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>the final redpill is Luciferian Gnosticism
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that's called 'falling for bullshit'
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Problem is, it's been coopted by the Masonics/Rosicrucians/Rockefellers/billionaires who don't understand you can't skip steps from spiritualism directly into materialism.

They also refuse to learn, and believe it all to be entirely material, hence the mass rapes and exploitation of our world.
>and believe it all to be entirely material
I don't believe it. If WE know there is more than the material, why would billionaires who probably have massive occult libraries be more ignorant?
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What are your thoughts on these guys?
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It is all based around the framework of their belief system, which requires validation via money and status, as they equate these things to divine providence and not a karmic representation of their intentions and desires to defraud the human race.
An NGO sponsored by the United Nations? After a brief browse, it would appear they are practicing a unitarian version of Buddhism, referencing the Monad and the Architect and a hierarchical structure of being. They accept donations and evidently participate in "service initiatives" which seek to raise the vibrational level of the world. However, this cannot be done through meditation and spirituality alone, as they insist. The vedic traditions had a very long headstart on elevating consciousness. I would argue that such times have long since passed, and only direct action can truly prevail in this day and age.

Theosophy, while quite nice and of course, attached to my original image, is nothing if solely internalized. It is not enough to know the truth, but to express it. Meditation and triangles are quite nice, and though I've unconsciously formed a triangle of my own in the past, these amount to nothing if not driven by a higher purpose, applied through appropriate education, and cultivated through meaningful opportunities.

As it stands in the world, we are bereft of purpose, education, and opportunity, so one might question the efficacy of Lucis' particular mission, especially as most of their engagement seems to be "just meditate bro", which is really just code for "Stand aside for the New World Order".

A shame that all of most humans' participation seems to amount to getting out of the way, dying, or providing labor like ants, when we are all capable of being specialized gods if given the tools and ability and space to Be.

As within, so without. God has been enslaved by its own anti-ego.
>more ignorant?
This is the wrong standpoint. You're attempting to apply the same scale ("We value X, therefore other people who are in an even better position must also value X even more") to people who fundamentally live in a different world than you.

It's not a matter of ignorance, it's a question of capacity.

Do you have a pocket UFO/occult secrets reverse-engineering program with which you can generate world-changing technologies through extensive control of private international capital?

No. Safe to say that very few of us on this website have access to that, and even less as a population percentage.

So acquiring wealth for the purposes of spiritual enlightenment is an entirely pointless pursuit for most people, but not for billionaires who actually can purchase tangible, material secrets and derive benefits of them, which is something the average plebians are literally not capable of unless you win the cosmic lottery.

Belief is not the same thing as personal benefit, and in this case you are conflating the two as a philosophical exercise.
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I see the serpent rune
You are just describing a subset of the elites. This specific rather LHP oriented subset is most likely going to be thrown out soon.
Also if you think Masons/Rosicrucians are the origin you are still thinking way too modern.
yes, but you should ponder it deeply so the redpill opens and unfolds itself. Everyone is playing their role in a divine play.
please just seek Jesus Christ
>Luciferian Gnisticism
Is there any other kind?
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They're very far removed from genuine participation, anon. They're not actually doing anything spiritual. They just pretend and that's all.
The stated intentions are fine, but the issue is in their application, their organization, their associations and their overarching ethos, which in the end seems to strangely jeopardize their initial intentions. Lucis Trust is meant to be a noble endeavor, but these people are often comically incapable. They're all dulled, feminist "witches" who are never in the end serious about the spiritual practice they claim to pursue.
This is apparently where a lot of the annoying ass modern "spiritual" trends seem to stem from in large part. If not, it's adjacent to the root at the very least. See, like many other Mystic organizations over the past few centuries, the Theosophists started out really very strong. They quickly blended into Rosicrucianism and various other lodge-based systems, but ultimately their nature is somewhat laid out in the beginning.
Max Heindel, right? From what I remember of his works, he seemed pretty sturdy and relevant, but the leftovers of Blavatsky's Theosophy really seemed to do a number on it when transitioning. It really seemed to source a lot of its rhetoric from the same veins as today the wiccathots draw from and all of the other larping, modern, feminine witch circles you see popping up everywhere. These guys seem to have been responsible for the whole "New Age" thing that's spreading everywhere ruining what seemingly good men like Heindel's works.
They really seem to overdo the whole "Mother Goddess" thing, retconning loads of mythologies, turning everyone into a tranny, secluding all magic to the feminine side and rendering the Feminine the idol, completely flipping the whole Phallus-centric culture (not without its issues) on its head, giving us this illusory matriarchal society we see today. This is why it's all feminine leads in media now.
I never quite managed to get to the point it seems.
Lucius Trust pulled us back away from the synthesis of the opposites. Instead of us again abandoning Duality for a more favorable mindset, they just rendered all of the lopsided masculine roles to all feminine roles and flipped everything back around, sending us all into some swirling, chaotic mess.
They over did the whole Lucy is God thing, reduced all the men to bumbling buffoons who do nothing more than kill or fuck what they're told and are totally out of their element, unable to synthesize a more fitting Luciferian conduit, which is necessarily asexual.
No, Lucifer is not a fucking tranny. It's not a physical thing. It's just like Baphomet - both at once, though not physically. The physical representations are metaphors for non-physical depictions that otherwise don't illustrate properly.
Surely people can see that Baphomet or Lucifer of "God" are all not trannies that have boobs and a dick all alike. That's not what's being communicated. It's a Mental and/or Spiritual practice. The physical representation or extrapolation is nothing to do with chopping off someone's penis - it's about mating, procreation, having sex, and ultimately giving birth to offspring as a union between Masculine and Feminine opposites. It's two humans having sex and making a baby. That's the physical, 3D representation of Divine. The most Divine thing humans can do is procreate, recreate themselves in God's image: make babies.
Luciferian gnostics are trying to achieve their light bodies and avoid earthly pleasures
the final redpill is a whitepill which is christ.

gnosticism is a jewish pushed deception as is new age spirituality. all of it is
luciferianism disguised. very obvious
Gnosticism was pushed by the Rockefellers after the Nag Hammadi library was discovered. The Rockefellers hate Jews so obviously they pushed for the old forgotten satanic religion that implies YHWH is demonic. Read a book dumbass
Gnosticism is the original Christianity before it got co-opted by the church to worship the same devil god of the jews. Jesus rejected the god of this world, meanwhile the 'elite' worship the devil and embrace this world's creator
These Rockefellers thought everyone was an ARG and thought it would be funny to introduce it into the masses so they could all play a game on us simpletons, little did they know that some ARGS ARE FUCKING REAL NIGGA
You fucking dumbasses don't realize we've been living in a Gnostic Matrix since 1945, right after world war 2. They initiated the inverted gnostic matrix of YHWH being the evil God and made us all worship Lucifer as a result. Put two and two together.
no. dumb faggot, its not.

corinthians 4:4

the “demiurge” is literally just satan. you’ve been deceived into rejecting god. literally thats it. there isn’t even some true god to worship in gnosticism its only purpose is to make you reject god.

how convenient for satan
>rockefellers hate jews

>rockefellers are literally rothschilds

You read a book dumb fag
The liberation of humanity comes from the removal of the fake matrix imposed on us. Why do you guys think that everytime you 'prayed' to God, your prayers got fucking hijacked by some insane black magicians from Rockefeller. Then something happened at the start of Covid and actual YHWH caught wind of the game and is starting to disintegrate the fake illusory matrix.

>Then something happened at the start of Covid and actual YHWH caught wind of the game and is starting to disintegrate the fake illusory matrix.
elaborate please
>Be Rockefeller
>Initiate new matrix by uncovering ancient Satanic religion
>Impose this new religion on the world after the great reset, world war 2, 1945
>No one remembers a thing
>This new inverted God, the God of anxiety, pain, war, everything that's completely opposing to the original idea of God in the bible
>It's actually Satan larping as God because we live in a world of power and names
>realize the true meaning of not worshipping false idols
>Find the real YHWH

what do you mean something happened at the start of Covid?
All of this is connected to Aleister Crowley infiltrating the Golden Dawn, robbing them off their manuscripts and assets, perverting their rites and mysteries by combining high magick and mysticism with low sex magick occult stuff. I.e. The way of Satan - Subvert and take control of already existing things instead of creating your own. Everyone knows he was a CIA operative and a lapdog for the Axis powers, and Jack Parsons who was also a Thelemite eventually started working for and engineering for NASA, whom is also connected with a bunch of Nazi scientists from Germany outliving their expiration date in Argentina.

It's all connected.
These two events are linked.
thx but what does that have to do with God and covid?
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Settle down Oprah
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I just want to know what this means
>this thread.
LOL the cope,

thanks nimrod aka dad <3
Satan is basically the evil side of YHVH, it's how he fucks humans without looking evil,also
>there isn’t even some true god to worship in gnosticism its only purpose is to make you reject god.
You have no idea what gnosticism actually is ,the goal in gnosticism is to find GOD inside of you, make the divine spark inside of you shine, finding gnosis in order to ascend out of this lower existence, there you will find the actual source of Creation GOD aka "heaven",you don't need any god to worship because basically you're God because you're part of God, you're just a fanatic retard lmao imagine unironically worshipping YHVH the evil kike "god" that kills babies, you're Just a dumb hylic
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>but these people are often comically incapable
This is by design. To aggregate money for their comfort, all such organizations never provide tangible benefits, but offer as much information as can be cultivated by ChatGPT.
>This is why it's all feminine leads in media now.
A modern phenomenon, the victim-complex that people leverage for social reach. It has gone so far off the rails that it is exactly as you say in >>39599168

However, I would argue that the integration of divine masculine and divine feminine in one's self is more what Baphomet (jesus allegory) means to espouse. Divine masculine being synthesis of duality and reconciliation of the physical with the spiritual (christ consciousness), divine feminine being wisdom and truth without reservation, Kali Consciousness (as no such female avatar was ever allowed to exist on the Earth after the martyrdom of Fatima, Mohammad's daughter.)

As far as sex and procreation, it is feasible to say that these are immoral manifestations when we do not act as able stewards for the planet. To create more under the current conditions, while it may seem like a reasonable action to resolve current problems for humans and cultivate their own islands of sovereignty, are very clearly undermined by modern divorce law (alimony, child support), tax codes (work mandates), zoning laws (can't build your own homes), and work culture (union busting). All of these things contribute to the dissolution and enslavement of the family, an that's before you ever, ever get into the spirituality of religion and their contributing factors - because of course, none of this would exist without a preexisting foundation which subjugated the serfs and the perpetual desire by the wealthy gold owners to return to such a way of living, then comes neofeudalism.

To integrate masculine and feminine in the self is to transcend transgenderism, self-identity, and humanity entirely. It is to be a thinking organism, one who seeks truth and justice.
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>You are just describing a subset of the elites.
Ah yes, the fabled .0000001%, as opposed to the .000002%.
>Also if you think Masons/Rosicrucians are the origin you are still thinking way too modern.
These are just their developed forms.
>pic related
Nothing but pretense on behalf of the rich, who are unable to manifest their will, nor innovate.
the final redpill is realizing that Christ was right all this time.
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>laughs in self-affirmation at all the convoluted noumenal nonsense itt
Laugh and grow fat
True, growing fat is inevitable though as you get older. Unless you're a faggot twink liberal type.

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