For me to go on the next step I need to give back in some way what one was given so this OP will be answer8ng questions about life, death, the world and so forth in this thread; ask way. If nobody answers anything then let the universe be my witness that the debt is paid anyways. Let it be said also that I never come this board. Cheers.
What’s the perfect tuna salad recipe
>>39587720when does the narwhal bacon?
>>39587720What happens after death?
>>39587720What's going on with the veil lately?
>>39587775They say one reborns according to karma, which means the sum of your good and bad actions. In truth you were never born and you will never die either. What dies and lives is not you, for your real being can't be said as existent either, and so is not subject to destruction.
>>39587776Don't know what you mean as "veil" but you refer to subtle worlds then things are happening, like they happen every day. Things will happen yesterday, will happen today and will happen tomorrow, but nothing will really change your life unless you go within your own heart.
>>39587809I'm another next sepper! keep it up the veil is what separates the matrix and plemora think of it like if you have a closed system right and you have all those entropic laws energy can't be created or destroyed in this world but on the other side of the veil it canits a separator between the matrix and the spirit world
>>39588184>>39587720What's the *first* step?
>>39588226First step of what?
>>39588184There is no pleroma separated from the matrix. The matrix is inside your own mind and the pleroma is inside your own mind too. Whatever the limit of the matrix is is also the limit of Pleroma, for both are one.
>>39587776Man I was really hoping to get that reality patch I’ve been manifesting. This veil can go suck it. I’m done with it, don’t need it anymore.
>>39588289Of whatever path you are on? Towards transcendence?
>>39588325"My path" is the path of everyone else. It's the path of life and death, and what is beyond those. What is the very first step for one who seeks the truth of it all? Well, to have a urge for it, to desire it, that's all. The universe then will provide whatever you need if you're really sincere. In practice, what one needs to reach this transcendence, this so-called enlightenment? Well, you just need to listen to learn. Listen to your own thoughts without judging them, listen to your own emotions without judging them. Just be aware. That's the first step. Then learn to listen to Life itself. Listen to the winds and what they teach, listen to the movements of society and what they point to. To animals frolicking naturally. And so forth. The lessons are all out there, you just need to tune your ear to catch the right frequency.
>>39587800Is everything a dream?
>>39588619"Everythins is a dream" is a statement that does no justice to the actual state of things. Yes, life is not really real. But to say it is unreal is also wrong. That which it is is what it is. It's completely unexplainable, beyond descriptions and beyond the intellect altogether. Consciousness must realize that.
>>39588312It's pretty stubborn, I'll give it that. It cracked hard around Thanksgiving but it's still clinging on with some serious lockjaw. Somebody's got a big oopsie to deal with.
yo OP what is good in life?.
>>39588634appreciate you using trip code for the purpose of identification OP bro. Do you gaze the morning sun? How do you feel about it? Do you eat meats of killed animals? Do you know the nature of suffering in human society?
>>39587720how do I avoid the light and the archons when I die?also if life and death are fake why do we need physical reality incarnation to transcend? why can't we just do spiritual work when we are, you know, spirits. wouldn't that be more logical?
>>39591514There are many meanings to good. Just living without the burden of thought is very naturally pleasant, there's a quality of constant wellbeing and quiet joy-love that fills the consciousness. In fact everything is good, even suffering, one just misses the maturity of mind to perceive it, but even pain may be realized as bliss. But generally, in the ordinary state of things, what one usually calls "good" may be very well be bad. Pleasure is seem as the highest goal to achieve, yet to indulge the senses, be it the eye-sense, or sound, or sexual pleasure, etc. is to degenerate the mind and deplete the natural energies within that give wellbeing, and so the wheel turns. Helping others is the best good in life. Attachment is good, but it turns bad eventually. The only true lasting good is to realize the truth about yourself, in actuality, not in theory.
>>39591628>Do you gaze the morning sun?No. Yet the Sun is the supreme symbol in all of Nature. It's our true being, hidden in its own light, completely unnatainable because it was never lost in the first place. The Sun, the symbol of the total unmanifested, not visible, yet true. The Moon is the manifested, the visible star, which receives light from another. The Moon represents our world, and ourselves in all our perceived constituents. It is not true, for it receives the light of another, it is dependent on it. If you contemplate both in silence, without the desire to obtain, then you may learn all secrets from just these both symbols... because all truths are contained in just these two luminaries.>Do you eat meats of killed animals?No. Yet there is not meat to be eaten or not eaten. In the ordinary state of things though, it really is bad to eat meat for the "spiritual aspirant". Why? Food binds the mind to materiality, to earth. Meat is the most material of all foods; When one meats also one connects karmically to that animal life, with its stupidity and animalistic tendencies such as brutality, ignorance, sexuality, perversion. And suffering.>Do you know the nature of suffering in human society?Be it in human society or in the animal world or in any place there might be life, suffering is the same and the cause is the same: mentally attributing a self where there is none. It's all in the mind, in the intellect, all suffering and bliss is dependent on mind first, and the world second, and there might not be a difference between the two.... and so one who wants to penetrate into this mystery of suffering should start by watching his own mind, its operations, convolutions and so forth. It's easy and natural, one only needs to look.
>>39591910>how do I avoid the light and the archons when I die?I never died before and will never die in truth so how can I ask this question? Certainly if you know your true being you will avoid anything there is to be avoided, there is no doubt about that. If you are looking for mechanical, technical ways to avoid reincarnation then you won't find anything useful really. One must realize that what dies and reincarnates is not really oneself; and so there is no problem at all, no fear of death. For the true death is right here, right now, between one perception and another.
>>39587800I do not want to be reborn.
Besides, what is the best way to build and strengthen my consciousness and sense of self to the highest possible level
>>39591910>also if life and death are fake why do we need physical reality incarnation to transcend? why can't we just do spiritual work when we are, you know, spirits. wouldn't that be more logical?that's an interesting question. Materialization is the ultimate crystallization, the premier consolidation of darkness, of the yin principle. It's like the bottom of the well. Let's say it's like this: it is easier to kill a bunch of insects if they're swarmed together in a cloud. If they're very scattered then it will be much harder to kill all of them one by one. And so in this illusory material body everything bad is cluttered together tightly. And one can kill all evil in one single mighty blow.
>>39592157>>39592203that sounds reasurring, thank you
>>39592169Who utters this statement "I do not want to be reborn"? If you do not want "to be reborn", then you must understand clearly what you are and what you aren't. Investigate yourself in silence. Watch the thoughts, the emotions and the voliton without any judgement, then you're already on the path to never be born anymore.
How do I obtain true siddha powers?
>>39592252>true siddha powers?What is the distinction between true siddha powers and false siddha powers?
>>39592197Why do you want to do that?
>>39587720Do you think the architect of this experience will ever be harmed or destroyed or some form of vengeance enacted against it for what it has done according to how it has seen fit to organize the lives of others?Do you think it will reap what it sowes likewise or find some way to dodge accountability and avoid any responsibility for harming others?Will it be forgiven or will it be destroyed, harmed, tortured as is the way of what it made?
>>39592262The 8 Ashta Siddhis. Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Ishatva and Vastava. Including but not limited to clairvoyance, levitation, bilocation and astral projection.
>>39592287>Do you think the architect of this experience will ever be harmed or destroyed or some form of vengeance enacted against it for what it has done according to how it has seen fit to organize the lives of others?There is no architect, everything is going on spontaneuously and in the ultimate sense it all depends on you, your mind, and the Sun that you are in truth. Nature builds hierarchies and places of command for this creation, and so there may be something akin to a god or king of all of this. But they were put there by the convolutions of destiny, it's not really their fault. >Do you think it will reap what it sowes likewise or find some way to dodge accountability and avoid any responsibility for harming others?If there is sense of doership, then there will be karma and so there will be consequences to actions. Intention is the most important factor.>Will it be forgiven or will it be destroyed, harmed, tortured as is the way of what it made?Forgiven by whom? How can an ordinary person like me and who talk about a hidden king that we never saw and have no credible information about it? You put all blames for the imagined tragedies in your mind on this supposed Demiurge, yet you never saw him and never penetrated his mind to know what he thinks, feels, and intents.
>>39592310Why do you want that?
>>39592328For the same reason you want to "move on to the next step". Personal choice and desire
>>39592348There are two ways to attaining Siddhis: you may find a practice, a mantra recitation, a sadhana that will give a specific Siddhi at its fruition; or you can attain all Siddhis and supreme Siddhis the natural way, which comes from attaining realization of who you really are. The mind already possesses all power, but is limited by its own habitual imagination and fixation on a specific self with so-and-so characteristics. Let's say your name is John and you are a white anglo saxon human being. Your mind is totally accustomed and fixated on this identity of "White john, brown hair, body, time and space, here and there". It's just mental habit. If you lost these mental fixations, and time and space are simply mental fixations too, the mind would be free and you could very well do whatever "you wanted".
>>39592374>you may find a practice, a mantra recitation, a sadhana that will give a specific Siddhi at its fruition; That is what I'm attempting now by asking you. What is is a practice or method to obtain a Siddhi. If you a specific one you can start with levitation or bilocation.
>>39592284Because I think my consciousness and my sense of self is the greatest gift ever and I don't want to lose it post death or ever. I wish to build upon it and keep it forever.
>>39592418I don't know any unfortunately. If you attain complete excellence in concentration though then by the power of concentration you may do miracles and so forth, like flying or going into the earth. There is a natural law that says that one can never show miracles, paranormal things to another except in special cases. But in the ultimate sense concentration is another error.
>>39592438The consciousness will be destroyed at death along with the sense of self. Youre neither consciousness nor your sense of self in truth. You may desperately try to keep those, but the more you resist the greater will be the suffering when the all-powerful falcon of time-destruction finally catches you in its claws.But surely, there are ways to extend life and so forth. But why live a lie?
>>39592471Let me rephrase this, I don't want to scare you. Whatever is passable and subject to time is not ultimate. Consciousness and thoughts are passable. Your capacity for experience and cognition isn't. You are ever luminous, forever and ever. Beyond mortality and immortality you are. The sense of self is just a thought, literally a thought, a simple feeling. Why care so much for it? It would be much better to experience all illusion and reality without it; I promise you you would have much more fun.
>>39592471My "true self" made the decision to embrace this life and I agree with it. But if I cannot live forever then I'll settle for a life extension. By what method can I use to extend my life over a thousand years and how do I preform said method. If a thousand years is not possible then I'll settle again for however long as possible though any means.
>>39592571I think for such matters the first thing one should do is to attain complete control over concentration. The Buddhists have many manuals on it, they call it Shamatha. Then after you achieve that you will have a hunch about what you need to do.
>>39592591Why not just tell me yourself? After all that is the point of this thread. For a person who claims to be answering questions you sure seem to be doing everything in your power not to answer mine.
>>39592620Did I not tell you already? The first step, the most important step is attaining complete control over concentration. The natural power of attention contained in the consciousness, when fully gathered into a single point can produce all sorts of miracles. If you reach this height of complete concentration-samadhi, then you will naturally know what to do to attain life extension. The point is, are you willing to do it? The path if open to you. You ask me the first step, the second step all the way up to the final step. But are you going to do all steps at once? No, you begin from the first one.
>>39592669Again, you are avoiding the question and refusing to answer. Let me worry about doing the steps. I'm asking you what the steps are. your refusal to do a simple task is very telling.
>>39592754If you were truly desirous or desperate to attain what you asked for, you would have thanked me when I gave you that first step, and would look upon it. Who else in this world has this luck of receiving such a precious answer? The slaves of science are all toiling away, wasting billions upon billions of dollars to get exactly I'm giving you here for free. Intellect wants to know everything all the way up the end, but that's against natural law. One must do a leap of faith, there's no other way. In fact you asking me for "everything" is a clear sign you just want to indulge in intellectual curiosity. The power of full concentration reveals any relative answers you might want to know if you fully concentrate into it through samadhi-concentration. It's a true and tested method. Life extension involves chakras, and chakras are pretty dangerous and are not to be messed up since they already do work perfectly fine. If one gave you a method you would just cripple yourself and that would be on me, so I gave you a clear pathway instead that you take on the same way, and it would even give you other good things. Who else in the world can get such a good answer like this nowadays?
>>39592886I can't thank you for giving me something I already had. Anon, you realize you are on /x/, right? Meditation is the root of all of our practices. There are numerous threads about meditation on here daily and you somehow thought that me or any serious anons does not already have a daily practice. You basically did the equivalent of going to a boxing gym and telling people to become better fighters they must learn how to punch and expecting them to thank you for such "wisdom".Also, we are beings of free will, you are not responsible for anything you teach anyone here. Rid yourself of such a mindset, serves nor helps no one.So, how do I utilize my chakras to extend my life?
>>39587720I would be weary of the karmic debt incurred by spreading false information, or speaking to that which you know nothing about.
>>39592247If the only way I can know my infinite nature is through the finite reality Why’d I make it so fucking gay And if it’s gay cause I’m gay how fucked are we as it is what made me gay by it’s gay nature like a complete self suck feed back loop of gay
>>39593287STFU. CLOWN
>>39593392The finite reality is the infinite reality, and vice versa. There is no contradiction or opposition between the two. You say it is "gay" because you live in a point in time where you are frustrated with such and such problems and it all seems ridiculous to you. But if you zoom out you see it is actually all very elegant, a plan full of ingenuity.
>>39592118OP bro good to know you see brutality in killing and eating meats. Give us email or something so we may share notes and we go to next step.
>>39595739You really bumped the thread just before it died huh. I have a discord, although I don't have much to talk and I may delete it soon. serpico0681
>>39595968discord is unhelpful but will establish contact good OP bro. Yes I bump up the thread because you have lots of questions to answer. >>39592754OP bro was on to something. When you find yourself in solid concentration, with relaxed awareness, you can solve any problem you are having. Question is how to get concentration and relaxed awareness... Which I hinted with sungazing question earlier... Also, as the natural law goes, attention nourishes attention.
>>39587720what part of modern world would you like to see torn to shreds by intelligent man like yourself?
>>39593460The only way infinity can know itself is through the finite this is esotericism 101 yes the finite is an expression of the infinite but the infinite is not finite it just uses the finite to limit itself so it may know itself through relativityAnd all you’re saying is if you zoom out far enough aka change your relativistic perspective things are very elegantAnd that’s cool and dandyif I was born in France I’d be a French manbut alas I was not born in France I am what I am my life is what it is and in my field of relativity it is very gay And if it is just a mirror of me what gives me meaning it is a very gay one that needs to be fixed so I may be fixed One could say I need to be fixed so it may be “trust me spent a life trying” and to that I’d say I was born pure and this world made me in its image not vice versa Through meditation I can have it reflect my image more which gives me confidence of our singular nature But man has this place become a cluster fuck I wish I wasn’t born into and fed by I will say with difficulty comes maturity But isn’t the goal to be like a child It’s like the vice of knowledge it can be fulfilling and useful but ultimately masterbaitorial as death brings ultimate knowledge anywhojust like life itself A waste of time that imo could be used for more fulfilling tasks for the infinite that desires to explore itself
>>39597941And I’d say that the concept of a heaven of better afterlife proves to me that humanity as we’ve known it feels pretty similar
>>39587720That one yogic stretching exercise which seems to make you instantly calm and energised. Tell us about it.
>>39597418This personality will surely not miss loud people and loud ass music
>>39597941The goal isn't to become anything. You can't become what you already are and ever was. You already are a pure child at heart. You think too much and have too much opinions, but the great wind that carries all things will still take the course it will take, and nobody or anything will be able to bar its great march onwards, certainly not you, since you yourself is also part of this grand flow. Things are the way they are, why waste so much energy complaining and thinking about difficulties? Even if the so-called God were to take human form he wouldn't avoid the sufferings of body and mind. That's an unavoidable part of entering into existence and having an identity. No matter where there is identity and existence, there will be destruction and pain. It's a logical thing, a logical law, like 1+1. It's better to be mature and carry on. Also, there is the other side of identity... which you are so much attached to: pleasure, joy, happiness and so forth. You say it's a waste of time that could be used for other "more" fulfilling tasks.... which tasks? What is more important than unveiling the secret of who we really are? You are just speculating about things you don't know an atom about. There is nothing more important in the whole infinite creation than being right here, right now in this time and place. The Tao can't be spoken about it, and to try to describe it is to commit the great crime. The law says that those who say they know, in truth don't; and those who say they don't know, in truth really don't know.
>>39598363There are surely many different methods of calming oneself and straightening energies and making one relaxed etc. Why bother with those? It's just a remedial thing, like taking aspirins. Should I make a presentation on aspirins and talk about their esoteric principles? It's just something mechanical made to relieve a minor problem or another.
>>39588360The only path to life is Jesus.
>>39599812Jesus is just an object in your own mind, and I shall say no more of that to you since it's useless. If you worship your Jesus and follow the law he spoke about it, the law of respecting life and abhor evil, then you will also reach a very good end, so there's no problem to me.
>>39587720So, from what i can fathom, God's biggest desire is solving the puzzle he himself overlayed into creation and deliberately forgot the solution to, but ultimately, taking our flawed perception of time into consideration, does this means that whatever the solution might be it has really been found already, partially (and also entirely) thanks to "us", subjects bound to this dimension? Idk, it seems to come down to how and why you cope about this whole grand story we imagine unfolding over all eternity and no time at all at the same time boiling down to just wanting to feel a bit alive or whatever.Nothing is broken and as such nothing needs to be reipared, or rather, if something IS broken it's also in the process of being fixed, and any attempt at accelerating or manipulating the laws that make that possible are volitions of the self wanting to see with its own eyes, hear with its own ears and speak about it with its own mouth.
>>39601409>So, from what i can fathom, God's biggest desire is solving the puzzle he himself overlayed into creation and deliberately forgot the solution toIs that it THOUGH? >does this means that whatever the solution might be it has really been found already, partially (and also entirely) thanks to "us", subjects bound to this dimension?No, cause there is no solution, just as there is no meaning. There is no limit to any possible solutions, and any solutions exist on the domain of logic only, and this domain is very limited. And even in the domain of logic, there is no ultimate solution or meaning to all there is, since all and any attributed meaning implies automatically a space of no-meaning, a place beyond that limit, just as a infinitely big number is still less than itself + 1. Life – or more aptly put, "all of this and beyond" – is an eternal mystery, an eternal unfolding of ever greater heights and glories. Even for the mind that is omniscient, there is still mystery, there is still that which is new. >Idk, it seems to come down to how and why you cope about this whole grand story we imagineExactly, it's all imagination, mental indulgence. Stop thinking and then there's no need of coping anymore. >Nothing is broken and as such nothing needs to be reipared, or rather, if something IS broken it's also in the process of being fixedThat's correct, but not for you. Do you get it? Your assertion is correct for the whole of creation, but not for you. You still need to brush your teeth. >and any attempt at accelerating or manipulating the laws that make that possible are volitions of the self wanting to see with its own eyes, hear with its own ears and speak about it with its own mouth.The urge to know the truth of everything is also part of the flow. If there is beginning then surely there will be completion, eventually. The point is to not be too greedy. Also, acceleration sometimes is needed and even desirable, if the time is ripe.
>>39587753I'm not OP but I can tell you my secret. Instead of all mayo, use half ranch (to taste) and a shot or two of pickle juice
>>39599883Jesus is not being light about anything. He will end your life if you don’t honor him as your father.
>>39602452Really? Please ask him to do that. First to decapitate me, then to break open my tendons, and after that don't forget to skin me alive. Thank you very much. Maybe he can boil me in oil too. Deep fried.
OP is not coming from a place of good faith, be careful.
>>39587720I need help anon (and anyone else who reads this). Please say a healing prayer for me or send me a mind bubble of healing. God bless you all.
>>39587720What's the best thing to take or eat to heal my stomach and digestive tract?
>>39602545Holy awareness takes note of things and then the work is done
>>39602545Hey, I hope for the best for you anon, and others as well.
>>39602547Just stop eating
>>39587720Is there hope for vaxxies Is the Ra material legitIs the 5D ascension thing real or a psyop How to escape the endless pull of desire
>>39602652>Is there hope for vaxxiesI took the vaccine three times, I don't think it was really a problem back then. It's not a problem either if you didn't take it. >Is the Ra material legitI've heard about it a little but never read it myself. I know there's plenty of it for a long reading session. The point is. Even if they were truth, what would you get it from stuffing your mind so much with such info? A man with an intellect above all others could collect the maximum amount of information about the world and the worlds beyond, but all of that would be meaningless since all knowledge is false ultimately. All is dependent on consciousness, on witnessing. There are infinite structures and dynamics in the universes, secrets upon secrets upon secrets. And surely there are many foundations. Endless convolutions of order and chaos. But what is the ultimate root, the very base of the foundation that makes up all this infinite play? I would say this is a more worthwhile search, because if you understand the cause of all of this, then you can go beyond it, beyond all.
>>39602652Is the 5D ascension thing real or a psyop?I don't know about this "5D ascension" thing but if one has the ears to hear then one can see that this time really is ripe, both for seeding and for harvesting. >How to escape the endless pull of desireThe only way to go beyond desire is to realize there is no desirer. Your success or failure on abstaining from pleasure depends on destiny. You may move mountains to abstain from something yet you may fall again and again despite your best efforts. Then the only thing you can do is to learn to listen to yourself, without judgement, compulsion for control or categorization. Just learn to cultivate silence within even when there is no silence, which means: learn to pay attention to the movements of your thoughts and emotions without judging them. Be aware, that's all. Everything starts from there.
>>39602732>I took the vaccine three timesoh no no no noMemes aside, for what reason? To mingle socially? You think it was no big deal either way but isn't it kind of a big deal?
how much meditation daily?
>>39603676bout tree fiddy
>>39603684oh you
>>39603684get out of this thread joker
>>39602547hidden in plain sight. Not just for cleaning digestive tract but to clean blood and live a long healthy life.