Truth is truth, nothing can change that. God is forever in eternity. To fulfill the desire of the soul towards god and the infinite, we must act according to the divine law god has ordained for men and everything else in existence. God created the world. But.. it doesn't mean everything is going according to his will. Many people act against his will on earth. This has been destined to be punished by a hellish afterlife or even in this life sometimes. What is this law? Never to speak a lie. Never to deceive. Being open handed towards the poor and needy. In short, love. Love for everything and everyone. He who does not love dwells not in god, says christian truth. It is not necessary to believe in anything or anyone to fulfill this commandment. However, knowledge and truth go hand in hand. The more you know, the more you will love. And vice versa. Is there a god? This is not important. I don't know the answer. However I live and love my neighbor as much as I can, whom I know exists. This is the truth. I am also a vegan for spiritual purposes as well as ethical. If someone thinks however that love is superior to truth he is mistaken. Truth is the mother of all things. Truth determines heaven for those that love her.
>>39595085God is forever in eternity. In the silence of god, there is only love. Truth has been manifested through people on earth, such as Jesus Christ. God has profound depth. Know yourself. Knowing yourself, you see the internal realities of the all. Seeing yourself, in pure light. God is a divine flame. A holy fire, a sacred fire that seeks the one who seeks it. It burns away all defilements and sin. Getting closer, bliss and truth and love increase. Serenity becomes manifested. Truth is life. Truth commands us to be wise, and innocent as doves. Truth speaks through silence. It is only through the inner spiritual ears that we can hear her call. There is a white light. A flaming blazing fire. Coming closer to it, one sees for himself how god is. What he wants from us. What he needs. We care for god alone, then, when we seek to know ourselves. Giving away possession to the poor, we find rest in that serene spirit. Fasting from the world, being passersby, disregarding all worries and cares for the world, let us dwell in silence.
>>39595286That was pretty good. Nice job. However I feel empty inside and only find happiness in my life when I meditate. Christ didn't meditate.
>>39595307I thought this was your own post?
>>39595307thats completely untrue
>>39595085>I live and love my neighbor as much as I can, whom I know exists. This is the truth.How do you know your neighbor exists?
>>39595085>God created the world.And who asked him to do so? >it doesn't mean everything is going according to his willYet he does almost nothing if anything to change that.
>>39595350I see my neighbor with my own eyes, and the eyes do not lie.>>39595353Are you saying you'd rather not exist? Wtf. He doesn't change the world because in his infinite wisdom, he knows that not doing anything means you are doing everything. Like a mountain, who stands still and let's the rain pour on him and thus create a beautiful mountain lake.
>>39595330How is it untrue?
>>39595375>I see my neighborHow do you know you see your neighbor and not, for example, an illusion or a hallucination?
>>39595418I can tell the difference.
>>39595383Jesus fasting is pretty famous.
>>39595307> Christ didn't meditate.He spent many sleepless nights in meditative states communing with God the Father. During his early years, when he was unable to give answers to tricky questions, or when faced with hard decisions, he would often delay giving an answer until he was able to "ask his Father in heaven">>39595353> And who asked him to do so?There is none beside him. He alone created the heaven and the heaven of heavens. He covers himself with light as with a garment and stretches out the heavens as a curtain.> Yet he does almost nothing if anything to change that.He has bestowed upon us almost infinite free will to do as we please, hence He rarely intervenes directly as to not override our volition. However, saying that He does nothing is untrue. To put it into perspective, if He started doing nothing in regards to our world at this very moment, humanity would go extinct shortly after.
>>39595443I didn't mean fasting, I meant sitting down in the lotus position and turning the mind inward. Jesus never did that, I assume.
>>39595456Oh really. Where is the text that says this.. that he spent sleepless nights in meditative states?
>>39595431Can you explain how? I walk by neighbors very often and have never gotten any conclusive proof that they, or the world, or my self are real. The only thing I can claim is that they exist but their reality I cannot guarantee.
>>39595514If you start to only speak the truth and also love the truth and abide by it in all matters of life.. then god will grant you deeper insight into the nature of reality and you can discern things like this.
>>39595527And how does one speak the truth when one does not know it?
>>39595570Then remain silent on the matter.
>>39595575And thus remain ignorant?
>>39595601What do you mean?
Actually everything is going according to God's will, always and forever.
>>39595636Are you a christian? Can you tell me how James and Paul can both believe the same gospel when one says you are saved by faith alone and the other says the opposite?
>>39595085>>39595286Just the same old doctrines, rhetoric, biases, opinions, propaganda (a Catholic term, btw), and prejudices branded as Truth. In many religions, some gods created the World and Humanity. There is no absolute Truth, and if there is then it's Unknowable, but you could get a DD degree that says you know everything there is to know about the subject.. Revelation and Faith aren't the same as Truth or morlity. The more you know, the more Christcuckery makes less sense! The Gestapo knocks on your door demanding to know where the neighborhood Jews, Gays JWs, Gypsies, Liberals, and dissidents are hidden. Is it a moral duty to Truth to tell those SOB MFing pricks where they are, or is it your moral duty to lie your arse off or not give him anything (which is a lie of omission)? Why would these Officious bastards have the right to the truth about anything? Why you would NOT deceive them?!!? Your Holy Fire burns far more than 'defilements and sins', and it will ultimately make you a Spiritually Correct automaton, unable to think anything else. One should be loving and charitable because you want to be, not because it's your duty to some god. Giving people in funny hats and robes, or preacher suits and reversed collars, the right to tell me what emotions I must feel and charity I must give is anathema to me.
>>39595676This right here is why god will probably destroy the world very soon. I'm glad I'm not you.
>>39595622If I do not know the truth and remain silent on the matter, how could I ever come to know the truth?
>>39596081By the grace of god, after introspection and deep contemplation he will give it to you.
Op here. Truth is like a fire that burns everything impure to ashes. Through cleansing the body with water frequently, praying, and meditation primarily these three one burns defilements from the soul to attain a purer soul, I think.
Fallen Angels are ranked lower since they can simply be prayed away by asking Jesus for Help. A powerful Prayer: "Help me Jesus."
>>39596485This is true. I am a targeted individual and next door, Satan was gearing up to give some elites access to advanced knowledge with the potential to pump out advanced technology. I simply thought out, "Satan, the Lord rebuke thee in Jesus Christ name," to which afterwards Satan said, everyone pack up and promptly left. The humans there were confused as to why Satan dipped. At the time, these high level individuals didn't know that I prayed Satan away.
>>39596542If this was in the United States, you have doomed America. The United States is already lagging behind in hypersonic weapons technology