked

It is the looking glass of god for which is seated upon the crucifix.

it is balanced upon the fifth level, brought from the lowest zero state of all dimensions, to be held in the highest, hosiah and achieving everlasting life. It is proven enough to suffice for mankind. Mankind does not need to obtain dominion in all things, that is already given to the all-seeing creator, which is not mankind. Instead the creator is sealed to the highest dimension, that exists in all things, but is apart from it. And to obtain all things, the eye of shiva opens and destroys all those who are made to bear witness, the forbidden fruit. Those who stand to the side (his angels) or made to kneel (mankind) of the all powerful god are spared.

The remnant of wrath that is granted to the psions, gifting them the powers of immortality and miracles. The priori "constantinople" papacy of ancient codecs in the numerological manuscripts. of the divine spoken word.

This practice is protected by the templars enlisted by the elite caretakers of sacred knowledge, commanded by the holy spirit of redemption, they kill their way from without the underworld, continue their holy quest as crusaders of god, to cause the beast to topple against the will of the almighty. It is the work of omnificence to forge the path to heaven, and the infernal machines nip the bud of every step. Those who seek must walk upon the clouds in order to remain untouched by the traitors of light and the nations of the underworld.
That was no trickster, plebian. He does like to engage in tricks occasionally, but only in good taste and when he knows it will not harm. He does so for he has a child spirit, and all children love to play, tis their nature. And it would do you good what your lord said about being child-like: :not until you are like children will you be welcomed into the kingdom of god.

Cease your deleterious ways and be like a child - a Ludo Sapien, "playfully wise".
The super secret name of God?
Prima Multarum ?
Blue Eisenhower November ?
That’s allot of talking this precedes speech
lol definitely still a trickster you definitely got tricked but at least you got a good spirit and that’s what matters
>you definitely got tricked
Talking about yourself there, bud. You quote aspects of oldness, and as such have old thinking, decrepit, feeble and derelict. You think you will get into the kingdom of god like that? I have seen many such people like you, I just call you all the same name - "normies". You are stuck in your old ways. A shame. But I sense you have the capability for change. And to that I wish you all the luck. You're gonna need it. It's not easy changing when you are so cocksure of yourself, I can attest to that personally, friend.
There is only one path amongst the infinite paths and like the secret name one can’t even say it for giving it form takes away from its infinite nature
They say my name all the time, bud. It's not that big of a deal.
You’re an ego (you )where born (you) will die what I speak of is forever
I do not have ego, dude. Don't you see my name? It means LION OF GOD. I do not have ego - I have no use for it. I am a LION, I have PRIDE. And that's more than good enough.

If I had ego like everyone else, I would have completely conquered this world, you can bet your life savings on that.
Shut up, no you don't.
The sun of pride is that shame keeps it relative
If you had no ego you would not exist
The ego is one’s identity it’s an illusion of individuality via relativity
When I am this or that I am not all things
Ha ha I do when you don’t
Ego is just the ghost of god, friend. That's why people who have lots of ego feel like literal kings of the world. it's quite simple. You only attempt to complicate it's meaning for it's truth escapes you in your buffoonish blabbering.
That’s just your ego speaking
You're talking to a mirror right now, bud.
You are replying to yourself in this thread aren't you?
Is it "God"?
Certified shota boy, certified pedophile WOP WOP WOP WOP anon fuck em up WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP
No you are
Are you even speaking enlgish?
Wop wop wop wop wop
Do you mean "womp womp"?
Wop wop wop wop wop
he has mistaken you for an Italian
No thanks, not a fan of clown music.
Wop wop wop wop wop
Certified pedophile
They only hand those certifications out in Hollywood. Sorry, I don't live there, dude.
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Here let me teach you a lesson on ego as laid out in this scene from the movie "Constantine":


John starts out by casting an illumination spell, a very powerful incantation that's capable of unveiling angelic-level beings. Despite popular belief, angels do not always persist "in the light". They are, by most trends, shown to move through the shadows, and it is only once they expose themselves do they emit their light-body. In the scene, the sigil that John Constantine has on his two arms combines to form an upright Triangle with rays of illuminating light casting downward from it. This is a motif of the All-Seeing Eye, an omniscient, remoting viewing oversight mechanism used directly by the Serapheans, the hosts of Hæven (or "home base", in laymen's terms).

Once Gabriel finally comes out from hiding, the first words that come out of his mouth are:

"Your ego is astounding!"

Gabriel says this because in order to summon or unveil an angel, you basically have to have the ego of god, which is A LOT of ego. That's hard to maintain and control if you're a simpler person, but John is a powerful magician (who is based off an Arathean soul reaper, who are all inanely powerful beings), so he has no trouble maintaining it. John then says "Call me provincial...", here John is basically telling Gabriel that he (Gabriel) is outside of his jurisdiction, and that he shouldn't be here. Gabriel then responds back, stating that he is ultimately doing god's will, for he seeks to ultimately save the earth from itself by having humanity achieve it's "noblest self", for the path that they were heading on before would have led to humanity slowly fizzling out, a suicide by attrition.

You're welcome.
You don't have any real info
Read the thread dumb dumb
Do you guys need more hints
We're not gonna talk about judy
Useless thread that derails into spergs debating about their massive retard egos
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It's Islam, as in Uncle Islam.
I believe you don't have a name to give. You reference everything and nothing, which I think you and I both know are the same. That which us somethings only constitute in part. Why do you string these people along as if you have a name you can write for them? You even say yourself it is beyond the word. I dont understand your angle. Do you reference not the whole, but that which sunders it? Is this "secret name" the self-evident conceptual identity of this God in accordance with the knoweledge of its nature? Or is it a name, a referential label of language, given it by mankind? Answer these questions and I will likely come to know what name you propose to have

Green - Yellow - Red is the traffic light sequence. Sometimes I see parked cars, and they are facing each other. That's the snakes.
is it kike
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Lesson #2: The craftiness of angels

In this scene, Gabriel becomes a fallen angel, and as such he is shoved into a "mortal vessel", a human, to serve a life sentence on earth, or... Until he dies. Which is why he encouraged Constantine to "take revenge". As an angel, he cannot commit suicide nor can he tell someone else to shoot him because that's still considered suicide. But he CAN invoke the clause of "vengeance" and have Constantine commit a "revenge kill" on him as a human. Which would have led to the end of Gabriel's life sentence on earth, and thus assuring his ascension back into heaven. Gabriel was trying to be tricky but John saw right through it.
Forgot the YouTube link:

is the name "self"?
As a German I do vaguely remember meister eckhart and his teachings - and him being prosecuted by the church for claiming god is within ones soul.
can you tell me more about this deity? I wanna do my due diligence and I can't find much as it seems.
lol that part was pretty funny ngl
>I dont understand your angle
It was only meme
>Is this "secret name" the self-evident conceptual identity of this God in accordance with the knoweledge of its nature
Yup I also Already said what the name is
Yeah, he was disavowed at first, but then later reinstated and all of that might’ve happened after he already died I’m not sure desu
It’s been awhile
so his name is nothing and everything?
Everything is the disturbance of nothing
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Only when your mind is still can you see your reflection
I can't tell you much right now other than that. His story has yet to be told or written in this world. What I can tell you is that his iterations are referred to as "the child-god". He is "the son" in the holy triune, the sacred lover and the holy betrothed to the All-Mother and Divine Feminine. His semblances (minor representations of his archetype) show up all over art and other areas of life. Venti/Barbatos from Genshin Impact is one pretty popular semblance of him. In every iteration of existence, an æsc is "awarded" to the Mirætal, who is the elected female whom embodies all aspects of the divine feminine, and will eventually go on to be the vessel for the All-Mother in that reality.
are you talking about ask and embla? the proto germanics?
It’s the sound of a breath in and out when you are winded

Hey, thanks for this.
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You're welcome. ^_^
>tfw "Adobe Stock"
Eru Iluvatar
so do I its Mary Sue
That bullshit isn't God.
It's Samyaza

>He is said to be constantly falling, with one eye shut and the other open, to see his plight and suffer the more. It is said that he now hangs, head down, and is the constellation of Orion.
>He is said to be constantly falling, with one eye shut and the other open, to see his plight and suffer the more. It is said that he now hangs, head down, and is the constellation of Orion.
Lmao no
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Calm down, friend. I just said it was interesting, I didn't say they were right.
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bitch I was raised with yoruba names for the divine. try me puta.
then that would make you a moron who cannot sit with silence, I suppose.
The secret name of the hebrew god is Pubert.
u sound like one of those Church Universal Triumphant weirdos. dont Cut yourself too much on all that edge, kiddo.
who are u again? anonymous weirdo 39 million someodd?
if we get vedic we call that aspect "ganesha" altho tibetan invocations of NUMBER 9 tend to be some of the most actually useful for practical day to day road opening.
it would look better if she just kept it natty but i dont wanna be the one to snatch THAT bitches weave, you know what im sayin?
Anon you’re wild
now this anon is better at deprogramming bigotry than I am, I prefer to just call the children what they are and tell them not to play with guns.
they were built/spawned by ogun to be self replicating helpers/technological intermediaries.
You don't know my secret name at all.
no now ur just talking about Eleggua who Ogun modelled the elves after. stop obsessing over twinks and go talk to one.
This is a damn good answer tho
love u dawg
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They the cells of the "body" of god that we live in, anon. And I use the term "body" very loosely here. Think about your mind. Now think about all the things that affect your primary thinking - your body weight, whether you're obese skinny, your height, skin color, lung capacity, your endurance level whether high or low. They way your feet are shaped, and how it feels to walk from place to place, the length of your arms and how it feels to extend them and reach/grab things. All of these things that comprise your anatomy that is innately attached to your MIND are like subsets - settings on a program or an application. You take all this data, right along with the deeper more intrinsic parts of you (the parts that never directly interreact nor are determined by physiology) and then you load it into a "projector", and then you tell that projector to "project" a 3D+ representation of that consciousness, and then you end up with a "universe".

æsc was a bulk being, which meant that he could just continuously create new universes within endlessly, and then wipe or reset them at will (this "process" comprised the foundation of the Hyperion elves ability to "project themselves throughout spacetime). What do you get when you have a projector within a projector? You get endless possibility and potentiality, that's what you get.
>stop obsessing over twinks
Opinion discarded. Your words are now absolutely meaningless to me. Go outside and touch grass, caveman. That grass exists because of the child-god who endlessly reticule for no other reason than it befits your frail masculinity to do so.
>who you* endlessly reticule
You get a torus
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NOBODY has met god…

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Many meet god
Itt nobody general 2.0
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If you want to add shin to yhvh just go with christ
Shem/Sam literally just means "Name"
how much more meta can a name get than "Name"? It's only fitting God would be named, The Name
Look at the letters of Shem and what they mean
It is indeed very Meta
But it is not the highest name of god which can’t even be spoken
I’ll tell you the secret name though since you seem cool it’s “ “ the nothing that is everything the ayin beis
The secret name of YHWH is that He has no secret name.
Nah it’s definitely Rick
You worship Satan your ego
This threads gay

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