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I've been looking into gnostics. All the different sects have me a bit confused. I learned a bit about the valentinians and their 30 aeons. Then found out the sethians, ophites, and cathars have different aeons. I read a book yesterday (the gnostics) that said they would have free love communities, liked oral and anal sex since it was a metaphor for ouraboros, semrn and period blood for eurchrist, and would abort/eat fetuses. Help me explain the difference between them and are the elites following this religion
To put it simply gnostic doctrines and practices went underground after heavy persecution from the churches of Rome (Byzantine Greeks and Latins) - so they became "occult" knowledge. They mostly survived through secret societies/orders in the middle east. The muslims of the middle east persecuted them so they remained mostly occulted, the Druzes, Yezidi and other secretive middle eastern sects have their origin here. Apparently the Templars were exposed to gnostic doctrines while in the Levant, this is most likely through the on and off again alliance with the Assassins - who possesed one of the largest libraries in the world at the time, but eventually bruned down by the Mongols. To the Assassins, knowledge meant power and they were in a war with the Muslim powers at the time. The Templars brung these doctrines and practices back to Europe and the rest is history. The Freemasons and Rosicrusians claim Templar lineage and so a lot of modern gnosticism goes through them. The origin story of the Rosicrucians is a dead giveaway.

Some say they used these occulted works to combat the church, similar to how the Assassins were doing the same out in the east to the Muslims, but unlike the Assassins you could say they won the battle and we live in the remnants of that war. In a way we live in their world now.
That's very interesting thanks. So is the degeneracy/ trans culture today part of the gnostics beliefs? Some reading I do on them I agree with. Other stuff I read they seem like degen furries. Is there different factions? Like a Crowley type faction which is earth/emotion/feminine and a air/thought/masculine faction
It’s so stupid that even a man who was raised in paganism, and been negatively impacted by the presence of violence, considers it a faith that needs to be outlawed for being so blasphemous against the Word of God.
No, saturnian and especially venusian.
How so? Most sects didn't like giving birth (which I thought would be anti santurian) . they do have crazy orgies though which would be Venusian
Its gay and retarded fanfic built on top of gay and retarded fanfic
Its interesting. Helps understand why pagans converted. I never understood why they did. If you look at Christianity through gnosticism / kabbalah you can connect with old gods/planets. There is bits of truth in all religions. Want to understand all this abrahamic cuck stuff and then learn vedas , Zoroastrianism, and toaism.
Planetary magic are just tools to express their beliefs in ritual practice.
Are you sure your information isn't just coming from people who were opposed to Gnosticism?
Like getting your opinion of a conquered people entirely from the ones who conquered them, instead of getting it straight from the people themselves.
You know that before very recently (only around 80yrs ago) the only thing known about Gnosticism was all written by the very people who persecuted them, right? Are you sure that's not where your information is coming from?

Can you give me 1 example of the stuff you described that actually came from a Gnostic text? Like can you link me something on gnosis.org that has any of that in it?

If you read some actual Gnostic texts, which are their own words, what they describe is a very deep and intelligent philosophy.
What you're describing sounds like a bunch of materialistic occultic idiots.
>Be me, God
>Create humanity
>Give them some rules
>Change my mind on some rules
>Evil comes from me
>But I'm good
>Follow all my rules or its a sin
God creates evil, but what does the 'devil' do? He tries yo motivate you to reach your highest potential, to be god-like
I think gnosticism is bullshit but I deeply feel bad about sex of any kind and sodomy.
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pretty much

>try to solve the problem of evil that the flawed abrahamic metaphysics framework presents
>therefore the God of the world must be a fake evil God and the real one is outside of his control
>and we are little shards of the real God that need escape the simulacrum of this fake God
>and and

If they had simply followed their line of logic to it's ultimate conclusion, they're realize what's actually going on. Because things a lot simpler than people think. Gnostic thought is a collection of half truths mired in over complicated bullshit as usual.
The pipeline goes:
Christian ---> Gnostic Christian ---> Luciferian
First, Plato said that when we die, we get wisped away and eventually replanted in some new earthly vessel. He suggested this process was overseen by a benign being called the Yaldaboath. To learn more about Plato's views, you should check out the story of the Dying Soldier. It explains what I outline.
Some time went by and they killed him and all that and then the Essenes popped up and started teaching John and Jesus a few things. They spread it to their friends, their friends think it's cool and then people try to kill them, yada yada.
A couple of centuries go by, all the prior characters are killed or driven off. The remnants are still around of course, but by this time hiding. All of their work has to be passed around in secret, coded so the Roman niggers can't perceive what they say to each other. This never really stops, the Refrigerium is classified as a Roman affair and everyone sort of forgets about it. These guys quickly split into separate sects and develop sometimes warring beliefs.
The Venetians and Sethians were prominent examples of sects that were hardline Anti-Materialism. These guys conflicted with Plato, insisting the Demiurge was evil and we're all trapped in a prison. This didn't last very long thanks to Plotinus.
Plotinus corrected things, insisting Plato had the right idea and most of them agreed (the Libertines were an exception, for example, and where we get a lot of the degeneracy like orgies, abortions and eating abortions, etc.). From there, the various sects of Mystics emerged and many organizations claim lineage from these groups.
They all got compromised via infiltration over and over by the Church, who they infiltrated back and things went back and forth for a while. Eventually, the Church had replaced all prior nobility and no one cared anymore if there was any sort of spiritual disagreement because the populations were largely controlled. It no longer mattered who disagreed.
Okay great now the history is out of the way. What was the difference between the beliefs of those in power and those contending them?
The Church was established as a centralized system to exert power over and manage the populations. Their role isn't spiritual refinement and when they do permit spiritual refinement, it's to exploit to their advantage.
Joining what's left of the "Mystery Schools" to find more is a mistake. They won't help you any more than the Church will today. However, it used to be a venue for men to learn about Spirituality without the burden of all of the normalfags sucking up all the air in proximity. But they did at one time contain access to what remained of Gnosticism.
Today, things are pretty different. You can join some group if you want, but now they're the same as the Church after having been infiltrated so many times. Ultimately, Gnosticism should be used like Tantra is used in Eastern traditions - a framework for personal development without the overseers from the Establishment trying to steer all spiritual experiences into some useful direction which doesn't really benefit the adherent.
The Church focuses on Death, but those that oppose it focus on Life. The Church wants you to get excited to die all without ever having lived. The alternative is agreeing to "die" so that you can just live your life. This disillusionment can break you from that mortal prison if you let it, severing the over-attachment to materialism. At least, that's an option if you want it.
Ultimately, the Gnostics celebrate the Wedding between Jesus and Mary, his wife. This is Sophia and he is her Bridegroom. Their marriage fixes what's broken and again rejoins the polar forces like Apollo and Artemis (the two pairs are very related).
The point of Gnosticism is to reach enlightenment. The reason the Church dislikes it is because they want "Enlightenment" to only be conducted under their authority. To them, you're nothing more than a useful idiot to be controlled even if you attain Consciousness. You'd be better served instead discovering it on your own, just as Jesus said. If you want to follow his footsteps, it's very easy.
Like Jesus, you too can journey inward and discover the Kingdom of God. Within, you'll discover the pathway which leads to Gnosis. This Gnosis can grant that Enlightenment and bring to the surface your Consciousness. This is the final understanding of Gnosticism.
Jesus was important because he did this without the help of the Mystery Schools. This is what "born of a virgin" really means. This is why both his mother and wife were called "Queen Bees".
See, Queen Bees can self-generate. They don't need a mate. What this really means, being "born of a virgin", is attaining Consciousness on one's own, without the aid of Mystery Schools. You too can accomplish this, just like Jesus (they called him King Bee actually). This is more or less what he really meant in the New Testament.
There are no "sects". Know yourself and have spiritual experiences of your own, thats it.
Exactly, op should read sophia
>He tries yo motivate you to reach your worst low, to be nigger-like and jew-like
For simplenton everything is simple.
for the midwit, everything is complex
someone here,
understand the nuance of systems that are presented to help build your consciousness. its a moral framework for a reason. ego driven beings will not make it.
low vibration things like materialism contribute to ego
>that said they would have free love communities, liked oral and anal sex since it was a metaphor for ouraboros, semrn and period blood for eurchrist, and would abort/eat fetuses.
gnosticism has shit all to do with any of this. The narratives of aeons and so forth are also literal interpretations of inner secrets of mind, like of course the stupid and blind always do. Surely, in the worlds without there might be some truth to those interpretations, but the only important things are found in the worlds within.
yes. very well put. the root of all spiritual qualities come from the moral framework, there's no other way except in extremely rare exceptions. People be wanting to be live a degenerate life but still access the divine mysteries. It won't happen.
I am getting a strong inward pull after I was free from believing in eternal Hell.

But the manuscript evidence is not pointing toward the Gnostic Gospels as being significant as the normal NT.

But I have this strong pull. What do I do?
just follow your own heart and go seek things you're interested in
Of course degeneracy is gnostic in nature, ESPECIALLY transgenderism. Think about it, you think that the natural world (in this case, your natural body) is evil and must be rectified. Transgenderism is literally neo-gnosticism
Planning on reading that. Reading cannibalism, blood sacrifice and high adept satanism now
are all world myths talking about space wars and space politics from hundreds of millions of years ago?
Nope. It's way more likely these myths revolve around the emergence of consciousness, its loss during the last Cataclysm and then its reemergence. This is more or less the basic outline for Consciousness over the last few thousand years, to really boil it down.
Hello Aku, It’s nice to meet you here, I have beckoned you.
The fact you even have to divide something into "degeneracy" shows you're not ready for Gnosticism. Gnosticism entirely has to do with an individual's journey. The Gospel of Phillip talks more about this and I'd advise reading that.
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>I don't think thinking about it, so it's not true.
Literally every modern Christian (Hylic) thinks this way. It's called being a meat robot with no soul.
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Read this

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