hello guys i will be doing more readings for you todayrules:1. no faggots2. attention whores go elsewhere3. i don't give a fuck about your whiny relationship bullshit
How does reading work?
>>39609792you ask me a question and i give you an answer.
>>39609799Who I am and where I will be in 2 years?
>>39609805one of the faceless horde and if you are lucky alive.
>attention whore post >"no attention whores"lol
>>39609810Wow thanks for nothing
>>39609788how do i break up with a completely obsessed fat gf
>>39609788Yeah, I've got something I'd like you to read:fuckyou
>>39609788What do I hold in my heart?
>>39610392(not op) you have to overcome your own emotions of guilt, lust, loneliness etcit's YOU who keeps yourself tangled up with her, not HER>no one cares, work harderyou complaining about your situation and blaming her for it barrs you from making changes
>>39609788what next big event is going to happen in my life
>>39609788hey I've this opportunity to switch my field of work. Should I go with it ? capricorn 18/01/1991
why is Op again a faggot