Fooling Flat Earth retards is literally this easy?:>plane with obviously fake TV screen windows>magnetic coils around fuselage to fool compass>spoofed GPS signalsIdiots think they are actually flying to Antarctica. >plane lands and rolls inside massive OSVP dome>idiots get out of plane and are put into land vehicle with TV screen windows or probably just driven in a fairly large circle while the background moves>"arrive" at supposed Union GlacierImmediately get told:1. The mountain in the background looks fake like it's close, like you could reach out and touch it, but don't believe your lying eyes.2. You can't go past the red flags in that direction because a plane you somehow didn't notice might land on your head - I shit you not - that's the reason given. A FUCKING PLANE MIGHT LAND ON YOUR HEAD AND IT WOULD HURT. Think about that for two seconds you retarded Ballers. The remotest place on Earth is suddenly JFK airport when we don't want you to go anywhere.3. Why can't you go in that other direction? All the crevasses. Yep, we build our little base next to conveniently placed scary crevasses, but the ice you're standing on hasn't got any.>Don't go into the forbidden forest that's right next to the school Harry Potter, or you will die a horrible death4. I don't know about Jeran or anyone else, but Witsit is a proven shill due to being busted with obvious vape fakery and being about as convincing an actor as Chris fucking Watts. He's obviously there to apply 'peer pressure' to any real Flat Earthers. What a fucking scumbag. I not sure about the others.What is the response of retards to this obvious fake set up, ridiculous scenario, and ludicrous restrictions?>"Wow maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Antarctica is sooooooooo amazing maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"Fuck off. Only a fucking idiot would buy into this obvious bullshit. I don't give a shit about their fake time lapse videos of the fake 24-hour sun on a screen either.
TFE was a set up.
>>39577769Go there and explore the lands beyond than. Flat earthers are lazy.
>>39580464You can't. You will stopped or only allowed into approveed areas, and told it's for your own safety or the safety of fairy penguins or ... something. This video is proof of that.
>>39580464>>39580480Why do all ball-earth fags pretend not to know this, when it's very easy to prove.It's like saying you have Freedom of Speech, but you can't say that because reasons. It's not fooling anybody.
>>39577769you stinky flerfer, we could go to the real antarctica in one nanosecond but we lost the technology and It's too much work so just shut up and let us win this one!
>flatroon posts more inane bullshit
>>39580464Some of them did, and now those are being accused of being glowies and/or paid shills.
>>39577769Man just imagine the gargantuan amounts of money "they" are making by making us believe in a ball earthHow? Because fuck you that's howCan you explain to me the motives why "they" are doing it?
>>39580829>round earth faggots fake Antarctica>try to trick Flat Earth fags>totally fuck up and expose their own lie>blame you for noticing
>>39580947Nothing compared to the gargantuan amounts of money they are losing by stopping anyone going to Antarctica to drill for oil, mine, etc. Just how fucking stupid are you ballers? You honestly believe they give a single non-flying fuck about penguins? Are you goddamned retarded?
>>39577769Flat earthers are coping retards. More at 11.
>>395777699000 hours in Windows 98 MS Paint
Flat earth is what happens when you destroy all institutions of science and truth to the point where people are automatically hostile to any bullshit you have to say. I mean, people have been measuring the curvature of the Earth for thousands of years. You can see it in a balloon, helicopter, or airplane. You can hold a protractor up to the horizon from the top of a mountain and measure the curve. People who believe in flat earth are just simply innoculated to scientific truths, and there's no argument you can make to remoralize them. Kind of funny IMO, these anti-truth fortresses against psy ops may be the only people who survive the mind fucking.
>>39580947because fuck you
>>39577769Lol keep seething, lad.
>>39581141>I mean, people have been measuring the curvature of the Earth for thousands of yearspeople actually HAVEN'T been
>>39577769>flatties took their annual allowance from their parents to take a trip to antarctica to prove the earth is a DVD>ah fuck we just proved its a globeEVERY.SINGLE.GOD.DAMN.TIME.
>>39581128No, they just made FE less retarded and wiser not to trust grifters. Some flat earther already fully exposed them anyway.
>>39584585>just made FE less retardedthats impossible, nothing will ever be more retarded than flat earth. >Some flat earther already fully exposed them he didnt.
>>39577769more desperate cope from flat cultists. very sad. guess they'll have to go there next time since they are so smart they can see its fake, whereas his flerf gurus were fooled. start saving flerfs. get your asses to Union Glacier
I have a question.It's one thing to believe the earth is flat but it's another to believe in a model in which antarctica is the edge of the flat earth. Why do flat earthers believe antarctica is the edge in the first place?
>>39585315a disk must have an edge, so they have two choices for what is there i guess.
>>39585315>>39585385best part - it didnt occur to the flatties to just rent a boat and find the magical ice-wall. shouldnt this be like the first thing to do i i was questioning the shape of the planet? lmao.
>>39585385Why would it have to be either of the poles? There's plenty more possibilities. picrel
>>39585399they deny its possible to sail around antarctica, despite it being done constantly by single guys in a yacht. if you sail around the continent and you keep turning the same way all the time and your plotted course describes a circle around it, then its not 'the wall'. if you were always turning away from it instead, then your plot would show you staying inside the wall. but they reject this idea.>>39585401what do you think is at the edge of that disk though? thats exactly where the ice of antarctica is when they spread out a globe map onto a flat surface.
>>39577769imagine being THIS stupid! :D
>>39585430>what do you think is at the edge of that disk though?It's just a graphic, so it's exactly as it looks? Looks like ocean to me. In this configuration, Antarctica would occupy the bottom part of the edge, relative to the viewer of the pic. It certainly wouldn't occupy the entire edge.>thats exactly where the ice of antarctica is when they spread out a globe map onto a flat surface.Uh, no. That depends on the map projection you're using.>'re referring to the Azimuthal Equidistant projection, which was clearly not my first picrel, but is evidently the configuration that Flat Earthers seem to be fixated on. Can they explain why they've come to believe the Earth looks like this?
>>39585500flerfs are stupid in some ways but op is clearly capable of putting sentences together and expressing himself. What is more accurate to say is that op is a cultist desperately trying to hold on to his particular set of beliefs. he is doing everything possible within his own mind to defend the central idea (the earth being flat) which means so very very much to him, for whatever of the main reasons for flat earthers is that this fundamental rejection of an almost universal concept like the shape of the world makes them feel like the smartest person in which ever room they enter. if they have to admit being wrong about that, its a very very bitter pill to swallow. many simply cannot admit an error, no matter how small, let along being in error about the entire thing.
>>39585535>that australialmao i wonder if flatties even realize why people are laughing their ass off.
>>39585535>It certainly wouldn't occupy the entire edge.but it kind of has to because if you just keep heading south you always reach it. that wouldnt be possible how you're suggesting.> That depends on the map projection you're show one where you can keep following lines of longitude south and always reach antarctica.>can they explaini can. its for the reason ive repeated twice now.
>>39585561flatties dont even have a projection or a map of DVD earth so there's that.
>>39585595thats true
>>39585561>but it kind of has to because if you just keep heading south you always reach itDoes the Arctic not exist in the North for you or something? Do you see Antarctica over Scandinavia in that pic? The fuck do you think would be on the North edge?>so show one where you can keep following lines of longitude south and always reach antarctica.Uh, ok. That was easy. It's a standard fucking map. Are you really this dense? Are you a closet flat earther?
>>39580979is it more than the gargantuan amount of money spaceX is making by putting ball satellites into ball earth orbit?>>39581352that's it I'm a flatter now
>>39585652>Are you a closet flat earther?well duh, they always pretend to "im not a flattie im just asking questions" but its obvious its a flattie because the questions are fucking retarded and dont make sense.
>>39585652are you trying to a dumb as possible? what happens in this world of yours if you go to the north pole heading due north(ignoring complication of magnetic V geographic north pole) and then just keep going? which direction to you then go in and where will you end up?
>>39581141Yeah it's grim desu
this is what flattards actually believe
>>39581141flat earth IS the mind fucking psyop
>>39585759This is so fucking retarded, people wouldnt even buy this as a storyline for a video game, lmao.
>>39577769mods - you can close the thread.The earth isnt flat, you can prove this by the fact we can detect california earthquakes in china.
>>39585804I've had that webm for like 5 years now and it's so cringe I can never get past the 30 s mark lol
>>39585845same for every flat earth video i've ever made the mistake of bothering to look at. surprised OP didn't bother posting one to go with his wall of bullshit. Maybe its because their dumb video trying to make TFE out to be fake gets taken apart and they can't stand it anymore.
>>39585699wut. lol ok yeah and when you go to the south pole and keep going straight where do you end up? North. But that's impossible in the common flat earth model you're defending, isn't it? You're using a fact that proves globe Earth to defend a flat earth model and you don't get it when people point out that the defense makes no fucking sense. Well it starts to make sense if one considers you're a closet flat earther.So let me spell it out for you with picrel.
>>39585915im not defending a damn thing. you were the one saying there MUST be other maps for flatties to use which do work...but there isn't.and the answer to your pic is that neither of them work.
>>39585931Nigga please, gaslighting me on this forum is pointless. Everybody can see you're accusing me of the very thing you did. YOU defended their model in >>39585561>I can. its the reason ive repeated twice nowYOU said it has to be either of the poles comprising the edge here >>39585385>a disk must have an edge, so they have two choices for what is there i guess.>you were the one saying there MUST be other maps for flatties to use which do workI NEVER CLAIMED THERE HAS TO BE A MAP THAT WORKS FOR THEM YOU GASLIGHTING BITCH. I ASKED WHY THEY BELIEVE IN THEIR VERSION OF THEIR MAP AMONG OTHER PROJECTIONS THEY COULD CHOOSE FROM. YOU INSISTED ON THE POLES BEING AT THE CENTER AND EDGE.>and the answer to your pic is that neither of them work.No shit, sherlock. And that brings us full circle, doesn't it? Why do flat earthers believe what they believe?
>>39585973>Why do flat earthers believe what they believe?because they are even more retarded and annoying that you. there, conversation over.;
>>39585986And you're as intellectually honest as them. Good talking.
>>39585993just as an aside, flat earthers dont really believe in anything, and will change and deny knowing the moment they realize they cant reconcile something. they then retreat into saying shit like 'flat earthers are denied the funds to carry out their research' or 'its illegal to do X or go to Y because they want to hide the troooooth' etc.
>>39586011I see. Thanks for the follow-up I guess lol. I'll be honest, I'm feeling kinda bad that anything on the Internet managed to tick me off for more than 10 seconds. It's been a while.
>>39586060im pretty sure the entire subject is designed to be annoying. most flerf posters behave in the worst possible ways during their endlessly repeated threads.
>>39577769I hate deceivers so much. I hope Jesus allows me the permission to strangle them for making my life a living hell of isolation and rejection from their expansive larpings.Flat earth was a concept I understood by game design alone. Since Jesus offered us the tools to show us what it is like to be like him.
>>39580814I hope you die tonight so one less soul would be taken to hell with you.
>>39580979The real reason they aren't drilling in Antarctica is because no, single country owns the territory and all of the super powers who could contend for it are at the other end of the planet. So how do you decide who gets what? Big ass wars. That's how. That's how all the land owners in the past were decided. But a war with the other powers at the opposite end of the planet would be so insanely expensive that it'd pretty much be WW3. That's why no one is drilling. The Antarctic bases that are there are shared under all nations and you follow the rules of your home nation.
>>39581888Yes they have
>>39586142its about the transportation costs too, perhaps more so. look at Alberta crude oil. unless the barrel price hits a certain point its too expensive to move the oil just over to the coast of BC. Thats nothing compared to what it'll take to move it in Antarctica. think of how the coast ice break ups and then grows and shifts all the time just for one thing.
>>39577769Those mountains are clearly plastic.
>>39581888Faggot they figured it out 3000 years ago. they calculated the fucking diameter of earth by 240 bc using shadows and were off by only a few hundred km
>>39586293The more you talk, the less truthful you appear to be.
>>39585761glowie detected
>>39586340psyoped retarded detected
>>39586011>>39586060if governments announced today that the earth is flat, all the flatties will start screaming that the earth is a globe.its not about the actual shape of the planet, its about getting attention by spewing retarded nonsense. its just attention seeking.
>>39586417probably but for sure of them believe it. never takes long before they reveal their true feelings of superiority when they start calling everyone else sheep and normies and whatever derisive term is in at the moment. oh how they rail against your supposed worship of government etc etc etc. they think they are amazing.
>>39585500Yeah I know. Picrel is literally all it takes to trick retards into thinking they're actually flying to Antarctica. How naïve would you have to be?
>>39586722that's a proof of space! you posted it yourself, look at the windowlmao flerfer destroyed
>>39577769>distance perceptionHere's an idea, howzabout we take you to the Superstition mountains in Arizona and have you light out for them from the road taking only as much water as you think you'll need based on how far away you think they are?>literal runway right thereYes Squat, having a plane land on your head would fit nicely in the bad thing category.>crevassesFun fact, glaciers are kinda known for being full of them. I'd suggest checking on googlemaps but of course satellites are all fake and gay. Until someone finds something using one that looks even slightly unusual of course. Then it all "what are they hiding maaaaan?">vapeSo you're saying the location itself and all the snow therein is fake?
>>39587304>So you're saying the location itself and all the snow therein is fake?No retard, it's like standard studio OSVP, except it's bigger, and enclosed dome, and so the floor is basically an ice rink with real structures and features. The stuff in the distance is fake, like most of the distant snow would by fake beyond a certain point. Styrofoam or something so they can minimise the size of the actual ice rink they need:
>>39587354>except its bigger>LOTS bigger>bigger than anyone has ever seen>and secret>and on an ice rink>in a dome!lol, the cope continues
>>39587445>lol, the cope continues>the government doesn't have better tech than studiofags>especially when you can just expand it basically as big as you want when money is no object and it's all made to be modular and portable>they'd never lie>they don't have secrets>you can't make a big ice rinkThe spherecuck cope sure does continue.>
>>39587480>i have no evidence>and that PROVES IM RIGHT!!!absolute nigger brained cope.
>>39585399Ice wall has been filmed tons of times.
>>39587513no it hasn't. those are called icebergs and can be quite large. if you watch more than out of context little flerf clips you'd know know what has been done lots of times though? sailing around antarctica. its not the ice wall.
I'm a globehead who fell off the rim of the world trying to prove it's not flat AMA
>>39577769I see OP got some of the huge supply of Copium secretly mined by the Final Experiment guys while they were in Antarctica, and has decided to use mass quantities of it to make this thread.Delicious.
>>39587354>enclosed domeA mini-firmament, if you will....So, all this construction and effort and technology to replicate an antarctic environment and they couldn't even be bothered to lower the temperature to the condensation point?
>>39587546Where’s your proof of these alleged trips around Antarctica? Oh you don’t have any proof, typical glowie.
>>39587649look them up. theres a couple guys have done it lo9ads of times. there are also drone sailing vessels that have done it. i know you cant possible accept any of the evidence for these things having happened and shown the place to be a continent instead of the ice wall, so really why do you even ask? you should go do it yourself.anyway theres an australian guy whos done it 10 times, but not quite like these other two. he doesn't go quite so far south i dont think>Oh you don’t have any proof, typical glowie.all i typed in was 'sailing around antarctica'. you could try that if you like.
>>39587693That’s your proof? Articles on sailing websites. Convincing.
"once you give a charlatan power over you, you rarely get it back"
>>39587638That's the ultimate irony, the fucking Globers having to create an enclosed dome to fake their ball Earth and Flat Earther's being tricked by it. You literally can't make this shit up.And it's one thing to build a dome that large, but quite another to cool it, create wind and simulate other weather, which is why there's no wind. The best they can do is let in outside weather while nobody is looking, but otherwise they are relying on the floor, (ice rink), to at least make these idiots feel some kind of cold.All the light from the screens adds up especially focused by the dome shape and is working against that illusion, so it would be hard to maintain for long periods. Hence they get told it was windy before they arrived, just happened to stop right before, then was supposedly windy again after they left, and incoming weather was why they had to leave early. Basically, they couldn't simulate wind, the light from the dome would melt the rink, and it would become obvious to even to these retards something was amiss after a while.
>>39587731>thinks they award titles and prizes without lots of evidencehave you any idea how closely they watch and check these people before during and after? you should see some of the attempted scams tried during the various long distance races. they always get found should go do it yourself since you're so sure everyone else in the world is lying or deceived. its really that simple.
>>39587824>You literally can't make this shit up.You literally just did.>And it's one thing to build a dome that large, but quite another to cool it, create wind and simulate other weatherNonsense. a dome that large is the hard part. The rest is basic hollywood fx.>All the light from the screensblurgablurga blurgaYes, yes, the magic jumbotrons lining the magic Dimmadome built for a one-time photo-op. Truly the scope of the effort put into the globalist conspiracy is staggering.
>>39588127>The rest is basic hollywood fx.Implying you'll fool anyone with a big wind machine. You realise they're trying to trick people inside the dome too.>built for a one-time photo-opNope. Upcoming moon landings and Mars landing. This was a test run. You can't be this fucking stupid surely.
Isnt this the plot of a death note episode
>>39588263what did they do with the truly massive fake stage made for apollo 17, where they drove around for miles? that was impressive
>>39587731>That’s your proof?Go ask Jon. Or just charter him to take you on his next trip. He has sailed around antarctica about 12 times now.
>>39588368yeah thats the guy. must be a really excellent sailor. impressive
>>39587824That’s called Jesus Christ having a sense of humor.
>>39580480Come on. Grow some balls and do a Magellan then. Keep your guns close and your findings even closer.
>>39584658He did, and decided to stop paying attention to those shills like FlatEarthDave etc, and continued to expose fallen angels and shit.
Flat earth means a lot to me because it was the first time I was seeing the craft of God in a non-atheistic, but relatable way.So I wish this to be more accepted in the world so more souls can be saved.
>>39588263>Implying you'll fool anyone with a big wind machine.>air ducts, what are they?You've got a very odd sense of the state of the art.> Upcoming moon landings and Mars landing.Sorry. The possibility of ice rinks on Mars didn't immediately occur to me. S'matter, the ISS/shuttle sets under renovation?
>>39577769> this retard stop smacking on fucking GUM while recording? Holy fucking shit, this is unwatchable.
>>39588363Good thing they didn't have any stars for reference because that would really blow the gaffe.>>39588598>like implying your optic nerve can access the inside of your eyeball through your retina without leaving a blindspot
>>39585915There is no South Pole you retard. If you keep going in a straight line from where it supposedly is, there's nothing but darkness and ice, way beyond the diameter of the Antarctic continent you believe in. Nobody has ever travelled far enough to know if there's anything beyond that. That's the real, possibly infinite, final frontier, not your gay floaty outer space.
>>39577769I read that Mars will be actually the land beyond which they occulted from us. People will think they are going to space when actually they are just going to the lands beyond. I don't know about oxygen. How they can explain to people that they can breath in there.
>>39577769they couldnt even get an airline that flies to antarctica BECUSE NO ARLINE FLIES TO ANTARCTICE!! come ON PEOPLE! USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONE
>>39588871Which direction from the pole leads to infinite darkness?All the nations and independent expeditions must have missed it.
>>39589806kek when trying to explain the Globeheads how reality works is impossible their heads are this full of propaganda and baller garbage
You people are lost. Not one "flat earther" believes in flat earth, it’s just a fun social circle feedback loop they get from content creators. If they had to bet their lives on it, 99.99% of them would say the Earth was round.
>>39589876If you say so. lol. If it's fun, there's no need for everyone to be upset.
>>39589838It must be hard to convince people of things when all direct evidence says you are wrong.
>>39590294Yeah these Globeheads are unbelievable. No amount of evidence will convince them they're wrong.
>>39589966You have to admit that you are joking because now you accept that the sincere are retarded.
>>3959029There is no evidence against the ability to traverse the entire antarctic continent.And all the direct evidence says people have done this multiple times.
>>39590300Why? Sign of weakness, tough guy. No thanks to admitting something you don't want me to believe in. Retard this retard that insults against me aren't working for me.
>>39590329Retard is an assessment of intelligence and capability, not an insult.
>108 posts >22 mentions of phrase "tard">like 1/5 postsis 20% of this thread really just a massive circlejerk of retards calling other retards retarded? maybe I'm just late.
>>39590384Fuck off retard, your post is retarded and obviously retarded shit written by a retarded retard.
>>39590375Can't help you with your anger, dude.
>>39590429There is no anger at someone who happily admits they are acting retarded.
>>39590664Can't help you with your own retarded nature, dude. Not me, but you.
>>39587513>Ice wall has been filmed tons of times.not even once, because it doesnt exist.
>>39577769Lmao at your butt hurt
>>39577769Guess it's fun that you enjoy your humiliation when nothing about this is real. And even if they fooled us, you were fooled, you fucking idiot. lol.
>>39588820>Good thing they didn't have any stars for reference because that would really blow the gaffe.>can't understand cameras>also thinks its too hard to put some lights inside his imaginary fake stage dome thingyou're really stupid, know that?
Any flat earth guys, that can tell me how you explain yearly sun path movement?As a software dev in a solar company, I had to do 3D software where you select a location and then can run through daily animation, to see how much shading you might get from nearby objects, so you could optimize the layout of the PV plant.So what am I missing here?
>>39590679You are too retarded to be of any help to anyone.
>>39591316>it just goes around the north pole>IT JUST DOES OK
>>39591316flatties think the sun is a laser pointer and the jewish god jahwe is circling the laser pointer over DVD Earth. im not shitting you, thats is literally what flatties believe.
>>39591316>So what am I missing here?You aren't missing something, they are - a map or a model. Here's what the sun would look like on a flat earth model that has been suggested by some of them. (they will call it a strawman because they really dont have any idea at all how it works. this is normal behaviour for them when faced with the consequences of their ideas)
>>39591635Wow, that's not even close to how the sun actually moves.They should check how a single hour draws a shape in the sky through out the year. Not to mention the North Pole would have no ice if their model was remotely accurate.
>>39591915they can never address why the sun and moon, if they are getting closer to you before noon and farther away after, why it doesn't change size during the day or even appear to move faster or slower. they just post badly exposed videos and argue blue in the face that the glare is the actual size.its a retarded troll most of the time.
>>39591940Amazing. Not to mention a solar eclipse.
>>39577769Can you keep this retarded bullshit to ONE (1) thread? All you inbred morons can go be stupid there, okay? Inb4>glowie! Cia! You want to hide the truth!Cope.
>>39593182You're just scared of the truth. You're afraid of even looking at the evidence for the Flat Earth for fear you'll be convinced too and then be made fun of by other ballers. I understand, but the truth requires being brave. Maybe one day you'll summon enough courage. We'll be waiting to welcome you with open arms when you're ready.
>>39593390>here, look at my lying sunset videos>how about long distance photos which i think are impossible on a globe>what about my clever memes showing how some globe images are digitally constructed from low earth orbit images>etc>etcits all silly bullshit though. all of it.
>>39591316That software sounds neat, would be helpful for developing solar thermal greenhousesalthough can’t you just figure that out manually pretty simply with ecliptic charts? ig the software would save time doing it for many locations?
>>39593390>wow you should see this video where they can see a laser beamed 20 miles across a lake when refraction is at its most extreme>because you know, laser light is immune from refraction
>>39593645Isn't it amazing that the same ballers who wouldn't associate with Flat Earthers before, wouldn't want to engage in simple debate, and sure as fuck wouldn't show up to a fucking lakeside somewhere to do a laser experiment, suddenly want to do a 'muh FINAL' experiment with Flat Earthers?Right after OSVP tech is good enough, and where do they want to do it? Antarctica, in a scenario where they are in complete control of where they go, what you can see and hear, etc. Why not just go down to a lackside or top of a mountain with a laser? No, this is the first time they decide to do something like this and they specifically choose the 24 hour sun in Antarctica which requires spending a tonne of money and travelling all that way at great expense. Then the same faggots pretend they wouldn't spend a lot of money and go to extreme lengths to fake shit. lolThey just showed they would because they did, and god only knows how much they paid fake vape Witsit to go. Also he supposedly quit vaping, but goes to the house when he's stuck? Maybe getting advice from his handlers and they gave him the vape? I totally forgot it was in my bag that I packed for Antarctica, like trust me bro. lol fuck off.
>>39577769Flat earthers are all low t because they never go to explore these areas. I can't respect anyone like that
>>39592001Solar eclipses don’t have the moon causing it.
>>39593706>sure as fuck wouldn't show up to a fucking lakeside somewhere to do a laser experiment,do you know why?its because they are all fucking stupid in the extreme. you morons all seem to equate 'laser beam' with 'laser level' and assume they are not effected by atmospheric conditions like other light. There are always carried out when temperature gradients are at their most extreme. its a pointless circle jerk every time you fools do such a thing. But you simply cant understand that.>all your other fantasy bullshit about TFE being fakedis pure unadulterated cope. nothing more. who gives a FUCK is that twit witsit dis something odd on camera. thats all he ever does. he almsot certainly did it to start you cultist dumbdumbs off talking about it all the time, and you complied nicely. he gave you a way to talk yourselves into thinking the whole thingt was fake, oh, and handily made himself the center of attention, which he loves.Really, what does it matter if he did that? Is your main point about not seeing breath that much?have you ever been in very dry cold conditions like that? remember, it was a bright sunny day and about -10c air temp, warmer where the sun falls. Seriously, have you been outside much in different cold winter conditions to even notice when and where you see your breath?And the shadows thing. LOL. seems thats not too highly thought of anymore. Hence all the waffle and literally fiction about some massive video studio you imagined into existence.pathetic bunch of people too committed to ever admit you were wrong. instead you invent whatever you need to calm yourselves down.
>>39593812The globe earth model basically fails when you take account of the northern and southern hemispheres having different seasons.
>>39593838what an amazing revelation. you should really publish that and prove all the evil globlers wrong.
>>39593838how have you managed to evade the global government hit squads with that kind of forbidden knowledge? how can we be sure you're not one of them?
>>39593866They have to admit on Google because it is a globalized platform. People want to prepare for basic season changes when they travel or in their nation, you know.>>39593846You demons piss me off everyday. Jumping from vessel to vessel.
>>39593921>You demons piss me off everyday. Jumping from vessel to vessel.great response worthy of the best flat earthers have to offer. btw, i just went outside. its -10c and snowing. cant see my breath. guess i'll go vape or something to cheer you up lol
>>39593970Drugs are disgusting.
>>39594026yeah, i dont smoke or vape. could maybe drink something hot, might get a bit more condensation.
>>39593846*evil masonsglobers are just normal npcs
>>39594157flat earthers are evil in general. lots of them pretend to be Christians but really they channel demons.
>>39591335No, I'm not retarded. You're delusional that you think I'm not helping anyone. And you're trying too hard. But you're just a anonymous identity on the internet as I am.
>>39593722Like they'll never get to visit and explore and expose globe earth, exactly what they want.
>>39594392Kek. Yet, the WEF are globalists and want people to think it's a globe, and don't like our freedoms of speech and expressive theories, and want to protect Antarctica for its' mysteries. Part of the Orsini, Rothchilds, etc, don't want you know anything but their own bullshit.
>>39594549at least they have a working map. you know, satanist, you make a logical fallacy when you reject an idea just because X person or group believes in it. you evil lying fags love to play the logical fallacy game so theres one for you to look up.
>>39580543>Ball-earthKEK. We just call it Earth, retard.
>>39594568>>satanistThat's such a lame attempt at responding to someone that is against that.
>>39594657how about acknowledging your logical fallacy instead
>>39594704There is no right way for you to make a actual debate when you basically just said you support the satanic cult. >>At least they have a working map.
>>39595414They're pagans then..
>>39577769>big scary deep crevasses just over there, but don't forget to bag up all your poop because muh environmentDo ballers really buy this obvious horseshit?Supposedly massive continent with a vanishingly small population in their minds, that is an endless wasteland of ice where barely anything lives, but you can't go there without approval because you might upset da animalz.
>>39593812So you can't see over the horizon because ball, except when you can because ball too, and that proves the ball. Got it.Who is coping again? Every single time we prove you ballers wrong you have some cope about why it's still a ball. Who is the cultist?Faggots still not addressing how 'muh dry air' or whatever bullshit excuse you have works and then doesn't between breaths. So the air was too dry to see it, then it wasn't, then it was again two breaths later? Wanna hear another theory that's consistent with the available evidence?It was a vape.The sheer amount of irony in your cope post is truly prodigious faggot.
>>39597547You retards are so fixated on the vape, while ignoring the fucking sun circling around overhead, because you have nothing else.Who cares what the fuck Witsit has done, or said about the vape thing. It doesn't change the fact that there are a ton of other stuff, completely independent of him or his actions, that invalidate flat earth.
>>39594887>because you believe one thing that group X believes you support the entire belief system of that groupyou are the most dishonest person. look at your evil logical fallacy. you should be ashamed.>>39597547>Every single time we prove you ballers wrongyou have never done that.>So the air was too dry to see it, then it wasn't, then it was again two breaths later?you really have never been outside in the cold have you. its so obvious you have zero idea what you're talking about. Yes, genius, the moisture content of your breath can change. Yes, the air conditions can change with slight movement caused by a breeze. Yes, the visibility of one breath can be different to the next due to how fast or gentle the exhalation is or how long its held inside.for fuck sake, flat earthers are the most dull headed inexperienced retards on the plant.>It was a vape.HOW FUCKING CARES? well done numbnuts, you let witist lead you in yet more moronic beliefs and arguments. good job.
Flat Earth is something that you should meditate and contemplate upon.Only what you have "experienced" is to be trusted.Does it matter if earth is flat? What if it's bigger than we are told? What if it's infinite? To find out the answer you have to explore the seas. What if the stars you see in the sky are just islands on the sea that wraps around, i.e, we are on the inner surface of a sphere? Planets are just islands that can be reached by sea?For example, in One Piece. Why does Nami wants to create a world map? She already had one since the beginning? Every country has agreed to forbid Antarctica meanwhile, they own the sea/air routes so you can't even explore the seas without getting shot. Why would every country work together? Even in one piece there is a concept of new world a place where the world government has no power.We are always told that there is nothing to explore, the earth is already mapped. Why do we believe it? The reality is we aren't allowed to explore.Theories like flat earth, HxH's dark continent, One Piece, etc are dreams. As long as people like this exists people will inevitably explore. Which is not acceptable by the powers that be.Both flat earthers and globe earthers will agree that right to explore earth should be a fundamental human right.
>>39577769none of these guys are flat earth, they're all in on it and are shills. I remember people saying that they were offering a "free trip to Antarctica, all expenses paid!" but the thing is that there was never actually any way to get to join. There was no website or anything to contact, just shills saying that no flat earthers would join it.
>>39597935This reminds me, in HxH they have a reserved island that they treat as fake dark continent (Antarctica) they announce that they are allowing normies to explore it, and they let them explore the fake one, and then a secondary voyage resumes that leads to the real island.
>>39597935>There was no website or anything to contact, just shills saying that no flat earthers would join it.of course there was a site. it was up for ages. the paid trip was for just one flat earther, by invitation. the others had to raise their own money, like all the normal people (non-flat earthers). usual, the flat earther believes that his own ignorance is the truth
>>39597836So we should believe the supposed firsthand account of Witsit but ignore his vape fakery. Sure. Maybe I'll just ignore the waving flag and other fuckery and just trust Neil Armstrong because "he was there". Listen to yourself dumbass.
>>39599884witisit is a faggot. who the fuck cares what he did. the question is why you discount the other 2 flat earthers who went there with him, plus all the others on that trip, plus the many thousands who have also been there. but no, you keep on about what some strange little flat earther guru did. but, when it comes down to it, you have to admit that your main issue is that you think you should always see someones breath when its 'cold', whatever that means to you. isnt that right? quit waffling on about fucking witsit, who very likely did that to make himself the center of yet another little furor, and deal with what you real misunderstanding is.
>>39597894I'm telling you, this place is a quarantine zone for new(aka retarded) souls to adapt to physical existence. The only way to leave is to become enlightened. That's when you get your hunter license, aka a new body capable of badass shit, and are allowed to explore the outer lands.
>>39599915Your obvious desperation to have us ignore Whitshit's vape fakery is both hilarious and pathetic. I know that retard fucked it up for you and gave the game away, but we're not just going to ignore it, so nice try.