Are vampires real?
>>39587927Vampires are real but are not sexy mythical creatures. Actually what one may call vampires are either natural beings that live on the astral realms and feed off low energies liberated from fear, sex, and so forth; or vampires may refer to beings that died, didn't want to reincarnate out of mortal fear, and so tried surviving on living people by feeding on their higher energies. Spiritism, channeling and other practices for example are all examples of such vampirism, it's all a great satanic scheme.
no their arevery few vampires in europe they all moved to america and canada.and most opf them live underground and abandoned places or stil live in their homes they they long payed off. no i don't recomend ever visiting them.alot fo them are fags and troons.there are afew stright ones but must of them just want to look over their decendance.if you find a rare one that isn't feral?yeah good luck with that.seems to be common thing with the undead of all kinds.also fucking one would be like fucking a corpse.I should know my wife is a vampire.they are cold and usually emotionaless and eturanally sad from losing their soul.and sex isn't usually that good.but you know if you love some one who was formely alive, its a difficult thing to get overor is it because your adicted to being afirad during sex knowing you could be get bit at anytime during it.I think vampire fetishism is super fucked up.thing that only sadists do and cutters do.I feel sad for them.because the living are by far better. but anon if you want vampire dickyou have a hidden nercophia fetish time to come clean.>wife stop reading my messages i know your reading this.>no i'm not demoralising you schizo.
>>39588091bot. those are daemons. yes all of them are energy vampires not all feed of negitivity but must do on lust unfortonateky as its quite adictive.but no they are no vampires anon. vampires are quite literalLook up tay sacks dieasies my wife has this.and i;m still looking forn cure for her.don't make fun of the ill robot, its not very nice.
>>39587927lol no
I am an appetite. Nothing more.
They do exist, but have been nearly extinct for a while. They are not always bad, but sometimes their hunger calls for silver.
>>39587927Seré tu amante vampiroooVampiro!NanananaCorazón, corazón malherido Seré tu amante cautivoCautivo!NanananaCorazón corazón malherido Seré tu alarde de amor
>>39587927In the way people think, no. Energy vampires technically exist, but anyone can be an energy vampire. It is just taking the energy from others without any sort of reciprocation.
>>39588992No, there's people who need blood, but it's not a issue you'd want to discuss on /x/ as it's infiltrated, some vampires feed on small soul fragments or core energy.
it's a rabbit hole. you have to be autistic to sort it all out. it's all right there staring you in the face, you just have to look. the biggest secrets hide in plain sight because there is nowhere else to put them.
>>39588114>t. anne rice
it's a whole other world they have, right under our noses. and the closest we get is our dreams. i sift through the garbage on these threads for even a glimmer in the waking of what i see over and over each night. it's mostly just ai and prattle on here. larping. fantasy. every so often, some little kernel slips by that rings true in my ears. and i know. i know.
>>39589409>and i know. i know.Omg ur the special snowflake chosen one
>>39589418i'm not the grove guy, i'm not cindy. i'm definitely superior though, if that's what you mean by special. cheers :)
>>39589436>i'm definitely superior though, if that's what you mean by special.WTF? Do you still want to meet up in club penguin for the bubble bath?
>>39589452wait... i was invited to a bubble bath at a place called club penguin and I didn't go??!?! WTF. is the bubble gluten free? just gotta ask...
>>39589462is this like that club grove anon went to or something? the vampire meetup? in new orleans?i don't usually do social events, because I hate people, but i mean if there's bubble bath. that sounds like clean fun.
>>39589467woops replied to wrong post, that was meant for you.
>>39587927The only real vampires are the elites who transfer the consciousness into other bodies before death.You wouldn't know, your not part of the club.
wouldn't vampire dicks not be hard because no bloodidk I think I gotta refresh my vampire lore
>>39587927not modern conception. the actual vampire is the same as a draugr or revenant. they are actually astral parasites and they can make you very sick, which is why they are associated with disease. almost all of them have no physical form, though there are living people who can practice astral parasitism.
>>39587927Yes, one is even currently serving as governor of California.
>>39588296Not sure what Tay-Sachs has to do with Vampires…
Latest teen who watched Castlevania and twilight and comes here looking for confirmation of their larp. No one here knows if they are real any more than you do. Probably they are not real.
>>39594886Pay no attention to the writing on the wallThe words seem empty cause there's nothing there at allWe let the wise men beat the drums too soonWe were just children of the moon
>>39587927Yes. Here is the proof.
>>39590762they have to use some other dude's blood in their boner
>>39587927Dunno about a proper, full-blooded vampire, but we've had some trouble with what we in the UK call 'Skag Vampires'. Vampirism is spread through the consumption of 'tainted' or vampiric blood, from a sire to their brood, usually intentionally. About a decade ago we had a real problem with heroin addicts developing a sort of similar condition after sharing needles with a true-blue vampire. This was up north, in Blackpool. The little bit of blood that passed between them was enough to trigger some of the transformations, but not enough to go the whole way. Then those junkies would pass their blood along to others, and so on and so on. It was a really fucking ugly affair and they all died pretty horribly. Chalky white skin, bloodshot eyes, crippling hunger, strong aversion to the light. Of course, if you're a smackhead none of that is gonna seem all that out of the ordinary. In the end their bodies just broke down, massive internal hemorrhaging, brain bleed, cellular breakdown. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
>>39587927no but psychic nazis who convince people with jewish dna inside them to commit suicide are real
>>39598280The psychic nazis play this jew killing game with the oculus rift. Every single person who has ever owned an oculus rift is a psychic nazi genociding jews literally right now (including you mark zuckerberg)
>>39587927yes they are also called bpdemons
>>39589436>I'm not the Grove guy. I'm not Cindy.Thank God