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If anyone is reading this and has the power to make it happen, please. I’m begging you. I have a wish, a desperate wish, to leave this life and wake up in a timeline I created. I wrote it all out, and I want to live there. Not just to redo my life but to fix it. I want to wake up 11 years ago in that timeline in the version of myself from that time, with all the memories I have now. I’ll fix mistakes, pain, and lost opportunities. I’ll stop things that went wrong before they happen. I’ll finally make dreams I had back then (and now) come true.

My life feels cursed. I think people are wishing bad things on me, and maybe it’s because of something one of my family members did. I don’t even fully know what it was, but it feels like I’m paying for it (even though I shouldn't), and I can’t take it anymore. If anyone out there feels this, if you’re reading this and understand, cheer me on. If enough people send positivity, maybe we can outweigh the spiritual weight of them.

I know I’m just one person, but I believe in the power of belief. If you have a wish too, post it here too. Let’s use this thread as a way to push back against whatever forces are dragging us down. If we all want it enough, if we all focus, maybe it’ll be enough to get things. We can do this together.

Please, let this wish come true. Let me wake up in that timeline.
By the way, if this can happen today, I'd appreciate it.
This is my wish as well, bump cuz time travel thread.
I did the same thing in my head in a wish form, as I'm a very good visualizer.

I really think the world went to far in 9/11 and would prefer to time travel reality shift to a universe without it.
It's time to wake up. The world you inhabit is full of evil, and humanity needs all it's strength.

Stop dreaming. Face the awfulness of this world with the simple conviction that you want beauty and harmony to flourish.

Our annihilation of our physical bodies is guaranteed, but our effects on this realm ripple in eternity.
Hey, I hope you find the help you seek. I hope for the best for you anon, and others as well.
I've had success with timeline shifting & manifesting, it affected the "real world" in a "reasonable" way, i hope i will have success with more unreasonable manifestations and time travel next.
I think most of us would like to go back and fix our mistakes. But we can't. The reality is that the only thing you can change is your future. Sitting around wishing you were back in the past will do nothing but keep you frozen in this state.
Let it go.
Here's the thing.
I'm going to another timeline. Not this world's one.
Here's the thing.
You're wasting your time.
There's a pretty simple way to jump to a timeline where you are responsible for your own happiness, instead of asking internet psychics to make it happen for you.
You don't know what's controlling me.
The whole world has lied to you from the beginning.
It's no coincidence your life turned out so badly, you were set up to fail.
The whole world is under a great deception. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fOYW-GXdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHlmncILfMY
Time travel is in the KJV Bible. Read Revelation.
sorry anon already did this for you once and you bitched about THAT timeline too so we had to put you back in this one. whats so wrong with this timeline that you dont want to try and move forward with life instead? my wish, by the way, is relief from constant nerve pain
I did not bitch. I literally just wrote my idea of a good timeline a day ago. And if I did bitch before, I will not now. Please grant my wish.
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dear op..
you are a loser.. going back in time will erase your memory. your young brain will not accept you. because he know you are a loser.. your young brain will be like.. oo shit i receive information from my futur self that want to take my place because he fuck top is life.. fuck that loser i dont want im give me information about the futur... ok maybe ..ok let me lisent... humm ..ok..hum ..ok to bad.. shut the fuck up you just complain all the time.. i dont want to ear you.. see.. you cannot time travel.. even if information can travel time but not you... it will not change time because the only thing it do it create a loop where you have fuck top and you give the information that you have fuck top so it create that you have fucktop in a infinite loop.. so it make it more impossible to change...

now let me send you a youtube video to motivate you on your journey to life..


its ai made but its kinda cool..

hi! im from the present moment! :3
also this one

That spiral reminds me of how my brain felt on ketamine a few times.
Sympathy bump
What did your family member do?
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Get in line, we all wished this at one point and some of us still do. Obsessing over this is a waste of time, while you still have time do make the best of it and keep moving. The point of life is learning from mistakes and moving on from there making a better future for yourself. If you would manage to achieve this let's say, how exactly could you prepare yourself for another set of problems that would occur if you managed to fix the ones you remember, why not be glad you have food, water, a roof over your head and a clear enough mind to not fall into drugs or hurting yourself? God puts us through many courses of tests we must undergo, you seem like a good person with a troubled mind selfishly obsessing over something that is in the past working as a memory which you decided to impact your life. Focus on the present and the future, make the best of it and stop thinking about such a ridiculous thing and for the people wishinflg bad things on you, fuck them, we all had those and we don't give a shit. If they do this then it means they envy you in one way or the other, you simply win by not giving them attention and mind your business, life is a gift so spend it in good faith and be glad you weren't born in a war torn country.
>a tree I didn’t recognize appeared in my neighbours garden!
>I totally shifted bro!
>my mind is blown!
I'm not gonna say because I don't even know much, but what I assume is that he's a womanizer from the proof I've seen and I guess one of his ex's was really pissed at him so I got cursed.
Have you considered asking him nicely to remove the curse?
Then when he tells you that you should take your meds you can forget all this.
So it was your brother? I’m no expert but I don’t think she could curse you for your bros sins. If it is your father she might be able to curse him and his offspring.
That's not what i said

>I can’t deal with the truth so you are a glowie!
Sounds like something a glowing agent would say!
That’s the extent of your powers though right?
Some random change like someone claimed they didn’t recognise you or armchair was in a different room. Lmao.
>That’s the extent of your powers though right?
It's not a special power and it wasn't random it was something specific, but no i've had bigger results with other techniques but this one was more recent so i decided to post about it.

didn't you reply to my other post? I already told you
No, must have been someone else.
I am amazed by your incredible powers though. So amazing. Shifting to a world where the paint on your wall may have been a very slightly different shade. Amazing!
Who are you and why did you get so angry when I mentioned something about my father's ex? That's quite strange.
I know you're the same guy
don't let people like them discourage you, they want you to believe you're weak so you can't leave. infact, just know that you're hopelessness will become theirs when you escape.
I encourage his escape.
It won’t make me hopeless. I just don’t see how he will manage it when his maximum alleged power output is that his neighbours car was definitely parked in a slightly different location due to his totally real shift.
Basically if he did shift he wouldn’t be posting here anymore. It’s funny at all times.
I’m me and I’m also me in the other reality too. All me. I didn’t get angry but maybe a me in a different reality is your father’s ex, who knows.
Greetings fellow wrong-timeliner. The generational curse is a stumbling block since we are aware of it's effects but not the cause or source other than some possible clues. In the same way a good spouse can sanctify the less faithful partner, a wrongdoer we are associated with or related to can bring all kinds of trouble down on us. Even if you go back in time if this problem persists bad luck will find it's way in the new timeline. This is why I think one needs to be a bit of a holy man in order to time travel. Disavow yourself from the evil doer if they're aren't going to change. Pray the 91'st Psalm for protection. Do what you can to break the curse in this timeline and you should be able to better conduct your other time experiments.

it was not a meme op.. how can you change the past is you dont even life in the present moment ..or be able to make a better life in the present moment..??

just focusing on your probleme in the past will make the probleme happen

let say you find yourself in another timeline where the probleme is not suppose to happend..but by focussing on them your create them..

have you see the butterfly effect movie

the guy make is life worst every time.. how you will deal whit that if it happend and you find yourself stuck in a even worts time line ??
if the futur can change the past
focusing negativly on the past create the bad event

you need to let go.

focus on create a better futur now
I'm not OP btw
Ok but you are a super powerful reality shifter so maybe you can shift to one where you are.
>go back in time
>say you'll do everything different
>eventually you rationalize having woken up into a dream as being a dream
>self aware and lucid about the fact that some anon told you you'd wake up when you were young again you are just there
>somehow you're pulled into a suspension of disbelief about what you're in
>what you're actually in could be something horrific
>either way, you try everything different again
>but the routines, holdups, and various different things holding you back put you in relatively the same position
>maybe some close support structures were repaired but never to what they were before
>your expectation of your new timeline is completely stupid and false and doesn't exist in timelines as anything probable
>going into a timeline where these things are probable results in things like mass genocide and rape legalization in china and japan.
>partially due to the improbable act of a total downer apocalypse being secretly put into the world food supply through 10 nations.

Time travel's a bitch and your timeline envisionment is shit. Prove me wrong, go back in time and tell yourself everything you wanted to change, because that's basically the best you can get at a low-middle market consumer. If you did talk to yourself back then, do you think you would do anything different or would you rationalize it and say some bullshit about how time travel doesn't exist?
I worry about this but I think if it went wrong I’d just redo it again.
Anyway I’m working on a method where I simply take over my previous body so I’m not going to talk to myself. I’ll just do it properly myself.
Bro, I wish You everything the best and even better!
Fuck those pathetic degenerates in the thread who just being toxic, especially towards you anon
God knows, I would even sell my soul for your happiness — at least It'll make me raise a bit
(+ use divination/taro or palm charts threads to understand what thefuck happened to you)
2nd sympathy bump
You're a targeted individual or archons noticed you aren't an evil abuse puppet so the harassment campaign

You should focus on escaping this prison planet loosh farm
OP, are you that samefaggot who keeps BOO HOO'ing about a past injury that put you in a wheelchair and you're begging in /x/ every day to go back in time and to change the past? FUCK YOU! KYS ALREADY! A THREAD DIED FOR THIS!
I never had a wheelchair injury?
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There was an anon who used to post here, got gymbro'd into doing steroids, got in a car accident that messed up his back and penor.

I really hope he shifted back home.
I hope you get home to your dr sending good intentions/aether your way.
Ah, I see.

Stop attacking innocent people, and don't you dare try to attack me.
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>make my wish happen
You wanna become a real boy?
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I wish I was undoomed.
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the crippled faggot needs to go back https://youtu.be/SbozFOKz8Us?feature=shared

can't stand crippled fux who wallow in self-pity. my stepcousin can hardly walk nor get a boner anymore and he's cool af. just sits around watching cheesy martial arts movies all day and night
Same man

if anyone is willing to grant me this, id like that too, theres so much to fix.
>I wrote it all out
According to Neville Goddard, 'imaginal acts become facts' if you persist in your imaginational exercises and there is no fiction. Think about how every movie starts with a script and the actors get to live the life of the character for awhile. Some actors even keep an aspect of their characters like Johnny Depp becoming a bit of an undead pirate in rea life.

I have a method I call 'approximating the ideal'. Most people want the end effect but not the journey. They want the arena rock star experience when they can't even play in a garage band. You essentially have to start LARPing as if you are the actor in the script you have written even if it's imperfect.

However, I have found this exponentially more difficult living with regrets. In the ideal life, you wouldn't be thinking about going back in time, you'd just be living the life you think you should. But turning to a time traveler in order to get to the pre-time traveler state creates a paradox.

I don't now what the limits are but thin you're on the right track in terms of writing it down. Another writing experiment is to write an autobiography or memoir from the perspective of having lived the life you think you should've from 11 years ago onward. This could then be condensed down to a hyper-sigil to reach out to the imaginal realm. Even if it doesn't "work" as idea as you want, it could leave clues in case you get a type of redo.
I remember that dude. He was a stubborn son of a gun!
he's controlled by his own faggotry https://youtu.be/CqH7LlWwIww?feature=shared
It is done my son.
If there are beings with Power, to do so.
I too wish want to wake up 13 years ago in that timeline in the version of myself from that time, with all the memories I have now. I’ll fix mistakes, pain, and lost opportunities. I’ll stop things that went wrong before they happen. I’ll finally build new myself.

I know so much now how to win.
Let me Wake Up in 2013.
how long do i have to wait?
I need to return to 1992 to save my entire family.
Stop asking and start doing, OP. Be like Chuck Norris. Stop conceding to ''reality'', to ''the facts'' and make them your bitches. Donald Trump and Chris chan are great RL examplars of this principle. In the final analysis, all that really matters are the stories we tell ourselves. The past is just a memory.
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I need to take modern cancer medicine and go back to 2000 to help someone, to heal the only person who never bullied me.

Richard Remfree, he died at 18 of adolescent Luekemia(We were friends in high school for 3 years).
I feel you OP. Always wanted to go back in time and fix so many mistakes, some of them life-changing.
A University I gave up, moving out of my home city, breaking up with my last true love.

But that is denial. You have to accept yourself.
I begun that journey 5 years ago with Ayuhasca and since then I figured out so much about myself and my family.
Just do something, be self hipnosis, DMT, meditation, religion. Try to forgive yourself and move on.
You don't have to do everything alone, but the leap of faith is something only you can do it.
I have faith in you anon.
First you have to understand why you make certain mistakes, or you will continue to make them.
What you are asking for is impossible. There is only one "timeline" and when you leave it, there is nothing, not even darkness. Once your biological functions cease, it will be like it was before you were born. The simple truth is that reality is both mundane and final.
how do I wake up
in 2011 I realized God and circumnavigated existence to come back to where I began.
Since then it feels like this is a fake world, a layer or a veil over the true reality, I hope I am still in that trip and just wake up again in that cabin on the lake. I pray for this.
>you've awoken in that timeline.
The year is 2025
All I want is to wake up as someone else, american soldier, SF, death of personality is acceptable.
What's it like before you were born?
OP here. Thank you everyone, I believe by the end of the month I'll get there. Maybe earlier, but I
m not sure. By the way, I had a weird dream, will share later.
Damn, to be able to go back in time and retain all your memories would def be something. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk. Only way is forward

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