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The official term ‘Non Human Intelligence’ (NHI) could also be used to describe a demon/jinn.

The US government has said that it is in communication with NHI’s. That should scare the hell out of you.

Nothing scares me im tall and handsome
>The US government has said that it is in communication with NHI’s.
has it really though
>The US government has said that it is in communication with NHI’s

has it though?
just talk with a dolphin
>That should scare the hell out of you.
No, it should not.
Why not?
Because their reign is coming to an end, and they've been warned by positive non-human intelligences.
A demon is a demon, but what we’ve been told about them is a lie and they’ve been used and inserted into all of our religious dogmas and all of those religions are lying
Could you accept that the human race is evolving past you before you eyes?
Or that people from before the last 5000 years had advanced technology?
Or perhaps there's a civilization that's far more advanced than us that's lived here along side us in secret because most of humanity is savage and petty?
>summoning semen demon Succubby
>Rolling for fuck
Oh wow.
Your hand is the Succubus.
It works
> The US government has said that it is in communication with NHI’s.
People who weren’t paying attention in the summer in 2023. Those hearings really got memory holed, didn’t they?
Sharing a link to it would clear things up
All they shared was videos of older F-16 variants tracking `something' flying low over water. It was to detract from real news about satanic pedo cults/rings

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