We gonna talk about the insanely obvious symbolism and metaphors in this demonic movie?
I mean we're talkin every 5-10 seconds, every scene, there's something trying to be forced your way
>>39595513You gotta contribute more to the thread, OP.How about a synopsis? Where does this stream?
>>39595533>33I don't know how to explain it anon, I'm currently 32:16 minutes into the movie and It's the most schizophrenic evil energy thing I've ever watched in my life.
>>39595533it's the type of film that gets a director Kubrick'd
>>39595513As in how bad of a job Coppola did and he really needed someone to tell him this is a bloated piece of overly and overtly symbolic crap?No, no we don't to talk about that.>>/tv/
>>39595513We talk about MK ultra all the time.There’s only so much you can notice and discuss before it gets boring or pointless.
>>39595513It's just a bunch of pretentious shit with corny dialogues. We're in 2025, can we stop getting our panties in a bunch every time a director touches on overused philosophical or esoteric themes?
>>39595585Why so many references to 9/11 and WW2? And everything in between and trying to predict future events? Why?
>>39595553Screenshot 33:33 and post in threadBet it's something cool
>>39595612Why not, It's a sci fi movie.
>>39595513I have a feeling that a lot of the people involved in the production of this movie are going to experience bad things. Already started with Aubrey Plaza.
This movie looks interesting, another implied about the NWO.In a steampunk-like universe.This is exactly the image I have of the Old World.
>>39595668i killed her husband by accident
>>39595637What could it mean?
>>39595513Doesnt matter. Movie is shit and that actor is a total mouthbreathing doofus. He wouldnt have a career unless hollywood needed to employ a former soldier to look good after a long war. Dude is borderline talentless
>>39595513>Rome anologies are demonic nowthe absolute state of this board.
>>39595766Yes, it equals the most likely real painful death of you and me sooner than later. No cozy bed and white Pickett fence
Just a reminder that this movie was all built up on ideas Coppola had in the 70s.It may be updated, but nothing in this is directly about modern events.>Built on ideas that Coppola first conceived of in 1977 and began developing into a movie in 1983,
Totally wrong. It’s a critique of secularism in a failing society. It also humanizes people like Trump and has a ton of themes of putting faith in destiny and a creator. It’s not exactly Christian but it certainly isn’t demonic. It’s honestly interesting this movie has such a smear campaign against it
>>39596277It's a fucking commie satanic propaganda piece. Don't be a faggot now.
>>39596399It's the most pro-capitalist, objectivist film made in decades, you illiterate retard.
>>39596623>pro-capitalist, objectivistLol church of satan said they were just objectivists in halloween costumes
>>39595513I despise that big retard so much it's incredible. he's just not a good actor. He belongs in Wendy's commercials.
>>39596637And Michael Aquino a pro-capitalist. Your point?
>>39595513Will they stop putting him in movies already?
>>39596666>digitskek this movie is fucking satanic and everything surrounding it is too. Dialogue and visuals are KVNO at least.
>>39598643This is modern art
>>39595513anon its a shitty movie made by a 90 year old dude suffering from serious dementia, there is nothing to look at here besides astonishment that a 90 year old dementia patient was allowed to make a movie. >he spent his own money to make itoh, ok.
>>39595688That you, Amadán?
>>39596399>movie is literally The Fountainhead with political satire. Also I don’t care what anyone says Coppola is the fucking GOAT.>commie satanic propaganda You’re a fucking retard