It's all just a lie; it's imagination. The truth, in my opinion, is that what we call aliens are apparitions that appear to some people in their dreams, but the source is their own consciousness.People in modern spiritual communities, like the so-called "New Age" (in reference to Aquarius), love to attempt to merge science and spirituality, forgetting, of course, that science is only meant to reduce experience to physical phenomena and particle physics because it is inherently materialist (see the atom theory by Democritus). Science is a dogma that rejects mysticism (truth gained from subjective experiences) in favor of its own non-spiritual version of it that still upholds experience as the primary source of all knowledge. Thus, in science, you conduct an experiment that a subject later interprets the data from, but one that is only meant to study nothing but the physical universe. This results in boredom because physical laws are null to what we truly are as beings, so attempting to poison both science and mysticism by merging them together does a disservice to both. There are no flesh-and-blood aliens. Let's not replace the spiritual with the material; the spirit will always be supreme.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>>39586881There's actually a jew promoting ufology named Danny Sheehan. He's a civil rights lawyer (oyvey.)
>>39586687Aliens may exist on other worlds, but they are definitely not visiting us. Faster than light travel is impossible.
>>39586973A lot of people talk about "electromagnetism" in these circles. Just what in the heck is that?
>>39586687Yes, sure, the entire universe is empty, and we are the only fuckers around.Come on, now, you midwit, fucking kill yourself and skip your miserable existance, we don't need retards like you on this planet, we got enough morons already.
>>39586898they want YOU to be atheist
>>39586973too bad space is fake
>>39586973>humans haven’t figured it out so it must be impossible hurr durr
>>39587248it is based on your beloved soince:>yes it's technically possible but you need 10000000000000000 of energy>yeah but the mass needed would be bigger than the entire solar system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and blah blah blah *more demoralization garbage*>yeah but you would travel for 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 trillion of years to visit the closest oneit's all fake and gay
>>39587186There's zero proof there is anything outside our solar system.
>>39586973Sufficiently advanced consciousness creates a wormhole and instantly teleports itself wherever it wishes to be. Most places are somewhat dangerous to a body, so they leave that behind 99.99% of the time. Humans can do it too, but we are too noob to consciously control it. Instead we randomly pop up into various parts of existence in 'dreams', and so aliens already know about us because we've been doing it for thousands of years.
>>39587454In reality is what I meant to say.
>>39587237OP here; I'm not an atheist.
Why do they need a metalic disk than?
>>39586898Sheehan is based and UFO pilled. He also looks like a cross between a human and a farm sheep.
>>39588768I think he's a Jesuit, right? I don't know if we should trust him.
>>39587302Some alien civilizations may be thousands or millions of years ahead of us. They may have figured out how to manipulate spacetime by means we can’t even conceive of.
>>39586687Didn't read, just came here to tell OP that. By the way I immediately closed the tab after writing this comment
>>39589127Yet they crashed in Roswell, JEW Sexico
ITT: glowies talking to each other
>>39589203Why am I the glowie?
>>39589401Cause u work for the CIA stoopid.
>>39586687The first step in cleansing your mind of secular cosmology is accepting that the Copernican Principle is false.The illumination Nicolaus Copernicus brought to mankind concerning the true movement of celestial bodies is, of course, true. The interpretation that the Earth is not a singularly unique place in the cosmos is the false dogma that bears the name of his work.
>>39587404If the universe is infinite, so is matter and energy.
>>39586687Maybe you'll find this interesting. "mental science" or sth called "dream science" is indeed in humanity's (distant) future. Any attempts to merge science and mysticysm now to me seem positive as they are meant to ultimately enhance (not poison) both science and mysticism.
The people claiming anomalous UAP's are physical aliens are often normies who assume they're wholly physical.I also think there's a common lack of understanding of how the scientific method comes down to direct experience of experimenter. A consensus is drawn when multiple experimenters reach the same result. Its a method of finding objective truth. I do agree science leads to boredom, as it can only verify physical phenomena. Its ultimately based on subjectivity, but science can't really prove the perceptual and conscious foundations of the observer that make it all possible. Consciousness can't really be proven through it, but we all know consciousness is real.
>>39587186please relax>>39587404some things don't need proof, only intuition
>>39586973Yeah well people said flying was impossible and the wright brothers proved them wrong.
>>39586687What does this meme mean?
>>39586687They are ultra terrestrial, or ulterrans people or things who were already here and different. Some advanced, some not maybe some species of Bigfoot.
>>39590945My intuition says it’s just us.
>>39593356intuition is not a tool intended for assessing astrobiology and astronomical statistics
>>39593255anti-immigrant racism>>39589127technological development is not linear or teleological and has no correlation with time
>>39587404try a telescope
>>39587248A piece of gravel travelling anywhere remotely close to the speed of light would probably obliterate the moon with ease, how can a craft travel that fast when a collision with a speck of dust would be catastrophic?
>>39593380That’s kinda my point
>>39587186What are you so angry about?
>>39593282I definitely believe in NHI but aliens is far from being conclusive IMO.
>>39590748Science is boring. Are you sure you want consciousness and everything that we are to be reduced to some academic subject that will be taught to you by some fat guy who's balding and wearing glasses at a 7th grade science room? You can not scientifically prove the non-material because it's never meant to be proven that's the point.
>>39586687>you too graciousness>t. ESL retard
>>39586687>aliens are fake and gayfinally, a thread of substance>aliens are actually [insert anything except demons or angels] lost
>>39594666I don't I said the so-called aliens were demons or angels.
>>39586687I think that aliens come from outer space.
>>39594755>tfw I read your post wrong, and I was labeled with the mark of the beast for it>tfw I'm the baka
>>39586687>Science is a dogma that rejects mysticismYou confuse science with scientism.Science is just tool and methodology.
>>39587404Try using logic and reason instead of appeals to authority.Universe is really big place and cloaking technology is thing.
>>39594856There is no separation between science and scientism. If you are a scientist, you will eventually embrace scientism.
>>39594882Other than rendered and manipulated photographs allegedly taken by the James Webb Telescope or the Hubble, there is no concrete proof of outer space. Oh, and yeah apparently we have selfie from that Mars rover which serves a different function from the Renaissance orbiter but we don't have raw photos of Mras from that either.
>>39586898he's into all kinda conspiracies. But his mind is sharp as fuck he can cite anything juicy from the past 100 years
>>39595729Yeah, his mind is sharp I'm not going to lie but it has to be if you're going to be a lawyer. I just think he likes to bullshit a lot about this issue specifically.
>>39593424Aliens can probably use wormholes to teleport anywhere instantly bro. Use your brain.
>>39595721BUT WHO WAS CAMARA?!?
>>39595891Yeah, exactly. Who/what took the picture of that Mars rover.
>>39594882OP here: the purpose of my post was to get people to prioritize the spiritual and non material. Let's no replace the non-material which is infinite and eternal with the physical like "outer space."
>>39586687When someone makes a post with a statement, especially on something as profound as non-human entities and doesn't receive digits from the RNG gods, their OPINION is invalid. Change my mind.
>>39595925I don't have to chnage your mind. I believe what I say. There is no such thing as aliens from our traditional temporal universe which is an illusion. There is only NHI like spiritual beings, fairies, projections of consciousness, etc.
>>39594882I think what he meant to say is that other than what people theorize, there's no evidence that anything exists outside of our solar system.
>>39593983>>39590748I agree 100% but only considering what humanity now regards as "science". Tldr from seth material as I understand it: current human "science" actually puts us further and not closer to learning about universe, UFOs and stuff and is bound to fail us in the end if it continues current "soulless" trajectory
>>39597792I agree and you know what? I don't mind, it's fun to watch scientists think they have all the answers only to ge proven wrong each century.
>>39598332Yeah, I wish I had more empathy for them (and for people that fall for this worldview without second thought) but this insane determination they have to push on in this direction and their refusal to even consider that they may be wrong makes it really hard at times.
>>39594666Aliens are a government psyop to cover up military experiments
>>39599299Even worse to mix up their psyop w religion and spread more hysteria.People who get "abducted" by ayys and use Jesus Christ to save them from ayys are dealing w a delusional episode.
>>39595721You can access raw JWST data, moronand that selfie was taken with the panoramic mastcam
>>39599532>that selfie was taken with the panoramic mastcamHow do you know?
>>39599532>You can access raw JWST dataAh yes, a black and white version of the same exact images of lights in a black void that the Hubble takes pictures of. So different and compelling. You know, it's not like I can make a manipulated rendered photo and convert it to a black and white filter.
>>39586687>of course and you too graciousness to family reunificationRemember that one veggietales episode where the cucumber goes "in the future, humour will be randomly generated"?Yea, this is where we're at now. Nonsensical AI-generated word salad memes. But nobody's going to notice this is an AI-generated meme because this is a bot thread full of bots replying to bots.
>>39601363Are you a bot?
>>39587237>they want YOU to be atheist
>>39599762you’re a fucking dumbass