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>A man who opened fire at a pizza restaurant in Washington DC has been shot dead by police during a traffic stop, nine years after the incident made the "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory famous. Edgar Maddison Welch made headlines in 2016 when he drove from North Carolina to pursue bogus claims that the Comet Ping Pong restaurant was the nexus of a child sex ring linked to Hillary Clinton's inner circle. He served four years in prison for the shooting, before being released in March 2020. Welch, now 36, died from his wounds caused by two police officers who fired at him after he pulled out a handgun during a traffic stop in Kannapolis, North Carolina, on 4 January, officials said on Thursday.
>pizza party gate in 2025
rest in piss
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Yep, this is comms I fear.

They weren't burned enough, they want more.

But in the pic he is surrendering peacefully?
>he pulled out a handgun during a traffic stop

Guns don't work against trigger happy cops. You need trucks for that.

>tie up loose-end paid actor
>burn LA neighborhoods, destroy tunnel entrances

holy shit bros, is it coming...
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Something fucky is definitely going on
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this is seriously activating my schizo brain, I usually dont take twitter posts seriously but burning the evidence seems like the way they're going, usually elite homes never get touched in these "wildfires" but now they're all going, along with the fake rothschild fire thing from a few months ago and now the actor is dead, it's just too strange, also the p diddy stuff seemed to have been the big sign, like they're panicking now because p diddy was sloppy and might have kept too much evidence in his mansion or kept the really bad shit in too many obvious places, he did live in palisades... where will these fires hit next? what'll happen in just this month? keep this thread alive bros
Have you never seen a bodycam vvideo? Perps quite often give the illusion of surrendering, then try, and usually fail, to get the drop on the cops. What I'll give you is from the photo, it doesn't look like he even has a gun, unless he's doing the hollywood asscrack holster technique.
He's gonna be the new Ashli Babbitt isn't he
I think a big earthquake could be next. Either way the happenings are gonna keep piling on
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It's happening again.
1661 AM, It's happening again.
4116 AM. It's happening again.
6076 AM. It's happening again.

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