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Ordered this because curious.
How much should I take and what are your experiences?

>inb4 pict of turds
Also, feel free to post pics of your worm filled turds.
Ask & you shall receive anon - good luck!
Make sure to take it after dinner - eat red meat with your supper then take the iver with zinc - 3 days a week max spread out
All of it, administered rectally.
Please elaborate. Should I take more than one dose? And why zink-dinnner-meat?
You gotta mega dose it.
just eat the entire bottle at once
Mine cum in tube? Should I?
Does it kill candida too? Or just worms?
No idea, but here´s a copypasta:

Duramectin Paste provides effective treatment and control of the following parasites in horses: Large Strongyles (adults), Strongylus vulgaris (also early forms in blood vessels), S. edentates (also tissue stages), S.equinus, Triodonto phorus spp., Small Strongyles including those resistant to some Benz imidazole class compounds (adults and fourth-stage larvae), Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp, Cylico-stephanus spp., Cylicodontophorus spp., Pinworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae), Oxyuris equi, Ascarids (adults and third and fourth-stage larvae), Parascaris equorum, Hairworms (adults), Trichostrongylus axei, Large-mouth Stomach Worms (adults), Habronem muscae, Bots (oral and gastric stages), Gastrophilus spp.; Lungworms (adults and fourth-stage larvae), Dictyocaulus arnfieldi, Intestinal Threadworms (adults), Strongyloides westeri, Summer Sores caused by Habronema and Draschia spp. cutaneous third-stage larvae, Dermatitis caused by neck threadworm microfilariae, Onchocerca sp. Ingredients ivermectin - 1.87% Benefits:
I didn’t know there was that many different worms
Damn that’s a bunch of parasites
You supposed to take it for a month. That anon you replied to is wrong. Take it every day. As far as dosing. There is a measuring device on the tube, take the right amount for your body weight.
Barely burns, thanks for the tip anon
I feel it working
No, it says "single dose" right there on the box.
>removes bots
This should be mandatory on 4chan before you're allowed to post.
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Ah yes, another thread of the wisest of /x/ who take animal dewormers for spiritual gain.
OP here. It's more about physical well being to me, but posted on /x/ since I see wormthreads here the most.

>Nice dubs tho. Consider them checked.
It does not kill Candida, it also does not kill tapeworms and it does not kill larvae in hybernation which can hide in the mucosa of your gut
Are you a horse?
(OP here again.)

True, a dose of praziquantel might be next, to ensure those are flushed out too.
Not sure how common tapeworms are, though.

Yes, Best regards.
just take Diatomaceous Earth nigga
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>Are you a horse?
This young black fella is right. Diatomaceous earth is cheap and effective
for the record i love horses. beautiful intelligent animals. imo their existence is evidence of divine creation.
fast while taking it.
fast for like two days then take the ivermectin + vitamins and healthy herbs like oregano.
When your body is in fast mode where it is recycling itself it will work in super mode when you put only useful particles in your body.
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Hi anon, I am a horse trainer. I wouldn't advise taking this out of the blue without doing a ton of research, I have no idea how it would affect a human.
The substance itself (Ivermectin) is already approved for humans but you need a prescription from a doctor to buy the super expensive pills.
If you buy it for animals you get the same thing for a fraction of the price.
Also, it's one of the most risk free drugs out there. Well studied and even Nobel Prize winning.
You know this from experience?
Please elaborate.
Find out the maximum dosage for toxicity in a human, then make sure your dosage is way below toxicity levels. Consider that the upper ceiling limit you should never exceed.
If you're able to, grab a dosage to body weight chart. Then measure your body weight to work out the correct dosage.
If you can't obtain that, read up the dosage amounts advised by doctors for normal treatment of parasites. Usually it will be an amount (E.G. 200 grams), taken a number of times over a day (E.G. 3 times a day), taken for a certain period of time (E.G. 2 weeks).
My numbers are made-up examples (2 weeks is extreme) and you will need to actually research the figures and not ask random retards on /x/ who have mental illnesses.
that's a nice sentiment
You know they make a prescription for humans, right? In fact, that's how it started out.

I swear to god, 4chan retards are a cut above all other retards.
It dries out parasites as a desiccant, just do a simple search for "diatomaceous earth parasite cleanse"
if you have access to a microscope diagnosing your worms is actually quite easy, not even a need for any staining, this would hellp with the timing of the second dose - how common tapeworms are is depending on your region and your choice of food and food hygiene.
If you have Ecchinococcus multilocularis you're fucked though
see this guy
depending on situation it could be easier to aquire it from a veterinary source
I know. Read >>39610176
>removes bots
Someone send a pallet of this shit to /pol/

Anon chemicals do weird shit regardless of their origin. You can get addicted to salt and sugar. You can hallucinate if you take antihistaminics.
My script is $190 and takes no insurance for 1 month of 12mg pills of ivermectin vs $17 for a weeks supply which is about $70 a month
if it’s in a tube you should be able to twist a knob thing to only squirt out enough for your weight. the tubes are by weight, and usually go up to like 2000 pounds because you know… horse medicine. we get it from a local feed store.
There are dose guides buried on twitter and Telegram. A dollop on the tip of your finger should do the trick if you're just doing it as a preventative.
I didn't realize it was a one-and-done kin of deal, and kept taking it for a few days. I ended up taking a whole tube, and that led to me seeing psychedelic geometry when I closed my eyes. It also made by vision blurry temporarily. That went away after a day or two of not taking it, and I never get that effect from just taking one human-sized dose. Ivermectin is literally safer than aspirin, so don't even worry about it.
I haven't passed any parasites (that I could see) after taking it, but taking it when sick did seem to help me get better a lot faster.
You can get this stuff at tractor supply co btw

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