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>"I don't believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me. There is nothing to believe anymore."
Has something happened to you that made you lose all your faith?
Yeah, a lot of my family died and I had an inconsistent home life, sometimes living in poverty, and that made me question Catholicism and all benevolent entities from a young age. Don't like authority in general, I guess, as I've generally been disappointed by it.
Britney Spears life is eerie. That southpark episode was pretty telling. Her entire life is some kind of torture ritual conducted by the elite, that the elite encouraged society to participate in. It's fucked.
The last time I went to church was when I prayed for my brother's cancer to go away. He ended up dying. That's when I decided that Christianity is fake and gay.
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>Has something happened to you that made you lose all your faith?
That just leaves more Christ for me.
indians existing as majority of the planet pretty much debunks god and all religion/spirituality
>"I don't believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me. There is nothing to believe anymore."
i'll admit, i was more like this when i was younger but i'm more open minded on spirituality now. however, i can't accept anything on faith which is why i struggle. i'll read through christian post, gnostics, pagan, whatever. i just want to find something tangible to grab onto and i beginning to believe it might be fool's errand to find anything concrete.

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and even his own soul as well, he cannot be my disciple."

The Gospel of Luke 14:26
I moved to a city in the northeast ten years ago. After some months at my new job, a co-worker asked me what I thought of the area. I replied that before relocating I believed in God and Good, but after driving down Broad St I believed in neither. He was black and asked point blank if black people existing was proof to me that God could not be both real and good, and I said yes. He laughed and said it was the most fucked up thing I could’ve ever said. But it was true.
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Most of the world is godless so,
And the religionists are only there to drive people away from God. Like the brother Martinez said: satan also goes to church to preach and speak in tongues and sing and dance; and people are applauding him!
So, no. My faith only grows stronger. Even seeing the godlessness of the world is further proof that God is the only solution
Blessed post
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I miss the year 2000 so bad
I was looking for Britney Spears just minutes before I came here on this board (I didn't do this for years) and then found this picture here. Can you imagine my surprise? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0bPrt69rag
God is real but he's evil. I am gangstalked and my mind gets raped every second of every day and I am terrorized, abused, harassed, threatened etc in by God's retarded tranny hivemind that makes constant direct reference to my thoughts to undeniably prove that everyone else on earth is controlled as a retarded tranny hivemind that only exists so that God can abuse and dominate me through them.
God just doesn’t like you bro
I agree with you but I can't help but this we will be missing this 10-15 years from now somehow
Have you heard of that song “Theme of Infinite”
I don’t miss anything.
Cause great tribulation.
You dont understand how faith and christianity works.
>Ask, and it shall be given you
OK then I'll ask you to spare my innocent brother from a long and painful death.
Fuck off, Christcuck
Are you supposed to have intrinsic "faith" to begin with? I don't remember thus occurring...
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'God' is just a god, and an evil one at that.

This is The Truth:

The Four Noble Truths
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

∞ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view
∞ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm

To gain merit and help others, take this info and spread it online! If it's not Theravada, it's heresy!
>I am a racist fuck and that's why he is fake
Jesus was a racist, he's even quoted using a slur in the bible
Yeah, I believed for many years, but then I had an epiphany. I felt like I was talking to the wind when I prayed, and when I went to church I felt like I was in an empty box. In most of the churches I went they only talked about financial prosperity and personal growth, there was nothing metaphysical. I have other reasons too, but they are boring and uninteresting for this topic that the OP proposes.
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I do though.
Noticing the infinite regress behind the concept of a god. Why is he immune to the requirement of being created by something? If he doesn't need a creator, then why does the universe need a creator?
On a large enough unfathomable timeline, calling concepts god is fine, also saying that isn't god is fine. Not like we'll ever know, even if some vastly superior godlike entity with vast powers of creation arrives that says its been around forever and thinks it can prove it. Though such a thing would at least be better for the whole theist perception.

Agnosticism is about all we have, for ones into being purely deeply honest, anyhow.
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My faith only strengthens.
You asked for his cancer to go away.
Now he doesn't have to deal with cancer.
You know you're going to die in this body, too, and your brother certainly didn't get the worst death in all of human history.
God is not evil.
Look up the definition of suffering, it's really just experiencing.
Buddha is depicted as being fat as fuck, he didn't stop craving, he just sated it by eating shitloads.
Your premise here is
>my tummy happy. me not suffering now :)
God is in all you see, and outside of all you can imagine.
You may ponder "well what the fuck is God in?"
That's beyond this world's ability to even comprehend.
The beauty of life, we are in God's creation.
If you, a breathing amalgamation of flesh, do not see the magic in your daily awakening, you'll come to find beauty eventually.
>You asked for his cancer to go away.
>Now he doesn't have to deal with cancer.
So god is like a genie where he'll answer your prayers but it'll have some sort of ironic twist? What an asshole
Yeah, me being forever alone for 25 years.
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I don't think I ever had any faith. It never seemed relevant to me. When I was young, no adult ever seemed to have an answer to my questions, they just seemed more confused and got more aggressive the more interested I got in verification or enlightening myself on the subject of God or religion.
"He just is!" and other such nonsense, a complete inability to articulate anything involving God, or religion, or faith or why it's important. Then they got angry and aggressive if I said God is as fictional as santa clause. They question my morality, telling me that to go against God is devil worshipping or something silly like that.

It seemed absurd to me that if you didn't worship God or pray to the cross that they assume you're immoral or sociopathic. I think people are perfectly capable of being kind and good to eachother without the necessity of religion. It certainly makes it easier for some people to have something to believe in, and having a firm faith can alleviate stress, sure. But it doesn't help me and the flimsiness of their faith in the face of questions turned me away from ever pursuing it.

I'm not a very spiritual person in that I believe in souls, magic or higher dimensions or anything. But I do believe in people and their capability to be kind to eachother. I believe everyone wants to create a world worth living in and we're all trying in our own way to make it work, despite our flaws and missteps. I don't need a god to tell me to be good or give me relief from existential dread, but if that works for you, great! Just please, don't force that on another person. And don't be a hypocrite.
The "Fat Buddha" isn't a depiction of the Buddha himself, it's a popular depiction of a Chinese monk nicknamed Budai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budai

The original Buddha supposedly nearly starved himself to death early on in his quest for awakening, and that has a fair number of artistic depictions as well, like picrel. After that, he taught moderation, and as far as I know there's no reason to believe he was ever fat.

tl;dr: learn to read before you claim stuff.
>Buddha is depicted as being fat as fuck, he didn't stop craving, he just sated it by eating shitloads.

That fat toothless Buddha is unfit to be a father or worker. Considering the poverty and starvation in Asia, he's an icon of resource theft by way of gluttony using eastern mystic mumbo jumbo to confuse followers to beg for alms with their rice bowls.

The junkie continues to shoot up, the glutton keeps stuffing themselves, the porn addict keeps fapping and you call it spiritual. I want to see you prove this degen perspective by going to the nearest Walmart and worshiping the first 400 lb land whale on a mobiilty scooter.
He fulfilled a particular prayer I was surprised to be fulfilled at all and the ironic twist is something completely unexpected.
T. doing it wrong
God definitely exists but God also does as they please.

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