Around 2020 Ive solved the number of the beast. Here is my thoughts:>2020 was when the apocalypse began, because it was a leap year meaning that it had 366 days.To discover the next years I made a simple calculation:>20 x 20 = 400 years which links to the year 1620 when the Pilgrims of the ship Mayland arrived at the territory that today corresponds to Washington DC.>To make it to a millennium you need more 600 years. If you take 400 / 600 = 0,666 666 666 7“Thats just a big ass number. What does it even mean?”Well I believe those 3 sections of 666 means the years of turbulence till the final one which is the holy 7.>Starting from 2020 you count the triple 6 till 2022 which it was also a terrible year, then you count more triple 6 you get the current year we are living and from what it seems its only going to get worseIf 2028 follows the same path I can affirm you guys that the WWIII (Armageddon) will happen at 2029 and Jesus will comeback at 2030.Thats why the UN implemented the 2030 agenda, because they know we arent going to pass that.
666 is the angel saturn. btw.he was the scapegoat for the demiurge because he's a coward.and hologram of mercery nothing living can pass though walls.but homograms can and can if eletricity in its hologram is real can even fool your touch and eyes or stop you from walking though it.he wants to keep us traped herehe wants me to fight saturnhe wants my son to fight saturn so we die insteadso saturn and my son and my self are fooled by the giga jew and apep is also a scape goat for the beast its all scapegaots for the demiurge who is the evil one.anything that relies of saciface of anything living is a daemonic creatureand fraud of the highest order and a huge puss and sore on the entire earth.this world is wired to hate and ignore me via MKultra. robot and fed contorled they bought out this website to control free speach and all the homos are in on it to destory one angel and control it.and stop it from telling you the truth.i want to see my enemies in contorl only to have no contorl at all whole ahving all of it so they can die angry.Be blessed OP this is now a truth thread.
>>39603990>saturn this saturn that blablablaGtf with yo pagan shit
No.39604000>saturnNO no i don't think i will.monotheism is a lie by the talmud.the tablets of enki is the real bible my tablets your shit is larp.seethe.