there has been a significant and real change in the last few daysreply to this thread if you have genuinely felt it
yep evil christcucks got defeated
>>39597110we really need to revolutionize tattoo removal techonology
I really felt that when the date changed to 2025 on my Windows desktop.It's been like that ever since
>>39597231did you ever stop to consider that she wants those tattoos on her face
>>39597293you will never be a real woman
>>39597110Could be the fire i keep hearing about. Something about los angeles hmm idk
I just escaped sleep paralysis and still felt the electrical charge all over my body for 4 seconds. Was wild. Felt like I transferred out of an extra dimension.
>>39597353I've been having vivid dreams the last 3 or so nights.
>>39597353I heard them say "he's leaving us?!"
>>39597358>>39597353do you feel more relaxed now?
>>39597368Yeah I've had sleep paralysis so many times in my life. Not really demonic in nature. That one was starting to feel like a trap so I bolted through, literally. I was in a weird willy Wonka indoor roller coaster in the 70s. Was weird.
>>39597375The closer I came to I could hear "playful" voices talking to me. That's when I know to wake up. Those are demons.
>>39597378What stood out this time was the amount of electricity I generated. Felt like going through a full body force field. Felt it IRL for about 5 seconds fully awake. A little clammy, nothing I can measure. Would be awesome to have a scanner detect electricity around my body when this happens. I felt it IRL. How can you explain that? Full body.
>>39597129Literally demon- poster, can you give me your name or/and legion so I can personally report you?
>>39597110I feel this tingling electric feeling going through me. Usually near my shoulder blades. Pretty girls are smiling at me. My attitude is improving. Glory to God and his Son Jesus Christ.
>>39597394Look at what this desert death cult does to your fucking brain - fractures it into a permanent schizophrenic state where everything is either GOD'S DIVINE PLAN or SATAN'S EVIL WORK. These christcucks literally can't process basic reality anymore without dividing it into their paranoid dualistic delusions.Their minds are so completely shattered by spiritual programming they need to imagine cosmic warfare behind every fucking pixel on /pol/. Can't handle basic disagreement without splitting into full paranoid psychosis about demon possession and jewish spells.>random anon disagrees>"MUST BE SATAN'S AGENTS!">historical facts challenge narrative>"DEMONIC JEWISH PSYCHOLOGY!">someone uses wrong flag>"ORGANIZED SPIRITUAL WARFARE!"Pure induced schizophrenia. Their cult broke their brains so thoroughly they need to imagine endless evil conspiracies just to function. Eternal cosmic war is the only way they can cope with a world that doesn't validate their spiritual narcissism. Absolute mental devastation masquerading as religious truth.The state of these psychological wrecks - so damaged by christian mind-viruses they literally can't engage with reality without splitting into full religious psychosis. Pure weapons-grade spiritual schizophrenia.
There's never any other sensitive people when I decide to post here once every year. Ugh. Any experts on what I'm talking about with sleep paralysis and electrical sensations?
>>39597436That's just what a demon would say....
>>39597436But really in my experience there are autonomous beings you meet in these states. It is unfortunately binary. Either they make you feel at ease, or they make you feel fear. Just like an animal reaction. Probably because we can't effectively communicate in these states with these beings. Hence, good and evil for the layman.
>>39597358>>39597375i've been having really nice peaceful dreams where i just hang out with kind people.i usually have horrifying nightmares
>>39597436Did you really type all that out?, you do realise the fact that you wrote out all of this in perfect structure is really weird as well for a rage post, is this like a copy-paste?Let me quote what you said.>yep evil christcucks got defeatedThis thread started off with nothing to actually do with Christianity and was just a general spiritual thread, the fact that you came in swinging as the first reply is a red flag.Now again what is your name/or legion? you could just be some Indian being puppeted by some hindu demon who is just a copy of a Indo-Iranian deity.
>>39597462I'm drifting back to sleep. Hopefully I can manifest the sex dream I had last night. That was the best one yet too. No distortion of limbs, nice ass, nice boobs. Usually it looks like a cronenberg horror movie.
>>39597478I'm not Indian despite bobs and vagene posting btw. Just a red blooded white American.
>there has been a significant and real change in the last few daysnot really. i just woke up and all the gods started it shitte and fard.enforeced the ten lawsthe sosomite gays pissed their pants.nope just getting started.nope I have been awake since 2001if you where not awake when jude bankers died in 9/11 by mossad then you where never awake at all.this is just a dream.go back to sleep.remember the occult did a rirual right after the bombings and clean up and did a satanic ritual to summon justice?by ending the the millienial rein of jesus of nezereth it released me from my chains.once i was free i seeked out my son jesus of galiee the real one.and ofc that meant up ending everything wicked.well they summoned me alrightand tired to do a arab spring to put me back in the boxbut it didn't work.oh well. their fault really. i told them not to bring me back from the grave unless the 10 laws where being broken on a daily basis and to keep sodomy and degenracy below 20%and wars below world war status.really they just have a hard time listeningthen they duid the covid 19 mark of the beast jab with made 70% of the world souless and that just fucked me right off.and so here we are.trump being the antichrist who deployed the poison who made young and old, rich and poor, free and locked up get it.and since no one had jobs who refused they couldn't buy or then i had to be summoned to rid the earth of the marked. But cheacked to whom had broken the ten laws the most. L.A came up many many many times.almost 200years worth of sins.i tired many, many times.even had to make ukraine war happen so i could take away their safety nets because my other plan in 2022 was stopped. so had to act spicy. you where warned that the end days where going to be spicy first warning was the japan tsunami becuase of the rise in athiestismthen it was in indonesia because of rampant murders and sodomy and idol worship and pedophilia.
Definitely felt it.I've had back problems and eyesight issues for 3 years.2 years ago I started getting water warts all over my fingers and on one of my shins, I had colossal swollen feet and ankles (no diabetes, checked) and my gait had to change to accommodate all of that.I've been struggling with seemingly random bloating in different parts of my torso as well.Since about a year ago, my feet are okay again while the warting got worse, and my lower back was still killing me and keeping me from traveling anywhere.My arm- and leg hair started falling out and it had already gotten thinner.Between NYE and today, I've slept for 12 hours every other day. Last night I couldn't sleep until 9am and stayed in until 9pm, utterly exhausted.There's good news however. My back is less stiff now, and doesn't hurt as much. I might actually be able to do groceries without my legs going numb and halfway fainting.
>>39597333>Rage Against The Machine vibes
>>39597110Time has started to slow down alot this last year. 10 years ago time went fast, now its like a snail
I have felt it, but thought that it was only my nofap.
>>39597436weird ass nigga
>>39597362The weapons called a bracket. I built it out of nodes, batteries and files. It was the end, my life yet again to a murder, only to cope back with an invention and annahalate them all, off me that is. Yes I'm leaving my murder, follow me home
>>39597436It’s weird that you think other religions don’t have the dichotomy of life/death good/evil.You should hang out with the aniyunwiya.
>>39599015I feel like you know um psychiatry you know isn't medical and psychiatric observations are intergration
>>39599015They're more like interrogations and like we don't get no legal advice for them
>>39599015I mean not any legal advice and it's not medical I reckon it's behavioural like exclamation
>>39601991Get a religion with sleep because life death is where you make your body and your space if your back afterwards
>>39601991Just watch the start when you fall to sleep if you remember, mental health is bigger than us so let's hit it harder a bit
>>39601991We are taking psychiatry out btw hit psychiatry harder I mean with chicks snuffing off psychiatrists. Do yous any one know the world's recourses of hotties and try a bit harder to hit them like create an "outline" that they fall outside the "knowledge minimum"
>>39603041Next thing to do is Canberra ACT government needs our moles that we can submit our changes to the world to CALLING ALL LIGHTWORKERS AND PARANORMAL we need to get a few of the Canberra ACT public servants to do press release for us on the side like your getting pussy
>>39599015And I own the world no time I got court submitted to my cock in public and weaped>>39603028>>39602194>>39603041>>39603114That's my word go!
>>39598116I am a world peace advocate a winner in war strategy and tactics to protect the higher order I am placed to get 1 power every century but I don't have to participate in that psyops breakfast. I want special powers and abilities and work my ass off until it's here evolution Paranormal world kick dust.
>>39598022I ate /sci/ they're a cult now they print my shit conventions that is on SCI chicks lalalalala. Fix your health here just theorise the frequencies's fuck psychiatry up they stole a power my supersoldiers brought their shit my own country and its mine now go sink it big time they are large
>>39597110this 2025 I completely lost the ability to remember my dreams