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More like wendi plz
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I'm ready to see the same 5 channels that are shilled every time.
The Paranormal Scholar, with her soothing voice and great story telling. Might visit her museum in wales, when I'm next there with my gf.
go to bed jason
>The Open Resourcery
The best ones don't post to youtube.
Can't stand this pathetic faggot.
Kys OP. Wenditroon is garbage and you know it, stop with the trolling please.
what a gay ass filter jesus
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DrossRotzank. Watch it, I know you would like it.
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Is "Luna de Plutón Parte XII" coming out this year or not?
Beyond Creepy
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>Xopha Terrestrial
Always great to support a homegrown /x/tuber
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>paranormal podcast
>vaporwave artwork
pick one
thats synthwave, retard
get with the times, grandpops
Dead Rabbit Radio is terrible. He made threads to shit on wendigoon, failed, and was bullied into finally buying ads. I tried an episode and he's boring as fuck and has no substance.

Zoanfly is another channel to avoid, he does multihour videos like icebergs but his voice/accent as an ESL is horrible, he'd be better off with an AI reader.
The fact you dont listen to Zoanfly proves you are a lost redditor. Go back and take your shitty Ben Drowned spoon fed pasta with you.
You sir, are based.
This doesn't mention the japanese myth of Utsuro Bune.
>dead rabbit radio
ok, i objectively gave this a listen to and it's like a constant feeling of "ok, fine, but when are you going to get to the good shit?" SPOILER ALERT: It never comes
what a waste of info. his poor man's Chills ASMR voice gives me anxiety, like bad caffeine jitters, gets in the way entirely. my ears can't take it. plus, the "positive affirmation" stock youtube music in the background belongs on some pseudo-ufo-cult program like project camelot, not some spoopy shit lol
lol same. How pathetic that the only person who agrees with you is you.
There’s no reason to think that was paranormal, evidence points to her being from another country, potentially an exile. It’s believed the box she carried had her dead husbands head in it.
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he fell off and sold out
It's not a busy board, it's just you and him disagreeing, so your own comment can be applied to you.
I hate esl accents and time wasters, now I know what to avoid.
There is no reason to think any of that nonsense is paranormal, it's all speculation. The majority of this stuff is made up, or overly mythologised stories passed through word of mouth, from a witness of an actual credible and real thing. There is not one special reason for the cows or their colours either, nor any prophecies listed, it's all 'omg, woman in white turned into cow, great prophecy and message :O'.
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Why are you shitting on Zoanfly? We get it, your channel never took off or you never got off of your fat ass to start one in the first place. But talking shit AND samefagging is even more pathetic than failing at youtube
I don't think that was samefagging, I think he gave it another try and still didn't like it. He literally wrote 'ok, I objectively gave this a listen to...' implying another listen.
Why are you defending him so vehemently, you've seethed several times already, and now are samefagging about samefagging.
This fag was so annoying
Samefag Jesus christ go to bed
The colors usually have a meaning, sometimes tied with their prophecy itself, although it changes depending on the woman.
Xopha speculates the cows could be a hint at their origin from Taurus, or some symbolic meaning based on their relationship to us.
>displays constructive criticisms
>beyond creepy
more like, Beyond Sleepy. ZZzzzzzzzZZzzzz
> with my gf

don't cope anon we all know you don't have one
>damage control
>y-your stuff isn't paranormal
>m-my stuff is!!! S-shutup!!!
Sure, it's all a major stretch though. I don't know why those ones are believed, but another one isn't when it's pretty much the same, bar the cow colours.
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I’ve spoken to Xopha before and he tends to prioritise the ones that share those connections, as even he says sometimes a “connection” can be a coincidence. Cows and colors are very common in mythology. I’m not sure what his opinion is on the Japanese boat woman incident, may be worth asking him.
I do, and she isn't imaginary or some weird tulpa or whatever is believed here.
native Americans never met romans or ancient Irish, yet both talk of the same stuff. If Utsurobune had the colors, or a cow, you may have a point. A strange woman in a boat isn’t quite enough to qualify, I’d imagine.
>has a gf
>watches women youtubers
so basically youre cheating
Is this why she's always cranky? I thought it was because she had a headache??
Those Native Americans didn't have a written language, it's all word of mouth and likely warped in the modern era to fit this perceived pattern. The Irish one was made up by that woman, who wrote about an apparent myth or legend.
>Native Americans didn’t have written language
But they had Winter Counts, which recorded their history with pictures. Their own account puts her visit at 901 AD.
>Irish one was made up by that woman
No it wasn’t. The legend of the 3 “bo” cows is very famous in Ireland. Literally many places are named after the white cow because it stopped there on the way to the centre of the island.

Why you spreading disinformation?
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“ According to some mythological traditions, the first cows were brought to Ireland by a beautiful maiden from the sea. She brought with her three sacred cows – 'Bó Finn', the white cow, 'Bó Rua', the red cow, and 'Bó Dubh', the black cow – and it is from these three that all the cows in Ireland are descended.”
Veneco malo
I still like him. That other guy is lame though
>Glowie BTFO
Love to see it.
This is meaningless.
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Styx is a true /x/ guy (when he isn't too busy with politics):
>Former christian and satanist
>First hand experience with demon Stolas
>Former psychonaut
>Edits old occult work and herbal medicine for a living
Everyone else is just
>le spooky VHS
Man fuck Wendigoon. I'll never forget his iceberg series that propelled him to fame, this retard thought the Bogdanoffs were an unironic conspiracy.

He's basically a less interesting horror version of Moist Critical. Normie tier slop garbage
Dead Rabbit Radio is the only /x/ youtuber I can stand. Everyone else is either too crazy or too lazy.
meh. he's literally the poor man's ethan klein when it comes to the paranormal
guy doesnt even know waco was a psyop
i like how christcucks are good people, but its like they dont seem to understand theres this entire race of people genetically adapted to exploit them

go watch blackpilled instead. he'll atleast tell you about the mcveigh letters. mention things like how the seventh day adventist church was founded by a literal jew who was obsessed with purim sacrifices
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hes literally the posterboy christcuck
wholesome, but overcompensating so much he becomes dangerously retarded
>winter counts
>badly painted 'pictures'
Lol, lmao.
How does a poorly drawn image, using arabuc numbers that didn't become popular until the 14/15th century, and an un-sourced quote, prove anything?
Just like the made up bs you believe in
You are a glowie, trying to spread disinfo and make people stupid.
Seventh Day Adventists were a left over of s group of christians that thought the world was going to end in like 1844. They were disappointed when it didn’t and they splintered off into two groups, one of them was seventh day adventists. Again, these were christians, so i don’t understand how jews are involved except for your irrational hatred of them. Hope you get help. Take care
Veneco malo x2
That winter count (Battiste Good) was from the 1800s but was known for its historical detail and accuracy, even recording the introduction of horses to the continent.
The introduction of horses was a mere 300 years prior, and only 200 years prior they actually got into breeding them themselves, as major European settlement had taken place. Some drawings are not going to give accurate accounts of anything, let alone nearly 1000 years prior.
Wendigooner is a spastic

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that sounds.. disappointing
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p.s. you do know that christianity was created by jews, right? and that saying some magic words like "jesus christ is my lord and savior" doesnt magically make you not jewish, right?

personally i consider all christians jewish. theyve made a conscious decision to work towards jewish interests. but i think you could have gathered from the context what i meant by calling a man named Benjamin Roden who was obsessed with purim, a jewish holiday which celebrates the deaths of gentiles, a "jew"
>don’t understand how jews are involved
are you from a family who founded the SDA church? I am, and theres jews all in the ass of the world council.
Is there anyone like wendigoon but not a massive annoying faggot
flesh simulator
Everyone likes Goondaddy.
Hi. I'm Bob Gymlan.
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his mouth bothers the fuck out of me I don't know why. It's like it doesn't match the rest of his face
poor dude. i can't imagine not being born without eye sockets. i hope his content is good at least
the shitty facial hair accentuates it
I miss when he did actually did horror content.
Now it's mostly real life stuff, and his horror stuff is far between and mostly just livestreamed where half the time he's yelling at chat.
I preferred the few creeptv episodes to creepcast, I don't want to just listen to a podcast, it's youtube for fucks sake.
Say the line anon :)
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for me it's [ESC] Reality. when there are no comfy breads in /b/, there's [ESC] Reality, the hottest Aries girl on this planet https://www.youtube.com/@Escreality/videos
Mediocre garbage
It's giving Talmudic vibes
Froganon here. Any recs in French? I already know Feldup but he's too much of a faggot for me to fully enjoy his vids.
wendigoon is a satanic pedophile
Anyone remember the dude that calls himself black neo and cracks jokes while making incredibly insightful vids about manifestation. He was recommended here ages ago but I can’t find his channel
Most horror channels is recycled content. Is there any one that does first hand research and provides content that is unique?
Bob Gymlan usually recites stories of cryptid encounters that his fans had or experiences that he had himself
Dead Rabbit Radio covers the craziest out of all of these guys. Yesterday he did an episode about the Cybertruck explosion and I was like "eh" but then he fucking goes off talking about Eglin and govt. faking manifestos and all sorts of conspiracy shit. Usually he covers cryptids and ghosts but it's nice he mixes it up.
Xopha does his own research >>39585133
He has a gun. That's as Christian as you get. Satanists don't like murder. Christians love to murder. He's clearly a Christian.
i always found it a bit uncanny how he was able to dissect those icebergs so fucking fast. i know that fat fuck couldn't do it alone when, at the time, there were hundreds of fat fucks trying to figure this shit out, piece by piece
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Redpill me on the why files
don't disrespect billy
Any true interesting rumors about wendigoon?
imagine cucking for some literal who, lazy-eyed faggot
based kallen enjoyer
addicted to magic spoon cereal
He seems too wholesome, if you know what I mean?
Easy, he just stole other people's research and never gave them credit.
This. This one here wins.
That baby deserved it.
dissect? he does the like 5 minutes of reading into any topic he has ever covered

it blows my mind that people listen to this fat retard. yet another youtuber that puts 0 effort into learning anything and loves the sound of their own voice
esoterica :)
I assume because it's much easier to compile research on actual cases that are already documented vs. personal projects where you have to watch all their content and process it
so, he's like the jake paul of paranormal youtube faggots?
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>/x/ YouTube Channels
you'd like Voices of the Past
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How long has he been wearing Hawaiian shirts?
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>Voices of the Past
thanks anon
Just found American Esoteric, he seems alright.
Delivery is a little flat, but tolerable voice and good content.
Har-mo-ny is fan-fucking-tastic, but is exclusively Orthodoxy, and mostly gets his stuff from two sources.
Irrevelato is about the same level, but more broadly occult.
>How long has he been wearing Hawaiian shirts?
No idea but he looks smoking hot in them.
DRR is based and if you aren't listening to it, you shouldn't be on /x/
Veneco malo x3
Veneco malo x4
Glitch Bottle is far better.
Np, enjoy
Small Town Monsters for pretty high production cryptid documentaries
Wendigoon is a Jew and Aiden Matis from the Lore Lodge is a Freemason
Why files and War Time Stories are pretty decent
>I already know Feldup but he's too much of a faggot for me to fully enjoy his vids.

Agreed, I like his content but can't deal with the way he edits his stuff on top of that. I dunno of anyone else that does this kind of thing in french though.
no u
dont forget he's apparently the "og boogaloo boy" lmao
He is the milk to the gen z/ alpha YouTube kids.
He gives them the high level conspiracy stuff as he understands it, which itself is the condensed basic bitch version of 4 Chan.
When you understand that 4 Chan, while originally the center of culture, has itself created distilled nodes than have begun to create their own then you’ll understand how these bottom barrel YouTubers can exist.
He is like a kid who watched kung fu videos online and then created his own digital martial arts dojo.
It’s why his content is mainly on telling stories rather than delving into 4chan further.
Veneco malo x5
Veneco malo x6
Veneco malo x7

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