Bout to take 400mg in a capsule for tonight. Anyone else dosing some? Share any and all experiences and information in this thread.
I tried mugwort and it did next to fuckall. Where do you buy this stuff?
>>39596153World Seed Supply is the only vendor ive tried it it from. Thats the batch I just took.
>>39596156Nice, thx and gl bro, hopefully it has no undesirable side effects on the body like some strange herbs do
>>39596186It has potential to give you some nasty allergic reaction similar to ragweed. So far have not experienced it, nor experienced any effect I have noticed, but still have yet to try it in a "full dose" which reportedly is .5-2g. Going up slowly with small doses to be safe.
>>39596147not a drug board! Try the streets of Barcelona
>>39596147I guarantee whatever you bought was not what you think. You probably just bought some random crushed up leaves. This herb is rare and hard to find and hardly anyone buys it. Therefore if you do get the real stuff it's probably been sitting around for a decade or its just some random inhert other thing
>>39596271Go away nerd. It's not a drug. It's an herbal supplement from Africa.
>>39596271Plant medicines which induce altered states are distinctly paranormal. Shamanism is paranormal and this is a shamanic herb.>>39596283I know some vendors do carry a fake or mislabeled version, but that is not what I got. World Seed Supply is one of the most legit and old plant vendors of this nature online.
>>39596287Its from south america silly.
>>39596147You post about this stuff every night. Has it worked yet? I tried it like 15 years ago and bought it onlin.le. but it didn't do anything. Which is why I presume it's just useless or whatever vendors sell is not the actual plant that it's labeled to be. They say rare plants and herbs like this are like 90% of the time just some other plant labeled as what your trying to buy. Because think about, what vendor is gonna go pick this stuff in the wilds of Africa just to sell a few grams of it like once or twice a year for 5 or 10 bucks to needs like us who research it online then go to do order it. So yeah most likely 100% of this plant being sold online is fake. And I know I know I'm super skeptical but I've come to learn my skepticism is usually right.
>>39596186It will have 0 effect on him most likely. I've tried it long ago and it didnnothing
>>39596228Lol I took like 5 grams first time and it did jack shit. Assuming what I got was even the actual herb which most likely it wasn't if I had to guess. Who's gonna go pick this rare plant to sell it online once in a blue moon for a few bucks? Ya know?
>>39596296Unless you run a GS/MS test on it you'll never know. How do you know it's real otherwise?
>>39596305You are a noob and have no clue how big of a market there is where people sell this in SOUTH AMERICA (not africa) and how there are tons of people who just broker deals to ship it to the US where my vendor was located. The shamanic plant market in SA is huge and probably the biggest in the world as far as what is sold openly and publicly en masse.But no it has not worked yet because ive been incrementaly going up slowly to see how I react and using it in combination with weed.>>39596313You really have no communicated with people around the world much about rare plants have you?>>39596318Because the foliage has a specific look and taste to it silly. Jeeze. When you did it did it have the classic horrid taste?
Those of you saying this stuff doesn't work should try drinking it for a few nights in a row. You should also be remembering your dreams every night at the very least.
>>39597507Did not notice anything from the 400mg again. Time to start experimenting with the .5-1g range which is what people have generally said actually works.