Remember the burning Telsa Truck?
Just wake me up whenever the break away society is ready to go.
>>39594104china has ufos? cool, but what was the purpose of blowing himself up?
>>39594104you’re about a week late retard
>>39595762They’re jumping timelines trying to outrun us
>>39595762They’ve been running this place since Atlantis
>Nope. If DARPA had antigravity tech that was even remotely viable, it would be being developed for commercial application to revolutionize transport.Comment from a religious retard that doesn't even know the Nazis had antigravity tech back in the 40s and that was more than 80 years ago. So many dipshits think that we are technologically in the 1800s when it comes to certain things that have been around for a long time. Just look at peoples retarded perspective on mind control technology and weather modification technology, they don't think it exists yet it has for around a century.
>>39599908he's right and you're wrong
>>39600031>There's no such thing as covert technology because we would know about it.That's the argument you're defending.
>>39599908it exists 100%, they are monitoring SpaceX ops
>>39595847Maybe he got got by the spooks who were following him and they shot him, then had the car drive itself to the Trump tower then pop off. In any case, next time, the wannabe whistleblower should probably actually spill tea before he gets silenced. A one page vaguepost email will just leave people frustrated and asking questions and you'll be considered a worthless schitzo >I have important information to reveal!>I'm not suicidal! >i'll release details in two weeks. >-ack!
>>39600461The Tesla bomber was a targeted individual and was put under Remote Neural Monitoring. His mind was being controlled by wireless technology. This happens to most whistleblowers.
>>39600461He did, he went to media and even posted on /x/. “Journalists” are used to find out how much whistleblowers know, then they suicide them. Just look at the resent OpenAI whistleblower. Same thing, he had interviews set up. Word to your motha.
>>39599908people who think the government would adapt this for public use do not realize that this is the same technology that creates nuclear weapons. by that logic, every city bus should be run off a small nuclear reactor, but they never did that did they?
>>39600543Interesting. The Podcaster he emailed might have received more communication and details that he's not revealing to the public.
>>39600335wouldn't be funny if the whole vertical rocket landing thing was actually just a little but of anti-gravity tech incorporated into the design.
This is what happened to Tesla man
>>39599908>mind control tech is realinteresting. only ever read drug/psychosis-related mind control experiments, where did u read about that?
>>39601550>satellite man burning my teeth again
>>39594104Yes antigravity tech is real. No you cannot have it. Why? your own safety or something lol, what if china or russia gets this stuff? they could like, blow up the world! no no, we must keep it secret. Especially when these oil companies keep generously donating.
>> and have good articles on mind control technology and operations. Also I know how it feels since I got on the wrong federal agency list over a decade ago.Don't listen to this glownigger >>39601581
>>39594104This is basically a ritual against Donald Trump. That if they can’t hurt him, they will hurt everyone else.The elites are no different from the demons that despise God himself.
>>39601627lol. I've read into the real mind control stuff, but I'm also capable of recognizing common schizophrenic hallucinations.
>>39601652Kill yourself glowie
>>39601647>the public would be wise to educate themselves on our secret attack towers >calling anything "deep black operations">here's all the context and info you need to understand the larp without further posts>"abductions" lmao>fuck it here's a list of all the codenames of all of our programs (i put MK Ultra in there, you know that one don't you?)
>>39601702Im into Bluebird kink utopia..
>>39601647notice how in real documentation of programs, especially secret ones, they bother to classify each page? fuck man, at least offer me a (b)(6). also note how there is rigorous documentation of names and positions and offices.
>>39601627>Also I know how it feels since I got on the wrong federal agency list over a decade ago.What do you think the workaday life is like for the agents or contractors who are responsible for targeting you?
>>39602153They use an AI run system