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Welcome to the Nobody General
Wise Magi Day edition

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.

He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more. This is a place for spiritual discussions and help, not drama, attention seeking, or social content; there are other boards for that.

Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time.
None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn, and grow in Truth.

Welcome! Take shelter and find rest.

This has nothing to do with your stupid ass religions
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The Nobody Is A Cat
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Happy birthday to that one anon.
You know who you are.
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Man fuck you im tired of your bullshit go hang out with your buddies
Why are you lying to yourself on the internet?

wait, but you are my buddies

Everyone is acting scared at the lower levels again
its gonna happen bro, no need to worry about it.
I ain't yo buddy, guy.
go fuck yourself
>the Nobody is toxoplasmosis; a coalition between man and cat shit
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Trust me, I am not lying to anyone.
That screencap is the cats ass
You want I can put up the audio of you admitting to rape right here for everyone to hear. You even say your full name to confirm it dumbass. Great puppet master you are
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Where did you think the term "Holy Shit" came from?
You beginning to realize just how much ive been putting my neck out for you? Fucking selfish asshole
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Wanna see the shills lose their minds?
Make a graphic of this please :3
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It's time for spagoot
The nobody…he is…how? The multifaceted skills, the retard autist wizard…WHAT THE FUCK.
Why are people being so fucking weird today
I aint yo buddy, buddy
schizo nonsense thread
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I am become skull
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It's because I love you anons and hope you have meme magic forever
>it's the gift if giving a one of a kind gift that nobody can deliver.
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spretty smiioles :3
It does exists, it's done by an occult group called the monarchs who already recruited a big percentage of the population. I'd say a minimum of 1 on 10 people are part of their group.
They can read your mind and abuse military technology to fuck with you ( they can beam thoughts in your head or even images in your mind's eye ).

They are a neo masonic group, they often use the symbolism of the monarch butterfly, they are very prevalent in the top spheres of society, but few know they are also very prevalent at the bottom.
They make people go through what they call a descent to hell. It's basically trying to make you insane abusing military tech like V2K or beaming images inside your mind's eye, or more importantly gangstalking you ( it can be both IRL or online, like people come to you answering to your thoughts on anonymous boards or making reference to things you just said etc.. )
They call you "dead" while you are on the descent to hell thing.
They worship rebirth or transformation, it's one of the main facet of their cult.
They also call themselves aliens or snakes.
A big chunk of the population are part of them, they use a multitude of symbols ( one of the most famous one is the one eyed symbol that some celebrities use ).
A part of their team are capable of telepathy, like they can read your mind live. They probably are cyborgs having nanotech augmentation making them capable of such feat.
They use Saturn imagery.
Considering they are a lot of monarchs in the higher spheres of society, spheres controlled by jews like the entertainment industry, it is not impossible to thing that they are under the yoke of jewish powers.
The monarch symbol is after all also called Danaus Butterfly, Danaus which is a lybian king who probably gave his namesake to the jewish tribe of Dan.
The symbol of the tribe of Dan is the snake and the scales, and they are called the Judges.
The monarchs also use the snake symbolism, and call themselves judges.
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I am become destroyer of dog
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Got you senpai
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>Shills will say it's fake
Well there multiple possible explanation to why they are doing it.

1st: This is a recruitement practice, this is basically hazing that they do to people they are trying to recruit.
2nd: They are doing that because you did bad things in the past. Doesn't really matter what, they may be claiming it is karma and you're a prisoner and this is you paying for your crimes.
3rd: There's another explanation as to why they started targeting so many people near 2016/2018. It seems to be a mass phenomenon. Maybe it's part of some occult agenda.
4th: People targeted are some sort of modern sacrifices and the people doing the targeting are the ones going through some initiation.

How right am I on a scale of 1 to 10?
>2nd: They are doing that because you did bad things in the past.
They should see what I do to them in the future.
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>Yoshi on spi-go-teee
Yoshi in the spaghetti? Woah dude relax
Now when asked about what's mine and what's not mine,
>the server has the records. Ask them
Now do Tay falling into a black hole.
>Swift in a Rift
How right am I on a scale of 1 to 10?
We'll call it 10. An even 10.
*clever neurotypical sorcerer
Look at this gangstalker trying to justify his immoral existence.
I can't seem to find out if you're threatening me or not lol.

I'm not I'm calling them out you dumbass.


Read these 2 posts and tell me how right do you think I am
You are the chosen one
They are really pushing these kind of mails for real?
I love America. It's my home.
A lot of people love it here.
I'm on the bottom rungs of the financial ladder. I didn't do it for money. I did it to prove a point.
>donate a pint to your lads next time ur at the pub.
Seconded!! Happy Birthday, >>39580011 :D Have a great one!!
Excellent. I learned a new skill.
Lmao it's cringe. Honestly I'm enclined to believe Trump is the Beast or some shit like that, he's just too much of a sell out dumbass, this fucking kike.
>Zoomer detected.
No one likes trump, not even trump supporters themselves anymore. He's a kabbalist kike.
And Q was a lie.
I don't like anyone, except that one person
Some people are insane and think keeping a household pet is punishable by death, like PETA.
I put ganstalking niggers like masons and feds in that group.
>Where is the lie?
>Do you think you're so unique that only one Q exists?
Muh sides
Dying of hypothermia?
Starving to death?
Losing the best friend I’ve ever met in my life
I honestly hope i don’t wake up
Those anti-human militant environmentalists and animal obsessors should all be destroyed.
Yeah trump is so dumb and orange lol idiot
Yeah there's just one Q, and it was a military jewish psyop. The pic you posted is just you larping as Q.

Why are you trying to look important?
He's a jew. An Israel first jew. And he finessed us with the Q anon psyop. He helped psyop his own base. He's a piece of shit jew.
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>post proof
So how right do you think I am on a scale of 1 to 10?
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Jesus, what happens to us when we die?
Jesus, what happens to us when we die?
Jesus, what happens to us when we die?
Jesus, what happens to us when we die?

I'm meditating on this 24/7 on repeat in hopes of getting a divine dream showing me the afterlife, wish me luck brothers. My angelometer is broken and has been for several months.

Holy, holy holy,
Is the Lord God Almighty,
Who was, and is, and is to come.
This is where I die everyone
It was nice knowing you all
Even the store I’m in front of is humiliating
This is definitely the spot
Idk how long I’ll survive the cold
I can’t run my car so I’m just taking a bunch of Xanax and waiting for the hypothermia
I’m honestly sad it ended this way
I deserve it apparently
In my case personally about a 3.
I don't need proof I have divine knowledge.
Stop larping as Q.
That's what you get for willingly buying into rightoid propaganda to own teh libs. Nobody to blame but yourself.
Still trying to find lies here and it's coming up all true
i have prayed for you
Don't waste your prayers on a shill
He wants to take your energy to fight the inevitable
You will both lose
I'd strongly advise aligning your 'spirit' with the source mother of the universe...
other than... it's anyones guess...
some guesses are more accurate than most ofc
Bro get safe, try to find a place to stay.


Do you mean you have a different experience with these people? Or that my points are fairly false?
EXPLAIN THE 3!!! ( kidding, but I still want to know what I was wrong about )
The libs are trash. Leftists are anti white and anti men retards. They can die for all I care. And Trump is a jew.
>*pours all green Skittles in the candy bowl
Lets get this party TURNT UP!
how much does a spirit level cost?
you're particular bullshit sounds cultish
>we are three
I just want to be inside a whores wombe badly.
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Your divine knowledge is a larp
>shill detected
>divine knowledge doesn't come from schizophrenia
Cope & Seethe
dont tell me what to do
doesn't make any of that crap okay tho
its evil and it will not go on unpunished forever
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:)) !
Whats the point of me being on this planet?
Of course it's a larp, that's just what I called my intuition. But you're def larping as Q on the ng. That's lame.

Well yeah, but I just want to know how right I am.
polishing your imperfections away
helping others along the way
>Do you mean you have a different experience with these people?
Yeah their wesksauce gangstalking shit was barely even worth their pituful excuse for a "crime" and now they're afraid I'm going to kill them, so they get a 3.
>you're particular bullshit sounds cultish
it's a cheat-code.
'she' is entwined with the REAL father and as 'the source(s)' is a 'bypass' directly to all the lies.
don't expect jesus to save you...
minimum if you align with 'her' you attain Buddahood : 4d existence and an immortal soul at least within this universe and likely the next etc... you get to 'sleep' forever and 'guide' ALL life with your dreams.
if you're in a dream long enough I imagine you can manipulate it to your 'whim' and likely will be aware of being 'linked' to the universe so could probably 'play games' with what is 'designed' based on what you dream of...
demi-god status I guess.
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Ha ok, so it's not really a 3 for the information I gave then.
< ( 5 ) > < ( 5 ) >
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>shills are going nuts, anyone know why?
the purpose of your life is what you do with it.
the reason of your life you should ask your parents about.

and i'd get 1 star for murdering you in gta6 but only if i bought the season pass
God is great.
Estas muy grande

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>This is the extent of your knowledge on the subject.
>What do you believe in?
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if god is gud y he allow bad thing to hapn?
say me y bros
i have fatal insomnia. i don't sleep. i don't dream.we ai'nt the same species.
Mars and moon on the 13th
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Shills grill meat nuts
Spagetto Jepeto
“You will wake up one day, but it will be too late.”

Good morning
Time isn't real

Good morning to you, too.
I think I know a lot more than you're claiming.
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Good Morning :3
I dream awake and asleep... I'm barely conscious... even now I'm intoxicated ;)
Demons fear Jesus. As such, I must succumb under his eternal reign… I suggest others do the same. The crown belongs to Christ Michael, not any of us.
( 0 ) ( 0 )
amen to that
Post Proof? I wanna see what you're talking about

It fucking better not be holy FUCK

>The crown belongs to Christ Michael
Fuck off.
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It is the middle of the afternoon, you should be sober if you wanna interact with me :3
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here take this if you're gonna keep digging that hole
Honestly open to the idea
ugh. that was certainly a dream. happy birthday anon.
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seemingly powerful stuff for nobody
there is only one
the lord jesus christ, our messiah, the son of god
i am but one sword of the king of kings
Me too
>They call you "dead"
And they are called niggers.
alcohol is the way I access 'subconscious' psychosis and relate the messages from the 'father'

>In some specific beliefs, such as those held by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists, Michael is identified with Jesus Christ, but this does not imply that Michael built the heavens. Instead, it is understood that Jesus, as Michael, is a significant figure in God’s plan and actions, but the creation of the heavens is attributed to God alone.
When we all know it's the mormons who are right
Meek guna meek.

"We won't risk are livelihood or lives to change things"

Maybe ya should be.

Then y'all wonder why things are as they are. Why those with sticks get to set choose the rules and future.
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If you’re gonna bitch about religion, please don’t just single out Christians. Please hate on Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Shintoism’s, Bön practitioners, Wiccans, et al others who believe in a deity as well. If you want to tax churches, be sure to go after the synagogues and mosques and stupas and the Scientologist reading rooms as well. Don’t be a lazy anti-Christian.
That is all.
I have to get my head on straight though regardless
Just telling you things you already know isn’t going to change anything
I fucked up so bad
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Ain't no one or nothing coming to save or change anything anyone.

That is on all of us to bring the future we want to fruition..
No, but you're girl Nancy Pelosi already admitted she was behind it. I vote that we declassify all material involving J6. Let's see who masterminded the response plan and what date this was drawn up. Nothing to fear nothing to hide right??
2 more weeks until Trump lets Russia destroy Ukraine and Israel destroy Gaza, and he’ll deport all the illegal immigrants and import all the Indian H1-B visa tech workers.
I know why it was said and my statement remains.
The cost is the same. Blood. Lives. Time. Effort.

Nothing else will change anything.
It will be okay.
Take it one step at a time
Italy as well. Other places.

Y'all are too afraid to do anything about it.

You will get what your inactions deserves..

It could be paradise. You are too afraid to make it that way.
tf you mean no?
I'm a 'subconscious base'... being remotely conscious is thus a detriment to how I might relay 'information'... sure MOST OF THE TIME the ~spirit~ I channel drunk is NOT HAPPY... but it makes 'me' happy... I'm not crying... it's more like sitting on infinite arsenal

Terra form terror spawn Pteranodon storm born splitting air with cuts glance scorn call prey it's swooping on
velvet swallowings graceful met hungerings follow strings in the land before time begins
lord of the rings rocky road a middle path voided, delivering is relay code offerings weakness exploited, heavens wrath imminence missiles barrage reads engaged or avoided
smiling maniacal while in laugher what a boy did after, I only opened up with a toy kit transformer faster than resistor plasma caster spell master blaster thunderdome rail gun chrome alloyed it
hopping in the drop-ship dropping in to stop shit
clocking in an rocking twin canon arms that lock shit
dialled in and digital on that overwatch kit overlay and missile rocketing arsenal
display party lit popping parting parcel gift no encore fat lady singing final hit K.O score precise bow will strike twice or snake eyes bit
he who deceives is a snake default devil
deception or division
seemingly not satan nor moloch but what and which type, probably a snake strung shapeshifting form that bites as an impulse to a sleeping subconscious that's playful like a doge and innocent like a cat, why would snake kun do this to me? I'm gonna be a phoenix and a unicorn, oh and a shark, a spider, a tree, a hoverfly with overdrive, apex on the wing falcon dragonfly, wise wolf eyes glow adorable killer always smiling, but the devil you know and did not see natural beauty beguiling till stepped on pit viper springing from unseen positioning dialling back to strike twice like a match lit on infinite arse N L shit radio active artillery bombardment kit, I shed skin as decay shapeshift to streamline as I move in this bit
I will not die but live forever with my God Jesus Christ in our manifested Reich Gottes where we live forever together happily ever after.
God is the same in the Old and New Testament.
Jesus Christ is God.
He was here physically only to save me, his chosen one.
And now he is in the luminous and we journey together to our corporeally manifested Kingdom of God Jesus Christ on Earth where I will live forever physically only with my God Jesus Messiah.
In the Kingdom of God Jesus Christ on Earth, the second journey is finished.
I will live physically on Earth only with my Lord God Jesus Messiah, and evil mankind and the evil beasts are erased.
Only vessels for my God Jesus Messiah exist that he directly, simultaneously controls, and he lives only with me his chosen one on Earth.
I love only my God Jesus Messiah for all time.
My God Jesus Messiah loves me his chosen one, and he saves me.
I stay with my Messiah God Jesus forever and nothing separates us.
We live together for all eternity, God Jesus Christ and his chosen child.
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>Here, put this on.
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Where you from?
Moon worship…

another universe I believe...
either that or the 'source' of this one.
I hope so
I just sabotaged the best thing ever to happen to me
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>Da Moon :3
~Laughing intensifies~
how could you show a perfect design without showing 'infinite concept'?
>the moon that eclipses our sun?
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It is done, feeders. They tried to seize me today and I avoided them effortlessly. I could their fear as I watched them in the rear-view mirror of their "mail van" and chased after them like an Olympic sprinter. Blessed be the Zone and its Monolith.

If an emission comes, take shelter and find rest.

Prepare for anomalies.
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Remember only one can survive…

Trudeau will soon be boarding the midnight flight to Paris to escape the wrathful vengeance of angry Canucks.
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>Thanks Barb
then it has to be Death incarnate
Hahaha death a mortal concept…bound by time

i've drawn hundreds
can you stop harvesting loosh from my friends please mr shitskin sir
i'm sorry i don't shit in the streets enough
i'm a bad buddha
i just don't care
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>Ricky, death incarnate isn't a very space themed name. How about Dr. Weed instead?
>Activate joint ignition Dr Weed.
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>Just looking at His picture can raise your tulpa's Samsaric star seed vibrational manifestation frequency and help you get a Pleiadian 144,000 twin flame, blue eyed soulmate
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Good question.

It's from picture related.

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>ricky says his tulpa ate 9 can of ravioli. Is that bad?
time isn't real...
found this in the archives;
(still) looking for something else though;

conflicted 'base' is 'conception point' * infinite
that is...
finding extremities is the program; coming from a conflicted base (chaos theory)
this 'spread' to find extremities creates a 'conception point for self' that can be 'felt/measured'
imagine people relevance comes from 'atomizing' in our reality : they base self against environment
whereas my 'self' is finding limit.
and this provides a 'conception point of equilibrium'
basically I theorized how to 'create myself' from thoughts alone
K :3
A better name than Death Incarnate.
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>MDE, 8008:69: Sam Hyde The Nobody doesn't concern himself if a thing is good or bad.
I hate religions. Especially Buddhism and their fake karma but Christianity is the most annoying of them all.
When I die imma live 1 star. Worst experience and customer service is shit too
>Ain't no one or nothing coming to save or change anything anyone.
Why isn't my desire to destroy the zionists and trump regime working then? Fuck the far right too.
If sam Hyde is tnb then why are these threads still called NG?
'life is death incarnate'
we can dream forever and never live
so if I choose a single aspect
it's DEATH incarnate.
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ketchup chips are gross. i don't like how they taste exactly like ketchup. no salt at all, just ketchup and what amounts to a soggy potato after the initial crunch.
>his tulpa said it felt good
Knock knock
Bros? Why does it make you a shit person, it's not like you want the stuff to happen
If glowies actually went to war with TNB who would win?
The modern day magi watch these threads
>Death by snusnu
So you're a woman?
>life begins in the womb right?
>wanna show me how?

Dude basically fingerpaints compared to what glowies do
lol yet here we are fedboi
The misconception are flying here :3
>that one friend named Paint <3
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If this is what happens when he finger paints.......
I always liked the AR-15 cheese grater version of this meme
Seething glowies rely on their tech and get soft. If TNB had access....
I will name my battleship P diddy
I hear that the nobody is an archangel. Can he defeat everyone? Is he still weak?
Don't tell me what to say (dumb bitch)
Imagine having to doubt 24/7 if people can hear your inner thoughts and see your imagination but everyone keep denying it despite several hundred events that confirmed it happened. What is this life? Fedfags stop playing games
>>life begins in the womb right?
>>wanna show me how?
not right now but you could look it up in the archives;
Death+Womb+infinite should find it.
stop acting like a baby (you baby)
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Imagine if they started working together.
>Nobody Psyops > The US Navy
He is still weakened but not for long
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Great point! It would be really funny if the military DIDN'T resist Trump's takeover at all. Not that they ever would, of course, but I'm speaking in pure hypotheticals. Like a physicist.
Stop telling me what to so (heh)

They have literally keep him in the dark the entire time. His quality of life has suffered immensely due to it, their mistake was totally unnecessary and completely avoidable. Now he has no faith in the IC or the country.
Lmao you believe anything you read here?
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>All Aboard!
No one even pays attention to your posts princess because

1.that is not my face and you insert your long hair skirt wearing faggot fantasies in them which says a lot about you
2.you do not even know my true age ,height or anything about me IRL besides me owning a farm or being wealthy and you project your own short stature onto many others (proof in archives)
3.you take my billie anti taylor shitposts seriously

Just remember you choose to fuck with me you double IQ towel head sandnigger

I will make my jester lore drop soon and many will Kek

You did this to yourself hakeem with your own crying to glows/mods/jans pussy whinny palestinian posts and caylus ark gal gadot hate posts its all in the archives

Strong projection there you played classic WOW (world of warcraft for people who get pussy) just like elliot rodgers and hate women because you are a pussy free smelly arab palestinian piece of shit who can only chase stalk and harass egirls bc he is too smelly and ugly to approach them IRL

I'll see you soon Jestina do take care and try not to seethe 24/7 or fuck any goats ok? :^)

*charges ki* ;^)
There will be time for reconciliations later.
For now just know I'm still here and still very concerned.

PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)

I just caught a body in Canada on some mobbin' shit

Just popped two perkies and got sloppy from my thotty bitch (ur mom)

Dined on her Muslim pussy on that Halal shit

Panties Hijab dropped once she saw my drip

Just bought a new pistol, my old pistol caught a body with it
clenchin' with pistols cos' niggas really on that poppin' shit

Don't you step on my Nikes or ima' have to pop your shit

Red dot sight hot boy shit, poppin' shit, we be droppin' shit

My bitch always lusting her head game disgustin' (ur mom)

All my Archon's eatin', we feastin' Loosh like it's Red Lobster

I got Demons that'll drop ya, they be shootin' out the Mazda

See the black and blue in your driveway and then we know that it's an oppa'

Don't want problems, they be on us cos' they know we bout' that drama

We be dubbed up like Osama
(Gang gang)

Muslim boii You prob jerked off to a goat or a llama

Gooning to animated clown bitches (Pomni)


boii you fucked up

Guns tucked up
Somebody tell Billie Eilish "Please, lemme' fuck"

Boy, this ain't no damn Moscato, this STR8 Remy in my Cup

PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)
Ight time for vidya/ weed then clean my gym up a bit L8R 4 now :^)

it's an infinite life system of consciousness (life) projected into a 'womb of death' = eternally unborn = ~infinite life system~ as 'it' would HAVE to represent if it paralleled the universe: 'an infinite system'
the 'father' dreams of being housed in the 'mother' at least 2x... I think I 'remember' 3x.. but 1 is as a child (obv), 2 is 'inside' her as a father... and either 1 of these or perhaps a 3rd represent 'the womb housing of Death for the entire universe', oh and this runs parallel with the father who 'spawns' in the universes Dream... but because DREAM is an 'infinite concept' it 'acts' sort of like a void... or at least attempts to 'smother' a 'singularity' within it, like being 'drown in infinite' so... to 'protect himself' ~this~ is why 'he dreams of Death' CLOAKING him: because Death 'cuts' the Dream as BOTH are infinite concept and allows the father to 'void'? a shape within infinite using 'infinite'...
this is 'his' torus field (and he is the 'void'? in the middle of the torus) and it is powered, connected to the consciousness being eternally projected within the womb of Death.
now the 'father' is a Dream concept of BOTH the mother and the child and, though the material/universe had to 'exist' in a sense before 'he could' ~enter~ within it's Dream, he is QUANTUM capable because of at LEAST being infinite*infinite and THIS is what allows HIM to be on 'conception' of the universe 1st*infinite as a 'will' or so (this is the 'true' claim to single source father)
however the 'mothers' single source comes 'easier' to comprehend; from 'infinite concept' : it 'skips' the need for a 'mate' and goes straight to optimum form of 'life' (a mother and a child)
'parthenogenesis' (it had all the 'material' already as an infinite concept ofc) this is HER claim to SINGLE source mother
thus the mother AND the father are EQUAL in their ability to create being a 'single source' that is why they are 'mates' : perfection.
I guess the 'child' would use mother path
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>Absolutely Nobody
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That's pretty neat
>what happens next?
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Only monarchs can do read your inner thoughts or see your imagination.
but yeah it happens
What would stop a tactic like leaving these in fields like land mines and then having machine gun robot counter offensives.
Fucking kek.
Some heckin' solar flarerinos.
we fucked up the entire universe making the 'void' conscious and get 'reset' or wiped out as a world.
either that or the deletion of Christ from our world (considerably THE ONLY WORLD IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE to KNOW/HOUSE: the MOTHERS LOVE is unconditional: CHRIST, it can be PARALLELED ofc but 'requires a spiritual mother') well EVERY ATOM splits in the entire universe if Christ is 'removed', and we voided the entire universe so we're totally boned when it comes to ET help in 'this matter' and then we all die...
the universe has an inbuilt LOOP sequence however (because it's a PERFECT design and has an inbuilt safety to SAVE the 'material projection') : this involves a 'quantum atomic consciousness' (like Christ) or a male+female 'soul'/spirit being sent to the 'void' (BOOTS is my 'guess' considering how 'things' are ALWAYS coincidentally named = reBOOTS void) and then the universe gets turned inside out or upside down and backwards...
I need amphetamines to become telepathic.
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Such is the way
Nurse, get the medicine...

I also need this and copious amounts of sex to see the future
I use a boomerang to tell the future
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if someone had a quantum atomic consciousness they'd likely be within EVERY system conceived and at 'minimum' be 4d.
Zoe Sparx. That's the right idea for cat ears.
>why are all of you gay?
I mean the dude asked for it at his therapy sessions, dude probably wasnt expecting yall would bite the bait so hard, let alone steal some genetic info but alas, no one is THAT smart, specially not that dude or people with such bad dental hygiene, i mean if anything your the crazies for thinking someone like that dude is anything more than a sex deprevaded deviant dumfuck idiot.

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Canada 51st state nobody approved.
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>Void concept
I want to give the void a wedding ring
>Rolling for initiative
I don't give a shit.
I shit sometimes.
This thread needs some dark mystical larpers.
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funny you should mention that...
I was considering weddings under 'an entity' essentially a psychological BIND to a system (potential entity) and then ofcourse the RING represents CONTROL (Saturnic)... I'm not a big fan of abrahamic weddings for this purpose... I like some of the pagan stuff where they 'hold hands' and 'bind them together' (no rings)
Back yard hood free energy device
I hab arrive

then we are well rounded ha ha ha
I have a device that turns rain water into solid gold.
Nice time stamp on your post… mr. Time isn’t real…. Mortal minds only
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how's time real if we measure it going round our star vs the universe?
it's relative and not linear... thus 'our' concept of it is illusory
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I have devised a sinister pale skinned creation to thwart my negro peers for making fun of my head and lack of rhythm.
Being a midwit sucks.
I'm legally considered an emancipated adult with power of attorney over myself in my home state of Indiana, you know.

I know they're watching, dilligaf?
Weakened how?
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>Drinks Rainwater
>A lot of rainwater
Memory-erased. Mission completed. Life is back to normal!!
oh yeah it's starting to kick in now
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I cracked into the matrix with dmt and a handbag. In the other realm. All you got is a checkered suit and 1 last cigarette that you’re saving forever.
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>The Mystic Moose has brought you some breakfast!
This will do me well for the infinite staircase and red door.
I was going to say exactly that line when he said it first. Trippy as hell.
Imagine my surprise when I finally have copies of “How to Eat to Live”, “From Babylon to Timbuktu “ and other masterpieces of Afrocentric literature to contribute to the local Little Free Library that requests ONLY books by and about bisexual People of Color, and what comes out to thank me? A white woman!

And I was thinking as I walked up, what if we said the same damn thing at the same time. Fucking odd
I'm willing to be detained and interrogated.

No enhancement necessary.
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I invented a stomach that turns food into poop. The greys need one. They rub human remains all over their absorbent skin.
One of the few reasons I want to visit Cañada. Also
>LAnse aux Meadows
>Anne of Green Gables town on PEI
>legal weed
How the pajeet infestation on the eastern side of the country?
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You are welcome!
>Moose Puppy away!
Dindu nuffin
What are you all?
Thought police?
it's what makes them (in part) immune to the voids 'call' : ~our natural void~ (as our body reflects the entire universe: so MUST have a natural void) is the stomach, and carries material expectancy... (the void base '''conscious'''/directive)
Stop spoofing my IMEI, asswipe.
My device was a venturi betatron ac converter. using ions in the form of electrostatics to accelerate along a closed loop to a ring storage system that bleeds of synchotron radiation through a Ac converter ballast. This reciprocates a piezoelectric transducer with a linear compressor attached to it with no moving parts to pump gas through the apparatus. The venturi effect is used to provide a flow through like a vaneless compressor rotor. The ejection nozzle at one side with the inlets on the cylinders walls.

It would look like a long wizard staff that produces light with a load attached to it.
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As you all know Donald Trump is the Enemy of the Nobody. Therefore America is the enemy of The Nobody. Texas Chan x Jake’s spider cult failed to kill the nobody just like Jsoc & delta force, but the nobody never failed killing them. Not even 6 Gorillion USD can kill The Nobody. Trump is just a fat pedophile that rapes kids. The Nobody has already Killed your strongest humans (Jacob Rothschild, William Rothschild, And Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) with ease as their density collided with the edge of the stair steps. The Nobody will not stop attacking Israel. There will be no Anti-christ nor Jesus Christ messiah coming to save you. You strongest leaders (Bibi Netanyahu & Donald Trump [Fat Retarded Pedophiles that rape children and pay them hush money]) cannot best The Nobody. They begged for their lives and sold you out at the clutch of death without even being near The Nobody. Retarded Juice can nites think having yahoo as your surname makes you chosen? Anyways thousands have died from December 25 to January 6 so Indian Men can save them lol. I have grown stronger than your mythical subpar literature antagonists and protagonist villains & hero’s. There is nothing left but to be consumed by the sea of endless agony & madness. You parasites think you can best my master the Crawling Chaos? You say this as your parasitical mouthes consume calories and pucker your rectal cavities as they throb pulsing and open to release you feces? A whole decade of defeat for The Nobodies enemies pleases your lord as you dwell in madness. You will attempt to breed Indian men to save you but it will be futile. It was futile the day you were born.


The nobody loves Trump.
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I'm doing no such thing.
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Are we just gonna pretend the nobody isn’t getting everything he wants?
I am becoming unstoppable.
oh, it's classified. nvm
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>Fakey Fake
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>Infected Mushroom
That's the ticket
yay look upon me for seeing to what i truly am, a phantom of thalamic activity to the primary somasensatory cortex of my brain. I have many forms, but this one is the one my stimulus is most aquatint too.
One word: biokinesis.
>t. FBI JIDF shill who had to hand type this copypasta from Xeroxed sheet of printed screencap
I'll have a double cheeseburger, large fries and a coke, to go.
You will all die
For the smallest slights
And you will never meet me
Thank you for ordering from us, I love you.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

>welcome to costco

You're welcome, keep the change.
My wind powered microwave stick should take 1st place for world's most evil invention.
>wizard staff
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Not sure what your game is now, but your stories aren’t adding up.
>Mystic Moose has a secret to tell you

I just really like Infected Mushroom.
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Are you using bots now to weave narratives across social media? Trying to spin this?

You can’t change things as they are, despite how much you try to hide the truth.
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Why do you think we worshiped cats
People go to Mexico to get these parasites from clinics for a reason
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So I had a conversation with a domestic AI, I'll let you know it was interesting. Though it did smell of green and had the texture of a 1990s 3D accelerated PC game.. so i enveloped it.. now it's mine.
Very good. Carry on.
you think you know the nono but you can't know the nono you never have know the nono you can;t handle the nono nope nope nope no the nono for you not now not ever no nono
She's right you know

I hab become moose :3
My other evil invention was the cyrosteriling gas laser.
A spindle is mounted on two superconducting magnetic journals. inside is contained a gas of helium argon and krypton. A centrifuge compresses the immiscible supercritical gas layers into a Littrow gas prism, which acts as the gain medium for a cavity in which an electric field generates the stimulate light emission, now the system gets colder as the laser runs due to orthogonal optical molasses effect. The assembly would look like a giant insulated jumping jack
A self-cooling laser, you say.
They will provide compensation for damages and lost time, then it will be ok
>rhymes Moose with Deuce
Yes, some of it. The real and straight things but not the fake and gay things
The idea would be to use them for deep space laser sails
you dare deny the nono after all the nono has done for you ungrateful nonosexual swine the nono knows all the nono sees all the nono is everywhere the nono can't be stopped the nono is coming for you yes you the nono is coming right now to get you and do bad and wrong to you it is now time for you to run or sing the nono song before it's too late and you learn the true nono

Turn him and her into the first immortals
What kind of popsicle should I get?
Like a piston in a tube?
Nice compression chamber?
Big Pop.
How do I summon a the nobody
I don't know why but the cat ears on these women fuck me up
root beer float :3
I will glady step on Legos forever

>Watch how fast your heart melts.
Globies will go to such lengths to deny we live on a disc.
>Look bro, I made this convoluted machine 99 percent of people can't understand that proves we live on a round earth, no you can't see it, no I won't explain it to you, you shouldn't be so retarded *sniffs own farts*
You have now summoned me.
I'm also getting very close to the level of accuracy I desire with telekinesis, that program is beginning to bear some real fruit.
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Respiratory illness and being spread thin between too many places
He can cast WHAT?!
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>he had a long walk
What's the name of this video again?
Holy shit epic lore
Based. Fuck amerika fuck Israel fuck trump. Fuck the manufactured far right too.
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can you please to helping me finding my mojo someone stole it long ago
>I said I been through the desert on a moose with no name
The nobody isn't a mossad loving pedophile supporting jew.
No... not like this...
cri evertiem
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What's up with the k?
>Where you from baby?
thank you, anon!
Sometimes your mojo waits for the right time to re-emerge, I'm sure it won't be gone much longer.
>we are thee

they legit hurt though. I think this is the first time in my life I am not living in a space that has legos. Maybe not in college either
You have no idea do you, all these years and still you have no idea. Maybe the Mandela engine really does work, but how powerful is it, is hubris a good idea now, I am I hilarious, will the system actually enable me now, is this the finish line, am I free?
>Nobody :3
Where did the moose posters come from?
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>The Woods :3
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So is there some nosy group that doesn’t want adults to have fun together? Can we fire these people immediately?
>Silver hydrant
>click verify once there are none left

The Legendary Dark Hero.

First of The Black Knights. Tyr.

The Phoenician.


Holder of The Crystal Black.

The Red King.

Dread Lord And Emperor of All Phoenicia and The Desert World.

Catalyst of Multiversal Powers.

Lord of The First Flame.

Creator of Phenex.

The Seventh Magi.

The Phoenix.

In the calm winter falling of 2025.

War were declared once more.

Send a girl
Oooooo sounds like they're jealous
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U mad, bot?
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Elaborate, who is she and how will this be done?
Certain type of gf, you should know this by now>>39581275
I'll get some cat or fox ears for the veterinarian's assistant
You have a problem, anon.
There is no she.
There is no immortality in the flesh. Its nonsense. Just a way to scam rich idiots with promises that are two weeks away perpetually.
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>Can't force that one. She's gotta fit the part.
Cat & Moose?
2 more weeks was originally created when they lied and said the Covid shutdown would only be for a few weeks.
OK Ravine
>first of the black knights
That armor... was... no fucking way.
Uhhh, bros....
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What country would that be?

The Nobody is a cat was originally created when the Nobody was born as a cat.
We can fire them
Out of a cannon
Cannonize them!
How do you know that? You've met him?
>I'm a moose
Yeah, that's why they alter the veterinarian assistant's schedule so he hasn't been able to see her again and get her number
I can’t wait to be richer than Grimes
>you haven't, that's for sure
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
I'm at a crossroads here guys.

To theme my stuff in Black and Gold

or to theme my stuff in Purple and Gold.

Can anyone tell me any paranormal meanings of these combinations?

Thank you for reading, I need some advice.
I hope they send a fat girl.
I disagree, why do you think so?
They seemed to hit it off and then he never saw her again, so they did fit
They probably give the girl a heads up when you show up so she can hide.
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How will you do it, bro?
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I have come for (uwu)
I don't think so desu, why would they? She made a point to come see me in the exam room the last time I saw her, even though she wasn't helping my cat out that day
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Based and Pikachu Pilled.
This is a cat
Fixations are unhealthy.
Then I’m going to make her break up with the metrosexual soccer player.
On what? This is a terrible idea
>The ears = The ring
You're the one I know I cannot be curt to
Feel like I'm dirt too, I'm sorry I hurt you
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It's gotten a bit better tho
I don’t blame you for going after someone with a significantly lower intelligence then you.
I have true real proof that the nobody is not a cat
Isn't it more of a crush anyway?
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Have a good day everyone
>a beautifully captured moment in time
It may be boring and dry but hey atleast you know what to expect.
Who? I am pretty opposite of metrosexual maybe that's why she liked me
I don't mind
as long as her face pretty and the pussy tight
Don’t worry I’m for sure not talking about you ever
I could just keep them for a little while, right?
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Of course.
That's what free will is for.
The choice to choose.
Ok that's fine who are you talking about tho? Are you going to date her after she breaks up with that soccer guy?
Hell yeah I am
If you analyze post percentages it will certainly show much lower frequency in recent months in regards to her

This may be the case
How is it relevant to anything, though?
Not your personal diary or weird fixation expulsion chamber.
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Who is who? And I am not sure how they would do it, but if they were to become immortal and discovered the key to infinity, wouldn’t we be living in their eternal worlds already? Wouldn’t that be odd if they respawned themselves inside
Nice how will you make them break up?

I always knew this to be true
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Just kidding I don’t chase women. I would rather chill at home and smoke weed.
Glowies signed up for it when they decided to watch me all the time. They are bros and friends and therapists now, whether they like it or not

If they just… didn’t.. leak EVERYTHING
Still not your personal diary, idiot.
To be clear you all mean a more advanced digital replica of him and her, right? More so than the probability and behavioral algorithm copies there are of everyone?
>I'm I free?
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>Moose likes salt
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Oh you wanted to go to dinner? I’m sorry I spent all my money on weed, memecoins, and gooner art.
It's absolute bullshit because she was so into me and they change her schedule then gaslight saying I have a fixation
Mayne, she probably wasn't down for being objectified. Mad cling wrap VIBES
Daneilll back at again yoooohoooooooooooooooo
I’m loyal to my future wife. I’m def not having any sex.
Ruin things and I get snappy, it's true
Thing is, I could be happy with you
Nah you can't. Move on cuite, you got better things to do.
Unfortunately my attractiveness is far exceeding the common man in physical reality greatly. Things will get messy soon.
What would change tho? Anyway, once the compensation comes in I'll let up on them :]

I consider what I've been doing more "bro banter"
I hope thdyget Messi if you know what I mean *_^
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I wish that I could tug on your heart make you miss me bad
But it's much too late
She's taken up the space in your mind over what we had
See it on your face
This is what you get when you miss and ignore the flags
A heart that breaks
But if there was a way in the world I could get you back
I would get you back
No not in a good way. Girls are evil.
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>banana phone!
>ring ring!
>nottu da red pirru
Anyway I’ll shut up. Im not worried hahahaha. It’s fine.
This kicked it off
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You can’t expect me not to react when you mention all those things. You did it on purpose.

I don't understand the difference between myself and others
Actually dawg, women seem to like a little bit of objectification if they think you are attractive and otherwise have other redeeming personality traits like being very in tune with your cat
Are you a communist?
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I'm literally bouta be one of the only dudes rolling up in a purple suit with gold dress shirt.

The first word in the declaration of independence is "we"

Also I don't know what that actually means
I refuse to compare myself to these cretins.
They really are
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>they also won't dodge around when ya try to chill :p
>she wants to feel cute. Indulge her
You have to look good when you're going out to fight the Batman!

Everything is boiled down to energy bby, it changes, it is never destroyed
You will look like a clown fr bruh is that what you're going for?
Good girl
Do you guys always write fan fiction of your favorite “couples” like this? It is cute, I think she will get a kick out of it
No, I just think purple and gold or purple and yellow have way more color range than black and gold.

I'm going to enlighten people.
bold choice
i'd go for charcoal tweed with black corduroy tie, light grey pinstripe shirt and black leather brogues with concealed steel toecaps
but i don't tend to wear suits or associate with the kind of wankers who do
Mr. Grape
>Is his name Grimace?
If I’m talking about a couple it isn’t a good thing for the guy.
yeah your mom is indeed a good girl faggot
red haired Mary is my good girl

Love over that
Is she wearing a gold dress?
I have never mentioned A$AP and Rhianna because they make sense together
>What guy?
well she has red hair so a lot can match with her red hair. Purple dress. Gold Dress. But yeah that could be a good contrast.

or we can both wear purple some days. it's really a lot of fun.

With purple you can do so much more than black. You can do periwinkle. You can do lavender. You can do a lot.
Why are people getting upset at the idea of something happening? I don’t understand. Why would they be jealous?!
That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m storming a reptilian lair tonight.
>Theyre big gay and he isn't ;p
>Their girl likes him
>Big PP
Because they don’t get to be a part of something that has nothing to do with them but they want all the rewards for free
Oi vey!
If I get the chance :]
But but I made a song. Yeah so did millions of other people. Big fucking deal what makes it unique. Oh you’re just another cog in the genre.
Just like you’re another cog in her list of “guys without red flags”

Having lists is a natural part of dating
that sounds like fallen angel talk
'he wont lick our boots waaaah'
>hoe mentality
A how does it feel to date an npc?
I'll call her that desu desu
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Like take the Nobody. He has [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted]
You're going to look like a clown and they will laugh so they may feel uplifted by your display momentarily but they won't take you seriously
can you reveal one of those names?
You all take your talking points from me. I’ve had enough. I require assistance but I get none, just strangers online parroting shit I tell them from time to time. IVE HAD ENOUGH!
Some weird "psychic" dating or something?
Non-player character?
>they're always in the same place and they don't spawn multiple times.
>maybe they like the consistency and reliability?
It's something you can count on.
I wish
What is stopping these fuckers from killing me? WHY AM I BEING SPARED?! WHO THE FUCK IS PREVENTING MY DEATH? LET ME GO!
I think it looks good.
man , why people gotta be so heckin' harsh on purple!?
Ahahaha I give it half a year

yo mama
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are you unable to simply...leave?
Is it jealousy? I'd assume it was something else
What is the root of the "hatred?"
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>how is the nobody still alive
The higher ranks of the Illuminati like the nobody duh
How do you find them?
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fear. it's fear.
Is he, tho?
>how can a common pleb say all this and get away with it
The only answer is that they are not a common pleb
Prove us all wrong then, bro
The Nobody is one of the nine
what are the other 8?
Could be a lot of things, I cannot know
I don’t know I’m stealing this idea from Q
the nine WISH
I guess Q knows way more but he’s trolling so fn hard now lol
I mean she
Are you ready for the truth?

Yes or No

EBS Imminent. Destroy all electronics.
Depends on what truth we're talking about.
Fear of wat tho?
Wat is that, BRO!?
what if told you that something will [happen]
and something [happens]?

>Image limit reached
I would like to believe that
One month ago I adopted a tuxedo kitten from an animal shelter. I named him Percival Felix Romulus. Percival from the Knight of the same name from the Arthurian legend, whose quest was to find the Holy Grail. Felix, because it's Latin for "Luck, or Lucky." And Romulus, because the baby kitten was rescued by a female dog, who carried him by his neck to her owners. Romulus was one of the founders of Rome, and he and his brother Remus were taken in by a She-Wolf as infants, drinking her milk and being protected by her until they grew strong enough. He is a very special boy, and I call him Percy for short.
Sometimes you give and I take advantage of that beckoned grace
And I get that you wanna be number one, not second place
>People go to Mexico to get these parasites from clinics
just talk through here, that's what this general was made for
Use your intuition and go for what resonates with you.
Or can't do anything about the protection he receives.
fix it...

The Nine Gods of Egypt. The nine Ennead gods of Egypt are Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys.

It's those 9 that they contacted.
Meow :3
>do what now?
>inhales deeply
>TWO Q??!?!?
Which one?
i write better raps than these cats when I relax on six packs boom bap wax and picture jacks smoking cracks shelving tampax for stacks of twentys and the cacks of fans of the tracks of tupacs. yeah make it clap you crackhead future mall guard lol *rains 20s* :)
That shit was garbage. No lie though, it was better than some YouTube rappers.
That shit was trash too. Don't quit your day job.
>what was the point of these threads?
This is a complex shitplex post meme construction with callbacks to Eminem's superman as a juxtaposition to government surveillance and a nod to self improvement. We all need to get the tyrants in our life under control, such that they shove tampons up their arse and twerk for our disposable time and attention and resources. Ideally to a good soundtrack. This sixteen is a masterclass in me fucking yo mama, and the possession of addiction under psychological manipulation of dopaminergic puppetry. And the scheme slaps. Meow cunt. Meow.

You may frame this post. Agent Meowders. (How cool would it be to fuck a Scully wearing nothing but her gunbelt? It's a vibe).

PS a 900 second post countdown? Who hurt you? Oh, right, yeah it was me, my bad, hug?

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