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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.

Vote on the survey





Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)

Previous thread: >>39571706
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>calling you a fat faggot in your head nonstop
You are not gangstalked.

I’m been thinking about the reason why I’m being gangstalked, this has been possible with the utilisation of metal Film technology I have essentially jury-rigged around my room/ house. Is it possible they want me to be a breeding bull for the elite? If you think about the atrazine being fed to these slaves through slave food, I only eat the flesh of others and products of animals. Is it possible they see my as a bull among these Oxs? I have had intercourse many times where they insist going raw, I even had one trying to ask where the condom went (Weird huh?). I originally thought hey maybe it’s because I’m a pretty good wrestler in college or my parents have a bit of money, but these people DID not know about this.
>about the reason why
Started for me as a kid so I'm thinking it has something to do with my parents or another family member.
I'm actually being "gangstalked". I've got over 20 clear recordings of people saying crazy, paranoid, and psychopath around me in countless different places. I even have a recording of it happening during a psych evaluation (seriously). I have a recording of a guy I've never seen threatening to kill me at work which I provided to HR. My brake lines have been cut 5 times. Every apartment I've lived in has been broken into and has had its mailbox keyslot broken. There is so much more but it only gets more unbelievable.
They messed with the breaks on my car as well, also kept puncturing my tyres. Don't think they stopped to think about the fact that I might have an accident because I couldn't stop in time due to my breaks being messed with and potentially ended up injuring or killing someone.
Will you upload them for us to hear? Could be interesting
I have never really bought into focused targeting on individuals because quite frankly, most people aren't important/special enough for it (it probably does happen to the unlucky few), but what if we are all being targeted in a broadspectrum way and some people are just more sensitive than others?
Document it and at least you'll have some proof.
Ok here's one voca.ro/1fGKQbRGNxAQ
Can't hear anything
Use earphones. The first 20 seconds are me walking into the building and two coworkers randomly throwing the word paranoid into their conversation to mess with me. Then about 10 seconds after comes the death threat. 10 seconds after that comes more of the usual insults I typically have to ignore. It can be hard to make out but the threat is "woah, woah, woah. what I wouldn't give to kill that guy right now. Imma go to prison for beating his ass."
you're a nut, you're crazy in the coconut
Not really
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That boy needs therapy.
I think people threatening to kill me are the ones that need therapy.
Bro none of that is in that audio, I think you have mental problems.
Use headphones. It's all in there HR already acknowledged it, as did the police.
Oh. You were joking. If you're serious, I'm not sure how to make the audio clearer but I guess I can learn.
I don't think headphones can generate audio that isn't there.
Im not sure if the audio is fabricated or not but either way yes there is an audio don'tlisten to him he is just a troll desprate for attention..
Also I can't make out what the people are saying.
10 and 15 seconds in the word paranoid randomly dropped into the conversation. 35 seconds in "fuck that dude he's crazy as fuck. Woah, woah, woah. what I wouldn't give to kill that guy right now. Imma go to prison for beating his ass." 1min 12 seconds in "crazy dude, crazy dude, crazy dude". There's a bit more in it but it's too hard to make out.
I haven't ever even worked with these people or ever talked to them. This kind of crap has been happening for 12 years.
Haven't listened but I believe you anyway because I know what these glowies are like. Don't listen to the anon calling you mentally ill.
My skin has gotten very thick. I have plenty of proof to prove I'm not crazy. I'm going to expose these fuckers. I've got so many of these recordings. They tell each other what to say on group chats, Snapchat and word of mouth. Turns out harassment is illegal. I have begun to like the harassment at this point since the more evidence the better.
What do you believe triggered the gangstalking to start?
It usually begins in early adulthood, but can start as early as the late teens or as late as the mid-30s.

Some early signs of schizophrenia include: troubled relationships, poor school performance, reduced motivation, social withdrawal, and changes in sleeping patterns.

Usage of cannabis can be the trigger in some people.
It all started when I was born. Seriously. My family is batshit insane. I left my home as soon as I turned 18 but was dumb enough to stay in contact with my dad. He proceeded to break into my apartment, steal my wallet, break into my apartments mailbox and after that the PO box I decided to get. Apparently, that wasn't enough so after that he places a gps tracker next to the exhaust of my car in 2015. Trust me this is all relevant.
Since that time they saw to it that they slander me anywhere I frequented. It wasn't long after around 2016 that they managed to place spyware called Mspy on my phone. By around 2017 I knew what was going on and decided to have fun with it. That was a mistake. It turns out they were giving login details to the spyware programs site to people that lived around me.
From that point about 5% of the city thought I was actually the cartoon villain I was pretending to be on my phone and word kept spreading about anything I'd ever done wrong and mountains of lies about me on top of it. This turned me into a bit of a pariah. Zersetzung is pretty much what happened to me.
I have been through the DSM 5 with my therapist I don't meet two criteria from group a. I can't legitimately be diagnosed schizophrenic.
>By around 2017 I knew what was going on and decided to have fun with it.
What do you mean?
I started browsing pol. Making jokes mocking liberal beliefs. Mocking religion. That kind of thing. I didn't act like that 99% of the time irl but that doesn't matter when the mob has decided to pick up pitchforks. I don't think it will matter cause I can just move again. The harassment stops when I'm in different cities.
Thanks for answering my questions.
Sorry you're going through this.
Admittedly, for the sake of full disclosure I didn't do anything too embarrassing or provocative in highschool and I was never harassed. Thing was my family was already paying a guy in my class to spy on me and pretend to be buddy buddy with me.
The harassment started in college in 2013/14 when they learned my college schedule from a friend and started spreading rumors about me.
I was slandered by my asshole cousin and brother saying I threatened to kill people. That's all it takes. A couple of people to repeat an awful lie to as many people as will listen and congratulations, your effectively a targeted individual.
I already moved out at 18 and have still never talked to the cousin again. In 12 years I've spoken to my shit brother less than 10 min.
My family really doesn't want to lose face so they're the ones behind trying to discredit my word by doing all this.
It's no big deal to me at this point. It's pretty easy to escape this nonsense since only local law enforcement is on it. I've recorded the police station I went to to file the report about the death threat doing the same harassment but it's too hard to make out since they were talking too far away.
I've got no criminal record and can fly around the country without any hassle so I know it's not federal.
I seriously wanted to move to Europe anyways and this is great motivation.
Looking on the bright side. That's good.
The guide in the slideshow in the first post is pretty good but it sucks that people are lame enough to do this in the first place. I'm going to go for now but it's important people share their stories and expose the gangstalkers.
Though obviously many of the people that think they're being gangstalked are schizophrenic or false flags since they don't have any proof and often describe experiences that are impossible.
I know that feel anon

Simon I am glad you are here. I get worried when you don't check in.
Desperate to know my friend is safe.
Poor thing
Why's it saying woohoo sarcastically to my music as if I'm playing it for it
I got that treatment as well when I was living next to immigrant criminals. It stopped when I moved away and blocked all contact with people who interact with the crime syndicate. My brother and sister are definitely criminals who are working for them. My advice is block anyone who you find is buying illegal drugs and prostitutes from criminals. Usually it's leftists.
Where else are you supposed to buy illegal drugs except from criminals?
don't do drugs?
Are TIs straight edge? I thought you were all stoners and tweakers.
ur a dick licker
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I like to do drugs and have gay sex. The immigrant fundies hate that and will slash your tires though.
I have never licked a dick.

Here is a prototypical TI, sex and drug obsessed, always with the anime bestiality pictures.
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I stopped hanging out with gays because I don't want to give my girlfriend gonorrhea.
I knew you'd say that dick licker
The breeder cults seem to be emboldened for some reason. I guess the normies are buying into the propaganda telling them to make more kids for the war effort.
You can’t record this shit. Glowniggers will however use the same v2k on you while you’re listening to the audio of your recordings to make you think you’ve successfully recorded it so that you make a fool of yourself by showing it to other people. They did the same shit to me. That’s why it’s so confusing to you why nobody else can hear it.

STOP pointing the finger at strangers, co-workers, family, etc. Its entirely fucking glowniggers using technology on you remotely.
Reminder, if you know exactly who's gang stalking you, you can press charges with your local state troopers/US Marshals or send a tip to the FBI for the following:
>Impersonating a federal agent/computer fraud (a good chunk of "FBI says such and such" accounts for it)
>Criminal intimidation
>criminal harassment
>misapplication of classified material (you might hear rumors of pseudonyms that you've never used in your life. that counts)

If you and a family member both know a Fed, you can report that member for
>Criminal entrapment

Odds are you have a family member in a gang.
Hells Angels have clearance and won't give a fuck if they're arrested (v2k access "requires" child sex trafficking. It's bait because anybody who trafficks children are child molesters. If you're faced with the choice to traffick children, you don't have to.)
POTUS Trump is Outlaw-affiliated and won't give a fuck. He had no problem with throwing Epstein under the bus.
Mongols's last head was a Fed.

treat them as individuals. I've heard some rumors that future TI bullshit will involve fake bullshit involving celebrities.

Unfortunately for them, Elon Musk is 4chan admin RapeApe. /ng/ was a test run. The Ward family (the bikers with that surname) were dumb enough to make it viewable.
Having white children is a good thing, and your moral duty to prevent our extinction.
Sup. You downtown atm?

t. Alleycat, just want to make sure. I was trafficked under a pseudonym that you might have gotten bs'd into thinking was my government name.
There was one guy who admitted to it but he disappeared when I threatened to press charges. Turned out he was working for a crime syndicate.
When you record something and then what you heard isn't there, or when you read something and later on the text changes, this is schizophrenia. It's a textbook case of it. You have lost touch with reality.
Help is available and you don't have to live like this.
>crime syndicate
I already mentioned gangs
Complete and total glownigger induced schizo babble.
>Odds are you have family a family member in a gang
No, odds are something like Elgin Air Force Base is responsible as they have been tasked with weaponizing the electromagnetic spectrum. Good luck filing charges against them.
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I can point out at least 5 family members who have gang affiliations.
With a 100% guarantee I can tell you that zero of them were given access to classified glownigger read/write brain computer interface technology. I don’t expect you to believe any of this right now as the tech you’re remotely hooked up to will prevent it. In a few years you will look back and think fuck he was right. Don’t do anything stupid in the mean time. Do not accuse or lash out. Eventually the brainwashing effectiveness of this tech wears off.
Luckely it does, imagine having to live like that for the rest of your life..
Seems like whenever I hang out with people I get stalkers. My life has become much more chill since started avoiding everyone again.
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I'd like to explain why incest is wrong, because I think this could be of benefit to some of the people in this thread.
May I continue?
Lie down on the couch.
Does anyone else not clean themselves often? For me it's day 8 of not showering.
I don't care because I want to make the glowies uncomfortable.
You want everyone to “know” your mentality ill? Clean your self, shave put on some fresh clothes. It might even help to feel better..
>With a 100% guarantee I can tell you that zero of them were given access to classified glownigger read/write brain computer interface technology.
Mike A. Ward, Tom M. Ward, Brian D. Taylor.

thank u, next
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Hello FBI, why is your wifi showing up on my Obama phone?

The whole thing is a tracking device huh?
What bothers me, they can track us all on alot off different ways but a killer can stil take the train trough 2 borders killing 2 more? This shit is ridiculous.
really makes ya think don't it
Makes me think my stalkers want a very bad situation so then there will come more laws, becaus my stalkers are scared to even walk the streets at night.
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Majority of TIs are women.

I don't use any prostitutes, never have. I smoke a bit of weed but don't take any other drugs.
You don't even know what schizophrenia is.
Who gives a shit what you think? It always amazes me how people obsess over what other people like or don't like instead of just getting on with their own lives.

>For me it's day 8 of not showering.
Absolutely based.

I do it to piss off the glowies, also because it's freezing and I have no heating, it also saves me money. As well as that I've got early any energy because they are starving me and I'm pretty depressed and have very little motivation because they have take everything away from me so fuck them.

They seem to think the more they do to me that I will get better. They are retarded.
How are they doing any of that to you? You do it to yourself.
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posted it again award
Do you enjoy being a human torturer? Does it make you feel like a big man targeting a single defenseless and vaunrable man who has nothing or no one?
No. I actually care about you and want what's best for you.
These weirdos are spying on everything I do on my computer and what I do in real life and then talking about it on this website. Strange.
They even watch me take a shit.
I used to sell a bit of weed, like a couple of 50 bags. Is it possible I’m being gangstalked by federal agents because they think I’m apart of a wider scheme?? I remember that DEA guy who was shot around where I lived when they were raiding a place. Anyway of finding out?
How do you know?
Pretending like gangstalking isn't real is disrespectful.
Your government and military is full of counter intelligence operators.
The police and healthcare systems are all convenient data mines for the government to exploit "outsiders" in their own borders.
It's all human management, human intelligence, and spying on people for profit.
It's real.
I used to laugh about my meth head foreigner friend telling me about gangstalking. Sounds like bullshit to me.
Well, I learned the hard way it really is not.
It's real.
>not shower for 1 or 2 months
>walking in grocery store, man with his wife who audibly gasped at the stench walk past me in shock
Not my problem.
Wtf is wrong with TIs
Most people go "under the radar", especially if they're "doing the right thing" in life.
Luigi was an ivy league graduate, sexy guy on his social media just traveling.
They won't try to destroy someone's life when they're playing the game legitimately.
Until you start going to medical in the military, then they're going to absolutely ass fuck you with psyops and denials because they're all "trained" to "weed out" so called "malingerers".
Because they have repeated things I have said whilst on the toilet. They have also called me while I'm taking a shit and I can hear the laughter in their voice while I talk to them while dropping a load.

This is how sad they are, they will literally sit there whilst watching me take a shit and go as far as to call me and talk to me while they watch me take a shit.
Here's what I've managed to scrap together so far, TI chads:
they map your brain and install it into a collaborative brain-computer interface, which they in turn use to create a sort of "mega mind" with high powered computers (nuclear powered "mental health research facilities") to fuck with more people.
It's "permanent" in the sense that you've been traumatized and will remember it when it's convenient for them, like the government having a dog whistle.
For the longest time, the government faggots have blamed everything on Earth under the sun - drugs, you being a shitty person, etc.
Conveniently, their "treatments" always aim towards getting you back to being either a complicit slave funding them with your tax dollars, or just someone brushed under the rug of society they don't have to look at anymore.
Traumatized people are then used to show more people "don't do drugs, stay in school, be a good tax goyim for us!"
Which further alienates them from "society".
Everyone can see it, whoever had to spend even 1 day in real life.
I don't believe "schizophrenia" is real, I believe it's just "insiders" fucking with "outsiders" in tribal fuck-fuck games.
These days we have extremely advanced technology that your grandma wouldn't believe exists, if she was anything like mine, angered at having to plug the Nintendo into the TV when I was a kid because it was hard to put the RGB cables into the RGB slots on the TV and the power cable into the outlet.
Anyone would laugh if they hear your farting and plopping over the phone. Why are you answering the phone on the toilet lol?
Yep, it's real.
They can hear through your ears, see through your eyes, and they'll have people in public and in the mental hospitals if they can get you into there repeat things you've thought of or said.
Even prayers you say silently in your head, they'll just taunt you about it.
What's the end goal?
Dunno, maybe they just want to show you they control all this technology and have agents targeting you.
They have to train junior faggotson on targets for their human intelligence courses / counter intelligence agents / FBI niggers.
Who better to pick than some absolute loser who nobody will believe the words of?
I enjoy moments like this.

They take away your ability to function properly so I just go about my day.

Can't afford washing powder to wash my clothes. Don't have a way of drying my clothes. Have to save as much money as possible by not using my washing machine or putting my heating on. Same with my shower being electric, shower as little as possible to save money.

They want to take things away from me and stop me being able to function properly then make out it is me when I'm unable to do things normally.
But I've made no of those noises whilst talking to them and I can hear it in their voice from the moment they answer the phone.
I've just been fucked with so much my whole life I stopped giving a fuck about social expectations.
After they made it blatantly obvious they've been recording my thoughts via the aforementioned post >>39597513
I have given less and less fucks.
Just kill me mercifully is all I ask these faggots for, but they insist they don't kill people.
Well, I won't be having a wife and children or a normal life, so fuck them if they get offended by masculine odors.
Yep, they expect me to do housework and all the other normal stuff. Not going to do anything until I have a job and money and I'm able.

OH what's that glowies? You want to take money away from me? Oh well, I can't afford cleaning stuff to clean with. I can't afford to wash or dry my clothes, I can't afford to keep myself clean.
Yeah. They owe you NEETBUX for raping your mind and working around the clock to harass you like it's the funniest thing on the planet.
These people are actual losers in life.
They may profit now in the flesh, but they forsake their own souls in the process.
They aren't helping anyone but themselves.
You aren't owed anything. You need to get a job.
Yes, faggot, that guy is owed NEETBUX.
No, he does not need to get a job to continue funding government top secret bullshit.
Fuck you, people are dying and you think it's just a silly game.
Psychiatrists give you schizophrenia and then say they caught it early. Like who says voices talking to you when you say what are voices they know I'll think of them and then they say there's nothing that shuts them up and you think of that! Case closed, I thought of it there
You're actually right.
I don't even think in voices.
These government faggots are just bad actors and liars.
He spends all day at home, doesn't wash, masturbates to incest porn. His mental health is not in a good state.
Even if you were right, it'd just fall on you being the one in a poor mental state to such a heightened degree you need top secret government technology to spy on another human being.
You don't know if you're being trolled anymore.
I'm owed 20+ years of a life you have robbed me of.
Plus interest.
If you didn't have your youth eroded for a bunch of snickering newly graduated students to get trained on top secret government technology to replace the same assholes who installed it to begin with, you'd have far more potential to earn money today than if they'd never wasted your life to begin with.
NEETBUX is the bare minimum these assholes can give you.
The government went so far, and fucked up so badly, they can't even admit it anymore.
>he has no food so has to look after his health by staying at home and conserving energy
>he has ko money in order to go out and do things
>he has no money to buy stuff so he is able to function properly
>he is unable to properly clean and dry his clothes
>he has no money for a haircut
>he masturbate to incest porn like hundreds of thousands of other people
>he is unable to find work because his health is poor and he has been out of work for a long period of time
Not very cleve are you glowies?
>The government went so far, and fucked up so badly, they can't even admit it anymore.
And this is what scares them, they are scared now because sooner or later the things they have done to TI's will start to show and they can't cover it up.
The lying government fears the truth surfacing.
They have destroyed countless lives, and they know it.
I also have received messages saying that the government is looking at my disability claim and I have an interview for it next week.

I've not filled out any forms so whoever has has committed fraud or filled them out on my behalf without my permission.
Care to explain that glowies?
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They must be afraid of you.
Not long before you're seaside mode
OH they are scared because they have done so much to me they can't cover it up anymore.
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Yeah. Some social worker or some fag spying on you felt bad and thought this will be the good doggy treat to get you perked up and back at the day like it's a bed of roses we're in.
America's doing the same bullshit.
Everyone under FVEY's umbrella is experiencing this faggotry
No one stole your identity, people are aloud to fill them out on the behalf of other people, most likely a family member filled it out for you, just know you have people in your corner. Make sure you show up bro things are about to get better for you
You don't even remember what you've done because you are a schizo
I haven't given anyone permission to fill the forms out on my behalf.

Nice try glowtard, prove when and where I filled the forms out and or who I gave permission to fill them out for me.

Because I haven't filled the forms out, I still have them here with me now.
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No one needs your permission dipshit, just go to the meeting and get the money, it's simple as that
Believing that you are gangstalked is not a disability. You do not need PIP. My taxes already pay for your pathetic existence. You need to sort your life out.
Lmao sick a dick faggot
You need to grow up. You are 40 years old
I'm not him I'm a bystander reading this thread, but everyone who's gone through this should be getting disability

Why do not want a paranoid schizophrenic on disability? Why should they suffer?
He needs to take his meds and then get a job.
Maybe in the future he will work but he's gonna need a few years to get his mind back on track, what shall he do in that time? Suffer as he is? Or would help be better
God that movie was gay and cringe. I hate fags.
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If you think you're being stalked, it's probably not a good idea to post docs with personal details on them on 4ch and fb.
>he said on a board with one million namefags
What's your point?
I've stated multiple times to multiple people that I do not think I'm eligible for pip. I literally made a post showing I haven't even filled out the forms you fucking idiot.

I'd gladly get a job but these idiots won't even let me do that.
How are they stopping you from getting a job? And who is stopping you?
Why do you come to these threads?
Why can't I?
Imagine having no life so bad that you argue with schizophrenics day in day out lolllllll dude cmon man what is your deal, I know whats up with the schizos, but what up with you
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Well your about to find out if your eligible, look I just bought new trainers with my bennys
I notice there's no answer to this, because it's made up. Nothing is stopping you.
He said they fuck with him bro why do you argue with him
You can but apparently you don't believe in gangstalking yet you seem to spend all day and night posting here. So why aren't you spending that time in threads about something you do believe in instead?
i must be a pretty good TI the glowies are usually really nice to me desu, maybe you guys should try getting your life in order and adopting a general appreciation for other people. for me i think they just want to make sure i dont kill myself or rot or troll too hard
Nice trainers, wish I could afford new ones. But no I can't because I have no godamn money and I have no idea why you seem to think I have money hidden away somewhere.

In the last godamn knows how many years have I shown even the slightest indication that I have money? Have you seen me buy things I can't explain where I have gotten the money to buy?

Everything I have bought has either been paid in installments by direct debit or I've bought with money from my bank account using my debit card.

Where could I possibly be hiding money? My car has been off the road for two years, I have debts, I've had no money for clothes or anything else. So if I had money don't you think I'd have used some of it by now?

Nothing would make me happier than to be able to get my car back on the road, to be able to buy new clothes, to pay off my debts and to have good food.

How could I possibly be hiding money, where could I possibly be hiding it?
Bro I'm not accusing you of shit, I'm showing you what I bought with my neetbux since you have a appointment with pip

I'm on your side

See how you just jumped to a whole conclusion?

Just chill bro
I'm not interested in getting neetbux although it would help. I'd rather just go to work and earn my money though.
But you say your broke

Be smart dude you can always get off it in the future and go back to work
It is a cold night in Bilston. I hope you have got your heating on and are keeping yourself warm.
Anyone ever read any remotely good information on how these glowniggers are able to manipulate physical objects to create sound? Banging/knocking on walls, banging inside ventilation systems, cracking or clicking sounds from electronics or plastics. These sounds aren't related to the v2k and can actually be recorded as well as physically feeling the vibrations. It's classified tech obviously but I've never ran into a good explanation as to how they are able to achieve this.
I dunno but molecular resonance frequencies are something like that I think
They sleep depriving me again.

I've walked like 6 miles today and I am definitely naturally tired yet I'm unable to sleep.

They make noises in my kitchen all the time but I just ignore them to be honest.
they're probably people trying to help you, call em out if you get a weird feelin off em, if you just wanna go about your day, then do it, if they have something to say to you, they would call you out, or i hope they would do so if things are really just fine
Started up my self-training again. They didn't respond to any of my applications in 2024 but I think this is my year. Nobody spotted me once but I didn't get too close as it's my first day back on the trail. Forgot how good it feels to be watching someone who hasn't a clue you're tracking them.
Probably sending sounds to your head. To me the knocking on walls etc were my actual neighbors. They have stopped
>Traumatized people are then used to show more people "don't do drugs, stay in school, be a good tax goyim for us!"

This is not working for me, I am mad af and will shut every thing or person down if needed. No fooling around me and it shows.
All it showed me is i have been right my whole life, and now everyone sees that and shut the fuck up. Time to build back better i guess because our society is fucked, people hate on each other its incredibly broken. Everything went to shit, even gov funded radiostations are telling the public. We need people like me, luckely im still alife ey, but what now?
I know a start, stop herassing me and and make me rich for all the suffering. Than this golden hart will think about helping you guys out.
Nobody gives enough of a shit about any of you to bother with stalking. You're just paranoid nutjobs.
Based anon. These fuckers have robbed me of a life and there is no justification for it.
Well you seem to care because you spend all day and night in these threads.
They are not winning anon, i will stand tall as i always did.
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Great to hear.

There are currently only around 1100 active gangstalking posts in Nobody Generals on 4chan's /x/ board, but it's always great to hear that no one is stalking you.
>kept me up till 3am
>they already trying to do v2k on me at 10am
>even the damage control glowie was awake till 3am >>39602045
I've still got a load of stuff I can post about on Facebook btw glowies.
He's over in the Tesla anti-gravity thread now losing his mind and calling everybody schizophrenic because microwave based mind control was brought up.
I hope you slept well.
He must be working overtime lol.
I did actually, still a bit tired but not feeling bad.
That's good. Remember to take meds - an important start to the day.
I think they're having trouble running damage control here and I don't expect this shit to be able to be discussed much longer because of it. Reddit is the exact opposite and it's full blown damage control over there. The moderators of /r/conspiracy /r/gangstalking and /r/meth are all glownigger in origin and prevent all discussion of this shit entirely. /Pol/ is also compromised and the mods will move the thread over to /bant/ the literal second conversation veers from the voices in my walls are my neighbors to demodulated microwave pulses.
There's like 10 times a week im scrolling though new on /r/conspiracy and see threads concerning this tech stuck at 0.
Anyone elses v2k going completely off the rails right now?
Hey glowies why don't you pay me to be your test subject? You already know I can mind read.
I'm not on any meds, don't need them. You would just switch them out with glowie pills anyway.
You can't mind read. You are mentally unwell. Please come in for treatment.
You can't read minds the AI is causing synchronicity to make you believe you can. They love doing this type of shit with television/movies and the AI seems to have a library of media and can easily make you believe you just predicted the future and other bullshit. It's like very lightly implanted spoilers.

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