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Is there any way of learning information or using the internet/computer without having to use your physical body?
>Is there any way of learning information or using the internet/computer without having to use your physical body?
some would say astral projection, reading the akashic records, stuff like that. i never done it so good luck trying.

some might say meditation, plenty of tutorials on that.
telekinesis to press your keyboard and move the mouse
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Socrates suggested that you may already possess all the information in existence in his interaction with Meno. Maybe try to remember where you left it?
You need an interface
A computer
A screen
A mouse
A keyboard

Still too far
How do you bring me closer.
Existence essentially is just a tuning process, you're just matter all scattered all around trying to shape itself into a divine shape.
neuralink put a chip in a quadroplegic woman and it could reasonably well detect where she was looking to actuate a virtual keyboard. Maybe that's something for you.
There are also systems where hi-res cameras scan your eyes for movement and can accurately infer where you are looking and that can be used as an input device for a computer i guess
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get to work little boy, we're all slaves
Imagining about culture
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Get the Elon brain chip
fuck that
Oh no
I’m not ready for this future of everyone being brain chipped
You could become a targeted individual and have AI wirelessly controlling your mind.

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