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How do you access the akashic records? Do you need to astrally project?
you've got to pay the toll
what does the toll consist in?
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One must be careful. It starts with setting a pure intention, which you shall apply toward the spelling of your carefully considered words to which your will is embodied.

Fucking words. It's all fucking words. fucking hell.
Just feel. Learn to detect intrusive thoughts and recognize your instinct.

Wow. Okay then.
thanks, ill try and develop this ability even further. i am already working on interoception. maybe that might unlock some things as well

369 digits nice. are you trying to suggest that your will is embodied in words?
There is no such thing as akashic records or astral projection.
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btw these hylozoics guys seem interesting
they seem to heavily caution clairvoyance as the astral is full of illusions. instead the encourage the cultivation of causal consciousness in order to see into the true nature of things. anyone knowledgable about these guys?
No, there are other tehniques, however, astral projection is the easiest and most accesible to the majority. To access the akashic records through astral projection you need to direct your will to the akashic records. But even if you get there, you might not be welcome, because the akashic library is mantained by immortal beings who are not very fond of humans.
why do you want to access these records? Or the astral plane? Do you live in the us? Do you see the state of society? Everyone going kinda crazy. The astral is a reflex of matter and a product of the total sum of thoughts and emotions. If the wotld of matter is confusing nowadays, the world of astral is a 1000x more, I assure you; you won't learn anything useful other than having entertaining experiences, and for entertainment you already have videogames and so forth.
From your knowledge, or maybe guesses, what do you think would make someone welcomed there?
Sacred prayers and meditation
You know, it's not much different than say, being welcome in the vatican library in the physical. To access the vatican library, you need permission from the church, one of the ways to get permission is knowing a guy that knows a guy. It's the same concept but applied in the astral. If you have allies in the astral that can give a good word for you, you will be allowed to access information of your desire. Now, even if you have done all of that there are still a few problems waiting for you. For example certain information is restricted, you have a limited time to review the information, you might not remember any of it if you have poor astral recall etc.
makes sense, thanks.
I've never tried accessing those records but maybe I will try my luck, I think I got a pretty decent rep in the astral but we'll see
morons. these need to be programmed in doing gateway to work
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Anyone have a link?
All these larping posts.

No one has ever accessed the Akashic records. There was no concept of it before it was gradually built up by Theosophy related thinkers during the later 19th century. Looking into the history of it I can’t see how you’d take it seriously. It’s extremely easy to trace the development of this basic and not even all that old fake story.
it's probably just what they used to call getting lost in thought.
Through intention and with effort you will.
Akasha exists in space or mind.
It is accessed through telepathy, which is a high level siddhi to develop on a refined level.
Astral projection can't take you to a place that is accessed by the mind.
>why do you want to access these records?
personal esoteric matters. i think you can improve your magical ability through an intimate connection with it as i believe it is ultimately the source of all magic
>Do you live in the us?
>If the wotld of matter is confusing nowadays, the world of astral is a 1000x more
good point. its important to have techniques that lets one sift through all the bs or its a waste of time

what brought you to this book?

even if it is a recent idea, i believe they were getting at something there. check out bergson
This is also difficult without years of spiritual discernment.
Many people that try it lean on the crutch of God, which is absolutely helpful, but not everyone’s cup of tea.
Better to test the revelations with the crucible of time and use a journal to see what your hit:miss ratio is each year.
I have used both, the problem is when you acknowledge the illusions you may run the risk of the illusionist noticing you.
Always be careful.
There is no do-over or just kidding in this go through.
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Best book on the actual practice of accessing the Akashic
It’s a complete larp. Waste as much time as you want in thinking that they “were getting at something”. That’s vague wishful thinking. They were not. It’s your time anon.
I astral projected before not sure about the akashic records
You should check them out.
they aren’t real, Blavatsky was a blatant conartist
I never thought I would see Henri fucking Bergson become a meme
She didn’t invent the akashic records or access them the easiest
This is something all cultures talk about
You are retarded
honestly i am a bergsonian first and foremost. it is just that "akashic records" is terminology that more people on this board would be familiar with rather than "pure memory"
great rec anon
this book helped my cousin learn it
Blavatsky was right bro
This. Ask for your highest self to guide you. Many use specific prayers passed down from gurus and spiritual teachers
You must have positive intentions and be sober of mind. Free of anger and fear while being relaxed

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