So much for being all knowing eh
Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in deed and in truth.
>>39581504Shit makes no sense and no religious fag has a good argument for it. They just dance around bullshit.
>>39581504wait wait i seen this one before
Shut up pussy>capcha: pwyshs
the human did not know
>>39581549OP and many other people clearly have never read the Bible, please before it's to late. Just try it, what do you have to lose friend.
>>39581504The world was created perfect and satan fucked it up.
>>39581774Why do people always tend to get bored of nice things and not appreciate them anymore? Maybe Satan is needed so people could appreciate it when things are good.
>>39581774>so perfect, it can be easily corrupted by one (1) angel
>make the world perfect>stagnates>remake it a few times to see what causes the most growth>suffering does>let it go for a while>sleep>everyone turns into screaming liberals
>>39581642I have read it you dumbfuck. I grew up Christian asked too many questions and thought for myself by 11. Apparently you're still too stupid to do this.
>>39581504The eternal struggle. A perfect world would be boring.
>>39581504>I deliberately had Children and they did not like the stuff I like and now I am perplexed at this contradiction. What the hell?Retarded argument.
Do Atheists actually think that God is supposed to be some bearded old man sitting on a cloud?
>>39582073Man and his stories.
>>39582112That’s what Christians believe
>>39582052Lmao braindead cultist fuckboy
>>39581504No, God loves us. He gave us free will to choose so we can authentically choose his will.
>>39581642neither you>>39581504>implying Yhwh created the universeThat was Elohim. Yhwh built Eden.
>>39581504See, people tend to think God as some kind of wise old man who cares if people touch their pee pee or not when really he's more like a cosmic jester creating entertaining stories that he can act out under false amnesia subjective representation of himselfor maybe he really does care if you touch your pee pee or not, I dunno
>>39582388Cant choose old YHVHs will if you cant discern it.
>>39582781As usual the profane abrahamist goes from >ook ook god loveto>OOOK OOOK U BURN Be wary of making such claims
>>39581504Corrupted by man's opinions>Sky Daddy
>>39582399Everyday and every night you know nothing because you comprehend not the life
>>39582052Your Holey Bible is not Holy nor is it the Word of God. It was compiled by Bishop Eusibus, who tossed any religious book that he disagreed with or didn't want and he came close to tossing Revelation. Then the upstartProtestants decided to edit "God's Word" again and created their own version without the Apocrypha and other books. I am sooo bored with the Christcucks baseless "Step-on-a-Crack, Break your Mother's Back!" tier threats, and they just earned you your E-Ticket to the Blue Buddhist Avicii Freezing Hells. Of course, you believe in the Buddhist Hell just as much as I believe in your Christcuck Hell, as in not at all! FO!
>>39581504No human has ever made something, lost control of it, and regretted ever having made it.
>>39582784The KJV is a government-sponsored creation. It has some beautiful language, but it should be taken with a large tablespoon of salt. Who gave a damned rich king the authority to commission a Bible besides himself? Who gave Bishop Eusibus the authority to decide what was included and rejected in the orthodox Catholic Bible? Who gave Trump, the $billionaire greedhead, the authority to add two new holy books, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to his Bible? Even old Thomas Jefferson "edited" the Bible. Jesus didn't like rich people at all, so why are they so determined to write their own Bibles? Is Jesus an American now?
>>39582916Sorry, that's untrue and many inventors did. For instance, Guillotin regretted his guillotine and Nobel regretted inventing Dynamite.
>>39583024>r/woosh + r/foundthemobileuser + r/lostredditors
>>39582073A perfect world by definition would not be boring.That would make it imperfect.Retard
Abrahamic jew religions are so cringeLiterally the deification of human narcissism
God came to me in a dream, dipshits
>>39583774said every schizophrenic nigger arab for the past 2000 years LOL youre not special buddy
>>39583791he even told me some faggot anon would say those exact words
>>39583823>I proclaim thee must argue about me on 4chan or you will go to HELL!!!
>>39583843challenge: point out where I argued with you
>>39583823Alright let's test this, I know exactly what I'm gonna say after you reply to this, so what am I gonna say?
>>39583857I woke up right after sorry
>>39583864Bruh wtf I was tryin to help, but you woke up during a MESSAGE FROM GOD? How can you prove anything now? Oh man I really was trusting you.
>>39583871>I was really trusting youLooked more like you were testing me. I'm no fool, young man.
>>39583871The demiurge is imperfect and so are his servants, don't worry too much about it anon
>>39583876Alright. I'll give ya that, I was testing you. I'm sorry I tried to play you a fool. I mean that. What was your dream? Can you deliver your message to me? And I'll take it for exactly what It is. I can't tell if your trolling or not.
>>39582040>I grew up Christian asked too many questions and thought for myself by 11.Same story here around same age as well, refound my faith 8 years later through my own reading of early church scholars. I recommend you try the same
>>39583884Well it was after fasting for 30 days the clouds parted on my command and he told me that I don't have to die. I could also make it rain in command and made it stop on command. It was really cool. Basically I'm not going to die in this life from whatever is coming. He did assure me disaster was coming but nothing will happen to me. This was in 2016. I still felt his presence when I woke up for the 6 more months.
>>39583917So... was it a dream or real life? At what point did you go to sleep? After the 30 day fast?
>>39583925after 30 days I went to sleep and when I woke up I had extra sensory perception and could make it rain and stop on command. women were attracted to me like crazy but I didn't want to lose my power. I did end up losing it though because I chose a life of drugs and women.
>>39583941What was your power? What did God say to you? Why would you through away a power like that?
>>39583949He basically told me I'm not going to die. And to be humble. And I didn't consciously throw it away. I just gave into the temptations of lust and pleasure like we all do. losing it was just a side effect. I imagine we're all born with this power and throw it away similarly.
>>39583968Gotcha.I still just can't wrap my head around 2 things, you may be right about how we are born with the power, but it sounds like you got it from a dream. So did you technically lose it twice? The other thing I can't wrap my head around, how did you control the weather? Like how did you physically do it? And did you ever show anyone?
>>39581504Assuming that kind of God entity, like an elevated dude scaled up in power we can relate to because we were made in his image or what-have-you, probably doesn't take it seriously. He is "mad" like someone playing a video game is "mad". And not like the toxic troglodytes that actually rage at video games, he is probably enjoying creation or at least appreciating it from an elevated and removed point of view. The existence of the creation being preferable to the absence of it is all that is required to justify it. It could even be a dice roll that is worth rolling. You would get up to some weird shit too if you had eternity to create whatever you wanted. I don't think that's the case btw, but I think the steel man holds up to the original suggestion being kinda dumb and petty.
>>39583993I don't know the mechanics for how I got it. God may have chose me for something at that time. I would tell the rain to start and it would. Tell it to stop and it would. It was as if I felt one with the weather. It was like I KNEW I was in control of the weather. Hard to explain. Really though it didn't last long because like I said women were attracted to me like crazy and it was like losing my power when I gave into lust.
>>39584038Huh man, I don't know much but you changed my mind about you. I thought you were a complete lamp, but u keep saying the same story without changing it, and no matter how I asked questions you had fairly believable answers. If your being 100 percent truthful, u better try and get back in touch with whatever it was.
>>39584060Larp not lamp lmfao.
>>39584060I do a lot of trolling but you were sincere in your asking so I've been truthful with you. I do want to tap back into what that was I've been thinking about it a lot.
>>39581898You're describing a teenager playing The Sims. Which is effective what God is doing to us. Some Sims, he just puts in the pool and deletes the ladder to laugh, or see what happens.
>>39582781Lmao seething braindead cultist with torture fetish
>>39585243You're not going to Heaven, you know this well
>>39584127Humans cannot and will not conceive the will Of God, to do so otherwise is foolish.
>>39581504hahaha You are mad because you think the world should revolve around you, but it revolves around God and His will. You are frustrated because you lack power and you have to live with other people and stuff. What I mean is that you have no control over your life. God can do what He wants. The world is His playground or garden or whatever. We are His animals or whatever. You hate God, but yet God allows you to live. Why? I know the why you believe in. You think it's because god wants to torture you. lol Get a grip, dude. You think God wants to torture you? Don't you have better things to do than spread hate towards God on the internets? Go study some music or some other hobby. Sometimes we just have to occupy our mind with sometimes that will make us grow. Music is a good thing or maybe sports or martial arts whatever. Go do something with your life instead of be here complaining about God and the live He gave you. You are annoying. Stop being annoying. Be glad. Go play video games and wathc tv.
>>39585243>"dude god is so forgiving and love everyone and you also have to love everyone because everything is perfect dude omg!!">"FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU BURN SUFFER FOREVER"Not seeing some very Christian material here. And if you take christianity literally you are quite retarded. Humans aren't good at interpreting God, so anything another human tells you about God you should heavily doubt. Sin, heaven, hell is not what man wrote in a book, and if you think that, you are instead praying towards mans creation. Ironically, you end up turning yourself into the god, because the experience of man is the only form that we can possibly understand reality to exist in. You created this heaven and hell only for yourself. God is created in the image of each singular man that manifests him, and you go and pick possibly the worst.
>>39581504Are you forgiven of the original sin that was a parable and didnt real?
>>39585783This is funny because this is literally what many of you gnostic people believe. Funny stuff. Praise God. God gave us a sense of humor so we can make jokes and laugh. Laughter makes us healthier. If God is evil why would He make us able to laugh? If I was evil and a creator and I wanted to torture people or creatures I would not make them be able to laugh. Why would God allow us to mock Him if He is evil? If I was evil I would kill those who mock me, especially if I was an evil god and creator. Why isn't God killing for pleasure? If God is a sadistic being why is not He killing everyone right now? He could make us imortals so we would never die, but He would still get to torture us non stop. Why He doesn't do that? If God is evil why does He allow me to play guitar and study music which is something that brings great joy.I tell you, because God is not evil. Praise God. You praise kek, but you won't praise God. You praise the meme of chaos, but you don't praise He Who did bring Order to the Chaos.
>>39585983You can literally answer all of that by saying there isn't a god or at least there isn't one that gives a shit about us and we are just the accidental creation of a big cosmic fart they had or something. Doesn't matter anyway. There's no heaven coming for any of us
>>39585983Your God, is no more than words in paper
>I debate lorded god that means I wonyou guys need to do more drugs
>>39581504You see, you are only justifying Him. He created you to act like this against Him. No wonder He is angry and will send you to hell.
>>39585983>you gnostic peopleWhy do you assume the anon who wrote that post is a gnostic?
>>39582784Maybe if you weren't a retard, you would understand what I'm saying
>>39581504I always went with the theory that the creator of the universe is the God of the Old Testament (the demiurge) and the God we all pray to (or should be praying to) is actually the one in the New Testament which just happens to be from another realm of existence. What is your theory?
>>39582784I think what that anon said is retarded but this reply is somehow even ten times more retarded. The state of this board is depressing
>>39586707Trannies are finally getting evicted. Now Gnostics get to live free in the heads of Christcucks.
>>39585983At least kek (not even a real thing) doesn't mask his depravity and inconsistency as good and love and demand you tongue his ass for it.
>>39587426No you don't understand what I'm saying, but you eventually will.
God's promises do not manifestReligion is literally just cosmic narcissist abuseChristcultists are the most abusive hypocritical or retarded people imaginableFailed prophecies in the bibleWorshipping a kike
>>39585243Lmao this torture-obsessed psychotic lil nigga got touched by the priest as a kid and is venting those vengeful wrathful fumes
>>39587641Lmao bro is still writing his BDSM fanfictions because daddy hurt him
>>39587641>It's not that hard for me to decode something said by someone two standard deviations lower on the IQ curve than myself.I don't think it's possible to have a negative IQ bro
>>39581504What a Gnostic approach to hating the preordained elements of the Realms attached to this planet LOLBesides...The Archons created humanity...THEY PLAY WITH THEIR FOOD.
>>39581504God created everything perfectly, it is the absence of what He created & what He commanded which is what causes His wrathYou cannot have creation without the counterpart of absence of creation
>>39587680like how cold can only exist if heat also existssince cold is defined by the absence of heatGod brings glory to Himself logically
>>39587680CopiumYou don't have free will to fly in the skyBut god wants you to make excuses for him to be able to torture you lol
>>39587702If sin cannot be eradicated then how can heaven be perfect?
>>39587690lmao pussy
>>39587717God is going to create a new earth that’s even more sinful
>>39587477What a lie. If we don't let Jesus in he won't do anything. Jesus will respect our decision. It's not like he is gonna kick the door down and force his way in like a certain adversary would. When we reject God we are on our own. God doesn't need to do anything to us when we don't open the door. We are going to destroy ourselves in the due time if we do turn our face against Him from Whom Life flows because that is natural. God is life. We go far away from God we are going fair away from the source of life. This means we are going far away from that which brings life and its influence on us will be less and less and less until we are in deep darkness. God doesn't need to do anything. We are going to fall by ourselves. He doesn't need to make us fall. But He will be there to raise us up if we repent. Never doubt it.
>>39587717Read the book and find out man.
>>39585495>You are mad because you think the world should revolve around you, but it revolves around God and His will. You are frustrated because you lack power and you have to live with other people and stuff.Honestly this is just the truth about people who are mad at YHWH. They aren't genuinely curious about His nature or care to find out who He is from a genuine perspective. God knows their full intentions and closes Himself off to them because He knows their intentions are corrupt. Like they would not be saying this shit if they had the power and full agency over people's lives. It is ringing alarms to me that they are subconsciously deeply jealous of Him which is crazy to say out loud because the idea of a person being jealous of God is ridiculous but if man has one thing it is audacity. These people are jealous and they don't realize it.
I see many people bring up "Free will" but no one asks what "free will" actually means in the biblical definition. WOrldly definitions do not equate biblical definition because through time and culture changes the meaning has been lost even though they are words we 'think' we are familiar with.Many peoples think that free will means 'doing whatever you want' like picking out a bagel sandwich or a waffle to eat for breakfast. But thats not free will. When God gave us free will, it meant that the decision was to choose Him or not to choose Him. Because that's probably real love right. It wouldnt be real love if He didn't give us a choice to love Him. >>39588548>If we don't let Jesus in he won't do anything. Jesus will respect our decision.Ye, this is truth. God will respect our decision to not follow Him, even if it totally is the totally wrong one. Even if He knows it'll be the thing that causes our downfall. How much it hurts Him so. How much it pains Him to see His children cry even if it is at the behest of our own stupidity. For He is a sensitive all loving parent.
To the faggot that reported me for posting the polar bear eating the smaller polar bear, showcasing the disgusting brutality of what you think is "the L.O.R.D.'S. wonderful sunshine butterfly world with sprinkles on top", kill yourself. Reality doesn't love anyone number one because it's not conscious as a whole, just sections of it are and number two because torture can happen to anyone.Follow Buddha.
>>39588743God gave us free will so we could have the grace to assent to the inevitable. They often ask why evil is allowed to occur without realizing that it's just another tool to turn people back to God.
>>39588650>God knows their full intentions and closes Himself off to them because He knows their intentions are corrupt.If your God is omniscient then he would already know who he would send to hell and would in fact be creating them for the express purpose of torturing them in hellfire for eternity. Thus lying to us (another thing that your God apparently cannot do) about us having free willorHe doesn't actually know who will reject him or not meaning he isn't omniscient and therefore isn't actually God.Which one Christcuck?
>>39581504What are you going to do about it?
>>39588756You're stupid too, not as stupid as these Christcucks, but still not seeing the whole picture
>>39581557Me too
>>39586004You can answer any question with anything. This doesn't mean your answer is correct. And it doesn't matter to you. To me it matters how I was created and how I came to exist and how everything works. >>39586074My God is so much more than words in paper. You are not me. You are not experiencing what I'm experiencing so you don't get to say that my God is no more than words in paper. Who are you? You don't get to dictate what is true or what is not true in my life, you do that with yours. God has proven Himself to me time and time again. If you don't have a personal relationship with God or if you worship another God then that is of your concern. My God is much more than words in paper. God transcends everything. His Words is alive. I'm alive. His word makes me alive. God sustains me. He gave the world to me. I have dominion over nature. We all have. You don't get to tell me that God is no more than just words in paper. Reading this hurts my brain and soul.>>39587085God is not demanding you to tongue his ass. The fact that you think this says more about you than you imagine. God bless you, man. Take care.
>>39588650>Creates you this way>Gets angryLol you're just proving the Op right Also why would I trust the Jew entity that fathered Lucifer lol
>>39588560You don't have an answer so you pretend you do lmaoThere nothing about this in the contradictory shitheap you call the bible
>>39589600Deranged cultist
>>39582388>God love us muh free will>Creates horrible diseases without a cure like ass cancer,just because he loves you.Abrahamic fags truly have Stockholm syndrome lol
>>39585495>He has no idea about how he is his own God,how he can alter his reality to follow his own will>Instead he let's a Jewish demon take control of his live because some old ass book says soYou're a hylic and pathetic and a dumb nigger for giving your spiritual energy to YHVH instead of using it for your own benefit
>>39582112yes, athiests are like small, stupid children. they latch on to the first thing they think of and never accept anything else.>>39589645>he doesn't know about medicine>he doesn't know about math>he doesn't know about pollutionyou truly are a retard, you know that? If only you and your ancestors had applied themselves instead of being drooling retards, you could have cured many kinds of cancer by now.You could have pressured companies and the government into not fucking up the air, the seas, the land, the food... but no, you had to be stupid. Cancer is YOUR fault. Genetic diseases? Your fault - should have bred better! Loser.
>>39589645Notice how every time someone argues that suffering exists, is bad, and shouldn't exist theists will jump to suffering's defense and say suffering is part of god's plan, it is therefore good, and should exist but oh wait doctors should still give medicine because that's part of god's plan too. Like no retard it was part of the DOCTOR'S plan and it was to fight something inherent in reality that is BAD and SHOULDN'T exist.Buddhism is superior, especially Vajrayana where they attain the rainbow body sometimes. You should also all know the name of Amitabha. Just hearing that specific Buddha's name helps you reach enlightenment quicker.
>>39589733Member when christians used to kill anyone that made any cientific or medical research/advancement because it was considered witchcraft and heresy? Yeah I member,your kike fairy tale has kept humanity behind and it's a literal cancer for humanity >Inb4 muh popes and religion people did some scientific discoveries!!That won't change the fact that abrahamic religions are CRAP
>>39589808Yes i have noticed that,they always cope with "muh suffering is necessary to grow and learn, things cannot be all good" it's literally always the same cope
>>39589808Suffering is all part of the storyHave fun reaching enlightenment dumb dumb and coming straight back here after realize how stupid you are
>>39589823Don't you get it? No good story exists without some sort of conflict
>>39589733taking credit for things religion tried to fight againstdemiurge hylic lmao
>>39589857The story is not good enough to justify the aimlessly distributed vast quantities of misery involved in sustaining it. The proportion is all out of whack. Maybe there could be a world whose story is worth the suffering, but this one isn't it.
>>39589870>you don't get it>your stepdad had to beat and rape you!>god wouldn't get his jollies otherwise
>>39589857I won't be coming back here from Sukhavati unless I reach Buddhahood there first and am unable to suffer ever again, including from bullshit here, and it will only be to help deluded beings stuck in samsara (like myself currently). I honestly don't know why I would do that, though, instead of pursuing ever higher states of meditative bliss.
>>39589888ahhhtrips of 8sYou're stuck here forever you know that? And the best part is that you really want to be here. We all do.
>>39589899One day you'll wake up from this long dream only to remember who you really are and why you chose to forget
>>39582073Well, what would be wrong with make a sort of simulated world where no one has souls and only a few untouchable players have souls and we have our fun in it?
>>39589902If I chose to forget, then, whether or not I somehow had a good reason, bad things are still bad.
>>39582073demiurge worshipper trying to justify abusethese are not the works of a loving godkys
>>39589924If eternal bliss was so great, you wouldn't have made this shithole hahadumbass haha
>>39589943Eternal bliss is by definition "so great." That's the meaning of the word. I don't know how this world happened, but, however it happened, its existence is not currently justified.
>>39589613It's incredibly how something as simple as read the book will be taken as an attack. If you read it you would have your answer, You'd also have the answer to every question you've ever looked at on this board. Take the Christ pill while you still can. Darkness cannot comprehend the light so you probably will just laugh this off. Good luck
>Eternal bliss is by definition "so great." That's the meaning of the word.go experience it then, you'll be right back here in no time>I don't know how this world happened, but, however it happened, its existence is not currently justified.Justified? That implies the existence of good and evil. Man, wait until you discover how those funny little ideas came about. Can you guess?
>>39589616Ad hominem. At this point you don't have arguments so you must resort to name calling, whatever.
>>39589975Ad hominem more like Chad Hominem, get back in the cube that you love so much Christcuck
God: >creates beings with free willNOOO WHY WOULD U DO THAT YOURE LITERALLY CREATING EVIL NOOGod: makes perfect beings who cannot sinNOOO THATS SLAVERY LUCIFER IS IN THE RIGHT HE BROKE FREEGod: >tells people they can do whatever they want but wont be allowed into his heavenly home if they dont want to follow his rulesNOOOO THATS LITERALLY AN INFINITE PUNISHMENT FOR A FINITE CRIME YOU ARELITERALLY HITLER!!!Is humanity retarded?
>>39589991you're forgetting the part where God is playing all those parts
>>39589645God doesn't created diseases. Diseases are the consequences of the decay after HUMAN BEINGS have sinned. You may argue that God is the one to blame, I'm not going into this discussions. But the fact is that God doesn't create diseases. But human beings. Like AIDS. Some say AIDS was manufactured by men or some other say it's because of bestiality, which is a sin by the way. Some years ago he had the Corona virus which also was manufactured. So human beings like to atribute to God things that they do. If I create diseases then this means God must also create diseases. But that's not the case. Cancer is something that grows inside us. What causes it? We know chemicals compounds can cause cancer and guess who put toxic waste in the water that we drink and earth where the plants grow? We, human beings. God doesn't polute the earth, we Do. lol Like, your only "argument" is that God is evil because He gives us freedom to act. You blame God because we end up doing evil stuff WILLINGLY and you get mad at God for allowing us to have freedom to do what we want. Acts have consequences. You don't want to act in a rightous matter because that is difficulty. It is easier to just dumb the chemicals in the water instead of properly disposing of them. Human beings want the easy way, they don't want theright or propper way. You don't have the right to be mad at God because God doesn't have any blame. If God doesnt give us freedom then He would be a tyrant and then you would be right when you say God is an evil motherblank. But the fact that God gives us freedom is because He wants us to do the right thing! Do the right thing! Don't take the easy way, take the right way. I don't accept you trash talking God like that.
>>39589993No, he isn’t.
>>39590000But he is, he is the summation of everything.He is the good, the bad, the light, and the dark. The alpha and the omega. The you and I. And you're too immersed in your own little world to notice
>>39589997I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.Isaiah 45:7
>>39589991>God: >creates beings with free willBut if you exercise free will I will torture you forever ehehe>God: makes perfect beings who cannot sinHe would never do this because his main goal is to torture people and loosh farm>God: >tells people they can do whatever they want but wont be allowed into his heavenly home if they dont want to follow his rulesCreates Satan to trick you. Gives him dominion over the earth. Creates human with a sin nature. Make sin pleasurable. Hides himself.>NOOO WHY ARE YOU FAILING MY UNREASONABLE DEMANDS EVEN THOUGH I GAVE YOU EVERY POSSIBLE DISADVANTAGE
>>39589677I'm pretty sure someone somewhere thinks similar of you because of something x you do or believe so I won't judge you. God bless, you. Peace.
>>39589902we didn't choose to forget our past lives, our memories were forcibly erased by a powerful electric shock administered by malevolent reptilian aliens. Here's a tip: DON'T GO INTO THE WHITE LIGHT TUNNEL WHEN YOU DIE. It will have apparitions of deceased relatives and religious figures waving you in. It's basically a fucking anglerfish.Must watch: Janeway vs Archon:>
>>39589955based. If god were omnipotent and omnibenevolent, he/she/it would have created infinite identities which experience infinite pleasure for infinite time. There would be no need for trees, human bodies, the cycle of reincarnation, math, what the fuck ever.
>>39590009>Make sin pleasurableSin is not pleasurable. The flesh is. When you sin you are not getting pleasure because you are sinning, you gain pleasure because of the fact that you are exercising you will and power over something. Let's say I rape a child. This sin will afflict my spirit and will damn my soul and I will also traumatize the child in many different layers. I will get pleasure from the flesh. Because I'm taking advantage os this innocent child to satisfy my lust. It's carnal. Sex is not evil. Sex is just sex. It becomes evil when you do something like what I just used as an example. You took advantage of an innocent child sexually. Everyone will suffer because of this. You may get a few seconds of pelasure because of the carnal stimulus and whatever, but after the fact when the fact comes to light you will end up in "prison" and you will suffer. So sin doesn't bring pleasure. It's just the flesh, the lust of it all. Eating food is not a sin, but if you eat too much then that's a sin. Having sex is not a sin, but if you rape a child that is a sin. I strongly disagree about sin being pleasurable. Sinning doesn't bring pleasure. Sin brings death and destruction and chaos. It's just happen that God is amazing and when we eat we can taste the food and it tastes good. And sex feels good. Everything that God does is fucking good. Women are beautiful. I see a beautiful women I praise God, but then we take to extremes. Because sex feels good we lose track of the one Who created we become addicted in that feeling. And then we become sex demons and you may wven end up raping a child. Who knows? That is another lesson God wants to teach us. Self control. We can enjoy so many things in life, but we must have self control and not overindulge. There's the right amount of high otherwise you overdose and die. Sin doesn't bring pleasure. Sin when you don't act how you should. Or when you don't do what is right. Not doing what is right makes us feel like shit.
>>39590046how very human of you to say
>>39590037As above so belowThis world is a psyop exploitation farm. Everything decieves, consumes and rapes each other. If the spiritual world was benevolent something should have helped us by now.
>>39583877Imperfect world calls for an imperfect god
>>39590049>ignores everything else and focuses on one thing that's debatableyou worship a deranged assholeliterally the father of lucifer and every fallen angeljew golem
>>39590055I took these clips from the Gaia show Truth Hunter. Linda Moulton Howe has done research on aliens for decades and Tim in the second clip has talked face to face with aliens countless times. He basically tells Linda that around our local multiverse is a sea of nightmares.Part 1:> 2:>
what's weird is that Christianity is a jewish creation made by jews for jews, but this lasted for 1 generation of jews. After that all the christian jews evaporated all of a sudden, no influx of new jews turning christians, and out of the blue they decided christianity was for the goiym by creating the dogma of universality and not requiring circumcision when they decided to expand westward, to greece and beyond.Goyim still enroll in Christianity spontaneously and they still wait for the jews to be back in the driver seat of this religion. It's kind of beautiful. Jews no longer need to micromanage the christian goyim; the goyim just never leave the framework of Christianity by themselves. Even better the goiym hysterically attack whoever critics Judaism , Christianity, all the Semitic religions. This is canine training at it's finest.
>>39590046>>39590050As a human I happen to like trees and math, and it's really weird to imagine pleasure independent of any experiential background. I just want a world where I can have a truly good human life and where all sentient beings can have truly good lives for their species without the kind of meaningles chronic suffering and entrapment that is allowed to go on in this world. It could easily be improved a thousandfold just by always providing a guarantee of rescue from situations of meaningless chronic suffering or a certain escape which is understood to be a certain escape, and by doing away with many diseases that do nothing but inflict pain and disability, especially illnesses that disable the mind, which pften prevents finding meaning at all.
>>39590117I'd like to see how long you'd last
>>39590120I suspect you're just kind of insane to be honest.
>>39590117>I just want a world where...all sentient beings can have...lives...without...sufferingSo you should become Buddhist, because this is not what christianity teaches, and we have evidence of Dzogchen practitioners attaining the rainbow body so we know they're doing something right.
>>39590127Yes I am
>>39590148I am about 60% Buddhist and 40% other mysterious undisclosed ingredients, hence the phrasing that comes naturally to me. I don't know too much about Dzogchen specifically though.
>>39590198yeah I'm some percent UFO related spiritual beliefs but overall I revere the rainbow body as the pinnacle of human achievement (emphasis on human. If Jesus and biblical figures who ascended were alien in whole or in part they don't really count, plus who can assume we can do what they did when we're not part of their family?)
>>39590056I think at least dracula/vampires might be semi-intentionally an uncanny valley analogue of Jesus, a near enemy rather than a far enemy.
>>39590073retard, YOU are the jew golem if anything.>>39590148Christianity believes in the end of the world, you faggots (unbelievers, defilers, whom never accepted Christ) shall be thrown to a pit of lava with satan, and we Christians we shall live in a new Jerusalem, and the world shall be made anew, No pain No suffering. fuck you, buddhist kike. You know NOTHING and you speak half-truth and lies for you are a snake.
>>39590009>but he torture: you for eternity Verse please?“he would never do this”mary.archangels.jesus.“creates satan to trick you”No. he created satan and satan tricked you.cope faggot
>>39590273>>39590414Jew worshipper calls other people golem lolTop hylicHe loves you so much he created hell to torture most of humanity lol. As if suffering on earth isn't enoughHe created Lucifer to trick humanity yep. Why should I trust the father of the devil and every fallen angel
>>39585783>don't throw yourself out of the balcony, gravity will kill you>does it anyway and suffers consequences>NOOO GOD IS UNFAIR !!!
>>39590503>god creates balconies>god creates consequences>"HAHA LOOK YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF!"Just throw me into the lake of fire already, thanks. I didn't choose to be a part of your retarded theatre play
>>39590503Who put you in that balconyWho created gravityWho arranged that entire situation moisheStockholm syndrome lmao this idiot got gaslighted by a cosmic narcissist and fell for it
>>39589967I've read your Jew nonsense retardPost the verse or shut up and admit defeat
>>39582040Same thing for me fucktard but if you did any level of introspection youd realize that shits gotten warped by a lot and by the time your sorry ass parents did the deed they had already been bombarded by a system thats keep the bullshit going for hundreds of years, while certain truths are still clearly fucking evident, it doesnt mean the distractions and conflicts dont take the bulk of your sorry ass attention span. Plus you understand we live tops 100? Maybe if lucky, and in case you havent noticed every 60 to 80 years w.e fucking forces are at work here start convincing the dumbfuck monkeys to destroy relics of the last generation, now cuz your honestly fucking dumb, youll be like "fuck the relics" but you miss the point, these relics symbolize not just the last generations views and beliefs but also happen to be reminders of lessons we learned as a collective. But because what ever forces play king here convinced you fucks to be so fucking easily emotionally enraged at shit we got rid of em. And if youd had half a brain you would understand, that two more generations down the line, these lessons wont be there at all and instead theyll be warped and distorted.Somehow that fucking book you dismiss, the bible, and others the fucktards on this site call "sand nigger lore" or w.e the fuck all have a bunch of fucking overlaping themes, the main one being that a being refered to as GOD fucking exists. And without getting into the whole amnesia plaguing our fucking species cuz yall act like fucking snowflakes, you expect that some God isnt involved when shit like scripture is still around after 100s if not thousands of years, meanwhile relics and monuments have come and gone, some built out of fucking stone, and yet these scriptures made out of paper somehow fucking survived? Get real man, stop hating the messangers and fucking study the messages and come to your own conclusions as wheter or not to gamble on gods existence and wheter or not he bestowed
>>39582040Bestowed you with a fucking soul and had enough faith on you that you wouldnt end up a complete piece of shit like one of his angels that sought to supplant the very being that made the fucker. But w.e idgaf Yall are gonna keep doing what yall keep doing and eventually we might realize we didnt have to do half the fucked up shit we did cuz this god forgave us anyways and w.e fucked up shit we did this god is doing his works to turn it into something good But who knows and who cares Only got a few decades left of life till we all inevitable die and hopefully the next generations learn from our mistakes if we dont kill them on our way out first because god forbid we let a generation prove the last one wrong and allow them to fix all the fucked up shit we did and ignored all for fucking money
>>39590576>A lot of people believe it so it just be trueIt endured this long because it's a system of control you brainlet. You midwits just lap it up so they kept using itThe Roman empire killed christians then stole and appropriated it so that they can be more Jewish.
>>39590595Why are trusting this dumb book full of contradictions and failed propheciesJew god isn't even the most powerful god in his own bibleHe got thwarted by chemosh lol
>>39582896all is nothing. yes
>>39590007This is what this version says. There are other versions and you can always go look yourself the original in hebrew. You think evil is coming from God and this verse out of context proves it, but you are mistaken. Go read the original in hebrew. Get some sort of concordance and see for yourself.
>>39590073Yes. That's right. God crated Lucifer and the fallen angels. But they were perfect when God created them, just like we were perfect when God created us. You may disagree with me about God's character, but you are absolutely right about He being the creator of all the so called "gods".
>>39590517But how would you decide to live or to no live in this earth and accepting to play a role in this "theater" if you don't exist to begin with? If you don't exist how can you decide that you want to exist or you don't want to exist? See what I mean? You can't use that against God. You can't, you can do whatever is at your power, even if it's not the moral thing to do, but it lacks logic. If you don't exist you don't have a saying in anything because you don't exist. How can you have a saying in anything? The fact that we don't ask to be born makes perfect logical sense. Nobody gets to chose to be born. We just are. In this sense this is amazing because life generates life. The most intriguing question is how God was born?
>>39591249God is a purely sensory being in my canon. He's so utterly infinite we cannot even begin to perceive of it. He's both equally all evil and all good and also us at the same time. There is no reason to think about God because God is existence itself, he's not going to punish you because he is you. Only a finite god could even be capable of punishing or morality.
>muh jewish religion Lmao >If you don't worship jews you're jewish Lmao my ass out Turns out, someone is PAYING to have a Christian Al here on 4chan, and barely any human pressence remains, most of which are in into it anyway. But if you wanna know: No such thing as abrahamic religion being real in any sensible way.The world wasnt made 6000 years ago, you say, and the Christian argues that it's a metaphor, several problems with this: 8f it's a metaphor, Jesus isn't who he claimed, because the genealogy is fake, further, if original sin is a metaphor like they argue for, Jesus died over a literary device, and for no sin.See the absurdity?
>>39591340But if you really want to know: the rich and church think a certain individual was to end them, so they did everything in their power to torture him, including hiring black mages and bullies and paying everyone off.Fast forward, the guy has a certain spiritual endgame achievement, and he mistakes it for gnosticism, in reality he had reached APOTHEOSIS.SO, now we have a God walking the earth, and retards attacking gnosticism that never was.
>>39591353This has gone on for 45 years.First they thought it was Christian religion.Then they thought it was druidry.Then they thought it was Christian gnosticism.Then Cainite Gnosticism.It was neither.If you trust such people who cant tell their faces from their ass, I take no responsibility for your wellbeing.COVID was me.Rest assured I will strike again.Self fullfilling prophecy, I ended the world because you wouldn't leave me alone.
>>39591399We are Ye ServantsWe are Ye Men!
>>39581504Ayyyy lmao.Also>all loving>doesn't attempt Prosletyzing until well into the 1st centuryLogic exclusive religion. Jesus as Sol Invictus is far more based
>>39581549What are temptations
>>39582040Before going to Catholic school at 7 I had the idea that the meaning of life is to discover or create meaning and it filled me with happiness. The slave golem religion burnt that out of my mind for 17 years after. Peak mind control
>>39582073But it should be your choice retard
>>39585983It's funny esoteric Christianity still can't address the childish paradox in the aforementioned post
>>39585983Also it is evil. A king lights incense in the First Temple to worship Yahweh and is struck down with leprosy for not having a priest do it. Literally sadistic or autism
>>39589600He tells you to forsake your family if they don't follow your cult. The church nullifies it epistemology and need for proselytizing with the virtuous pagan doctrine. Paul shot himself in the foot and exposed it as grift
>>39589997God allowed for the possibility post decay knowing it as a plausible outcome of Adam's pernicious failure
>>39591218I was really hoping you'd say that, but I was hoping even more that you would have been willing to go to the trouble of doing it yourself, because in fact the word translated "disaster" there is likely even more accurately translated as just plain "bad" or "evil." See picrel, and also note that in the dead sea scroll version of the text, the word translated there as "prosperity" is instead just "good" making the proper parallelism "bad" or "evil" more obvious.
>>39591234Perfect beings don't fail retard
>>39581504Be magical jew.Cannot foresee palis arriving by paraglider to fuck and shoot your nigger judens in the head.>chosen peopleChosen to be the punchline to jokes?
>>39581549> Create Man with free will> Give them the option to choose right or wrong> Man faces consequences for actions> Create a plan to save them anyway> SucceedsSeems pretty Godlike to me.
>>39582189No Christian in their right mind actually believes God is a bearded old man who's mad at everyone.
>>39592721but why do any of these ?? Why would he need to make a plan if he knows everything? The reason abrahamic god is such a retarded concept is because it is literally a god made in the image of man. We cannot conceptualize concepts greater than ourselves so we create a limited god with the limited beliefs of humans and say he's infinite and eternal, and it's actually all the other way around. Fucking retard, wake up
>>39591234>God crated Lucifer and the fallen angelsSo he's either incompetent or malignantGotcha>>39592721Free will doesn't exist according to your kike loreRomans 9 11-23God creates you for his purpose. Then gets mad at you. That's literally what the bible teaches lol
>>39592721>Man faces consequences for actionsYou christfags always conveniently forget that human choice is not the only cause of suffering. You can be born without skin, or die from disease, natural disaster, or accident.>>39581774Assuming that there is a satan, why would god be mogged by them, even for one moment?
>>39593263He's not mogged by Satan, God even makes bets with him canonically, right? My theory is that they're both just fucking around and betting and shit. Just as man was created in God's image, man's desire to fuck around is probably present in him as well, entertaining himself
>>39591218Yes. God can bring pain to people and torment. God can make the earth shake or fire come down from the sky and scorch the earth and its creatures. God has power over creation in the same way I have power of my aquarium. I can turn of the power off and all the fish there will die in the due time. I may take the fish with my own hands and kill it if I want. God can do the same to us. Don't doubt it. At this point I feel like there are nuances here that should be pointed out. If you do something with displeases God and God brings destruction upon you I can see the person who is being the target of God's wrath arguing that God is evil. How do you call someone who brings destruction upon you? A friend? I'm pretty sure you are going to call him evil or something of that nature. God brings prosperity and God brings non prosperity, sterility. God is making very clear that He has the Power. But you won't see God teaching human beings to do evil actions nor promoting those kind of actions. In fact God is always pointing out how we must act in tune with His will in order to have harmony and peace. God never wanted us to kill each other and rape and lie and all that evil stuff. God is not the one who originated those things. All those things were originated by not doing what God wants or intented. Satan corrupted himself. God did not corrupt him. God created him so beautiful and consacrated him and gave glory to him and hat went to his head. We all must learn how to deal with the power with God invests in us. God is not the one who created evil. God will bring evil upon you. Don't doubt it. That bible verse makes it perfectly clear that he has the power to make you prosper or fail. God is a fair judge. God doesn't accept bribery. God was not the creator of corruption. God was not the one who said I will corrupt this angel and make him do evil stuff for the lolz This is dumb. God is good. Don't get it twisted. Got is not Satan. This kind of evilisnotcoming from God.
>>39591833Yes. God can bring pain to people and torment. God can make the earth shake or fire come down from the sky and scorch the earth and its creatures. God has power over creation in the same way I have power of my aquarium. I can turn of the power off and all the fish there will die in the due time. I may take the fish with my own hands and kill it if I want. God can do the same to us. Don't doubt it. At this point I feel like there are nuances here that should be pointed out. If you do something with displeases God and God brings destruction upon you I can see the person who is being the target of God's wrath arguing that God is evil. How do you call someone who brings destruction upon you? A friend? I'm pretty sure you are going to call him evil or something of that nature. God brings prosperity and God brings non prosperity, sterility. God is making very clear that He has the Power. But you won't see God teaching human beings to do evil actions nor promoting those kind of actions. In fact God is always pointing out how we must act in tune with His will in order to have harmony and peace. God never wanted us to kill each other and rape and lie and all that evil stuff. God is not the one who originated those things. All those things were originated by not doing what God wants or intented. Satan corrupted himself. God did not corrupt him. God created him so beautiful and consacrated him and gave glory to him and hat went to his head. We all must learn how to deal with the power with God invests in us. God is not the one who created evil. God will bring evil upon you. Don't doubt it. That bible verse makes it perfectly clear that he has the power to make you prosper or fail. God is a fair judge. God doesn't accept bribery. God was not the creator of corruption. God was not the one who said I will corrupt this angel and make him do evil stuff for the lolz This is dumb. God is good. Don't get it twisted. Got is not Satan. This kind of evilisnotcoming from God.
>>39589985God bless you, anon. May He protect you from all the evil and influence of the wicked one. May he bless you with good health and good vibrations. Have a blessed day. I don't wish evil upon you. I wish you all the very best and most of all peace. Hate is not the answer. We must learn how to live with our differences because in the end of the day I know everyone where wants to be a happy and full filing existence. You are my brother. Our struggle is against spiritual entities in high places. They are the ones influencing us to kill each other. inside me and inside you lies the same organs. We are part of the same species, we are human beings. I pray that God open your eyes and you also can see that I'm not your enemy and who the true enemy is. Again, peace.
>>39592786>So he's either incompetent or malignantWhy? Because He didn't created robots? Because he gives us the ability to reason and think and meditate and question things? Even Himself? If God wanted He could have created the perfect world where nothing bad happens, but then we would not have this that we have, freedom. I would only be able to do what God programmed me to do. I would not be able to go against my programming. That's the beauty you can't understand. You are not a robot, but you wish you were. People here joke about NPCS, but that's exactly what you wanted to be. But because God made you a human being or better yet, God gave you freedom you see that as a flaw because now you can go against His will and mock Him and say He is stupid an He is dumb and not competend lol It isn't amaze how this makes you think God is incompetent, but to me this makes me think God is so fucking good (because I'm not a robot)!? Why God giving people freedom is seen as incompetence? We don't like when a human being takes our freedom away, but why do we hate when God gives us freedom? I don't udnerstand this logic.
>religion and gnosticism
>>39585783It only hurts if you let it.
>>39595237People hate God since they don’t want him to tell them what’s best for them.
>>39595237>why do we hate when God gives us freedomGod gave people the freedom to harm each other but he didn't give people the freedom to always escape from harm, whether caused by disease, disaster, deprivation, or other humans. He locked a bunch of animals in a box full of dangers with only so much food and space, and you call that freedom?
>>39581504>i booted up my pc to play the sims>i create and customize sims>i left my pc for a while>finds out my sims are killing and raping each other>haha that's so funny, how horrifying>they keep doing more increasingly deranged shit, to the point of few sims enslaving the whole world a la globohomo trannypitalism we have today>gets annoyed after few minutes of this>oh well let's nuke the save
>>39596164Stop thinking as if you are a human body, and start thinking as a human soul. Death and destruction of the body simply frees your soul from this realm. People who act without knowledge of a higher way of being are those who do harm to others. The ones who are conscious are in a struggle to wake up those who are not, so that we can use collective consciousness to create better conditions for everyone. All this freedom to harm is how we learn about each other. You think you are just this guy, and there is some other world out there which seeks you harm, but really its that you were ignorant and insulated from your fellow man, that led you to ignore his struggles up until that struggle came to your very doorstep, and forced you to face the fact that the world is bigger than you, and your small idea of life.
>>39596197I don't know if this is an attempt at the just world hypothesis, some kind of "bad things aren't actually bad unless you think of them as bad bro" new agerism, or what.>but really its that you were ignorant and insulated from your fellow man, that led you to ignore his struggles up until that struggle came to your very doorstep,This is a weirdly specific narrative. I wasn't even around long enough to properly "ignore the struggles of my fellow man" before life gave me a huge fistful of my own struggles that got ignored by *my* fellow man. And I was aware of how awful the world was from a very early age and did what I could not to contribute to that.
>>39595164He could stop this nightmare anytime but choose not to.
>>39596255That anon also hid toward the end of their wall of text the line>God is not the one who created evil. which is just plainly contradicting the verse their wall of text was supposed to be a response to.
>>39596270One of the reasons Christians annoy me so much is that they don't actually believe their own book (to be fair how could they, when it has contradictions), they just believe whatever they want to believe but then act like their beliefs have divine authority behind them.
>>39581504>>39587717Have Christians thought of one (1) good reason why if heaven exists we should waste away on earth instead of killing ourselves to get to paradise asap?Why would God want to deny his most loved creation paradise for any span of time?
>>39595213>Passive Aggressive PrayerClassic. Keep miming from that cube you love so much
>>39581504If everything was perfect, God would be all alone. So there is imperfection, in order for you and everything else to exist.
>>39582073No it won't faggot. you wouldn't even be bored because boredom is not a state that can exist in perfection.
>>39582107Well... kids are brats, what did you expect?
>>39581504He knows how many times ya goon anon >maybe God isn't helping you because you aren't calling out to him?>wrong number?
>>39582040Who you calling dumbfuck, dumbfuck?
>>39598069God was so much of a big ol pussy he couldn't handle the horror of being alone and eternal, and then became schizophrenic with DID (Dissociative identity disorder) in which each "identity" thinks is its own reality (solipsism)
>>39598069In order for you and everything to exist he has to be alone. This is correct.Think pizza. If you cut a pie the size of the Universe into equal measured parts, that would be like saying each human is born with a soul.Do you know how many quadrillion stars are in the observable universe?>how do you know sky daddy isn't just a highly evolved human from earth's distant past?Would you go to a dangerous Amazonian location to meet jungle savages for dinner?>noWhy do you think the ET don't interact with us?>we are not on their level :3
>>39581879The abrahamic idea of the afterlife seems like it would get boring after about two weeks, considering it is an endless existence of hedonistic pleasures. This applies to the christian heaven and the islamic paradise. Dunno how it is with da joos though.
>>39589600It's called a metaphor you dense christoid.
>>39598259Islamic paradise is literally sluts and booze. How could you ever get bored?
>>39591770This is why decent Christians reject legalistic and works (ritual) based salvation bc the old testament was awful. >oook ook u did da ritual wrong>oook ook u followed da wrong cult
itt faggot anons who will go through "suffering" and "torture" constantly just so they can hop on 4chan all day and cry about it instead of doing something. I hear the McNutt treatment works in curing this faggotry
>>39581504the Christian god isn't real but when a being is made unfortunately 99.99% immediately adopt a notion of pure selfishness and self preservation, not just on a physical level but on an intellectual, moral and spiritual level. They ignore things they don't like, they ignore the truth when it rubs them the wrong way. they are so incapable of seeing virtue in it's purity that virtue is nothing but a fable to them. that is, they don't believe in it past a superficial level.i am not a buddhist scholar but a boddhisatva is NOT someone who self flagellates. it is just someone who NEVER hides from the truth of everything, it's just that that causes a lot of suffering. let me tell you that gods and goddesses are also selfish. but at least they may serve some purpose. Only thing is a boddhisatva will always die in vain, in abject sorrow and terror. you want to know why? because the truth of life is that there is no merit or freedom. you are controlled by things that you cannot see and cannot understand, how could anyone stand for a universe which only values, benefits and supports those who are by most standards evil? who are voracious, selfish, ignorant and bloodthirsty? not only that, but actively oppresses everyone with the restraints placed upon everyone at birth? you do not really control anything about yourself, so you are not your own, you are not complete, you are not who you want to be and so you are not truly alive, you are is unfair, and any true good person will die a wretched death. there is no happy endings, theres only disassociating from the madness of reality.
>>39598259In judaism you just die and that's it