Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:>Recommended /div/ links and books:>MEGA with Divination Books:>Guides made by some of our readers:/div/ starter spreads:'s tarot and rune guide:' revised divination guide: compiled Rider Waite card explanation>Useful tips before posting:•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right/wrong.Previous Thread: >>39594339
have a good weekend, /div/. stay safe and warm
Air Query Will I find someone soon?
Hello div
>>39601064thanks you too !!
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Trading dumb Q
>>39601274>270How will my day at work go?Yours?
>>39601282what is the outcome of posting this picture I just created along with the audio segment link on my channel on bluesky?starting
>>396012829 cupsqueen pentjudgementall 3 card reversedDid you start off the day feeling cranky? or like things are not working out for you? You probably hate your job and it seems like you're only there for the money. Literally all it seems to say is that you'll be at work and be thinking of the money and how you'll be unhappy. You'll finish work and it will be like nothing was solved, you will have to repeat the cycle again and again until you switch jobs or become your own business man/woman.
>>39601291Hanged man, 7 of cups, knight of wands (knight of cups)Not much will happen at first. Not much attention will be paid to your post and you'll be sort of sitting on ur phone or PC refreshing the page.Eventually your post will gain a small flurry of attention and you might have someone pay particular interest in it and you as well.
>>39601318Makes sense. I'm gonna get fired any day now so I am wondering if I need to look out for something in particular in regards to my coworkers.Trade again?
>>39601345Q?What does SS (female) want with me? Any ulterior motives I need to take heed off?
>>39601329Nta but I’ll trade with a ya
>>39601329sure, query? what is the outcome if I continue posting my dream series on my channel?
>>39601351page swords4 wands7 swords R9 swords RThey want a fresh shot at ya. They are hoping you'll take them back and it will lead to marriage. They plan on coming clean and telling you all about what they did before and all the jazz that happened. It's up to you if you'll listen to her and buy her sob story and take her up on the offering. Seems like a case of the grass wasn't greener on the other side in the end.
>>39601376King of cups, king of wands rx, hermit rxYou'll be making good work but you'll expect it to be more appreciated than it will be. You're lacking something in your content that prevents others from finding you. I'd say your channel needs more flair to it if that's what you're after.
>>39601396I hardly know her...I don't know her lol. I'm just paranoid about random messeges from strangers lmao
>>39601403yeah it seems like she's looking for a hubby and she thinks she has a shot with you. up to you if you wanna explore that. don't knock it just yet>>39601401thankswanna have a last trade?
>>39601414>those digitsQuery?
>>39601278You still there?
>>39601425will i get the job that i interviewed for the other day this week?you?
>>39601411Sure. Your Q?Will she send me another messege/respond to mine? Dumb Q I know, again I'm paranoid. Indulge me if you will
>>39601432Yeah sure no probs.What is the outcome if I spend a few hours working on the appearance of my channel and I change its name to something more Iconic? something unique that can be easily recognized.starting
>>39601432>>39601411Changing my Q.Should I have my guard up at work today?
>>39601443Nag man, skip my Q. Some Indian scammer or smth afterall. Pls do this one if it's OK with you>>39601445Starting
>>39601427which option is best for me, stay "free" of conventional work the remainder of the months left in this city or look for a job in the spring?starting once you confirm
>>39601451starting o7
>>39601443Knight of wands, 8 of swords, king of wandsA good outcome. Exactly what you're looking for and will upgrade that reversed king of wands from my previous read to an upright one. 8 of swords tell me you might be restricting yourself, maybe with what you deem to be sufficient/appropriate. Don't worry, go all out, it'll pay off
>>39601445>>396014458 cups Rjudgment R8 wandsYou should definitely keep an eye out, it seems like communication is coming in or something is going to happen fast. You may hear news of a layoff or new management or "welp, holiday is over, we don't need all this staff anymore, peace suckers" or something along those lines.
>>39601470So today is the day huh? Fair enough. I'll be sure to keep them at arms length
>>39601477Q?What are IZs (female) intentions towards me? Will she unblock me or is it over full on?
>>39601451>king of cups>9 of cups>high priestesslooks like iltl be better for you to stay free of the conventional work for whatever time you have left in the city. Take the odd jobs and learn more about the things you done know
>>39601474I think judgment reversed can be interpreted to "rite of passage being unsuccessful" or failure or not going through with a cycle or having to redo a cycle. its possible that you'll still have work for another week or another few days. it all depends on the point of view. if you already got readings that you'll get fired or you feel it in your intuition, then yeah you can expect to work a last shift, maybe you'll be interrupted mid shift for the layoff
>>39601482did the conference my lawyer attended on my behalf yesterday go in my favor? starting
>>39601427king cupsknight cups Rstar RNo sorry to tell you but it seems like you won't be so lucky this time. Star R talks about losing hope or being hopeless. Better luck next time!
>>39601493Yeah, I'm still booked in for a few days so I expect to work till the end and then "bon voyage cocksuckers!" Lol. I'm not gonna get exploited to shit at least.Last trade? Will they pay me the full wage they owe me?
>>39601498>devil rx, 9 of pentacles, 10 of wands rxHmm. I'd say youre on the right path, your lawyer is doing their best to make you look good and clear you of any charges. Your lawyer is being spread thin so I suspect this ain't quite over yet. It is going in your favour tho
>>39601513Yeah last trade, I mean if you want to...What is the outcome if I get my mom to reach out to MT & XD in order to have some kind of plug to expand my business or for future career opportunities?starting
>>39601482empress RX, 4 of cups RX, magician, 8 of swordsis it over: judgement, ace of wands rx unblock: 8 of swords, 9 of cups I think she's content to make you worry, deny you sex, and reject you, and with magician, it can be manipulation to make you worry or dealing with you just really limits it completely over? Judgement and Ace of Wands rx ...I'm not sure, I would really ask another reader....sorry....but something definitely has to change and she may want to force change, and desire/action is lacking or continuing what has been has fizzled out.
>>39601541Thanks. Just wanna be sure they don't screw me over. Starting
>>396015137 cupsking swords7 wandsYes they will pay you the remainder of the wages or whatever other pay that's left in your timescale. No need to worry. It is a company after all and there are labour laws.
>>39601546Makes sense. I wasn't really in a position in my life to humour her. I see how things are from her pov. I wish I smashed before that happened at least :/I'll find another I guess
>>39601541chariot, 7 of pentacles, king of swordsShe will act on your wish. Might not do it immediately, or it won't bare fruit right away but she'll reach out to these initials and do what she can. You might have to advocate for yourself eventually tho. They'll have to make a judgement on your quality and the like.
>>39601569will she react to me speaking up about my experiences in any way thatll affect me?you?
Trading an embarrassing occult Q
>>39601573thank you, yes I was curious what their reactions would be, if you' re still willing to trade another one.
>>39601580what is the outcome if I use the biblical terms for the name on my channel? starting
>>39601590page of cups r, queen of swords, king of pents, the sunYou may alienate some people in your current audience at first by doing this, but it's overall a net positive for your channel and you'll reach new heights with such powerful and meaningful terms, replacing anyone who may have left at the start and more.
>>39601580ace pent R2 pentwheel fortuneYou may be apprehensive or think in the back of your head that this is unwise to tell her but you will find that she will be surprisingly receptive and although her reaction will be delayed as she will have to digest all the information, the reactions and responses will be good, you have good luck on your side and the "flow" is to go towards speaking about it and being open about the whole thing. hope this helps
>>39601585Do you do occult stuff?I have an odd one... it'll sound like cope or just delusional but... Is there some higher force (god, angel, spirit etc) that has repeatedly denied me casual sex so far? Like I'm no incel, i have had sex through money or love, but each time I'm persuing casual intimacy with a woman something or someone gets in the way? (Phone call, cucking, their ex, her anxiety etc) I was frustrated at first, now I'm just thinking in retrospect something is trying to get me out of trouble lol
>>39601611Yes i can do that query no problem. I'd even wager to say that you're asking the right type of reader for this sort of thing.My Q is: What will be MT's and XD's reaction if I reach out to them (through my mom)?starting
>>39601060AQIs my cat happy right now?
AQWill i be fired?Im a male and 26 Thanks in advance
>>39601625King of pentacles, lovers, JudgementThe king of pentacles is a man who worked to get his pentacles, now he rests surrounded by the wealth he accumulated. He knows why you bow before his throne, he knows what you want. Your mother will bow before the throne and they will show her affection. There is history between them and your mum so they will be more than just courteous for show and actually welcome her with open armsBusiness is business however. They will hear her out, their trust placed in her. They will weight how much pentacles to give, and how much they can expect to gain in turn. I'd say this looks postive, with your mother being the key to this.Funny, as I saw this spread I instantly had an image of Don Coreleone
>>396016113 pentempress R8 wandsYes there is a higher power watching over you and its a cooperation of them working together to keep you from having casual sex, they don't want you to focus on lust or on carnal pleasure, it would be using your sexuality in the wrong way. They wish for you to stop thinking about worldly pleasures and instead focus on long lasting relationships. They know you are young and wish to explore women in an unceremonious way but The Creator Almighty has other plans for you. You should rejoice as all this time this has happened, you were specifically chosen to have a greater fate than others. This only happens to the chosen ones who God has a special plan for. Your destiny will be greater than what you expected. I highly suggest you heed the call and explore this further, inquire about it (to the right people). Remember that if you keep finding yourself out of work or out of casual sex, its all for a reason. There is no such thing as coincidence. Hope this helps.
>>39601609trade again?
>>39601670lmao thanks, yeah I'm guessing it will sort of go in this way too. although I don't know what to expect.
>>39601683Wtf?! Why would God have a higher calling for me of all people? I'm not saying you're wrong or that I don't belive (he answerd my prayer earlier this week)Can i ask what he intends for me? If this is your trade limit or you don't think you're the one to tell me then that'd fine
>>39601687Ok, query? what is the long term outcome if I give one card daily tarot readings on my bluesky channel?
>>39601726You're asking the right reader anon. I'll oblige you. should I abandon my gaming channels or should I keep posting on them? starting
>>39601732why would she be so civil when in the past she'd openly fantasize about harming me?starting
>>396017265 swords R3 pent RmagicianGod has been watching you since before you were even born, even before you were conceived in the balls of your father or placed within the bosom of your mother. He is aware of the struggles you have faced in the past, he has counter every tear that you have shed. He knows you are trying to find work or trying to find your place among this world. He has picked you and intends for you to follow through the narrow path. The middle, not right hand path neither left hand path, the middle. He has picked you because he knows you have everything it takes to go through this. Eventually reaching some higher level of enlightenment.
>>39601749Page of swords, 6 of wands, knight of swordsKeep posting. You give good commentary and you just seem to enjoy doing so. It spices up your life in some way and gives a sense of fulfilment, regardless of.views, money or other such matters this gives me a simple "hobby vibe". If you love doing it keep going. 6 of wands also could mean some sort of recognition down the line, you never know
>>39601785I have heard of the narrow path from the few bible excerpts I have seen on yt shorts (I'm a novice yet i wish to learn more) yet do the left and right hand paths mean something in biblical context? I know in magic they speak of "dark and light" paths, is this what you're alluding towards?
AQ>Male>Gemini >39Will I find my SO this year? I am tired of going out in failed dates.
>>39601732ace of pents r, four of swords, seven of cups, the world r, two of pentsSeems like you'd really bank on this idea being your golden ticket, but the results would only be disappointing. Not many people would enjoy these readings, the world r+two of pents makes me think that maybe your fans are also fans of other readers online who do stuff they enjoy more, so I fear your idea would be dead before it even arrived, even though you really put a lot of thought into it and were excited about it. You may need to study your competition a little more?
>>39601795Yes I believe the kabbalah is the one with the paths. You are to walk the middle path. Look into it. I know of 1 youtube channel that specifically talks about it but is very unknown.they call it the narrow path because you can neither do too much nor do too little. Its neither here nor there. example: you can't hook up with random women but you can get married to a single wife, you can't fap to disgusting content but if you're single you can, once in a while, fap to adult content, as long as it doesn't feature animals or other things that are too satanic or disgusting (gay shit, children shit, other demonic shit).this is just one example, now imagine hundreds of other examples. like you can drink 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks but you can't get drunk. etc etc
>>39601824That's kind of what I've been thinking of for a bit. I'll look into the kabalah and do you mind posting me the yt channel? (Is it yours? :p)Thanks for all the reads today. You're a good reader and I trust you on this.
>>39601780knight swords Rtemperancewheel fortune R5 wands RYes it seems like this a ploy to draw you in, she intends to bring you closer only so she can push bad luck onto you later. Like waving around pieces of meat so a puppy can get closer only so you end up slapping the dog when it reaches for the bite. don't trust her anon
>>39601842not surprised, that happened last time too :/trade again?
>>39601845Sure, query, ill think of a query in the meanwhile.
>>39601840>Is it yours?N-no anon...its not mine hehe ^_^''...okay it IS mine, there I said it. and im too shy to give the link !!>desu I just don't want to get doxxed on 4chins
>>39601889will i be able to pay off all of my loan this year? you?
>>39601848would she actually approach me or would she just talk about me indirectly? we are no contact, my exact fear is that she would stalk my socials and find me speaking up about my experiences and try to attack me, im not naming her but i am talking about the emotional impact she had on meyou?
>>39601902I have a similar query. What is the outcome if I post videos on my channels that talks about dealing with an ex friend of mine, the one that ruined a lot of things in my life? I may or may not show who this person is, idk yet. But what would happen if I did this, I believe she stalks my channels.starting
>>39601896will all my accumulated previous academic experience ever come into play in the future? I have 3 degrees and I don't plan on ever working in those fields.starting
>>396019025 wands3 swords Rqueen cups7 cups Rshe would actually approach you and after talking she would realize that you were hurt this whole time, she would let you heal or this would be a healing experience to let go of trauma and she would be receptive and comprehensive to let you do the whole process as it would help you cope or deal with the pain. it seems perhaps this person has matured with time?
>>39601932wow 3 degreeswouldn't they come into play even if you don't plan on working in the fields?starting6 of swords RX, 3 of pent , 9 of wand, emperorthey make a good defense that shields you in respect/authority/comradery/compatibility?but if 3 of pent is upright, you might work in the field, but the question was if they'll come into play, and they will come into play in the work/workplace, even if you don't work in that field. so this question is kinda :P otherwise with 6 of swords rx...sorry that's a weird one to interpret for this question
>>39601921page of wands, six of wands, eight of wands, the lovers, high priestess, three of swords, ace of pents rThis person would see what you're doing and it'd cause them a lot of pain, but I don't think they'd do anything as they don't see any benefits in it for them, and instead a whole lot of cons. It's still a good idea though as you'll get a lot of people sympathizing with you and comforting you, like a LOT of people, you won't expect the overwhelming response, people will come forward with similar experiences and tell you how much you didn't deserve it and you'll be able to find community and you'll feel reassured that you weren't the bad guy in the situation.
>>39601954hmm, ok interesting thank youlmk if you wanna trade again
>>39601896strength3 cups R6 cups Rknight pentYou will need to count on someone from your past, possibly a parent or family members to help you out. Just on your own you won't be able to right now, maybe if you chip at it every month you might get done in 2 years.
>>39601976Sure, query?
>>39602000damn i thought i could manifest being debt free faster. REEEE. thanks
>>39602005how would that reaction turn out for the relationship between us? i want to believe i'd shoo her away but i am also easily
>>39602019should I produce and release the video about my ex friend and all the pain they caused, before I leave this country permanently or after I have left? starting yours
>>39602019Fool R3 cups R6 swordsThe immediate reaction is that you would feel like you just chastised someone or you are saying something that isn't quite negative but isn't neutral either, just kind of slightly bad. However once that's passed you would decide to walk away from this person and go onto calmer waters. It would "sting" for just a little moment, no hard feelings kept for too long.
Hello ladies and gents!Here to take queries tonightPlease no next gf, will i bang xyz, etcwill do trades too!
>>39602042how horrible will the rest of the year be for me? I'm female, thank you
>>39602042Will i be fired?
>>39602022before: three of pents r, the fool, page of swordsafter: justice r, ace of swords, the loversIt's honestly up to you, the response is positive in the long run for both, but here are the key differences:You may experience more backlash in your personal life if you do it before, but it'll make you feel as if you're able to leave and lead your life in whatever country you're going to next with a fresh slate and like you can truly thrive without this weight on your shoulders.If you do it before, you'll still feel resentful and like you're carrying a burden for some time, but the trade off is that you'll be able to make these videos with a more logical head on your shoulders and address key points objectively instead of emotionally, leading to a more well rounded video that will gain more attention.
>>39602042How would A react if i told her about the problem i have?
>>39602042am i successfully getting people invested in my characters/stories?
>>39602035thanks anon. i can see myself feeling that way as i tend to "understand" peoples viewpoints and feel bad about speaking up about my feelings the second they explain their perspective, but thats how these types of people get me, they never understand me in return.lmk if you want to trade again.
>>39602042Does L will be affected by my issue?
>>39602042are my posts on bluesky being seen or read by anyone?
>>39602042Should I choose M or L
>>39602042should I start a gofundme this year or protect my privacy? thank you
>>39602068query? fyi I am going to eat now so I may take 5-10 mins to respond, but I won't tradecuck you. ill respond with your read Q is : what is the outcome if I incorporate a design and let AI make a picture for my channel's new Banner (the picture that goes on top of the page in a social media channel)?
>>39602042Will I become a popular writer?
>>39602042Will he propose this year?
>>39602042will my teeth issues resolve themselves?
>>39602101nah its chill, we bing query though is will making these stories and releasing them to the world help me to get over all of this? i feel so fucking pathetic remaining traumatized for so long.starting
>>39602042What will my next job be?
>>39602101two of wands r, king of wands, ten of pents, five of pents, three of pents rIt would take you a bit to come up with a design you'd like, but you'd eventually hit the jackpot and get something out of the AI you really enjoy and feel expresses your channel well. However, I think eventually people who are anti-AI will come for you and attempt to cancel you or something, so I'd be careful about making it too obvious.
Trading! Tarot and oracle.
>>39602157hi, whats your query? will my lawsuit end this year favorably or negatively toward me. feel free to skip cuz legal query
>>39602042Why can't I let go of the pain from my past?
>>39602116king cupsqueen sword R7 wandsknight pentacles RI can see that you're second guessing yourself about doing this, you feel like you would be bad mouthing someone although you choose to remain rather disconnected or emotionally distant about it. Ultimately it would be a show of persistence, it would demonstrate to the world your tenacity. I say to hell with their feelings or even your feelings of bad mouthing, go ahead and do it. People deserve to know the truth and you are part of that truth. Say it loud and proud. show to the world that you are not afraid to call a wolf a wolf after it has bitten you.
>>39602166My q is: I got a disturbing reading today, can you describe the man the reading was about? Thank you.
>>39602157You said the same thing yesterday and never replied to your post, you're a troll.
>>39602189I actually did, just like 30- 40 minutes late because I needed to charge my devices. I literally answered something after you.
>>39602177strength, 8 of sword rx, wheel, 2 of cups, judgement rx it sounds like someone that regained strength that is looking to overcome you, that was once a good relation, that feels that they have lost their past limitations, and views you negatively now or in great judgement/regret
>>39602199>30- 40 minutes lateThat's too much time to wait, how rude.
AqWill he cum in me this year and give me a baby?
>>39602204Will do yours, give me around 5 minutes.
>>39602050three of cups four of coins the sunhonestly a lot of this is psychological for you. you have to “look on the bright side” unfortunately, i hate to lend you such a cliche, and seriously hold close your female-female bonds, you have to handle some hardship brought on by having to care for others it seems.>>39602056king of coins two of cups seven of cupsYou are not going to get fired. There is a good connection available with you and your boss and if you are emotionally sincere you wont get fired. there might be commonalities between the two of you. you have a certain level of directness available to you as well.>>39602063two of coins seven of coins two of wandsno action will be taken yet because A wants to wait things out and see where things fall, how certain things sort themselves out, a whole lot of cards in positions where there is no action being taken but there is a cooperative/teamwork spirit that is awakened, sort of like taking on your problem with you
>>39602175thank you anonyoure so rightthis person made me take up the belief that talking about my feelings=badmouthing someone which makes me one last time?
>>39602232Sure, women are often the first to share their feelings and get others to bandwagon and praise them for doing so. But you should feel no shame as a man to do the same. In fact I encourage you to go even harder. Go ahead and put all those feelings on the table, empty your whole baggage on it so you feel good. Make sure you air out and balance the scales. Sometimes showing your dirty laundry is needed publicly just so you can rally supporters.Query?what is the outcome if I expose what my sister and her family has done to me once I have left the country all over my social media channels?
>>39602204>>3960220410 of Swords, Wheel of Fortune in Reverse, Page of Wands.10 of Swords usually indicate despair, and loss. It seems this card indicates you might lose, and even be lead to bankruptcy. This is made obvious with the Wheel of Fortune in reverse (I am so sorry), because it being in reverse means your luck has run out basically. But it isn't your fault, it's outside of your control.However, Page of Wands means that you will have good news coming after the legal battle is over. Perhaps there will be a second chance, perhaps something better awaits you because of the results.
>>39602252im actually also a woman, but thanks! i think i got this way because my older brother would often hold me to his own standards. if he couldnt do something, i couldnt do it either.can i ask how long itll be until this person dms me? starting
>>39602252three of pents r, the empress, ten of wands, knight of wands, four of swordsStressful, yet you'll still garner supporters. Some people would turn on you for sure, but three of pents reversed seems to tell me that these people aren't people who really cared about you all that much in the first place, it was all just pleasantries for mutual benefit. You'll receive a lot more drama than the previous person you asked about for sure though, likely bc you're actually related to this person, but you'll receive more empathy too, and it'll eventually die down and you'll feel at peace and like you can finally rest with the burden lifted.
>>39602280knight pent Rpage pentking cups RIt won't take long, like shortly after word spreads around they will be blowing up your DM's with negative banter. Possibly accusing you or trying to gaslight you or insulting you. I say go ahead and do it. Were living in the age of aquarius and the truth should be exposed.
>>39602065ace of pentaclesyes and it may result in dolla billz if you are working on this creative endeavor for a financial benefit >>39602076six of wands king of wands ten of cupsyesL is looking forward to abundance now, victory, power, i dont understand this because i dont have any context>>39602078two of coins strength king of cups the hierophantyesyou are seen as an emotionally developed, serious individual of high standards pertaining to morality and ethics >>39602095Mqueen of cups knight of cups four of coinsemotional depth in this relationship but issues with insecurities will present themselves, likely with M, which may cause clashes. i see you guys talking things out a lot which is good, good communication, like you’re made for each other in some way. Lthe hermit king of swords king of wandsL is going to become confrontational and rude eventually due to their arrogant nature. you will feel alone with them. confrontation came up again, your nature is different from theirs on a level that has to do with your more subtle attitudes. are you a water sign or something? i dont know much about astrology but you have this energy to you that is sort of softer and you are needing someone who can compliment that about you.
>>39602303> you that is sort of softer and you are needing someone who can compliment that about you.Accurate scary and true holy shit anon
>>39602303>078Thank you for the confirmation. Nobody ever likes or interacts with my postings.
>>39602042Who will I kiss next?
>>39602042I'll trade you, what is the outcome if I still publish that occult book I once started writing?yours?
>>39602347a grill with big boobies
>>39602042I need a second opinion. Who has been archiving my blog? Please and thank you.
AQ>Male>Gemini>39Will I find my SO this year? I am tired of going out in failed dates
>>39602367>gemini millenialyikes, how is it to lie to your whole family and put on a front 24/7 with everyone.
>>39602042What perspective will help me see the worth of the local venue to me instead of going by own way?
>>39602096you know the answer alreadyyou dont even need this reading big dawggofundmethe high priestess knight of wands five of cups two of swordsyou might go into this with a sort of expectation that it will go magically but it will create more harm than good. it will be a nice break to dream for a while but you will have to go back to getting funds some other way. unknown consequences. you’re going against something, be it within yourself or an external factor, by doing this. privacythe emperor, three of coins, five of cupsthe five of cups being in this position tells me that you are working on getting yourself into a better situation. you will be able to form a community, or rest in the community you have. good friends, people can uplift you and they are those around you. maybe even get a leadership position among those around you, or maintain it if you are in one. you will be much more actualized, like something about your worth, your ability to generate income will be greater.i might be getting this from something else but the word disability popped into my head so something is telling me about you possibly getting some kind of social security disability payments or veteran. you will feel some much better. empowered.
>>39602354I'm a girl
>>39602385ive had people suggest me this route and ive always thought it was a bad idea, but maybe im wrong? just wanted to see. thank you for the in depth reading <3
>>39602388then a twink, a very girly man. short hair and sharp chin, low body fat.I saw a girl that was about to have sex and smiling taking off her shirt, she seemed to have a decent rack (when shes facing down). was that you? I saw the guy before this.
>>39602396Thats not me and I don't think girly men like me?
>>39602409>Thats not meYou can't say that's not you since you never saw what I saw. Sure seems like you. do you know what a twink is? This is a twink. a girly man.
>>39602108the high priestess six of wands the devil five of cups king of cups justice the moonthis reading is so weird and hard for me to interpret. it seems to me that you guys are going through the new phase of your relationship, recovering from a recent rough patch, but you seem like you might be the one more emotionally invested? he is like, thinking about it, but not really sure, because he is watching to see how you act, like he is testing you right now. But when he does decide that you are the one it will be this elaborate thing that he plans. it seems like he will decide that he will propose to you, but you still have to do things to show him that youre the kind of person he wants.
>>39602423Im really flat chested so thats why I say it.Oh he's cute
>>39602435you were wearing a bra. hmm maybe it wasn't you. oh well.
>>39602426He keeps saying I’m his future wife etc, I want to know if it’s lovebombing.
>>39602485>if it’s lovebombing.It only is if he hasn't been inside of you yet.
>>39602109king of cups the hierophant nine of coinsthis is really interesting because you are getting vitality cards but still the advice is to talk to the doctor/specialist so it tells me that you will be okay but please seek medical advice basically, and that you will have the resources necessary to pay for this specialist. >>39602167no judgement, i am being told to tell you that there’s no judgement. maybe to tell you that there is not any that’s from me, or from god… i am seeing a white haired woman, like wispy blown out white hair, shoulder length, she’s your grandmother or great aunt or some other relation that you have but you’re family and she’s around and loves you. nine of wands the world seven of coinsYou are tired. you have been through so much and you’re at a point where you have fought hard to get to and you are at this point where you have options, things are opening up for you, there’s still so much work to do but the weight of it is making you tired. you have to open up and share the load basically. it’s ok to tap out and let someone else take the lead. you can talk to people. this part is going to be hard because you have had the burden all to yourself. its hard not to look back on things and just get stuck getting sad. when you open up it helps others too. help others help you, and then they are better at helping themselves afterwards.
>>39602524Me please.
>>39602356i tried to like psychically observe this personits a man he has dark hair and i think freckles or pock marks and he has pale skin he has this dark room with maybe multiple screens kinda like a gamer set up and a dark shirt with a logoknight of swords the magician ace of cupshe is trying to do something with this archive like he is going to share it. he is a possibly manipulative person and his emotions get the better of him sometimes, he is disciplined in his actions. he is like, not really feeling very good about you? he has certain convictions that might be at odds with you. he seems like he has a plan.he is younger, not an older person. does this description ring any bells? could this remind of some guy you know?
>>39602578Not really, or it might be someone I don't know.
Doing readings, trades get priority>>39602548>>39602597wanna trade?
>>39602380ace of swords two of coins the loversdont get wrapped up in other peoples opinions and bring it back to what you want. what is it about going another way and what is it about the venue that you like? how can you get the outcome that you want and not be polarized by the illusions. get creative about what choosing looks like.
>>39602608Who will I have my next kiss with?
>>39602608what is the outcome if I still publish that occult book I once started writing?
>>39602608Sure! Q?
>>39602608Will I have any luck in my love life this year?
>>39602608Take that trip this weekend or the next weekend?
>>39602624what will come of Donald Trump's(male, 78) ambitions for Greenland, Canada and the Panama Canal?Your q?>>39602617page of wands nine of pentacles the magicianenergetic young person with plenty of money, thin, round eyed, short attention span and bubbly happy>>39602620temperance queen of cups eight of cupssatisfying for you but not a hit culturally or financially, inspires you to do more things adjacent to publishing or occult. Feelsgoodman
>>39602632king of swords eight of swords five of swordsabsolutely 絶対 not. The word luck is passive and revealing, I don't think you have an idea how to look where to look or even what to look for, what love is, what a good relationship looks like, with cards this bad I want to tell you to try your best so you learn from the mistakes, faster than trying to always hope somebody is going to do the lifting for you>>39602649ace of pentacles for this weekend, three of wands for next weekendit's a good card associated with waiting, but it all says you should go this weekend, better, there isn't a point to delaying so far as I can tell
>>39602655617Ty :)
>>39602655Mine is the following: I got a disturbing reading today, can you describe the man that's apparently involved? Thank you. Any insight is good.
>>39602608Career reading for this year?
>>39602608Will my love life improve this month?
>>39602608Any Insight on success of me (male) baggin T(female)?
>>39602711two of cups, the sun, five of pentaclesbiopolar figure who swings between self loathing and grandiosity, asymetric life assets, as in if they're poor they are highly respected and connected, vice versa(hated wealthy lonely person), the two of cups is the person having two hearts, they feel multiple things at onceround bodied but not muscular or chubby, below average height above average intelligence, prefers expensive jackets/button up shirts>>39602719heirophant seven of wands ace of cupsget into consulting if you're an industry senior; rake in da dough. Generally your goal is to talk with your best business relations, like a lot. Put what you would enjoy doing over what pays most at first, and look at lots of options if possible, even superficially>>39602720king of wands queen of wands the moonIt will improve a lot, but it could just as much be tomorrow as three months from now. The pair on the cards is obfuscated, and you won't see your match easily beforehand
>>39602608Will I be taking a trip out of this country sometime in the next couple of months?
>>39602719Commute less, use vehicles less In general. Stay off the road more unless it is for non-work purposes.>>39602720No. Take the rest of the month to yourself without ever trying for romantic attention, then resume your normal routine.
>>39602655>>396026556 of wands in reversed, King of Pentacles in reverse, 10 of Pentacles in reverse.Donald is having trouble gaining perspective on his plans for these countries/areas of the world. He is extremely invested, that is for sure, but he's failing to get the support he needs. (Obviously.) He is completely on his own in the decision making for his plans. Despite, this, I sense a lack of confidence. He feels like it could be a colossal failure if he doesn't have the help he needs.He is looking too hard at the financial gain/obsessed with it to see the bigger picture. Which already paints a bad picture. He is very stubborn in what he wants to do.There will be a lot of setback, and almost sure to be repercussions with what he is planning: he is doing it purely for financial gain for America.It seems like these countries would boost the American economy.
>>39602744Honest intention, and good effort phrasing the query uniquely, for something so common to request:four of pentacles three of cups eight of cupsunfortunately we're reading a mixed bag. In these situations it's possible to step forward, step back and stay still. Staying still is bad, stepping away is best right now to get perspective so you can assess the situation better, stepping forward is also a decent option- but you should step back for perspective shortly after if you don't see quick resultsthe value of the situation and options will be better understood with a little distance, just don't stand still and DIE
>>39602765Thank you!
>>39602608how does K feel about me now ?
>>39602768You will have a bizarre dream tonight from a subconscious guilt.
>>39602608Will he text me first?
>>39602802Not particularly strongly. A specific event is claiming their attention right now. They won't dream about you tonight.
>>39602608How will things go for me this summer?
>>39602783おおおおおお very interestingIf it falls through, at least it's a nuclear level misdirection of other intentions, dangerous dangerousif you can take another trade, I'd like to know what would happen if I had to live at fictional countryside estate X, and how I'd get along with the nine characters residing there>>39602768justice ten of pentacles two of swordsno, with the option available, you'll prefer to keep the money and time to yourself for other things, life as is will improve increasing reasons to stick around as well>>39602802nine of pentacles five of swords the worldrespects you for being yourself but doesn't like you for who you are. Admirable in their eyes, and totally unattractive, if there's distance they also have no intention of crossing it themselves
>>39602608Who will I date next?
AQlife feels overwhelming with bad luckshould I smoke crack?
>>39602847Absolutely! I need to know what J is plotting when it comes to me. Starting yours!
>>39602846Not as great as you are hoping if you keep idealizing it. However, by the end, you will appreciate it for what is was as your chance to grow. The end of the year will be hard if you let it be.
>>39602608Married this year?
>>39602831seven of pentacles queen of pentacles the foolWait and see, he probably will, our earthy lady is sitting and our guy is wandering around a while. If the matter is pressing or you're on good terms, I would always recommend reaching out first, naturally>>39602846the magician six of swords ten of swordsa huge swell up which crashes and burns; ever heard of flowers for algernon? You'll be fine though, and at least one benefit of your big big moment in the sun will carry yourself on ahead, even though it's kinda an icarus moment>>39602861the lovers the queen of swords the hermita clean, isolated obsessive hobbyist(it's a hobby you have), pale skin, thin wrists, tall.>>39602869(is this the putito/tengenuzui poster(?))the moon the two of pentacles the devilyou're a backup plan for some other scheme they have going on, if they can't get what they want, they can depend on you. It's selfish and not so malicious, it's possible to 'make a deal' and not get ruined with J, although you shouldn't do this unless they're in a bad place(desperate), or if the offer is very good
>>39602847does J intend on betraying me in the way i think?
>>39602790Got it, thanks
>>39602864You ask in bad faith, you know full well no one should smoke crack. Your life is troubled because you are being victimized. If you can truly change your outlook, life will invert for you in a park or field while the weather disagrees.
>>39602886>>39602872Thanks to both of youI don't have any kind of expectations
>>39602847Temperance, 9 of Pentacles, and Judgement. All upright.Seems good so far. There is a lot of harmony, peace and balance. You will get along with these residents. There is stability, and prosperity with financial security and abundance. Finally, you are best represented as the judgement card, as you will be making judgements and decisions at the end of the day. Make sure to not do anything that is unjust or unfair and you shall have harmony and balance.
>>39602608Will I stay friends with M or we'll drift apart?
>>39602608If I can ask lewdNext sex?
>>39602882Yes pleaseI spent five thousand dollars to reserve order some very fancy things last year, it should arrive in a year+, it is not anything particularly "useful" so much as aesthetic or collective, I was partly able to justify the purchase knowing it wouldn't depreciate-how will these possessions effect my life once they arrive?your Q?>>39602875the fool ten of wands four of cupsweddings are expensive and difficult to plan, I could see love and happiness, but not the resources or life context to lay the stable foundation for a family. If you don't actually have a lover right now, you're in a great place, and also thinking very stupid right now
>>39602897 I hope you keep an open mind and know the you one year from now is a different you that can be better or worse as you allow.
>>39602608Is there a particular brunette of medical profession in my personal life this year?
>>39602608am i a descendant of any roman emperors?
>>39602911You ask in bad faith. They will seek another inevitably unless you can drop your subconscious insecurities.However, you can positively shift your relationship with them in a very yellow space.
Still trading if anyone wants it.
>>39602924how fucked are my finances gonna be end of this year? you?
>>39602924yes, what should i do about K?
>>39602921You ask in bad faith. This is a fact of the past that can be unveiled in a seedy corpo dna test. Keep in mind the human nose never stops growing, but you will find misfortune in vanity.
>>39602922>You ask in bad faithWhy would you think so? >in a very yellow spacesorry, wdym?
>>39602932What does J think about me at this current time?
>>39602903this is more fun if you trade read the same query for me; but I will read yours AQ or notsix of cups heirophant nine of pentaclesbig age gap or a virgin involved, if you haven't had sex in 2+ years though you're the "pure one" too. Cozy and exciting sex! Trustworthy person and conventionally attractive "traditional" relationship, makes your heart go どきどき!>>39602899wow that matches what I''d hope pretty well>>39602924I am happy to do more trades with you, state Q
>>39602934Will anyone reach out to me soon and why?
>>39602946Different anon hereWhat's my next sex like?
>>39602938bro i didnt ask you, also these opaque messages dont mean squat; further elaborate on this nose of mine and we can dabble in frugality.
>>39602946should i take 25mg or 200mg+?
>>39602888king of swords high priestess three of swordsexactly how you think, but worse than you would first suspect! The train you see coming hitting you, but another one from another direction too, gas the j's now or something!>>39602901four of swords the sun judgementdrifting apart on good terms if there's relationship/love history, becoming closer more serious and practical about the friendship if you are same sex
>>39602940You ask for a very particular answer. Scryers search your soul, they can only reveal what you cannot see yourself.This should not get personal, but this can be a very "yellow" scenario one may not have expected. If I explain the specifics, this will change your path.
>>39602941empress, 8 of sword rx, 3 of pent rx, 2 of cups rx, 5 of cupso you might be a very beautiful attractive magnetic woman that takes care of herself or is looking for this sort of individual, but doesn't really have a lot of close connections/relationships, might be depressed, but not too worried or limited by're just not a good relation or friend to them despite being an attractive prospect...
>>39602949the magician six of cups eight of swords three of cups queen of swordsyes. it seems you are coming from a difficult situation and you are getting a lot of positive social cards and two cards in particular, the magician and the queen of swords, seem to say something about how you need to use this space to discuss or get your needs met.
>>39602941Page of Pentacles, 8 of Wands in reverse, 10 of cups.There will be new opportunities for financial growth and learning about wealth management. If you are currently not learning, you will. Something will push you in that direction. There is a lack of progress or growth, I assume it is your finances. You are feeling stuck right now. However, at the end, there will be financial stability and even abundance, if you are willing to learn. I would say you aren't fucked per se, just no new money rolling in at the moment but there will be soon enough. :)
AQ I've been feeling in complete stasis, stuck in time in a way
>>39602945how does the opposite sex percieve/feel about mejust felt like asking moderately less boring version of a very boring query, do it as if you had no way to know my sex, schrodinger's cat tier, to expose other qualities. your Q?>>39602911eight of pentacles the hanged man the empressnew perspective and focusing on work, sexy lady -> will find sexy brunette of a different sort in different place>>39602921five of pentacles page of wands seven of cupsyour ancestry is utterly remarkable, but you're going to be special yourself, so cast your shadow into the future instead of the past!
>>39602963Anon....what exactly is "yellow" scenario? I'm not a native speaker and this is some weird idiom I've never heard of :(
>>39602946>903 Tysm!!
>>39602906They’ll feel like a reward for your hard work, a tangible reminder of your perseverance and unique taste. They’ll inspire hope, brighten your space, and spark fresh ideas or clarity. When they arrive, they’ll symbolize success and progress, giving you a boost to keep moving forward or just “wanting better” for yourself seven of wands - the star - nine of pentacles - ace of swords - the chariotWhat type of partner will M be to me? He’s M I’m F
>>39602957You asked the thread, I answered. You are defensive and I apologize for upsetting you. I only see what you can't, not what you directly want.
>>39602987>>39602981Sorry for the delay I’m using) a physical deck and needed to cleanse first
how do i get into energy workk? meditation?
>>39602981>39602911But me want only not want another sexy brunette:(Thanks for a reading:)
>>39602934Justice in reverse, Page of Pentacles in reverse, 6 of Swords in reverse.There is definitely an injustice felt. Has this person hurt you in any way? Or maybe even somehow gotten away from any true justice? It seems the cards wanted to bring this to my attention. Which ushers in the Page, as their presence encourages a sense of responsibility and the motivation to turn ambitions into reality. Seems you need to bring someone to justice right at this moment. Finally, it seems you've been trying to move on and trying to change but something about the situation at hand is resisting. Is it hard to bring this person to justice, or have you simply not wanted to?The cards are telling you to go ahead.
>>39602608Will my next bf think I’m sexy? Like i make him go awooga awooga
>>39602982I will tell you now and it will change your path. It is the bright sunshine piercing through rain clouds, illuminating a once somber setting. It is the unexpected and unwanted for ideal positivity. Another way to see it is a kind and deeply knowing smile in a McDonald's or finding $100 on the ground after a doctor's visit.
>>39602988alright so i cant try and sculpt a symmetrical nose without getting a savant peering into me. you want to help me? how do i properly handle success?
>>39602980seven of cups the emperor king of swordsyou aren't wrong but you're underestimating your power, big man big brain big PP[metaphorical] to break the stalemate. time comes from your heart/brain[math, intuition, consciousness, Heidegger, Kant] so create time and break time, shatter the hourglass! It's hardest to get started, then you have momentum, even a little momentum after breaking a deadlock, just add another grain of sand, then another, then another, soon you'll cause landslide and time will be on your side. Praise the light!>>39602952ten of swords king of swords knight of pentaclessomebody is getting hurt, short or average session length, both will feel happy about it afterwords, but the man is putting in way too much energy here and enjoying himself too much, which hurts the girl(forgiven)>>3960295925 hanged man 200+ knight of cupstake the risky(stupid) dream, fuck around and find out!(only good) try da big doze>>39602963you can do something random about me, then>>39602987better than I expected, thxtwo of swords seven of swords justicelow stakes prankstering, think sitcom tired middle age couple, sarcastically complains about you when they love you a lot. Will be honest and keep their word, despite goofing around more than you'd otherwise handle, you will doubt M because he will be a bit quiet, but he'll carry you around when you're in trouble too
>>39603009well he is someone i tried to become buddies with online and basically he sent me a sexist meme and i really hate that sort of stuff and i dont know if i made it clear but he really troubled me with that so a part of me for once has decided to be gentle with myself and i kind of left his half ass apology on read all day but i honestly just dont feel comfortable being friends with him now because i would be compromising my self respect if i were to continue talking to him. i feel like i am becoming a better version of myself slowly, the kind of person that loves myself for once, and that protects myself which is something i failed to do for the longest time bc i guess i prioritized positive reinforcement over my self respect and my relationship with myselfi guess i just feel so unclear because im still so new at actually caring for myself that i dont know if i am making the right decision. i have like no friends and i get really lonely because im so isolatedcna we trade again? i have a query about my boyfriend, if things are going to be okay. i have gotten readings before that he will betray me, i think i know how, and i dont know what to do. should i get out asap?
>>39602981921 good looks with the encouragement, im just curious i share last names with notable ancients, thanks
>>39602946Will I be able to make enough money from my original content to make my husband proud of me and be able to help him when he needs it?
>>39602608does O think im crazy? should i leave it alone entirely
>>39603037I completely understand! And if you don't feel comfortable being their friend, don't be afraid to say so! Taking care of yourself is so important and it's good that you are. :) Having no friends is better than shitty friends honestly. Gives you space to find better ones!We can trade again. Can you describe the person who keeps looking at AND ARCHIVING my blog? Thank you.
>>39603029On your current path, you will succeed if you can truly accept putting your own needs above others and actually understanding the hurt you may cause to get what you desire.
>>39603057i did that one before do you have another question or would you like for me to pull again?
>>39603055Love prediction for 2025 please.
>>39603064you haven't finished your other readings yet that I've been waiting on
>>39603063Oh right, sorry I like getting multiple opinions so I can narrow down suspects. Does anyone want me at this time?
>>39602608How to stop being sensitive?
>>39603066Yes I did? Scroll up, one was tagged under mine by accident.
>>39603037third party observer, if you're overthinking somebody that much over something that small, don't associate with them>>39603010nine of cups the fool ten of swordsextremely, sounds like he'll be very blue balled about it too- if not getting some kind of lower body injury preventing him from enjoying your body as much>>39603049eight of cups page of cups the emperorno, he's the man here so you're overestimating what money means to him. It's honestly possible he'll make more money/have more free time and you do this side thing less. It isn't that your goals are a wash, they just aren't that important in the grand scheme of the marriage
>>39603059ill work on it chief
>>39603077well im still waiting for this one:\>>39602932>>39602932>>39602932>>39602932and answered yours here >>39602966>>39602966
>>39603080Yes that is the one! Scroll up. :)>>39602975>>39602975
>>39603080>>39603092ok thank you was really confused. appreciate it
>>39603067its cool i as u can see i kinda do the same thing with my queries the star five of cups the charioti dont see anyone right now, but i see a lot of positive cards that tell me you will be able to manifest someone soon, so long as you stick to certain ways that you intend to better your life. I see these could be almost abstract, in the realm of how you start in the heart or the head and it is reflected in actions perhaps could be associated with things like therapy? you have come out of a pervious situation renewed.
>>39603080I'll read for you, you can do a freestyle reading for/about me if you wish>>39602932seven of cups three of swords three of wandsa diversified portfolio can go up and down, you can distribute volatility and risk, and find yourself moderately better off when all the disaster and success balances out. You're going to try a few things and be better off by the end of the year, but this still means work, risk, loss, learning. If you have a plan or ideas how to make money, it's a good idea and a good start, but be prepared to adapt if you hit a roadblock! If you want to change jobs, this is possible~
>>39603095Hey no problem! Still wanna trade?
>>39603071five of swords five of pentacles queen of pentaclesbe willing to get hurt a little if it means proving yourself, a honeybadger doesn't need to be stronger than a lion to drive it away. They always talk about ye olden days where bigger kids would bully smaller ones, but smaller ones could prove themselves with even a little aggression and be respected by everyone, even if they weren't all that strong. Be willing to break your teeth on some challenges! And bite back! Setting high standards for yourself and getting a little uncomfortable can feel great
AQAm I going to be alone for the rest of my life?
>>39603036I'm not sure what pray the light means.But thank you, this was very helpful
>>39603011Are you of Malkav's stock?
Will I find true love soon? I'm tired of the same old one night stands. I manifested a beautiful mother with 3 kids. But she felt as if I was worth more elsewhere.
>>39603097The Moon in reverse, Strength, and 7 of wands in reverse.In relationships, a reversed Moon may suggest the revelation of deceit or hidden truths. It's a sign that the real nature of your relationship or partner is becoming apparent. No matter your circumstances or how things ended between the two of you, they respect you. They acknowledge what a positive impact you had on them. The reversed seven of wands in a love tarot card reading interprets that you are holding on to something that is not healthy. You are trying too hard to defend your relationship and your partner, but it is hurting you as well as your partner in the process.
>>39603078last, alright thank youthat makes sense, he wants to provide for me but i also feel the urge to contributecan i ask what it is that he wants of me in this marriage? i feel like hes too lenient with me
>>39603115Something more primitive, but I appreciate your interest.
>>39603126I'm copping out and saying you should ask him/talk about it, you can usually ask if there's anything you can do to make him happy
>>39603120do you think there any hope of ending things amicably? i am in a place financially where i feel like i cant leave. you dont have to pull again about it just judging from the spread? i wouldn’t mind trading again but im quite exhausted
AQ:What direction are my kinks pulling me?
>>39603144Yes, there can be. If they think positively of you, you can leave peacefully. Or you can live with the deceit. It really is up to you.
>>39603155>>39603157I will trade. What is your query?
>>39603157What's something I could do to improve my life I haven't really considered or tried?Your q?
>>39603157Me me me me! :D
>>39601090Yes tell if your seeking a female it's about four o'clock sunny day in what looks like urban New York she's moving or putting something in car and brown wavey hair. Practice patience
>>39603107Tysm! You sounded like my mom lol. I’m more frail looking and my mom would go “They're all this and that, but they don’t have intelligence like you do”.
lol. I'm so intrigued by all of this I want to understand how to trade and query
>>39603172Ask for it and someone may answer.
>>39603167I just woke up. I am looking for girl. I am a boy yes. Thank you very much. >Practice patienceI will.
>>39603173thankyou sm
Went to Digimon locals after moving. Am I sad about moving, not having enough friends or that I only won one game out of six?
>>39603162>>39603165>>39603166ok im having a really hard time in life right now. can you guys please give me general advice for my life situation right now if you were my best friend, or what would you do if you were in my shoes right now? I'll answer any of your queries
>>39603162If you can do me. But idk what the currency is lololol
>>39603220What is your query then?
>>39603225>>39603119this one
>>39603225I've learned more in the last two years than I have the last 35 years on earth. And i am very thankful for the people on 4chan
>>39603212Six of Swords, Knight of Cups in reverse, and Ace of Swords in reverse.Move on. Don’t look back. Look to the future.If you are having trouble moving on, seek help. You don’t have to go it alone. Or it can advise you to lend a hand to someone else who may be experiencing a difficult patch.The Six of Swords is a card of transition sometimes it can be advising to make a change. Make a physical move or take a trip. Reminder that “we’re all in the same boat.” Practice compassion for others. The reversed Knight of Cups signifies the emergence of a creative endeavor that you are not yet prepared to pursue. You might spend the majority of your time fantasizing about what might be possible or how lovely it would be if it actually happened. Although spending some time in the hazy, idea stage can be enlightening, the plan won't materialize until you start acting. Your ideas might need to be rooted in the real world. Determine the cost, time required, resources required, and other relevant factors. This will give your concept more credibility so you can proceed with putting your idea into practice .Getting a reversed Ace of Swords might mean that one's thoughts are confused, unsure and very chaotic. This isn’t a good time for one to make any decisions since they don’t have any clarity on what you should be doing, meaning that the chances of failure can be pretty high.At this time, it would be better to prepare yourself and take baby steps work methodically as you slowly move towards achieving your goals. This would be a good time to lay back and rationally think your way through each stage rather than acting on impulse, since everything appears in a blur and is not very clear at that moment. It might also be a good time to seek advice since things may not be as they seem.
AQBeen feeling super anxious lately, even though my life is fine, no problems. What's going on that I'm not seeing?
>>39603257Thank you for the reading, I appreciate your help. Going to focus on moving on in any way I can....hard cuz I live with my abusive family & no car & no job & no money... maybe if I can mentally move on the world around can follow. Thanks again
>>39603331do me
>>39603342ok what is your query, mine is please describe the general experience of the rest of this year for me
>>39603346You will strive for a better place to call home, you will experience more flavor to the life you have been living and be considerably happier with less. Also more money will come to you with leass effort as you go and learn more about " living "
>>39603356;____; thank you let me know your query and thank you for the peace in my heart now
>>39603346My query is how to get out and go find out how can I be more appreciated in a relationship.
>>39603362I think it's mostly how I have been searching. Low standards. No standards
>>39603370If you're white, tall and have a stable job you'll have no problem finding someone but if you're a short king and brown skinned I feel sorry for you brother
>>39603360You deserve the happiness
>>39603378I am very much Italian. Pretty buff. It's not the lack thereof it is quality lololol
>>39603378White af. German, italian, native american. Soooo, I tan a bit.
>>39603294Hanged man and towerI would guess that you do foresee something troubling happening, not a general anxiety, I’m getting a perception of a specific event. Again less about the event itself, more about your perception - there is something there. It will become obvious to you, I don’t think anything is sneaking up to you that you should be too paranoid and alert for. But it will be something real, external.
>>39603383>>39603387Wtf man you're prime quality, brother you can nab yourself a stacy. Try to go out more and maybe hit the gym go for a class where you can talk to others. You'll find a woman who cares about her body and herself, quality women indeed, don't date single mothers trust me bro. How tall btw?
>>39603362the way you are wording your query is a bit difficult for me to understand or translate into a question I can ask the cards but I tried10 of swords, sun rx, ace of cups rx, knight of wands keep yourself emotionally healthy, keep that energy/charisma/vitality at the forefront as well that really livens up a mood, but also don't be afraid to show what you are really dealing with, and the sad/drained/overwhelmed parts of you too---or maybe be there for others in those moments? do you hide yourself from others at your weakest moments so they only enjoy a superficial shallow surface of who you are? you might attract really shallow superficial people that way
>>396034045 foot 10 iches. 186 lbs all muscle.
>>39603411I dealt with some death in my close family the last few months, I do not show emotion at all because of prior experiences getting shunned by my ex after she got an abortion. as soon as I showed emotion. I still think she left me for crying in front of her.
>>39603404I didn't think about classes, That's genius
You guy's are so supportive. Thank you for being real with me. I Knew I should try this
>>39603411I just try to be funny constantly and ignore my more deep feelings. I'm also around people that are much less intelligent than I am. But it is my job.
>>39601060The Moon is a harsh mistress.
>>39603411I do not really know how to 4chan that well. I have only been typing again for the last month. My job requires me to be in front of a computer all night.
>>39603403Thanks! Yeah, I can't pinpoint what I think is coming up, but I'm a little twitchy and nervous. I don't even think it'll happen to me personally, like you said, but even those fires in California, a place super far from where I currently am right now, that had my nerves a little haywire. Guess we'll just wait and see
Trading next gf
>>39603440>>39603451>>39603422I've left a man before for crying....multiple times...about things that I didn't cry a very emotional vulnerable it made him look strange and weak to me..he cried about if I left him he'll never find another woman despite being a quality person...and cried about how terrible my life was...even though I didn't cry about it, I just got angry....but you sounds like you have legitimate reason to cry....crying for misfortunes to do with family deaths... that's reasonable. If you are around idiots you have to entertain all the can you expect to be appreciated...don't sink to their level. Find a woman that understands true devastation but still persevered with grace and intelligence. They are out there, you don't have to settle. Lots of mafia/military wives out there....they have to deal with tough things with grace, empathy, and intelligence.
>>39603473Holy shit, Thank you. Idk what happens my brain has just been going blank on certain things lately.
>>39603473What got me was just that it was not crying. I pooted out like 3 tears, wiped them off, and went right back to normal. It really scared me after I saw her body language change. She lost love so quickly, We were only together for about a year,
>>39603498yeah I think they're just stupid. I've had 3 men cry with me, 1 disturbed me too much with constant crying so i left, the other 2 I still stayed with even though they cried....and even though they treated me badly... :\ not everyone is the same
>>39603523I think this is the first time since July that I have actually put any thought into it. My little brother died on 8 mile and grand river in a motorcycle accident. And then my cousin saved her daughter but perished in an atv accident. She threw her daughter off of the atv before she crashed into a tree because of a stuck throttle
>>39603523I would be called a faggot when I was younger if I showed emotion like that. Full on idiocracy parents. But I am very sorry about the sissy boys of your past.
>>39603539i used to live on 7 mileyeah u really gotta surround yourself with more understanding people. i often too find myself entertaining idiots. the country where i was born is being bombed right now and the people around me fall apart at the smallest inconvenience and im supposed to take them serious.
>>39603551Fuck War 100%. and I miss the food so bad. I wish I had a shishtawook samwich lololol
>>39603551I lived at 7 and beach until 2015
>>39602608What does N.R feel for me currently?
>>39603413>>39603430You're golden brother you're somewhat tall, you take care of yourself you just need to go out more and be more assertive with women, women love confident men so you may want to work on that shit, also be funny as fuck women enjoy funny men. Classes are the way to go, you can approach them talk about the class and yeah get to know people. If you're up to it you should also make an Instagram bitches love that shit
>>39603584Nta, what would a man do on Instagram? (I'm socially inept lol)
>>39603584My instagram only has older pics of me at the gym, I will update it now.
>>39603606If you're a gym bro you can post pictures of working out, if you on hikes take pictures of the mountains and the scenery, pics of your food, pics of beer, if you're in to repairing and diy you can post pics of the before and after things, there's many shit men can post there without looking like a fag. If you're in to collecting shit or figures you can post your finds and gets (being in to geek and weeb shit is now the hip thing) if you go to conventions or events you know normie shit
>>39603611Good post things like if you go to a coffee post some aesthetic shit, working out but make sure you're looking your best but don't abuse the filters bro, women are masters at that shit so they can find out right away, just use them to fix the lighting or color correct the picture, make sure you also post shit about our hobbies, oh yeah find a cool hobby like carpentering or fixing shit in general. You really sound like a cool dude I'm sure you'll find a cute birdie that will date you for real for real. Also bro it's okay to be vulnerable but only with the real ones not the heartless harpies
>>39603640The succubus is a cunning species
>>39603606im a chick and dont have instagram because i dont give a shit what other people think of me and i value my privacy and dont want people staring at me with their energy that i dont know whether is friendly or malicious.... unless you are promoting a business and trying to network i dont see the point of it....and it is extremely weird for a man over the age of...early have an instagram and post pictures of themselves, it comes across as feminine and narcissistic for a man...... just my 2 cents
>>39603645Indeed bro, you'll find a real one. Now get your ass out there and show the world what you're made of, we rooting for ya>>39603648Also, don't listen to this femcel
>>39603648Good input. Thank you
>>39603649Yeah. Her comment and mine are proof I need to be more of an asshole
>>39603648>and it is extremely weird for a man over the age of...early have an instagram and post pictures of themselves, it comes across as feminine and narcissistic for a man.This is true. They're the male equivalent of worthless whores who have nothing going for them.
>>39603648I agree with the energy part I guess.
>>39603656>>39603664Nah man just be more assertive and more selfish in a sense, the world is a fucked up place now a days. Only show vulnerability to those that are worth it. Don't drop your spaghetti right away, get to know people and give them a chance but if they act like selfish harpies then jump to the next one
>>39603663I am 35. But I was with the mother of my daughter for 10 years, and I'm just getting back into the water still
>>39603648That's what I was thinking. Why would I need to share my life with total strangers? Or post my work outs or hobbies for others? Those who need to know I either meet irl and tell them about it or they would likely be in the photos with me already.>>39603622Thanks for the advice. I don't see a point in sharing my life with literal nobodies but maybe I'm just a spazz
>>39603663Agree to disagree mate, I respect your opinion but there's some bros who have met their significant others there, mostly those that don't want to jump in to dating apps (that shit is hell on earth, that's where the worst of the worst lies, it's good for an easy lay but nothing more) bro needs to get out there and open all gates, as they say you miss the shots you don't take
>>39603686I am not as old as I think I am. I see guys that are just LAME af
>>39603685That's how you meet people anon, venturing in to the world obviously would be best if you did shit irl but most normies irl have Instagram and shit so it's also an easier way to fit in and appear "normal" there's some people that aren't the vapid stacies and chads that post shit about their hobbies, think of it as 4chan for normies (well most social media is now a days)
>>39603649also don't listen to this femcel? what the fuck? you only respect females that show their ass, their loved ones, their family, their children, the locations they frequent to complete strangers? you got real shit for brains. meeting your future wife from instagram LMAO. how you gain them is how you lose them. I'd rather find a man God ordained for me in the wild, in real life. Sorry loser, go take some more half naked pictures for indian bots to like. do you even know how to change a tire?
>>39603691You're not old you're at your prime desu, you can easily find a 25 to 30 year old. But the single father thing, that might be a turn off for some women, so maybe single mothers could be an option for you but don't go for the vapid ones. I'm sure there's a nice woman out there that will treat you right man, don't give up brother
>>39603703he has to jump through all these hoops to appear normal? to attract normies? what the fuck are you even talking about? why the fuck would he want that or care to have someone in his life he has to put on a mask for, he already has done that in the past.
>>39603705>>39603712Nice to see you're still alive, cheswick how's single motherhood going for ya?
>>39603715im not that person, you have shit for brains
>>39603712I mask everyday desu. Kinda sick of it as is. I think a few friends and a partner who know who you are for better or worse are better than 1000 fake friends and whores
>>39603723dude dont do ittttt pleaaase. I used to be a sociopath then had my entire world turned upside down and started believing in God and I would never go back to the person I was.....if you keep doing what you're're just going to attract people on that masked frequency...who themselves are masking....its a setup for a fucked up relationship
>>39603705>>39603712Kek love triggering the femcels, and yes to answer your wench ass I do know how to change a tire and I graduated from a military school and studied mechanical engineering in uni. I'm just telling bro ways to get out there, the world is a shit place as I said and sometimes we do need to put on masks, but your snowflake femcels ass probably doesn't understand today's world. Go cry about being a pathetic eggless femcel somewhere else wench
>>39603686what the fuck are you evne talking about? I'm talking about posting egotistical pictures instead things of worth, not saying not to do Instagram.>>39603685>Thanks for the advice. I don't see a point in sharing my life with literal nobodies but maybe I'm just a spazzyou are. You're the kind of guy with nothing going for him, so you get all defensive like that.
>>39603710Daughter is 18 lol, pretty much over the whole take care of me part, She handles herself well.
>>39603720Does W(female) think I stalk her socials? I don't mean to, I'm just curious about ppl from my pastYours?
>>39603729It's okay cheswick, sorry your boyfriend left you for a younger woman. Maybe Chad anon might give you a chance and date you
>>39603735Will that one person ever speak to me again?
>>39603728tl;dr dont give a shit shut your monkey ass up and go post ur abs for indian bots across the world to like
>>39603737Damn, no wonder you get no puss. You think everyone is the one person you're obssessed with lmao get medicated, little guy
Either way. Thank you for the info. I came here for the goods, I got what I needed.
>>39603742just ignore him and report his posts
>>39603729>defensiveThat was me being defensive? I don't think so. I know I have no life lol, if I did I'd rather have only select few know what I'm up to, those I care for ans care for me and the like.
NOHOMO. Love you guys lolol