something's wrong tonight. there's a cloud halo around the moon
>>39591807Jesus fucking Christ this board... This is what happens when you never leave your basement
I have noticed this happening where I live as well. I think this shit is electrical in nature. The HARP program is charging up the clouds
>>39591807Anon, I specifically requested for you not to be afraid.
>>39591807Expect precipitation
Oh nononononononoononono... bross... its over.
>>39591807is this your first time you left your god damn basement?
The moon always glows you retard
>>39592095The HARP program? Care to elaborate?
>>39592229Glows? Glow? Glownigger? As in fed?
>impossible to tell if this is a shitpost lampooning the absolute dire state of this board or if people have genuinely become stupid enough to think seeing the moon glowing (reflecting sunlight) through the clouds is a paranormal event
>>39592542This is definitely not normal I've never seen this before. Shill hands typed this.
>>39591807>lunar halosseen it before a big storm hit off the coast of california in 2023.>image is of a properly formed lunar halocheck and see if a storm is heading your way.
>>39594329>lunar haloit's 22° halo
>>39591807>itt: mentally handicapped lad cannot grasp common phenomena such as moonlight illuminating clouds
>>39594537>a retard that ignores the implications of a halo moon describe by the ancients to be an omenrope, neck, you know the rest.
>>39591807Ever see "halos" around stop lights? it's moisture in the atmosphere.
Thats a common atmospheric event due to ice crystals. Fucking prims.
>>39592479>he doesn't knowngmi
>>39591807are you in colorado perchance, thats not a halo its clouds but if it did have a halo the color of the sky would be the same inside and out of the ring and its like more of an atmospheric thing