Why are so many new-agers claiming to have suddenly found Jesus recently?
>>39596536They were able to separate aspects of it from their baggage, and retained the hope and other things it gave them. Heck. Even scary Jesus is cool and metal.
What's the problem with that..?
>>39596560they say jesus is just an "enlightened master" and not god
they looked inside themselves
>>39596536because of cringe
because they got assraped by the demonic parasites who cause auditory hallucinations. funny as fuck watching all these cocky occultists and witches unaware that they’re just entertainment for demons.when the entities are done laughing. their harvest begins.
>>39596587what if your jesus was just another charles mason
>>39596571Oh ok. Well I believe that too. Christians used to burn people alive for translating the bible.
There could be a trend in the ether of fake Christ images and thoughts being induced and propagated. Keep in mind that he is God and not what is in your mental awareness or on the internet.
>>39596536they were raised christian / in a christian society at large so they believe if they incorporate jesus into their belief system then they will be saved from amalgamation or whatever bc they realy believe in it to be true deep down thats why they only cherrypick stuff from other peoples cultures in the first place and call it new age.
>>39596536this is the first im hearing of it. ive been to churches all over the country and theyre all ghost towns. minus mormons, who are doing alright.
>>39596797 Mormons are based, really. The main thing is not theology and other boring nonsense that only interests idiots, but the community and the ethics by which the community lives. Mormons can have as much crazy theology as they want, but as long as they have strong communities and an anti-degenerate ethic, they will be superior to all other christcucks.
>>39596814>Mormons can have as much crazy theology as they want, but as long as they have strong communities and an anti-degenerate ethic, they will be superior to all other christcucks.I don't understand why you can't have a strong community with rational ethics.
>>39596797It's a christcuck propaganda post.
>>39596536idk but very recently, it dawned on me that uh... he's really not trustworthy. solid gold knowledge and wisdom, but he also let slip a lot of very eyebrow raising things, very questionable... calling followers sheeple, being a "fisher of men", a "savior" as in a container that reserves people, he's specifically looking for true souls (instead of mindless animal-people), xtianity seeks to further separate true souls from ancestral Gods to connect us to the demiurge... just fishy all over. not trustworthy. a trap. he wants to capture people and hand them over to the god of this earth. that's what it looks like.
Whats the problem with it OP?
>>39597041if only you knew just how forced it is...if only you knew why
>>39597041>>39597066if xtianity were the true path, it'd be obscured, all references to it banned and burned (like the pinwheel of friendship, hmm), it'd be taboo, there'd be massive hate campaigns. edgy goat satanists bash on it as controlled opposition to give xtianity more "credibility".but when has the truth ever been aggressively pushed to the mainstream? and all of its hylic adherents. xtianity seeks to reduce godmen to typical grunting animals like the majority of the world population.
>>39596536The same guy they believe is the Demiurge is the guy they believe will save them from the Demiurge.Where in the OT and NT does it state that I Yeshua am disallowed to fling a few FUCK YOUS ALL now and again?
>>39597106we're in the end times and [they] know...Christianity would've worked...I can 'see' it.truth: without juda(s)ism existing Mary would've been recognised as the Queen of Heaven... iykyk she ALSO would've been Christ 'equally' to jesus.but 2 opposing cults were created; ISISlam(b) and juda(s)ism and they are highly fundamentalist, as a result Christianity can't compete with them because it's more 'flexible' to a degree but as a result of a 2 : 1 scenario in favour of 'denying HER', 'we' couldn't know TRUTH.imo jesus was perhaps the best 'show' ever conceived.it's just a shame it can't work with the other 2.there is 'truth' in it... the world is very curious when you can 'see' psychology.
There are just things Yeshua can do that others can not when they INCARNATE.Keanu Reeves, Hades, Jupiter Zeus Trumpus...whoever it is, when they incarnate, Archon (Archangels) are weak af with their voices.Skeeves sounds like a muffled dumbass and Donald sounds like a Jersey pedophile twat.And the Losers that made it big on YT are just as shit for brains as any of the other well-known Pantheon Archons of Ye Olde re-Pube-hylics.
>>39596571New agers have a variety of beliefs, including "we're all god (and thus Jesus is too)". Under that line of thought, he is both an enlightened master as well as god, but since you're also god, you wouldn't refer to another as god.>>39596853antidegenerate ethics ARE the rational ethics. it's just that people let the social contagions in and choose them over proper ones. (almost) every single protestant church is cucked because they have women priests and allow gay marriage to begin with, for example. People get turned off from that, and the community naturally disperses.
>>39597199protestants are the larpers...the closest to truth are Catholic for their reverence of Mary.without 'her' you don't even have a jesus...
>>39596536To "find" jesus is not to "worship" him
>>39596814>>39596853Don’t ask Mormons that Joseph Smith had in his pocket when he died.
Open your heart to Jesus and truly repent - he will show himself to you.I never deserved it, but he did to me. The experience that he gave me cannot be logically explained, and I have never had anything like it...He is the truth. And he loves you - but your heart has to be open to it. Agency allows you to harden your heart to him - undo it, and he will be there for you.Like a parent who would do everything they could to make you happy and protect you from pain - he will love you.He truly does save.
>>39596536Because the satanic rabbi is a proto-marxist communist, and new agers is a later instantiation of the form of post-second temple gnostic satanism he promoted.tl;dr fuck yeshua
>>39597537keep begging fag. maybe you can groom an old housewive or another child
>>39597537save from what?
New age belief is not Christ himself . It’s the belief of Christ consciousness being the next step in humanity. >>39596743Also this
>>39596536He is drawing the Elect to Himself. His return is near.
>>39597778we have bigger problems than yahweh on this planet
>>39597824we face a 'universal threat' beyond comprehension (for most)
>>39597831First, we need to be woken up from this dreamscape. How do? Tips on making our blood taste like shi...?
>>39596536I'm one of these. I literally had a dream where Odin passed me off to Jesus. Since then I have had a great spiritual connection to Jesus. I used to hate Christianity, even during my teenage years I was a Satanist. I wonder if the mask of hatred is breaking against Christianity in the public sphere. It really started for me when I was learning about what Christians actually believe as well as reading the Bible. I also looked at the bigotry and hatred Christianity receives, which is normalized by society. I then looked at the comparison of Christian morals to the modern day, and how much more degenerate people are now. I used to hate the thought that everyone is is sinner and that no one is good enough. But now I see the wisdom in realizing no one is perfect.>>39596571You caught me here. Truthfully I'm not sure if Jesus is an ascended master, as theosophists believe him to be, wether he is the "son of God" while still in a Unitarian stance, or if he is genuinely the son of God, and God himself. I've tended to not agree with a lot of the Nicene principles as I see them as potentially being a corruption due to them being made by those who were not, or did not personally know Jesus.Wether or not I will become a full blown Christian, or stay with my "new age" views only time will tell. Either way I am truly glad to have a relationship with Jesus.
>>39597904Into the bog with the rest, Chrigger. You were too much of a fag for Odin.
>>39597904I'm curious what exactly it is about Christian morals that you find so appealing, or what you're even using as a reference for "Christian morals." Because I wouldn't say Old Testament Law is all that impressive morally, meanwhile Jesus' advice varies from the straightforwardly good but not very detailed ("love thy neighbour") to stuff no one actually does ("Sell everything you have and give to the poor" and "If your eye offends you, pluck it out.").Instead my impression is that most of the sensible "Christian" ethics actually comes from Plato and other Greek philosophers.
>>39598910beat me to it. i thought "oof yikes, his ancestral Gods don't want him, he's gettin his gold cord cut". something is seriously not right with xtianity.
>>39596536That's the easiest way to retire from grifting.
>>39596536trad christianity started trending like early new age was trending, so they jumped onto the next bandwagon, not supernatural, people are just lemmings.
cuz i'm back retard
>>39596814>an anti-degenerate ethicyou know that just makes the porn spicier for them right?
>>39599642a mormon told me she wanted to fuck dogs one time, then when i was drinking a glass of sake and showed her, just relaxing, happy, she utterly flipped out into full derangement syndrome and started being really controlling like she was my mother or something then lost it entirely.
>>39596536doesn't new age shit just lead to christ in the end? do they know of christ buri anshar and christ balder?
>>39599709My family are Mormons and I hate it.
>>39599764proto-feminist kike psyops where women nag you to death like drinking a bit of wine is equal to raping and murdering children to see who can be the biggest queer have got to go fren
>>39596536No humans, just you larping
>>39600140What are you even talking about?Isn’t Mormonism a sex cult.
>>39596536Political shift of public disgusted by what one side became. People noticing some of that degeneracy in the past few years just started moving into opposite direction and rediscovering foundations of that direction's beliefs, including traditional christian values.In some ways, christianity became the "cool, hip thing" now when one wants to disassociate themselves from cringe behaviors, values and approach of christianity's detractors.The pendulum swings again
>>39601838>In some ways, christianity became the "cool, hip thing" now when one wants to disassociate themselves from cringe behaviors, values and approach of christianity's detractors.>The pendulum swings againIt’s more like how Christianity started would be the way it ends before the rapture.And then we get back to Exodus, where the establishment of Israel and its war against a gentle emperor properly begins.
>>39596536Cause they become tired or traumatized for whatever bullshit life throws at them and find an easy and inviting way out in the communal aspect of christianity or the massively marketed Jesus in the US.The latter reason does most of the job, you should thank the christian institution for morphing and adapting as always, becoming more inviting even for homosexuals. That's how christianity has always made its biggest jumps, through constant change.
>>39596536It's either 1) Christians are actually an incredibly untapped market that has both sudden, unexpected conversions and redemption and second chances baked into it's DNA which makes it a very attractive target for grifters or2) They aren't actually leaving the new age they're syncretising what they think they like about Jesus into the God shaped hole their incomplete belief system has while ignoring everything they don't like or care about in Christianity. There is a whole genre of 7/10 "it's a relationship not a religion" Christian-so-called female content creators who are literally just repackaging Law of Attraction stuff with Bible Verses tacked on. There's a couple of really easy tells if you pay attention. Listen to how they talk about how much Jesus loves them and saved them from their darkest moments but never once talk about repentance from sin. Jesus to them is salvation from feeling bad or lonely, never about being saved from sin or being justified before the Father. Which is what the scriptures actually teach what salvation is .Or when they retell a Bible Stories they relate them to how they apply to either their own or the listeners personal life not how they relate to the work of Christ in the world to reconcile fallen creation to it's Holy creator. There are very many genuine converts out of the new age, neo-paganism, occult esotericism, etc but when they convert they, you know, actually become Christians not just Jesus themed palm-readers
>>39596536You can't have darkness with out light and vice versa. Everyone, even midwits, will attest to the darkness of humanity and spirtual beings but very few will seek the light amoung it for the gate is narrow.
>>39596536I just want to ask something.Why is it that tiktok zoomers who look like they've just came out of their teens or are in their early/mid 20's think they've found the all the secrets of the world?How come the majority of 'high vibrational' people I've watched seem to have lost the spark of life from their eyes and look out of it as if they've been lobotomized. Is that enlightenment? Then, after like 3 years they'll make a video titled 'why i left the new age and found jesus'