Does anyone here use crystals for healing or magic. Lets discuss everything related to powerful gems, stones and metals. I spend a lot of time rockhounding for agates, quartzes and calcites. my local shoreline was a well known place of power for the indigenous people and im convinced it sits on a massive bed of crystal. i am constantly receiving new gifts from the earth!
>>39595463How do you charge crystals with energy? Wear them during sex?
>>39596863holding them works.
>>39596863they are already charged from being created by immense forces of nature
>>39599559>>39599718You guys are weak. I need super sex charged crystals. Not some gayboy rock bought in a gift shop
breastplate of the high priest
>>39599727allright then put a bumble bee agate wand in your anus
>>39600730Why do you crystal freaks always go straight to dildos?