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I see quite a bit of interest in this topic and i wanna start a new general for this topic.
In this thread: post convincing evidence, results, methods for changing one's own body. Be it for beauty or performance. Through paranormal means. Deity work, Practices, Hypnotherapy, LoA, Chaos Magick, whatever it may be, throw it at me and if possible post proof (either text messages or body, or proof of what you changed).
Looking to supercharge your genetics and ascend the ladder? The elites are already doing this and the new vaccines was beta testing for CRISPR and advancing their knowhow, if you think genetic editing isnt already normal for those who have the power you are a retard
Gym Magicka and Diet Magicka
That doesnt alter the past buddy.
With meditation and I suppose you could consider the belief aspect of chaos magick in tune I had visualized my genes rapidly changing and mutating as according to the paradigm that they would mutate normally. I transitioned my elbows from double jointedness to single jointedness. For years I had to use visualization to reconnect, refurbish, and change my nerves in order to prevent things like my nerves trying to contract my muscles to the point of breaking the new locked single-jointed elbows. Sometimes I think I might have caused some nerve damage because I didn't really know what I was doing when altering my genes. I didn't know what to keep, add, or throw away, or even if I could do any of those things beyond hijacking a natural process and brute forcing it in the body.
Any proof you get probably is LARP but I wish I could verify it myself firsthand

>Looking to supercharge your genetics and ascend the ladder?
Yeah but I also want to go boobs, shrink my height, and turn into a girl on the way lol
Yeah it's easy! Just straighten your spine and clear your chakra points first so that your entire body is more in tune.
Then focus on a point in your body and imagine that energy is flowing into that area. Visualize how you want your body to be.
The rest is up to you. Do you truly believe it will happen? Do you want to keep going? Do you see results? Did you clear your mind of clutter and truly focus?

No chaos or magick needed.
No pills. Just you, your breathing and your thoughts.
People who are evil and devoid of empathy have zero magic capability and are extremely vulnerable to psychic attacks.
They have magick proxies, aka. they have witches who protect them for a price. Those witches give their life force in exchange for the money made from those endevours. When you attack elites, that energy is blocked by the witches.
Active Dreaming: The Key to Power by Robert Balthazaar shows a way to change your body by using lucid dreaming as a medium to make real physical changes upon the body.
Its a short book that you can finish in a single sitting however it focuses more on practical exercises and less on theory.
Im still working on it myself but one of the first things i will do once i lucid dream daily is attempting to make bodily changes. If this thread ends up being a general i may post updates.
HRT works wonders
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Told myself i would try this thing last year and then completely forgot about it until now. It's not like i'm in desperate need of it, or maybe i was just too lazy.

If i'm not wrong, in that very thread someone talked about coupling this with the Angion method, of which i tried out once and imo it seems like a better option to aggressively pulling your dick to make it grow.
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*option than
I've been thinking about this for a while, for now all I have is the basics of chaos magick and LoA among a couple rituals that I'm saving as a last resort. Basically want I want to achieve is a reboot on my life with the body of my choosing
Biofeedback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeZ-vDzzKM4
Read this book but it describes a long timescale pertaining to a single body. Not OP but I'm not sure if it can be used to give me what I really want, which is on-demand shapeshifting.
you will never be a woman
can you share the book?
Just google it. There are plenty of sites that have it.
Here's one link for it since I hate gatekeeping faggots that infest this site like flies on shit.

You're a blessing anon
Read Universal Line materials in /loa/. You can get a brand new vessel to your liking or being younger self.
>Be it for beauty
since you went here first - physiognomy 101 - for the next 2 years, think no thoughts that are not beautiful
Mmmm confused and lost... what is all of that

Explanation how reality works on the deepest level, although I recommend his older works like I am totality PDF
If you starve yourself and otherwise suffer a lot of stress you can trigger epigenetic conversion for better problem solving skills
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I was planning on trying to use transcranial electrostimulation to alter my mind and body, then it occurred to me to use it to see if I could improve precognition or probability manipulation, which would be useful enough to prioritize. My only problem is figuring out where I'd need to place the electrodes (I only have so many output channels I can work with right now) to actually effect a psychic ability like that.

/x/ gave me some suggestions already for where it would be best to place the electrodes, but it seemed like someone was very indirectly telling me that the placement of the electrodes doesn't matter, either because I'll just fail no matter what I try (typical 4chan) or that it it simply wouldn't matter as long as the electrostimulation happens somewhere on the body, as long as I do it right.
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Do rituals also count? If so then you can literally just bathe in blood, depending on who's blood is it and the amount of blood you will inherent some aspects from the blood's owner.

I’m surprised that people don’t realise that dick growing techniques and magic are literally in the Kama Sutra.

I do wonder this before, I maybe have performed a certain ritual that lasted about 6 months down a similar query that the OP is asking about. I feel like anything that could possible happen can be altered with a ritual although I’m wary of saying that you can do a ritual and become 8’3. Although physical cultivation can have let’s say some possibly interesting effects on your physical body and all it’s various aspects.

Sorry about being vague, I just don’t like sharing too much about ritual and occult stuff performed, is it bad mojo to talk about a ritual?
Do you have the device already?

If not don't waste time overthinking position, start with basic ones. This is one of those empirical things, people who fantasize and procrastinate Will get disappointed.
Thanks for the video.

>Power and impedance alters the placement, and is different from person to person because of head size/volume.
And things are tricky because I'm not entirely sure what part of the brain I should even bother to target. I was considering just putting it on my ears and hoping that'd be good enough.

>Do you have the device already?
No. Physically building it is simple enough as long as the output voltage and amperage is regulated so it can't be too dangerous. Writing the actual genetic algorithm that I'd like to use is the real hurdle, because I can't program for shit.

>I’m surprised that people don’t realise that dick growing techniques and magic are literally in the Kama Sutra.
Okay, so what's the frequency? 69Hz?
>Kama Sutra
Well, i actually have a physical copy, which chapter talks about dick growing?
This is evidence (NSFW):
On Sexual Union" (Samprayogika), Chapter 2, titled "On the Various Means of Enlarging the Lingam”.
Although I would recommend to read the work in It’s Entirety as it you will miss certain points.
see >>39597429
You ever got a ritual to change physical genetic attributes? I find it seems to sometimes only work on the changeable or fate. This is from my Six-month ritual.
What is the page? Are there other examples?
I wonder if this can be useful to also change facial structure or height/shoulder width
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How do I grow my dick AND become a hot girl
Why don't the witches take over if they are stronger than the elites?
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Unless I've misread it, it's a bad translation, or something's missing, the methods of enlarging the "Lingam" seem about as effective as getting a bunch of bee stings on your dick so it swells up. I really don't think slathering your dick with blister agents is the safest or most effective method of getting a bigger dick.
there has been empirical evidence that hypnosis does indeed produce physical changes, but the research into it has been extremely scant. there is for instance research on stimulating breast growth here:
though this result is not very interesting to me personally which is somewhat sad as there doesn't seem to be many other articles on this subject

something i am interested in is ways to perhaps make the process faster and more effective. i recall garrote mentioning the krebbs cycle before. this is an interesting idea. you can probably improve this by taking supplements which optimize your mitochondria such as ginkgo biloba. physical exercise is also an effective practice along these lines as well. something i wonder about is whether some nootropics might help, not just for helping to stimulate optimal states of consciousness, but also because of the role of the nervous system in morphogenesis. it seems that noreprinephrine and acetycholine are important in for stimulating bone remodelling for instance

also im not only interested in biokinesis but extending it to a full on contemplative and magical practice inspired by sarkicism. on the contemplative side of things, philosophical speculation has lead me to the belief that mind and body are far more continuous with one another than is typically believed and within the body there is a marriage between plasticity and transcendental structures of consciousness. to delve into the body and explore the flesh dimension is something that seems to be worth doing on its own. on the magic side of things there is biokinesis and apotheosis

here is a preliminary document collecting influences worth looking into further as well some practical contemplative exercises (not all of them biokinesis related ofc):
Bumperino subliminals and Morphic fields are extremely helpful
searching around i found this article which might be interesting:

i would also suggest exciting the parietal lobes. they are important for proprioception. the precuneus within the parietal lobes is important for introspection and aspects consciousness. parietal lobe excitation may help to stop you from using the medial middle frontal lobe if you master thinking with your parietal lobes (e.g. kinesthetically). it might be fruitful to look into areas of the brain related to interoception as well such as the insula and anterior cingulate cortex. imo interoception is very key for "energy work". i would suggest meditation as well though since increasing interoception just like that could easily lead to neurosis. you want to be able to handle the ride before you start making it drive 300 mph lol
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Can I use all that shit, to get a 10\10 Male Face? Im already working very hard to do semen retention, exercise, eat very healthy, drink a lot of water, sleep good, etc
probably. i included it in the document, but here is garrote's writings as well:
as he seems to display some of clearest concrete results, it may be useful to put extra focus on his ideas here. also self-hypnosis too. i recall some google drive of accounts talking about increasing height + tips and such but i do not remember where. if i find it ill post it in this general sometime

one suggestion that may be perhaps helpful: having a sharper idea of what proportional changes you'd like to have for your face might be more fruitful rather than some vague idea of "attractiveness".
do you know if that stuff about "mirrors\cameras take your picture deformed" is true? How can I get my own reference portrait?
I have an old Nokia photo camera, a digital one, and luckily my bathroom has a 3-pronged mirror ,so I could reflect one mirror upon another, and photograph the reflection's reflection
I read somewhere that, doing such an arrangement makes the picture have the correct measurements
it is sort of true though i think it is a matter of perspective. you can reduce distortion by increasing the distance between your face and the camera. if a mirror is flat i dont think there should be much distortion. personally when i want to get a "selfie" that is as objective, i just take photo of my face as it is reflected by a standing/hanging mirror as i can increase my distance from it more than stretching out my arms. i also try not to angle my face to get a straight up view of facial proportions though it may be fruitful to do certain angle if you are comparing your face with someone else's photo and looking for proportional differences there
>he seems to display some of clearest concrete results,
Sorry what? All I saw of his results was a before-after where he lost maybe 500 grams and turned on room lights above his head. What of him did you think looked better? I'm not even a hater of biokinesis to be clear. But that guy hardly changed. Last year I started affirming, including for weight loss, and something about it stuck, I lost my appetite for food and I lost 7kg in a month effortlessly and kept it off. Even that was not a miracle manifestation, but still years ahead of this guy...
see here: >>39597107
the weight loss progress is admittedly not as impressive
That's just he got a boner and more blood flowed into his dick in the after photo. He's not very convincing sorry
The Bergson on the reading list here is actually not bad. I didn't expect I'd get anything out of philosophy, and yet.

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