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File: wtfforealsheeit.jpg (62 KB, 860x667)
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Hey /X/, long time no see
I am looking for any and all disturbing art the (((elite))) own, specifically I am looking for the painting where black figures are killing white figures, but I'll accept anything else too. I am trying to show a couple of friends of mine.
You're looking for the art of Cleon Peterson.
The guy who has an art mural under the Eiffel Tower which is called "Endless Sleep".
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Meant to add this
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Also, this page contains some of his most shocking art for his exhibition "Last Chance: Purity".
>picrel "Mercenaries"
Obvious hexagram/magen david symbolism btw
wojaks lmao
lol this guy is from LA. classic
Just google John Podesta's art collecrion
biljana djurdjevic is the mkultra/monarch artist
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the colors were originally inverted, anon
is that the corpse of one of jeffrey dahmer victims? i remember seeing one in that exact same position
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All according to Yakub's plan...
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Yep, Tony Podesta owns it and proudly showed it off during a photo shoot of his art collection for the Washington post.
Who the hell would want that hanging on their wall??
Lot of new fags in here not knowing about pizzagate.

That swimming pool where the kids are tied up was a real location in the former home of Gloria Vanderbilt, the alleged satanic with and mother of the MK Ultra news pundit Anderson Cooper, one of the kids in the art bears a striking resemblance to Anderson as a child.

it saddens me to learn of another pedo witch from my country, I thought marina abramovic was the only one and this is even creepier than her shitty performances
Always thought it was interesting that they look like young boys in drag. Can’t be a coincidence?
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Basically anything made by Marina Abramović.
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The fuck is this. Boys in drag with eyebrows shaved off and hands in torturous positions?
He was cute
>Tfw no crazy pedo killer bf to go and hunt pedos
What a shame
Glowies signaling to each other shit is about to get real
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Sad so many still don't know oh and Kathy griffin is the brother who supposedly committed suicide

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