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if the atheists are right and its all mental processes is enlightenment still a worthy goal?

Will it make the small amount of time your allotted here better?
Everything is true, nothing is real.
>its all mental processes
All what?
>is enlightenment still a worthy goal?
Conquering ignorance is a worthy goal.
you know exactly what i mean
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>if the atheists are right
You can learn a lot through the strategic use of being wrong.
>if the atheists are right and its all mental processes is enlightenment still a worthy goal?
You might find out the atheists are wrong if you become enlightened. Would that be worth it to find out they were wrong the whole time, or to follow them to their doom?
If it was all mental processes, wouldn't the mind be God?
Or, wouldn't God be mind?
wouldnt that be self deception like this guy says >>39594900
I think so. It would lead to a more positive mode of being, subjectively, which other people can sense (nothing supernatural just body language etc), which will make your social interactions and general life easier and more pleasing.
having a "enlightenment" experience might be fun
You either find out that they are wrong, or you don't. Spiritual practices yield results whether you believe one thing or another.
desu i just want to have one that has its own symbolism and logic so I can start my own religion and get tons of sexo
well the atheists are not right, so it doesnt even make sense to consider how one would live in a world without God. because its not possible, we couldnt exist in a world without God
I think it kinda makes it matter more if anything matters at all
if they're right, then making peace with finite existence is worth pursing. if you can find peace knowing an eternal death is ever looming, the sooner you can move on with life. it's an inevitability, just a matter of time before we fall.

either spirituality is just cope or there's more to it, i can't answer that for you. you have to make that decision for yourself.
>Will it make the small amount of time your allotted here better?
depends, if you're constantly having an existential crisis and death anxiety, yes, it could help to find a way to make peace with the idea of death.

it's why i don't fault anyone for believing what they do, anything to get them through the day.
what is enlightenment, can you test for it, does it give supernatural powers, can you show reliable testable evidence if you say yes?
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They're not
what is the meaning of the picture you posted, you some kind of communist?
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>what is the meaning
Dont know the artist or their intentions, but i use it to mean materialists are retarded. And you can see both ends of the spectrum there: just people thinking on the basis of bodily luxury. Pure repression on one side, pure debauchery on the other. No spiritual knowledge. No conception of God. No higher thinking. No, this life is everything and money is the solution to all of lifes problems
And yes, communists are atheists, and thats by design
someone who does this is cannot be enlightened, this is why most gurus are falsely enlightened
no i believe crowley and l.ron hubbard were enlightened because they got in contact with the inner realm, and if you are right there is no way to know your favorite prophets weren't also sex fiends, just look at Muhammad(PBUH!)
But the atheists aren't right. Not even close. Took a while for me to get that. Now I'm free. I have no shackles.
why, do you have evidence for what you believe, is it falsifiable you know, I'm a sceptic after all
well then you could probably make a tulpa or succubus or astral project for sex and its not demonic so that's fun! that is if I'm to believe the people who have had experiences with such things,
bettering yourself is always a worthy goal
why waste your life trying to meditate 24/7 just for some mystical state called "enlightenment" you could just take psychedelic drugs or something and it will be the same effect, maybe you might learn some things about yourself too fast though
way but it's so goddamn hard, the universe is literally against you
well its the only you can do if you want to help yourself and others.
atheists are so boring
It is an error to think enlightenment is a bettering of anything.
>is enlightenment still a worthy goal?

Read this thread:


Keep in mind that both Christians and atheists do not like what I have to say.

Also, here's a supplementary post that contains some important details:


I can't tell you exactly when Jesus will arrive to destroy this planet (I can't even give you the year, let alone the month). But here's one thing I do know with 100% certainty: this planet is Bozrah, not Earth.
The atheists are wrong. There is the phenomenology and experoence of mind, soul and spirit. Introspection, self study and selflessness must be done.
well they aren't right so why ponder the question anon
>but I don't know yet if they are right or not
find out then, you have the faculties to make it so
if its all mind and body mind and matter are the things you should cultivate
Athiest dies and expects to go to hell, this happened instead
you have to internalize the fact that you’re here by choice, enlightenment is part of what we all came here for, that’s the purpose of souls coming to this planet, your life isn’t an accident or a spark of cosmic luck. Your life was planned, by YOU
is this justifiable,falsible,tesifiable? you know all the atheist skeptic points
>why ponder the question
It's so stupid that religious people claim to be enlightened but almost always have this attitude
yeah kinda puts into question all of this enlightenment business

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