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Also, feel free to share any other conspiracy-type docs that are obscure or hard to find. I remember being able to watch so many of them in late 2000s and early 10s, but they've really been purged heavily off of youtube.
I messed up the post because I had the original body copied. Here is my original post that got cutt off from my copying:

Hey X
Looking for an obscure 9/11 documentary. It was long, maybe even 10 hours. It was narrated by this guy in his early 30s roughly. It had a segment on what appeared to be a pod being launched from the plane before it collided with the tower. It also had long segment on R/C conversions of jetliners into cruise missiles and even had photos of conversions done by the military.
I remember I had to find it on like bitchute or something. This was like 5 plus years ago, so it may be long gone.
This one's pretty good and similar length.

This is one about the 'pod" around the 1:32 mark
The only 9/11 documentaries anyone needs to watch are September Clues (made by Simon Shack) and The Great American Psy-Opera (made by Ace Baker). Also Ted Aranda on Bitchute gives a great physics-based presentation on how an aluminum airplane could not have flown through the several feet of structural steel and concrete of the towers without sustaining damage to the wings and without any debris of fuselage breaking off and falling to the ground. There were no planes, and the collisions presented to us on the Hezarkhani footage and subsequent videos were physically impossible (aka "cartoon physics"). Also, Judy Wood is a spook who introduced the red herring theory of space lasers and "dustification" of the towers to distract people from the fact that there were no planes, and that the WTC only had several functioning floors. Most of the towers were empty. Judy Wood also insinuated that "sandy hoaxers" were well-poisoners of the conspiracy theory community, which is ironic considering she was working as a professor at VT during the fake Cho shooting and coincidentally wasn't there the day of the hoax.

TLDR: 9/11 was a movie production, a magic trick with the largest audience ever. There is an absence of death records in the Social Security Death Registry for any of the supposed victims, just like in sandy hoax and every other major mass casualty event hyped by the media.
Hello Donald Trump. I have a similar reality whether you like it or not. I have seen the fake football throw. Thanks for sealing the 9/11 files for 100 years! Now we can't take revenge and future generations will know what a legend you are for concealing the truth from us! By the way, XQC is a total fucking nigger for gambling 250k in one click!
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What do you think about the jumpers? I wonder if the b-thing project with getting people to stand on that little balcony and have their pics taken from a helicopter was to calibrate the optics for more trickery.
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Here's my random picks:

Missing Links - The definitive truth about 9/11 (2008)
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009)

>Shadow gov
Totally Under Control (2020)
The Empire Unmasked (2017)
JFK to 9/11 everything is a rich mans trick (2014)

The Program (2024)
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (2020)

Thank You, Dr. Fauci (2024)
Coronavirus Conspiracy: Safer at home (2021)

>Techno crisis
Zero Days (2016)

>misc redpills
Waco: the rules of engagement (1997)
Money for nothing: inside the federal reserve (2013)
Endgame: Blueprint for global enslavement (2007)
HyperNormalisation (2016)
Bright Green Lies (2021)

Much of this can be found in the appropriate thread on /t/
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Just watch hunter x hunter:

9/11 was the result of combat between lucifer in flesh and two assassins who uses pentagram as their quest.

Let the entire world be a stage. - Chrolo Lucilfer
The Pizzagate series by Mouthy Bhudda

Part 1 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/m4uPgLMVI_g

Part 2 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/SvAUa1FcvDk

Part 3 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/kftvQhTH08U

Also Rich D Hall has some amazing doumantary films on his site dealing with false flags, ufos, etc. that are free to watch or download.

Based and thank you
The twin towers and building 7 were brought down with Direct Energy Weapons. The planes were edited into mainstream media footage.
Dr Judy Wood approves this message

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