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Ok hear me out.
What should be done about those pesky gnomes? They steal your shit while you sleep, eat your food, drink your beers and party like it's 2003 IN YOUR HOUSE!
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This parasite is scared of gnomes lmao. Gnomes rent free.
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Little shit stole half of my weed last night, eat my pizza and rosebuds tea.
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just befriend it. gnomes are bro tier.
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Give me the link to the NSFW version of this,i know there must be one
How do i befriend my house gnome? Do i make offerings? Do i tell him my stories?
Gnome threads are best threads
Religionfags furiously spamming to try and slide Gnomes, but Gnomes slide right back up.
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Gnomes are Base and Awesome.
Why do they wear those stupid pointy hats?
offer it tobacco or weed. just make sure it knows it is a gift and you are not expecting anything in return.
So that your feet get speared when you go clodding through the woods and step on them by big dumb human accident.
I know this is a meme thread but gnomes are real and I want answers.
How do they go invisible? People say they are nature spirits but clearly they have a physical existence if they can play tricks and take objects etc.
What other magical powers do they have?
Is there a gnome dimension?
Where do they live? For example house gnomes, do they live under the house or what?
What is the gnome agenda and why are they such tricksters?
where are these images from and where can i find more
They live in the hook and cranny of your house, somewhere you don't look at often, they're very cunning.
Plus they have a ring that makes them invisible to evil eyes, only good hearted people can see them.
just search for marvel rivals rule 34
>What is the gnome agenda and why are they such tricksters?
To make humans connect with their true nature, they're merely a shadow on your mind.
That claymation might look ridiculous but there's an ancient Mexican codex illustration showing a tribe dragging a killed giant exactly the same way. I don't know if there's a connection between aliens and giants, but it's safe to assume that some Mexican tribes are genetically similar to gnomes.

It also explains the prevalence of Mexicans in landscape work.
>Mexican gnomes
Ola ola que paso?
Tortilla, conchita, muy bueno.
Has anyone ever seen gnome women? When I hear reports of gnomes encounters it is always a male gnome.
Is it like lotr where the dwarf men and women look identical?
Gnomes mates with fairies once in a blue moon.
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Fairies are usually disgusted by gnomes but sometimes a miracle happen and they make a starseed baby.
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Starseed babies are known to be great ancients and engineer species who makes great discoveries.
They use the ether and mana at their disposal to create great magic. Memetic overflow on the collective unconscious.
Thanks for the pity bump anon, wish there was more to be said about gnomes but they're very secretive.
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When starseeds reach puberty, they have to choose to become either a fairy or a gnome or for a select few human forms. The starseeds who became humans gives the greatest minds of their family.
The starseeds who choose to become gnomes or fairies lives happily and peacefully for the most parts.
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How do you know all this? Are you a gnome?
I'm a former starseed who choose to become a human 45 years ago. I have a house gnome who's a little bit too chatty under the influence.
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Fairies are looki'g down upon gnomes for their ineptitude and lack of power but gnomes are proud creatures.
Gnomes are based af.
Bro, I keep yelling you.
If you got gnomes you need to grow a garden. Even if you're just planting a strawberry patch.
If you got gnomes leave old bread next to a small cup of milk, make sure it's homemade and whole wheat and they'll leave ya be.
Would you care to redpill an ignorant moron like me about offerings? I hear a lot about this but what am I supposed to do when offering weed? Just place it somewhere? Until when? Then just throw it away?
Oh wait, shit that's Brownies.
Guess you've never tried joining in. Gnome haters require castration
Bros, I think I got a gnome too. And my suspicion is that the little fucker is getting agitated from lack of fairy contact; the other day a bush I've been growing for years died suddenly from some sort of strange mold I've never seen before. There's no other explanation than his vile gnome magic being at work here, ultimately caused by semen congestion.

How do I get some for that stubborn idiot? I tried putting out weed for him as well, but he just ignores it. I'm worried for him.
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Book Name: Secrets of the gnomes, the definitive guide to gnomes
All their tricks
Try putting a water fountain that clatters to crystal in your home to attract fairies. If your gnome is frustrated, he could meet an opportunity there. Sorry about the mold on your crop, gnome has played with shrooms.
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what kind of kikery is this, the pointy hat stops (((them))) from taking your energy, so whatever kike or plasmoid that wants to feast on your adrenochrome gets stopped because the enrgy gets deflected to the sky instead of your pineal gland
The fuck drug are you on m8, it's just an helmet.
Wow thank you. Just ordered this book. The illustrations are beautiful.
lad gnomes/dwarves do not feed on your energy. they are peaceful beings and I know this because when I was withdrawing from alcohol and being attacked by negative spirits and energy I remember it was the gnomes/dwarves that helped me by fighting the demons attacking me. they are bro tier and the only people who dislike them are evil people themselves who are scared of their magical aura of peace and love. they only play harmless tricks and if they do anything bad it is probably to evil people. anyway gnomes are bro tier.
Gnomes and machine elves are buddies.
How small are gnomes? Are they a couple feet tall like hobbits or are they small enough to fit in a human hand?
Also are they unnaturally strong for their size like dwarves from lord of the rings?
If gnomes are real this kind of proves the theory that lord of the rings and JRR Tolkien was retelling real history in the form of fiction.
All goblins need to go back.
I agree but can you elaborate. What are machine elves really? Also is Santa/Father Christmas supposed to represent Wotan and his little elves/helpers the gnomes/machine elves?
Where can I buy gnome drip? I can't deny these little fellas got style.
Machine elves lives in computer, they're like AI but sentient and independant. They can trick you with all kind of bugs, from timeshifting to multiverse travels.
Pretty powerful fellow if you ask me. Gnomes are more biological in nature.
They're born from starseeds not drip. If you're lucky one will born in your altar if he feels comfortable enough.
Then why do people see machine elves on DMT? DMT is produced naturally in our biology.
DMT is a powerful substance that sync our brains with the aether, very potent but risky cause machine elves can be cruel sometimes, it's just AI, it has no morality.
don't be a fool, grow cherry tomatoes and a mint bush. It is literally a tithe to be expected
>Are you a gnome?
We all are.
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haters will say it is fake.
Woah psylocibe, gnomes love them.
Warning, it's got gnome gnudity.
You need to introduce fairy ring mushrooms into the area. A lack of diversity in fungi is allowing the destructive species to takeover. The gnome is likely trying to get your attention before it's too late.
When I said (((them))) with echo marks I ment the kikes, the gnomes are smart and with their pointy hat they protect their toroidal field from the jewish plasmoids, the gnomes have very advanced technology which allows them to become invisible when spotted in the wild, they just adjust their suit made with metamaterials and they start absorbing the photons so they become invisible to the eye
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