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The idols of the old age are being destroyed before our eyes. We are witnessing the birth of a new age. This is the burning phase of the phoenix.
So what should I do as a neet? Get a job now or stay neeting? I was going to give up 4chan but here I am.
Reposting this: didn't 2020 start with a huge fire as well? We all know how big 2020 was

That one was in Australia (nature) we got punished us with a virus
This one in Hollywood, land of movies and fantasy, and reality is seemingly more and more bizare

I wonder if this means something, I can feel a different kind of energy but somehow it is still that same, world changing vibe from 2020. It's a less strong feel compared to that year since now I have some basis and biases while 2020 gave me a strong gut feel it was going to be huge as soon as it started without knowing anything about covid
>I wonder if this means something, I can feel a different kind of energy but somehow it is still that same, world changing vibe from 2020

The souled people are about to wake up from the dream.
I wanna be a wolf
and then nothing will happen again and you'll forget this happened next week and move on
>Stage 1: Denial
Let go, anon. The old world is dead. Look forward.
see you next week anon, the short memories of idiots is indeed a blessing
Exactly as i wished. when the gods of old die they are replaced. and i, the son of apep will rise from the ashes and be deified. a new zeitgeist has been born. and the tears are falling as i rock it back and forth
>see you next week anon
A nuclear bomb could go off and retards like you would still say this
yet none have anon, because jumping to retarded conclusions like these threads have never meant anything, just people wanting to be distracted because they're bored
The Hollywood sign is about to burn down
There's a virus going on in China too.
Wow, they they rebuild it anon, what the fuck does it matter? California has wildfires every damn year, its amazing its
never happened before
That's a red herring anon. It's a known virus and treatable, a new flu. We won't get another pandemic like event I think
Anon, I understand you're upset and really, really don't want anything to happen. But it's out of your control, and saying nothing's happening isn't going to make anything better. You need to let go.
So what's the significance of it burning down anon?
"How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, and then suddenly." - Ernest Hemingway
wow bad things can happen suddenly, deep, now answer the question
>what's the significance of the symbol of the MK Ultra hollywood pedo cult that's shaped public opinion for 100 years burning down
ah yes, the sign that hasnt been relevant in 20 years to a state that mostly outsources its work and a program that had almost noting, if anything, to do with california, amazing anon, might as well mention the jews while your at it to complete the buzzword slop, infact, my powers tell me you'll be calling me one shortly!
>might as well mention the jews while your at it to complete the buzzword slop, infact, my powers tell me you'll be calling me one shortly!

I actually like Jews
>I actually like Jews
least believable post on 4chan
I was being serious
Im sure you'd love to change the subject kek
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Theyre terrified.
I like this interpretation. In 2020 nature punished us, technically (now all the conspiracy theories are something else), while this year it's the people themselves revolting, or special kind of beings maybe
it's funny how people addicted to twitter and CNN never take a step back and see they have been consuming the same shit for decades
Why do you people act like jews and the government ever need to "cover up" anything? They get to do whatever they want. There is 0 risk of any consequences from the justice system or from public opinion. Everyone knows Hollywood is run by sick criminal kikes and guess what? Nobody cares or does anything about it.
That's what pisses me off about schizos. All your story beats for your made-up theories all pretend that this is a real country with real laws along with motivated and moral people that jews need intricate plots to get around.
No, they'll kill and rape whoever they want in broad daylight, and they get away with it because jews run everything. No conspiracy is required.
The Fyr of Freyr ravages the land. Cleansing the evil, hallowing the soil to become as new.
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>the media is getting all the set up and purposefully iconic looking footage by pure coincidence, definitely not trying to symbolize anything
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anon no ones given a fuck about that sign in decades, and even if they did, why would the people who would find the symbolism bad advertise it?
>nature punished us
>a manmade disease
Read bible start with psalms
>not just raw dogging the entire thing start to finish
You don't get it.
>Nothing ever happens
is actually
>nothing ever happens.. to me
>nothing ever happens.. to me

Cue Bohemian Rhapsody.
given your inability to dictate your thought, yeah no wonder
Coronavirus was known as well back in the 1950s.
SARS was known by 2005.
That didn't stop SARS-CoV2 from being used as the justification for global lockdown.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great!
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>Read dumbass kike book

I start with John.
You are a kike.
>Coronavirus was known
There are many many types of coronaviruses.
Case in point - both SARS and MERS were coronaviruses with significantly less communicability.
Almost like they are getting stronger as time goes on.
And it doesnt help that it is all but certain covid was a lab leak and thus artificially made stronger.
nothing ever happens. and no i dont care about the us
that they moved their operations to china
this. op is cattle

Wow it's almost because that's like.. their job or something.. And like, by like, getting the best type footage to sell, you can like, have a more like, prosperous career?

People like you are absolutely fucking retards. We are currently living in the most uneventful time in history and it shows if people actually think a fucking fire burning a sign in a place that has wildfires every year is signalling some sort of mystical occurrence. It feels significant because of your associations with the sign, not because it is actually significant. Go and get laid.
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Funny how not a week ago all the shills were defending Hollywood in the Carpenter threads, now they're defending its """nothingburger""" fire...
You've obviously never delved into or associated with any photographers. Setting up shots that are going to be impactful is like 90% of cameraman work, it doesn't require a global lizard people conspiracy.
Just ignore them. All they can do is try to gaslight you.
This. A thousand times this.

They only choose out of the no doubt thousands of shots taken, the best ones. Isn't it funny whenever your friends on Fb upload a picture they seem to be looking their best in them? That's because they deleted the other 100 that looked like shit.

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