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Feynman may have been right.
Just to clarify;
However... there might be another way.
It came to me.
I think I have another approach.
>t. physics, electronic and electrical engineering, digital electronic development, HPC, machine-learning, mathematics, worked in the defense industry since 1986, retired
I may have another way in nobody else has ever considered.
Feynman was right.
It might be a way in.
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go on, continue with your gay LARP
can you explain this?

i think time travel into the past is possible but the math gets incredibly complicated as causal and retrocausal forces interfere with each other in the production of perceived linearity. like, if i were to send a message into the past, that past would be different to my past, so if i were to actually send a message to the past i would receive the message before sending the message. and this grows more complicated the more variables you add. like time is symmetric, you cant create a past different than the one you had, the past and future has to converge
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Ok but have you considered..
go to sleep. wake up tommorrow
go to sleep backwards. wake up yesterday.
>i think time travel into the past is possible but
You're wrong.
You have no knowledge to back up any of your bs.
I do.
Step aside.
Real humans with knowledge of reality are discussing this.
lmao. yet you did not answer the question i posed. the negative time solution to relativity suggests that retrocausal events are not only possible but are likely a naturally occuring phenomenon. the mathematician luigi fantappie who wrote the book "the unitary theory of the physical and biological world" and coined the term "syntropy" to describe a kind of inverse entropy in which systems organize towards "attractors" in the future. he believed that biology was syntropic. erwin schrodinger had a similar idea in his book "what is life?" where he coined the term "negative entropy" or "neg-entropy". inverse entropy and negative time will appear to us as effects that occur prior to their causes. study of such possibilities was largely dismissed as impossible due to a violation of causality. but higher order cybernetic thinking brings us back to these ideas, showing us that the universe itself may be retrocausally created by a future that all processes are organizing towards. similar ideas are echoed in singularity theories similar to ray kurzweil's, the concresence that terence mckenna discussed, the omega-point as discussed by pierre teilhard de chardin, and other eschatological ideas that have been communicated cross-culturally. it is theoretically possible that this property can be used in engineering technologies that exert a force backwards in time for retrocausal communications, or creating not just artificial spatial wormholes but temporal wormholes that connect two points in space and time. i would love to hear your theory/theories though, as this is a topic i consider very deeply. and if you are who you say you are, and you have discovered what you say you discovered, it could be a productive conversation.
Matter can't travel back

Information might be a little different however thanks to quantum computing
Try to explain what time is without using matter (our systems of time are related to MATTER, the SUN and the EARTH). Time does not exist, only matter exists.
you cant transmit information without affecting the material state of the past, so would be the same as matter traveling backwards, which in all likelihood is possible and is readily occuring. and quantum computing isnt a property, its a product. the underlying property is quantum entanglement which is due to the superfluidic properties of the unified field. its possible that temporal interactions can occur through this field, such as through gravity which has been theorized by some. but we dont know enough about it yet to conceive of the full scale of possibilities
This is Steins Gate plot
>i think time travel into the past is possible but the math gets incredibly complicated as causal and retrocausal forces interfere with each other in the production of perceived linearity. like, if i were to send a message into the past, that past would be different to my past, so if i were to actually send a message to the past i would receive the message before sending the message. and this grows more complicated the more variables you add. like time is symmetric, you cant create a past different than the one you had, the past and future has to converge

This is incredibly insightful
time travel? go fuck yourself
This is like saying acceleration doesn't exist, only location.
That something is a derivation does not in a y way suggest it doesn't exist.
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i leik time travel
You can travel backwards in time.
There is probably an alternate universe which is basically the same and is currently in the year 1999 or 2015 or something.
If you go to this alternate universe you technically have went back.
It could be called the .conservation of mass through time.. Take an object from today, say a sword, and send it back through time. Now you have the materials in the ground that will make up the sword AND also the modern sword **at the same time!** That can only happen on the quantum level of matter! It's another paradox!
feynman is the average jewish sex addict
This is true. And he was also a muddle-headed jew like einstein.
He was incidentally right about time travel being impossible, but not for the reason he stated.
The simple reason is that time doesn't exist as a property external to our mental ordering of perceptions, à la Kant.
Jokes on you.
Location doesn't exist either.
What da dog doin
You didn't tell us what it is
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Hey OP I figured this out a long time ago
And you are correct you can’t go back but you can go so far forward that you reach a point where history has repeated itself
The only problem is surviving the journey

To explain how this works is basically time and space are interlocked through gravity the denser a forces gravity the slower time moves relatively speaking
Like we have to adjust for this when using a gps as the satellites move at a relativistic faster pace of time do to there less dense nature then earth does
This is also why black holes are singularities they’ve become so dense that they’ve essentially curved inwards past space and time into pure aether

How one can take advantage of this is by creating a hyperbaric time chamber like dbz where gravity is set at say 10gs outside earths field of relativity so that the body that some how manages to survive that force is moving at 10x speed into the future
The movie interstellar uses this for there plot having astronauts go out for 10 minutes only to come back and it’s like 10 years later, but the movie fails to use the actual science behind that which would crush the astronauts bodies
Anon by that logic you might aswell argue for solipsism with the nature of reality only exhausting inside of you
Ignoring that you are just a piece of relativity in a greater picture
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It’s not that retro causality is a thing in a sense where you actually send information to the past it’s just you align or harmonize your awareness with a reality where that information already existed in the past
To understand this, you need to understand that you aren’t in one linear reality you are traveling, infinite realities that have all had beginnings and ends that all happened at once with the illusion of time being your relativistic perspective of travel in the infinite soups of relativity unfolding infinitely
A better way to understand this is all of the material already happened at once and you are the information traveling it a really the energy traveling the information via love, which is just electromagnetism AK what moves you to go forward and what keeps you holding onto what you have to keep you relative
> you are the information traveling it or really the energy traveling the information via love*
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This is just called a torus
Aka The beginning and the end are the same place that feeds back into itself
Oh, to continue expanding upon this once we reach antigravity technology, we can basically manipulate space-time to our will kinda like UFOs do
So this hyperbolic time chamber would be a breeze

There’s actually this really long and interesting report. I read a while ago, made with Infograph’s and everything. Just wish I saved it, which kind of explain the nature of UFOs in relation to quantum physics and how UFOs essentially live outside of space time, but blink into it for whatever reason they deem fit, and that there are infinite relative realities the UFOs can blink into for whatever reasons they deem fit and that the aliens can essentially use there crafts as if they where it’s body pure consciousness controll tech and that because these ufos are outside of the laws of space time they could be infinitely small with infinitely large interiors
multiverse isnt real its fiction
that doesn't really say anything of use
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you don't travel backwards to anywhere
you simply moves to a paralel dimension currently living in your target date, that's also how paradoxes are avoided
multiverse isnt real its fiction
this is some rick and morty larp
That's isn't so. We have perceptions of the outside world. The outside world exists apart from us. However, time (and space, in the mathematical cartesian sense of the word) is something internal to the human mind, by which our perceptions are ordered, but that do not exist apart from our mind in the outside world.
I do not care what is allowed to traverse, because it only results in a split timeline or an alternate situation on earth or else.

I stopped focussing on time a long time ago.

My mission parameters will be similar irrespective.
not that anon, but completely agree with you. however, it is still hypothetically possible to utilize the properties of time we experience in the same way we utilize the properties of space. our perception is an interface through which we causally interact with what i call the "prime substrate", where time doesnt exist as we experience it, but the logical properties of the prime substrate that our experience illuminates can be used in engineering
Furthermore, relativity is something that existed in physics before Einstein. What Einstein's theories did was confuse abstractions internal to human thinking with reality. Perhaps intentionally.
Ironically, Einstein claimed to get inspiration for his theory of relativity from Kant. But if you read Kant you will see that Einstein's theory is an inversion and perversion of Kant. For, with Kant, time - and space - are abstractions of the mind and thus the concept that they are not only something existing in reality, but that they can be bent and warped, is absurd.
I want peace from this thread at my age.
I want peace beyond my current capability too.
>nobody else has ever considered.

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