Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:>Recommended /div/ links and books:>MEGA with Divination Books:>Guides made by some of our readers:/div/ starter spreads:'s tarot and rune guide:' revised divination guide: compiled Rider Waite card explanation>Useful tips before posting:•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right/wrong.Previous Thread: >>39606185
have a nice day /div/, stay safe and warm
Hi allAQHow is the current path I'm on looking for me?
>>39612270AQA little late, wanted to ask how this year would turn out for me and my life goals. Thanks everyone
>>39612294>dribbing :8DDDDDThis may already be in my top 3 favorite LWBs along with the Thoth. There are sources and quotes from all the right people.
>>39612356You’re still reading?
Air Query I've been told I'm almost ready to move on in life and have some real relationships. What's the last piece(or pieces) I need to sort out and how best do I deal with them?Thanks and many blessings in advance
>>39612376I like to read thoroughly when given the chance. Right now I'm comparing Type I Marseille elements (top, mostly) with type II features (bottom) before I go back into the LWB and crack that box of wine to look at more cards and muse. There are all these little details here like the lighting on the House of God looking like a tongue that needs thorough consideration. The left tower on the moon has a door and the dog and wolf are almost in the water. The dog also has a ribbon on his tail, which suggests all kinds of things.
>>39612452Oh okay, cute cards.
>>39612270I have a hypothetical questionif you do a reading on something specific but then have someone else do a reading on the same question, would that be sort of an insult to the cards on the first reading?would it negatively affect the other reading?I'm leaning towards yes though I'm unsure
>>39612452sheesh, just my luck, as i request the thread gets archivedanyway, in case you didn't see it in the previous thread and are still taking queries: "i have a situation with a certain girl C where i f*cked up, i worked on myself, changed and after a few years ran into her again, only to f*ck up again. on some level, it feels like either god is testing me or the universe is making fun of me. Could you tell me what I should be doing? additionally, I would appreciate if you could read her feelings towards me and what kind of person she thinks i am"
Doing readings.>Initials, Sun Sign and Gender of the people involved.>Feedback.I also ask for positive energies if you can.
>>39612519MV leo male what can i expect this month?
>>39612519SG, leo, maleHow will this year gonna be for me?
>>39612519Hello freind. Ja, Male, libra. What will the girl I marry be like?
>>39612519ED, cancer, maleam i gonna hit a big break soon? something to get me out of this spiritual slump i’ve found myself in lately? i know there’s a full moon in cancer soon, is that anything? or am i getting my hopes up for nothing?
>>39612521>King of Disks, VIII of Cups, IV of Cups, Justice>King of WandsAs much introspection as there is in your life right now, it's probably the result of knowing that you're going to have to let go of things, people and situations that haven't been good for you for a while. The rest of the month seems to be one long moment of reflection as you begin to put your life in order for the rest of the year.It looks like you're on the right track for a very promising future, you just need to do some self-reflection and cleaning up of your life.>>39612544>V of Cups, VI of Cups Rev, V of Wands, Princess of Disks>ChariotA conflicting year, but with a lot of evolution and self-knowledge. You're going to have to deal or continue to deal with a lot of discontent with someone and you're going to spend this beginning of the year dealing with these feelings. Financially it's going to be a good year, it will have its conflicts and difficulties, but good opportunities will come, you just need to have the confidence and the right mindset to be able to take advantage of these moments.>>39612546Hello!>III of Cups, Priestess, VIII of Swords Rev, IX of WandsEither she'll be in your group of friends or you'll meet her because of your group of friends. She'll be a more reserved person, spiritually evolved, a very independent person, but at the same time a great partner who does everything possible to please the people she likes.>>39612566>Sun Rev, Knight of Cups, VI of Disks, X of WandsYou'll probably need help and support from someone, but there's a good chance that the moon in cancer is the ideal time for you to get out of this state. You just have to find the willpower within yourself to do it. Good luck with that friend.
>>39612519>D>Taurus>MaleWhat should I know about my creative endeavors going forward?
>>39612587>566dang i did a reading for myself yesterday that said nearly the exact same thing, except there was emphasis on the fact it would be someone i don’t usually get along with. huh. much to think about. thank you so much for your words
>>39612519If you're still reading, do mine? >>39612424CLAriesM
>>39612324Cute kots!Vague reading for a vagueish question, so grain of salt and all that>5 of swords>King of cups reversed >7 of swords >5 of cupsOof anon, I'm sorry but this is not a positive reading. Lots of conflict, disappointment, fights and heartbreak. Pulled some more for possible advice >4 of cups>5 of pentacles Again, not the best. I guess you got to brace yourself and try to save your energy for what really matters, like pick your battles.Last card>Hope for the future?3 actually jumped the deck as I was shuffling >Page of cups>Knight of wands>10 of wandsDon't let go of your dreams. It's going to be a hard year, and it's going to be stressful, but again, focus where it matters and then the future (2026?) will be better from the better choices you made in such a difficult period.
>>39612519RG, Leo , femaleSending you my energy despite my current stateI feel physically and mentally weak, any advice? I don't know what to do, I feel lost and demotivated
>>39612470>>39612452The swords look like they would enjoy stabbing someone, the expressions are surprisingly ambiguous. There are all these details pertinent to readers in the contemporary marseille and cunning folk style that, while served with period decks, may want something new. I did. I bought it for that stabby cunt, that's a face you can point to and say nothing about in the right context.This deck also comes with a set of associations and assumptions, there's a color theory and pattern to the pips that is going to take some adjustments. It's generally familiar and very in line with this style of reading but the details mean getting away from the stock methods; it's neither playing cards nor traditional Marseille, more like reading an older illuminated deck in some ways. Not my first choices in some ways, but that's why the market is saturated and profitable. There's also things like the weeping eyeliner/sheikah eye motif that needs examining. Does it purely signify a woman? (not likely) Does it add ambiguity to expression? Is there another hidden interpretation that will show up in use? It takes thinking out so you have a whole bag of tricks instead of just a hammer, lest everything look like a nail. Few show off the retarded meat of their method and I find the examination of visual glyphs and associated wordplay to be critical to reading. I'm actually consistent and analytic, albeit in a heterodox definition of both of those words.
>>39612519GM, Scorpio, MaleMC, Scorpio, FemaleHow does MC feel about me? what sort of a person does she think i am? (Frieren Smiling for positive energies)
>>39612663My dad very recently died, and I have to confront my mom and leave the house. Set boundaries and all that. It's best for me and her. I do it despite how hard it is, because I know it's what we both need. This reading tracks, I think. Thank you for this insight. I asked a similar question last year in november, and got the tower.
AQHow do I find a cuck gf?
>>39612587521 theres that atleast
>>39612519C Leo male will i get a job soon?
>>39612694I'm sorry about your loss, anon. I hope things get or feel better soon.
hello /div/ hello hello. long time lurking, first time tripfagging.i will be doing readings for the next few hours since i have literally nothing better to do. i am using the good old waite-smith tarot deck. i like to be as in-depth as possible with my readings so if i may request only big, substantial queries please. no “does XYZ want to bang me” bs. other people can answer that.all i ask is you be specific and that you give feedback/critique in return. also share a pic that you feel represents you if you like :)
>>39612293Re bumping :(
>>39612760Hi, this please >>39612664
>>39612760I've been in an on and ofc relationship for some years that appears to be coming to a end. I would like to ask what's next on my love/sexual lifeI'm a male
>>39612519ELGeminiMaleI've become a lot more impulsive, indifferent to peoples needs, and i've gotten some... unsavory urges as of late, is this just a temporary thing?
>>39612760Hi anon!Weird query I guess, but I hope it's not "next bf tier". I have a strong gut feeling I'm meeting this person, a lot of readings told me before I was getting someone new entering my life and that we would have a very strong connection - friendship or otherwise. And I have being kinda manifesting a SP, so I think it's connected. I want to know>Will I meet him in my country?>Will I meet him at the country I'll be in July?>Will I meet him in another country? (Maybe his)>None of the above Thanks in advance. I'm craving a good stout with some nice atmosphere and a good company, so I guess this will be my pick.Thank you!
>>39612670The aces and some cards I found interesting. Also, can some anon explain the concordances to the horse show? If there is one, but I can't unsee it.
>>39612761King of pentaclesThe magician Ace of pentacles It's pretty good anon, you're believing in yourself and creating your own life of abundance and it's paying off or will pay off. Happy for you!
>>39612760Where should I be setting my priorities right now? I just finished a goal I'd had for a few weeks and I'm unsure of where to go just yet. Do I just go for the next goal? Do I practice with something smaller?
>>39612762hello, i am so sorry to hear about your current predicament. sending all the energies i can your way. i have pulled cards for you but before i can go about analyzing the whole picture, i have to ask: is your fatigue caused by somebody wronging you? the reading will be very different depending on the answer
>>39612760The longest relationship I've ever had (5+ years) with someone I thought I was going to marry and have children with has seemingly ended, but with no solid ending. I'm hoping there's room to rebuild and make up for past mistakes. She won't answer calls or messages, but I can see that she's still reading them, roughly a week later. I'm just hoping to figure out what her intentions are, or her current mind-state, or how long until she'll reply in some form, and to know if I'm being foolish or not for keeping up hope and trying to maintain contact. And maybe, perhaps most importantly, figure out what the avenue is to get her back, if there is one. Thank you for any help, 029-anon.
>>39612818>: is your fatigue caused by somebody wronging you?Hi thanksNo, feels like a combination of bad luck and also me fucking up on my own due to negativity
>>39612760is my mental health improving? ive been struggling for the past few years but i feel resolute as of late, there still a mental block i sense but i cant break, any advice on that?
>>39612760It feels like that, everything I've prepared for in college, being close to family, having friends, etc, has become ash in my fingers.the family that lived nearby died, and all the friends i've made are not going to be here next semester, is it, ever going to get better?
>>39612760Hello! Hi 029?I hope asking an occult query is fine.What is something Belial might want right now, and in the immediate future?He has been quite generous and kind in his own way.
>>39612776>fool reversed in current position>nine of wands in problem position>empress reversed in past position>ace of swords in future position>nine of cups reversed in outer position>hierophant reversed in inner position>two of cups reversed in self position>hanged man reversed in environment position>three of cups reversed in expectation position>the star in outcome positioni see you (and your partner as well) are coming to terms with the fact that things between you are coming to an end but you don’t wish to fully accept it. and it has worn you out. you aren’t sure if continuing the relationship will be worth the exhaustion that comes with it. i see in the past your relationship has been marked by a large insecurity, the kind that indicates your relationship was largely out of “looking good” than any true connection between you two. i also see you are an insecure person yourself, possibly demanding too much of your partner. even if this is for good reason, your partner is refusing to see your side of things and possibly deems you as toxic. things are going to come to a head soon where you will both have to either confront the ugly sides of each other (and yourselves) or just go your separate ways. but the star is telling me if you’re both willing to shoot for an honest genuine relationship there may be hope to save it. so really it’s up to you. leave your partner and potentially make the same mistakes with someone else or work it through with your current one and reap the reward.
>>39612760Should I lease the car in April?
>>39612760What changes/healing/growth do I need to do before I'm ready for a relationship?Thanks and blessings in advance
Trading tarot for scry
>>39612838>justice in current position>four of pentacles in problem position>nine of pentacles reversed in past position>six of pentacles in future position>five of pentacles reversed in outer position>four of swords reversed in inner position>ace of cups in self position>three of pentacles reversed in environment position>nine of cups in expectation position>the fool reversed in outcome positionso, i see you as someone who is was never very fortunate. and this has made you a very emotionally vulnerable and restless person, possibly even self-deprecating. you keep clawing at fulfillment and are ultimately left with nothing. and it feels like the world is turning a blind eye to you. you are currently awaiting for something to come your way while you desperately try to hold on to what you do have. and as luck would have it, it will seem you will get a break in the near future. not a big one, but enough to satisfy you for a bit. but the fool reversed tells me things will have to be like this for a while before they can start to change. i couldn’t tell you why but i believe one day you’ll look back and realize this suffering was necessary to get somewhere good. i’m gonna pull one more card to see what happens after the fool reversed so i don’t leave you with such a vague answer.>knight of swordsi think eventually you will rebel back against your misfortune and get the justice you deserve :) but only when you are ready
>>39612901Thank you for all the insight anon
>>39612812Thanks anon! :)
>>39612954Thanks 029 this resonates. I'm worried about remaining in stagnation because I have big plans for next year and I need to put the work to make them come to fruition
>>39612812Hey, are you available to trade?
>>39613037If you're okay with a beginner, shoot your shot yeah
>>39613059Sure, I've been there too.Who is my enemy?
>>39612793>ten of wands in fire position>king of pentacles in water position>ace of pentacles reversed in earth position>the hierophant in air position>high priestess in spirit positionyou will be taken somewhere that will be new and uncomfortable for you, so there’s a good chance it won’t be in your home country. i get the sense the country he is in may be intolerant towards your relationship so you’re hesitant to go there. but it’s looking like that might be it. it’ll be scary. however as long as you keep your head on straight it’ll be okay. it’ll be a learning experience for both of you.
>>39613080This seems hard but I'll try my best lol I just wanna know if my hunch is right and A and K will break up around march (and it will be messy)I'll start yours.
>>39612519Does K realize that L made a giant mistake? It’s work regards to work related things.
>>39612817>four of wands reversed in current positionthis tells me despite accomplishing a big goal and setting a good foundation for yourself, you’re still restless. i’ve set up two paths sprouting from this card, the first will be your next goal and the second will be practicing something smaller.>four of pentacles in development position>three of swords in obstacle position>eight of swords reversed in outcome position>knight of cups reversed in advice positionif you shoot for the next big goal, you will hold on to all that you have gained and prolong it, but it may have unforeseen consequences. i’m assuming you will get overly prideful of your work and it may affect your relationships with others. you can free yourself from this blindspot as long as you don’t get too emotionally attached to your work.>knight of wands in development position>emperor reversed in obstacle position>four of swords in outcome position>empress reversed in advice positionfocusing on smaller things will initially prove very fruitful until you eventually you will come head to head with something that will make you compromise your values if you wish to continue. and i’m assuming that you value creativity and making things. if you sacrifice these things in favor of, say, a business offer, you will be restless over both paths look promising and both have obstacles. personally i would focus on something smaller right now as that seems to be a good way of building up your level-headedness before tackling the next big thing. it’s less consequential.
>>39613002the knight of swords told me no one is coming to save you but yourself. you’ll receive a boon to keep you afloat but ultimately it’s up to you.
>>39613092I'm on it
>>39612760Could you tell me something that the world/universe wants me to know at the current moment?
>>39613098Ahh>Too emotionally attached to your workMight be tough, it's my dream to write this.
>>3961309210 of wands, 3 of swords, queen of swordsThe female will break up with the male. It is going to happen. I can't say if it'll be in March but their relationship is nearing it's end. The energy is heavy, their connection is more of a burden than genuine love or even sympathy. They cause pain to one another. The female will move past the pain and do what she thinks is best for her.
>>39612830>three of cups reversed in present position>eight of swords in conflict position>emperor reversed in past position>lovers reversed in future position>ten of pentacles in outer position>page of pentacles reversed in inner position>six of cups in self position>five of wands reversed in environment position>justice in expectation position>judgement in outcome positioni think the first two cards speak for themselves. i also think the lovers reversed in the future position makes it very clear it won’t work out. i think your ex sees you as someone overly demanding and controlling, despite that not being your intention at all. i see you genuinely care for her and want the best for her, but you have forgotten to take care of yourself in the process. you put on a facade for her that you have everything under control when in reality you didn’t know what you were doing. and she didn’t appreciate that dishonesty. things have settled enough to where you both are not exactly fighting, but not exactly getting along either. i think as long as you stay your separate paths and do some self reflection, things will sort themselves out. you will both have to face your respective dishonesties, both to each other and yourselves.
AQShould I stay or should I go?
>>39613171Very interesting, anon, thanks! I also feel that the expiration date for their relationship is nearing, so yeah.So okay anon, since I've never done a query like that, my strategy was to ask a lot of questions and see what cards would come to answer those questions, mostly on a y/n basis but also a bit on intuition and general feeling.Sorry if it's way offAll of my cards:8 of cups10 of pentacles 3 of pentacles 3 of swords 2 of swordsThe magician reversed 7 of swords 9 of pentacles reversed High Priestess reversed So what I got was, it's a woman (or maybe a MTF lool that was a weird thing that came up), darker hair that's from your workplace or school or other type of community, but I'm thinking work. They're not your boss nor someone under you, it's around the same rank in the hierarchy. They think you're better than they are (and that's probably true) and they want to take you down for that. You're probably growing on that community and they are not, so they are jealous. Pulled one last card for advice and it was 5 of cups reversed, so this too shall pass. Maybe they'll get fired lmaoSorry if this is shit and I hope it resonated.
>>39613213If you stay it will be trouble
>>39613224Can you detail what type of trouble? If not its fine.
>>39613089793>you will be taken somewhere that will be new and uncomfortable for you, so there’s a good chance it won’t be in your home countrySo I'm guessing the country that I'll live at in July?>i get the sense the country he is in may be intolerant towards your relationship so you’re hesitant to go thereThis is a bit weird, maybe I won't have the proper visa? Haha>it’ll be a learning experience for both of you.well, I'll take this as at least a good sign that I'll meet him.Everything is a bit cryptic but thanks 029 anon!
>>39613181... Jeez. This is much darker and pessimistic than my self-readings, but I appreciate it all the same. Thanks for the reading, 029. Feedback: >Genuinely care for her and want the best for her, but have forgotten to take care of myselfYeah, that's pretty close. >Put on a facade for her that I have everything under control when in reality I didn't know what I was doing, and she didn't appreciate that dishonestyDoesn't hit home quite as much - in fact, I think part of the problem might have been the opposite - I didn't exercise enough control, because I didn't know what the path ahead was. My inaction was a big deciding factor, I think. It's what made me feel like there was something I could do.Further question, if I may: The whole staying separate paths thing, is this just for our own futures, independently, or for future renewal?
>>39612845>two of wands reversed in present position>two of swords in conflict position>ace of swords reversed in past position>nine of pentacles in future position>seven of cups in outer position>knight of wands in inner position>page of pentacles in self position>hanged man reversed in environment position>ten of pentacles in expectation position>four of cups reversed in outcome positionyour mental block is indecision. the fear to walk outside of the middle road, the safe option. the desire to please everybody and offend nobody, for fear of being “wrong.” this has led to a lot of overwhelming anxiety regarding social situations, as you always try to remain ambivalent about every topic that comes up. but deep down you know what you believe and what your values are. you know what drives you. once you drop this facade of indifference and act on what you believe, i see a lot of improvement for you.
>>39613229If you go it will be double
>>39613217I don't think this resonates anon...
AQShould I jizz or should I not?
>>39613229In case you haven't figured it out, you're getting trolled with lyrics from the song "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash.
>>39613274Sorry :'^( I could refund you with an easier question lol
>>39613287I'm good
>>39613285My nigga lol
>>39613294Sorry again man, good luck on finding out who they are
>>39613250i do struggle with that, i know ill figure it out but how do i begin to drop the facade?
>>39612760Hi anonWhat's behind my failure to manifest financial success?I had a relative success manifesting a lot of things regarding my health, personal life and mundanity.Yet I have been failing to manifest wanted amounts of money for a lkng time and my financial situation became slightly better only very recently...Is there something mundane behind it? Or there's some sort of curse or spiritual patasite? Thanks in advance.I also would love to get any insights into my near (1-3 months) future but don't wanna take too much of your attention from other anons
>>39613376Forgor pic>>39612760
>>39612850>eight of wands in present position>ten of wands in development position>knight of pentacles reversed in obstacle position>six of cups in outcome position>six of wands reversed in advice positionit appears your burden is not going to be lifted entirely but it can be made much lighter if you share it with others. i’m not saying make other people’s lives bad too but just, open up about it with others and search for the help you need. and give what you do have to others as well. use this time to make new friends. don’t ride this wave alone. if you do then yeah things will get worse. i’m so sorry to hear all this and you will be in my prayers>>39612854>page of pentacles reversed>the magician>the moon reversedthis one’s vague af but something about not spending so much time in your thoughts and taking action? he definitely wants you to give up something you value. you’d probably know more about this than me.>>39612904>the sun>ace of wands>five of pentacles reverseda definite and absolute yes. it will have more positive consequences than you could predict.>>39613127i struggle w this too homie. it aint easy but it ain’t impossible.
>>39613403Will I be offered the job I interviewed for on Thursday and if not why not? Yours?
>39613245sorry i couldn’t provide a more precise answer. i would’ve had to ask the genders of both of you to get something more exact but i’m glad you still got something out of it. good luck on your travels and relationship!!>>39613246>is this just for our own futures, independently, or for future renewal?the chances of things working out between you two are very slim but not 0%, it would be best if you steered clear of each other for a good while at least. also i apologize for getting that detail about your authority wrong, i’m still not great at this. still glad you got something out of it and i wish you a brighter future. take care of yourself>>3961334simply take action for what you value. it will be risky and scary and you will have to sacrifice some relationships. but it'll be worth it.>>39613120>the empress>the devil>ace of wands>four of cups reversedyou’re on the cusp of creating something big. don’t fall into the trap of laziness.>>39612944your reading is next ^^ sorry my posts take so long
Air Query If I send that e-mail, will it work?It's for a job
>>39613411>944You can't rush perfection! Thanks again
>>39613406Should I abandon my project entirely for the time being or approach it in a different way?Starting
>>39613411first comment meant for >>39613245third comment meant for >>39613346
>>39613420Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, 4 of PentaclesDefinitely approach it in a different way. The project does not have the problem, but your attitude and mindset does. Be measured in whatever your next step is, right now you shouldn't be haphazard
>>396134123 of pentacles, yes. go for it anon
>>396134065 of swords, 4 of cups, knight of wands, star rxProbably not, it seems something related to the way you conveyed your thoughts and skills wasn’t enough for them. Not bad, but it seems the position was highly competitive and they were more impressed by other candidates. Hopefully I'm wrong though. Good luck anon
>>39613387>854Oh, that's clear enough. Thank you!
>>39612760Does K realize that L made a giant mistake? It’s work regards to work related thing. Male. Thanks.
>>39613455Fuck yeah! Thanks, friend. God bless
With Vigenere there is the Kasiski–Kerckhoff Method which to make a long, boring, mathematical explanation brief, utilizes the bigrams mentioned earlier to determine the length of the key used and from there decrypt the ciphertext.
>>39613472How does my enemy look like?Yours?
>>39613411>120Thank you man
>>39613424i will get it done like my life depends on it
>>39612944>high priestess reversed in present position>seven of swords in conflict position>ace of pentacles reversed in past position>four of cups reversed in future position>chariot reversed in outer position>five of cups in inner position>king of pentacles reversed in self position>ten of swords in environment position>wheel of fortune in expectation position>knight of cups reversed in outcome positionoh lordy these cards do not paint a pretty picture. i see you as someone who has come from a troubled past, particularly a broken home, and this has left you susceptible to reckless behaviors and acting without thinking first. however i also see you are aware of this, you know your faults, and despite how guilty you feel because of them, you don’t want that to get in the way of a future relationship. it seems you’ve already hit the lowest point you can due to this and this is what has caused you to recognize these behaviors. i also see you may be expecting too much out of a partner to the point of being overbearing. so my advice would be to simply stabilize yourself. think before you act and don’t get too ahead of yourself in finding someone. also make peace with your past. it’s time to forgive anyone who’s hurt you and anything you may have done as a result of that. i’ll pull one more card to see if you will be likely to make this change in yourself.>ace of wandswow that’s like the best card you could’ve possibly gotten there. so yeah i think you already know what all you need to work on, you just need it spelled out for you. i wish you all the best in your romantic endeavors.
>>39613424>>39613411>245Don't sweat it, anon! Thank you for your time and thank you for the good wishes!
>>39613533I'm male, asking about a maleStarting
>>39613528>just need it spelled out for youYeah, that's me. A bit smart, but also extremely dense and retarded at times. Thank you for this, friend. This is one of the most indepth readings I've gotten. I'll keep this all in mind going forward
>>39613376>>39613384>two of cups reversed in present position>seven of pentacles in conflict position>ten of cups reversed in past position>three of cups reversed in future position>eight of cups in outer position>six of wands reversed in inner position>the chariot in self position>five of swords reversed in environment position>queen of cups reversed in expectation position>page of cups in outcome positionthe issue is you’re too emotionally distant towards connections that can bring you financial success! i see you’re a well-rounded no nonsense type of person. and you’re very capable of supporting yourself in regards to other areas of your life. but you’ve been too disappointed by others in the past to the point where you’d rather do everything you possibly can solo. you present yourself as a stoic who is unbothered by financial struggle. but you can’t expect to stay closed off forever! open yourself up to opportunities that may present themselves, and recognize there are people around who wish to get you somewhere stable. you’re just not seeing it because you want to do all the work yourself. and it clearly isn’t getting you anywhere.
>>39613591What is my future with M? Will things stay platonic and wholesome between us or is sex in the cards?
>>396135333 of coins, king of swords, 5 of cupsNo. You will need to seek medical assistance and your doctor will give a longer term prognosis than you would like. Your trip abroad will need to be delayed
AQWhat's my path from here on? Will I stay a NEET or change soon?
>>39613602My reading for you was brief. Ask again if you like
>>39613470not specific enough but i’ll do it anyway. don’t get upset if the answer is too vague doe.>page of cups in fire position>the devil in water position>three of cups reversed in earth position>three of swords reversed in air position>six of pentacles in spirit positionyes. but i’m seeing K is feigning ignorance to eventually get back at L. that’s all i got.
>>39613607Honestly I don't feel like any of it resonatesThanks anyway
>>39612760Hey anon can I ask how L is feeling towards me ?
>>39612760How does O see me?i sabotaged a lot, despite their olive branch
>>39613765I can pull a spread
>>39613694ah well, i tried. i was pretty confident about that one too, like, more than any other one i’ve done tonight. dang. hope you find the root of your financial struggles in any case.>>39613707too vague. may i ask why you want to know this? what led to this?>>39613725>the lovers reversed in water position>nine of pentacles in fire position>the chariot in earth position>four of wands reversed in air position>six of swords in spirit positionO does not want anything to do with you and ultimately wishes to move on. they see you as someone destructive despite you knowing better. i’m sorry anon :( this one’s rough.ok well that’s all the queries i got. i will be doing more in a bit but i need a freaking break first. this shit takes a lot out of ya. will return in mayb 30 mins or so. thank you so much to all the anons who asked me stuff, this is my first time not just answering AQs :) many blessings
>>39613765>sun, 5 of cups rx, 9 of cupsRomance is not in the cards for certain. A will bring you joy and satisfaction and could be a catalyst to move away from all your past woes which could mean romance or just someone close you can trust
>>39613825Can I ask for a trade?
>>39613825Second one, we spent a couple days togheter but she is with someone else
AQWill I meet my soulmate this year?
>>39613690Thanks. Maybe I’ll be able to confirm the truth about that one day. Who knows.
ROVE DE FORTVNERUE DE FORT V[I]N &The Wheel is a street of strong wine &cProbably musing to no one here, haven't seen any marseille enthusiasts in a while and it ain't euro hours.
>>39613639 Bump
>>39612760Hi, I got my natal chart read and I wanted success on my artistic endeavors. The astrologer said it would be good for me to do good for my community or to involve close ones in my projects. But I really don’t like my community LMAO. I ended up getting followed by a homeless man at my local library. If so I have to do this, would the opportunity of helping the community will show?
>>39614081It's wordplay on the title. Half the titles in french sound like something else or read like other words when you break them down. Le langue de oiseaux, they call it. Such an awful goddamn language.
>>39613839of course bredrin. whatcha got?>>39613910>>39613707>knight of swords in fire position>nine of wands reversed in water position>two of swords in earth position>page of wands reversed in air position>high priestess in spirit positionshe likes you and feels comfortable around you. she feels torn between you and the person she’s currently with though. i feel that she’s hesitant to start anything with you in case it ruins things with the person she’s already got? but she’s willing to give it a shot.
AQ What was that being it was with me yesterday in my dream?
>>39614122>839Will anyone help me in my hour of need? It is fast approaching. If so who?
AQWhat does my boss think of me?Feel free to ask more info if needed
>>39612760Hello anon, how are you doing? I don't know if you're still here but I figured I should ask anyway :]>I'm P, 26 y/o>She's A, 27 y/oIt's about this girl I kind of fell for (and was reciprocated) but she lived very far away and had a bohemian life, so I decided to kind of fade away before things got ugly.I would like to know what would've been the consequences of me talking to A in the long term? I did a reading myself but need confirmation on whether I made the right call.4chan prevents me from sending images so I'll send a link instead -
AQIs C a catfish like I think she is?
>>39614122That's actually very on point
>>39614244How will my day go?Yours?
>>39614101>chariot reversed in present position>ace of pentacles in conflict position>knight of pentacles reversed in past position>ace of wands in future position>high priestess in outer position>strength reversed in inner position>six of pentacles in self position>three of pentacles reversed in environment position>three of cups reversed in expectation position>king of cups reversed in outcome positionfirst things first i think the environment and expectation cards speak for themselves very loudly lole. your community isn’t great and you don’t expect it to get better. that’s been established.i see you as someone who would LIKE to help out these people but deep down you just don’t have the patience for them. (can relate.) i also see you would like for your artistic projects to help others in any way you can muster. but as it currently stands, opportunities will not show themselves unless you do the dirty work, admit that you are not “above” everyone else, and get yourself involved. i see that taking this route will lead to you feeling emotionally unfulfilled for a while. i’ll draw another card to see if it’ll be worth it in the end.>the tower reversedyeah this is a safe bet. it may not seem like the best option but keeping to yourself may lead to something catastrophic. i wish you all the best on your artistic career and may you be very successful.>>39614128>eight of swords reversed>three of pentacles reversed>the devil reversedi don’t think it will be a person that helps you. i think either something spiritual (god, angel, spirit, etc) will help you, or the more likely outcome is you will save yourself. i don’t know how that will be because i don’t know the situation you’re in but i think you will be fine.
>>39614262are you still doing readings anon?
>>39614262What's up. Wanted to ask you if I'll be able to get out of trade school and do something that I'm actually passionate about. Thanks!
>>39614262>101I guess collaboration would work.
>>39614284Q?Should I try reuniting with JD (male)?Hes an old friend I ghosted
>>39614315Do I have a chance with T?Starting when you confirm
Doing some Lenormand readings. Send your age, query, and (most importantly) a meme that made you smile/laugh lately. No meme no reading :^)
>>39614178hello anon i am feeling woozy rn but i am persevering. ty 4 askin :)>nine of swords in present positionsooooo i see you still think about A a lot. maybe to a detrimental degree. can’t blame ya. and don’t beat yourself up about it. i’m gonna do two paths here; the former will be what it would’ve been like if you stayed and the latter will be where you are now that you left.>nine of wands in development position>moon reversed in obstacle position>three of cups in outcome position>page of swords reversed in advice positionit seems you would’ve had a superficially fulfilling relationship. you would’ve made each other feel good but you wouldn’t have been able to provide for the emotional needs of each other. it would’ve been a relationship built on fantasy and expectation instead of reality. a genuine one would’ve worn you both out.>king of cups in development position>five of cups in obstacle position>king of wands reversed in development position>six of pentacles reversed in advice positionbecause you and A ended up splitting, things may be rough for a bit but it will be entirely emotionally. you know how to deal with this. just make sure you don’t let it get to your head and you end up acting irrationally. save some care for yourself until you’re ready to shoot for someone else.ultimately yeah i think you made the right decision. a more painful decision, but it’s the one that doesn’t make you sacrifice your values. don’t be so hard on yourself and let that shit go.>>39614288indeed i am
>>39614371Anon how will it go in March?
>>39614322>>39614322Death, 4 of swords, queen of cupsIt won't get much views, or less than usual. Gotta change some things up regarding content or editing style as it's lacking in something which you will notice upon a deep analysis of your vid
>>39614371id honestly be greatful for anything. but i am mainly focused on work then maybe wealth, then maybe a gf then maybe everything else. is there any information you need from me?
>>39614339This gave me a fair chuckle.31 MWhat's important to know about my creative endeavors going forward?
Trading 2 part query/2 queries
>>39612272you too man, stay safe and warm
>>39614339Yooooink! Just what I needed to read. Thanks anon :)
>>39614374>five of cups, five of wands, ace of cupsYou should definitely reconnect with him.. I think you might have had some sort of argument or incident in the past with him? It wasn't enough to destroy your relationship permanently but you may have perceived it as such. It'll take a minute to get his attention back but rest assured it will be worth it.
>>39614325>>39614325>hierophant rx, devil, empressYes, if you stop the usual aproach you have taken thus far. It seems you've been too subtle with your tactics. T needs something hands on and direct to get them going. Make em feel attractive, touch is essential here
>>39614293>justice reversed in present position>the chariot in development position>two of cups in obstacle position>ten of cups in outcome position>the emperor reversed in advice positionthis one’s pretty straightforward. and very good! you feel cheated out of what life truly has to offer rn (can relate) but in the near future you’ll find your flow. as long as you don’t give into what others have to say/offer (particularly those who want to dictate what you do with your life) not only will opportunities arise but they will be VERY fruitful. the ten of cups is probably the best card you could’ve gotten! so congrats. just don’t let others tell you what to do and you’re set.>>39614395be more specific. why march? what are you expecting to happen in march?>>39614400i need an actual query. are you asking what your financial situation will look like in the future?
>>39614431am i gonna be single or in a committed romantic relationship this year? if I am single, why? is because of a positive or negative thing? (like if I gotta work on my life and not entertain anybody, compared to--if there is something seriously mentally wrong with me)yours?
>>39614435i suppose i want to know, will i get work this year? what sort of work will it be? and am i going find a woman this year? what will she be like? where will i meet her?
Trading a yes or no
Air QueryWill I ever impregnate a /div/ girl? I mean this as a genuine query
>>39614480I hope you a car runs over you so you become braindead soon, which would be a very loving act, so you can never frequent this forum or your life again, because you are less than a worm
>>39614471sure whats your query
>>39614478No, post a pic of yourself though
>>39614487Should I bother going today?Yours?
>>39614492>No, unleeesssssLmao girl, this is 15 year old boy tactics
>>39614495Will I try psychedelics this year?starting when you confirm
>>39614501you sound like a salty pathetic cuck with down syndrome that contributes nothing to this earth and no one will show up to your funeral
>>39614501everything you say is so stupid that it makes one think....what caused someone to say such stupid things....being ugly? i think so
>>39614501Are you a girl? Can we like... date? You sound like exactly what I'm looking for
>>39614517>7 of cupsLeaning towards a yes. Be careful as you could mess up your brain
>>39614371Hey, it's >>39614178Before anything, get some rest dude :]>about the readingYeah I don't even know what to say... She was so understanding and accepting of me and now I feel an almost physical ache in my chest when I think about her, she was the first person who I've met that was like that. I guess my only solace is that the right call has been made for both of us, I wonder if I should keep her contact or not. Either way, thank you for the reading anon, I wish you to be well!
>>39614544im pretty sure thats a faggot man thats talking shit about a girl
>>39614444quad quads checked. kek be with you.i’ll do your work future first>page of swords reversed in present position>nine of swords in development position>death reversed in obstacle position>eight of wands reversed in outcome position>ten of cups in advice positionthis isn’t looking promising. it isn’t looking likely you’ll find a job, and if you do, it’ll be one that still leaves you feeling stagnant. my advice is don’t get your hopes up too much and stay as practical as you can. at least for now. i’ll pull one more card to see if a better opportunity will arise after this one.>eight of cupsa little ambiguous but i think you can move on from this. i’m getting a sense this stagnation is caused by your own inaction? maybe the lesson here is take risks in getting a career but don’t get too ahead of for your romance future>two of wands in present position>five of swords in development position>the devil in obstacle position>king of swords in outcome position>three of cups in advice positionthere’s adultery written all over this. you will definitely meet someone. it’ll probably be at a bar or club or something. and she will entice you. but your relationship will be extremely shallow and will lead either you or her to start seeing other people. and it will leave you feeling extremely disappointed. again, don’t get your hopes up too high. here’s one more card to see what lies after this period.>the sunoh wow okay! so while this initial romantic fling may not be shit, it will be necessary to go through that experience to get to a point that ends up being extremely fulfilling. all the turmoil you go through as a result of this will be made up for.
>>39614588*king of swords REVERSED ffs
>>396145018/8 b8
>>39614339Well now I am curious about the contact thing so I'll ask, if it's cool to you :]>Male / 27>What are the chances of me and A having a positive romantic relationship in the future? I'm wondering whether I should delete her contact or not and move on altogetherThis one cracked me up -
>>39614362>Key, Tree, WhipIt seems you need to make the video more public facing anon. The Key is literally for a larger group of people to like it so that it can go viral. If you did your homework then this reading means it will go very viral (Whip). But if this is a very niche thing, you'll need to work on making it more audience-reaching. There seems to be no middle, either very viral or 200-view jail. Hope it helps>>39614403>Fox, Crossroads, WhipIt seems you want to look into (Fox) a lot of different things/fields (Crossroads), or that you have a large set of projects that you don't know where to begin. Just pick 1 that you'd really like to focus on. In this context, having too many ideas will hurt your endeavors rather than help it (Whip). Pour deeply into one area rather than shallowly in a lot of different ones.
>>39614624>Crossroads, Whip, Dog, CloverYou'll likely just end up as good, congenial friends and will remain single. If you can manage to be friends then you won't have to delete her contact.
>>39614646I see! Thank you a lot for the read anon! Have a great weekend :]
>>39614588ty anon. i guess its to summarise. maybe work comes? although unlikely. maybe shes with someone and she chooses me? or its just all fun?
>>3961433920Will my current momentum continue with improving myself?
Air QueryOutcome of trying to become a journalist?
>>3961433933How do I counter the rumors being spread about me in a way that does not make me appear on the defensive. I have a good idea of which individuals are doing it. A woman and a queer. Diddy memes crack me up
AQ:Which taboo am I being drawn towards and why?
can someone read the fate of my country venezuela?
>>39615236How do you even have internet
AQIs E my next bf?
Air queryHow physically unattractive am I to women and men?
AQwhat is T’s psychic power?
>>39614339guess im looking for some advice that will actually help me right now, what i should be looking out for32
I am fighting a case where I am accused of stealing chickens for the use of sacrafice,which is obviously he said she said, but in roblox that adrenochrome was smug, adrenochrome is real. I got arresteded for one count of theft while 6 chickens are missing. Does the police have me on camera?
>>39616591You fucked the chickens didn't you
>>3961433933What do I need to do in order to feel less unattractive? Aside from the more mundane type of advice like keeping yourself fit and getting a new haircut, I mean.Do note, I'm not asking how to get into a relationship, that's a distinct matter. I want to know how to feel better about myselfHave a Coffin meme
>>39616971>astral projectWhich results did you get?
>>39616871why is their nose a white circle
>>39614339M 36should i become a follower of naamah?
>>39617093You have to give your characters a flaw, or people will call them Mary Sues
Pesky bridge too.
Aq if any anon can help Will I have any financial success if I focus in that activity ?
>>3961433928what should I do to be successful
>>39618210>>39614339sorry wrong pc
>>39614339Please come back and deliver.
>>39619230they're not coming back :( we all got trolled
>>39615495>The magician >Four of swords>3 of wandsYes if you ask him out or at least give him hints.>>39615775>The hermit >3 of cups>Knight of wands reversed You just seem off putting from being "the quiet kid", kinda lazy as well. Maybe if you better your grooming and your social skills you won't seem ugly.>>39618161>Strength reversed>Knight of pentacles >Page of cupsYeah, but it will drain you a lot. You'll still think it's worth it though
AQAm I wrong for viewing the hometown bolshevik as a spiritual parasite and by proxy the place he adores as a spiritual void?
>>39619381Can i ask for a query?What awaits on my graff journey this year?J, male
>>39619460I don't know what a graff journey is, but>King of pentacles >Knight of swords>Nine of wandsThis is a very strong, authority yang energy. I feel like you're going to put yourself out there, take the reigns, do just the right amount of impulsive decisions that will work in your favor. It will be good.
>>39616623Hypothetically Crowley moment
>>39619529can i also ask for a query pleaseHow does IC (female, virgo, 19) feel about me (AJ, male, capricorn, 19)?thank you
AQ380 or 9?
air queryweek general?
Anyone reading?
>>39620032depends on the query
>>39620057this one >>39619847what caliber ?
>>39620070alright let me get my cards out
>>39620057could you do mine as well please>>39619724
>>39620074thank you anon
>>39620055If still here: does L find me attractive?
aqwill any of the places i applied to call me for an interview this week?
>>39619847>380Six of Cups, Death, The Devil >9Temperance, The Hanged Man, The High Priestesses You may be considering the 360 because it reminds you of something in the past, perhaps even because it was recommended through something you hold in some regard, making it seem good in your eyes. And perhaps it is, but it would require adjustments on your end and you might struggle in general.The 9 seems like a better pick overall.
>>39620157Query? Do you take occult?
>>39620160Yes, this is mine: >>39620108
>>39620143Thank you !! 9mm has more recoil so I was thinking about that and it's a larger tin
>>39620187Mine: has my recent fierce behavior been a consequence of my demon's influence, or am I just aligning back to my true self?It is a positive change in any case, but I was wondering.Starting when you confirm. Let me know if you want another query instead, I know some people are iffy about entities.
>>39620108still here? week gen for me....
>>39620249can you trade?
>>396202157 of Cups Rx10 of Wands3 of SwordsAre you sure it’s positive? I wouldn’t call it a choice or influence but rather you becoming more and more jaded as a result of living in a stressful situation, yes you are being true to yourself technically, you’re acting like you would if you were put in a stressful situation, I don’t see occult influence here
>>39620268Sadly I can not
AQWho, if anyone, will I establish a lifelong relationship with?
>>39620157>>39620108>>39620187Two of Swords rx, The High Priestess, Four of Cups, Two of Cups, King of Wands, The Chariot. Shadow: Six of SwordsMost definitely, particularly on the mental plane. L might see you as a decisive person who has a good handle on intuition and the direction of your life. The Four of Cups and Two of Cups near each other make me think there might be a point of envy towards your interactions with another. Coveting to be the one in that position. And honestly if you make a move you may stand a good chance. The shadow card tells me one of you has some scars they are still healing from, though. Likely L. It may make things complicated and be the active cause of the aforementioned feelings of jealousy.
>>39620270I am indeed dealing with stress, but I find this behavior as a good compromise for an outlet. The lid is off at all times (within certain boundaries) so I don't bottle things up.Good to know it's just all me!
>>39620503buy the legion or buy the p238?or a week generalor is MJ my next gf? pick any of thesewhat's yours?
>>39620512I will go with the first lmao.Mine: why is A (M) being so nice to me (F)? I cannot wrap my head around it.Starting
>>39620512>LegionAce of Pentacles, The Chariot, Three of Pentacles, Five of Swords>p238Nine of Swords, Four of Pentacles, The Chariot, Five of CupsThis is about guns, right? While The Chariot appearing twice makes me think both guns would satisfy you in terms of firepower, something about the p238 may end up making you regret the purchase. The Legion seems like an overwhelmingly better option in this scenario, although that Five of Swords could be a caution towards looking for the right seller. Someone may try to pull a fast one on you or overcharge.
>>39620569yes it is>>39620525>high priestess >ten of cups rx>three of swords>page of cupsThey do really seem to like you as they see you as a beacon of someone who has things together. They're experiencing a lot of hurt in their life so they reach out to you like a beacon in hopes that you'll help them somehow. Romance might be implied as well here.
>>39620586Aw, poor baby. I did wonder if he thought I was the lonely one, but perhaps it could be a bit of both.He is a younger guy and he seems to really think I have it more together than I really do. Seems to love my no nonsense attitude too. So this sounda about right.Thanks anon
trading anyone for a week general?
What is my purpose?
aq week general? can also trade
Why is /div/ so slow today all of a sudden?
>>39621066seasonal depression?
>>39621066no ideacan't even get a trade around here
>>39621085what do you need homie?
>>39621091dude I'm just asking for a week general is all. you have a query?
>>39621120Just moved living off saving with no job and I'm lonely. Wondering what to prioritize in the immediate future besides applying for jobs.Should I try to get my super old clarinets to work/relearn them? Try to get a date without worrying about the fact I don't have a job yet? Get a gym membership? Work on my novel? try to learn Practice for my eventual return to school? Don't sweat it and just have fun?Starting yours now.Starting now
>>39621120> What will Anon not see coming this week?Strength> Whose Strength ?Queen of Swords reversed. You're going to have to deal with a schoolnarm or buruacrat of just office bitch or something. So sort of strong mean woman or feminine man.continuing
>>39621120> what is anon's opportunity this weekthe fool> clarifyThree of cups reversedSeems like you overcome the schoolnarm energy by playing the role of the fool. The jovial. Kill her with kindness I guess.continuing
Did she want to meet tonight?
>>39621214> any other challengesChariot clarified by the 3 of swords reversed so might get a negative self esteem mood swing so don't trust the way you feel about yourself after 10pm this week.
>>39621214> what is the energy of anon's wednesdayMight be a little stressful. Tower reversed-
>>39612705>tfw still no cuck gf
>>39621299Any girl with low self esteem can be a cuck gf if you're an alpha. If not sucks to suck. I probably suck worse than you
Send that text?
>>39621341No, I mean I want her to cuck me. Sorry for the confusion
AQHow does IC (female, virgo, 19) feel about me (AJ, male, capricorn, 19)?
Reading for others using TempleOS, God's confirmed third temple.AQ Am I getting a job soon?
>>39621370Just hire a prostitute to give a random dude sex and you the gfe.
>>39621395She thinks you're quite nice, can't glance anything else...
>>39621400Will i overcome my dysfunctions?
>>39621290seems like the vibe is low
>>39621400Why is this fat faggot so hell bent on trying to ruin me? It is kinda annoying.
>>39621439the vibe suggests to take a plunge that you know you should take
>>39621451The vibe suggests he simply thinks it's funny. Stay away from him.
>>39621400What does O think of me?
>>39621480Generally favorably but there's a bit of mystery. They probably see you as aloof.
>>39621492i see, thank you
>>39621400>soon?Eh, swords are fast and it's not a bad sword, but it's an unmoving one and this is an execution more than a job offer. Maybe it's the kind of job. Let's read it as respite from your current situation and say yes.
>>39621400What is the general opinion of those who think of me?
>>39621400When will my anima speak to me?why isn't she talking?
>>39621120You still there?
>>39621521Thank you
>>39621400Will I have any financial success doing that side hustle ?
>>39621524They're happy you're around but this speaks to me of past issues or current issues which are being left unaddressed with them and you should fix.
>>39621468What a fucking bitch made parasite. Fucker should deep throat a shotgun
>>39621532Because you're not talking to her. You need to dance and integrate the shadow. Be engaging.
>>39621400How can I be emotionally strong?
>>39621541A bit fuzzy on this one. Amiable sounds like it's very remotely plausible but there's going to be a lot of challenges.
>>39621557They can fix it.
>>39621535The ones where you have to flex your reasoning skills like that are their own reward. And it fits some traditional meanings that align with the rest of the image. Stay of execution it is.
>>39621400What method would be best to learn what I want to learn?
AqI recently applied to this place that pays decently in my area for EMS. Part of me really wants the job as it would allow me opportunities to grow and another is scared that this is the wrong move. Anyone able to read if I'll get the job or not and whether it's truly going t be a good job/life transition for me? Thanks :)
>>39621400what race will my spouse be?
>>39621656Hopefully not a glowie
>>39621603Personal advice: rote memorization. My reading suggests some kind of visual element will aid you best.
>>39621651Personal advice: just do it. The reading suggests there will be shocks but you will become an upstanding member of your community with this job.
aq, how sexual will my wife be if i may ask?
>>39621656It doesn't matter as long as you're in love.
>>39621699Very vocal and with a high libido.
>>39621706Thank you. May I ask what do you mean by vocal?
anyone trading?
>>39621569You need to take more risks, scrape your knees a little, you will come out better on the other end. You will be fine.
>>39621420Not the same, and you know it
>>39621400Will B pay me my money ?
>>39621808i have 2 if thats alrightfirst onejust wanted to ask if this weird medical thing with my head that i've been dealing with will ever get better? Your q?
>>39621400What message does the OS have for me at the moment?
>>39621431Well good thing I did not in that case..
AQWhat do I need to be warned about?
>>39621813Yeah you won't be corrupting a girl that could possibly be someone else's faithful wife. Go to a bar if want a slut gf I guess
>>39621400How does the reading work? What do the words mean?
AQOf course I will touch those giant black titties won’t I?
>>39621843I'm sorry fren but, I don't think I can answer that one
AQIs the right timing for her coming soon? Waiting so much hurts a lot.
>>39622246alright then my next one is How will my date go with Z in the morning? We're going to get tea together and haven't seen each other in a long time.Q?
AQIs she just being lazy or did she lose interest?
>>39612270What is in my future? I am male; 20. Call me S.
>>39622806q? wanna do multiple i have a couple
>>39622902>>39621843this is my first one. yours?
>>396229381. what does M think of me?2. what do i do about J such that i receive the best outcome possible for my life?
AQMe and my ex are still in love, but she says she can't be my gf again just yet. Will she take longer to make up her mind?
>>39622938medical thing with your headfour of swords knight of coins the magicianyou are struggling with taking action. this may be due to financial restrictions. what is the big picture, what are common themes? use your sense, and skills at times. do what needs to be done. you may find you need to be resourceful, you might not have what you think you need but you do have all that you need. It seems like a yes so long as you use what you have to get what you want.
>>39622950What does m think of them?>page of pents rx, star rx, 5 of wands rxWell according to my draw is says rather faithless and not very motivated by the thought of you and would rather just not put much effort into you. They'll be friendly and respect the differences you 2 have but don't really see much in the connection between the 2 of you. They aren't your biggest fan.Can i have some context for the 2nd one?
>>39622978m is not romantic, is them not being the biggest fan of be applicable to platonic too?j is my partner but the relationship is not good as far as i can tell.
>>39622964i am sucking with taking action. Been having focal seizures and it's a lil spooky but nothing 2 extreme. I'm calling and talking to my doctor tomorrow. thanks for the good cards.Also my 2nd q is this >>39622289
>>39622989You will be having petty conflicts internally which may reflect externally. If Z is female or just nurturing in general, this person will be well off financially, giving, you wont know how to handle it. you will need to step outside of any insecurity you have, primarily in regards to money. Like i can see this money situation possibly applying to you especially if you are female, you will need to learn how to navigate if you have a really good relationship with money, like you are the one with all of the cash, there are certain social clues to who should be dropping the money on the outing.
>>39622989sorry cards are five of wands queen of pents four of pents
>>39622981Yes it is entirely, i didn't strictly mean it relationship-wise. They didn't feel very motivated to put much effort in being your friend or teaching you anything.>queen of pents, knight of wands rx, ace of pents rx,Well, it seems like the best you can do is be calm and supportive and not stir the pot. Be practical in your approach, take them out and buy them things, and spend quality time with them if possible. The problem is they seem to be erratic, angry, and just unhappy with the situation. There's only so much you can do when someone isn't willing to work with you, especially at this point. The cards just kind of hint at being a good person until it end.
>>39622995yea i'm male she's female. we haven't hung out since middle school. I told her I'm gonna be kinda broke until next week and she said if she was in the mood she would pay for me and I said that would make me feel bad
>>39623013so i have no control over how it ends? i have no money i cant support myself if he decides to end things i will be out on the street
>>39622995So basically just be chill if she offers to pay for me?
>>39623023checks out. just let her pay. dont be insecure. we can trade again if you have any queries . i am at a total loss, i am very alone and really need some more advice on how to move forward
>>39623039for a shadow card i got >magicianThere's a possibility of manifesting a situation where they'll not leave you as high and dry as you might think. If you are supportive and nice like I said. If you are friendly and just overall practical and noncombative. Remember you asked to make the situation the best for your life. Not to save the relationship
>>39623046Yea for sure, can i ask what she'll think of me?want to know anything else?
>>39623046u there?
>>39623062how can i financially become not only independent but wealthy this year?
>>39623062the star the lovers the charioti think that she will see a future with you, possibly a romantic one but it is definitely headed in that direction. The past has served as a positive reminder of you.
AQWould she have made a good wife?
AqWhat is it with the trifling manipulations?
>>39621842Seems likely, but not much
>>39621873TempleOS has provided this phrase after I asked God for it.
>>39622049>steered finest mountainssorry anon
>>39623118Hey bud, these fucksticks going to quit with the childish manipulations?It's annoying more than anything.A minor inconvenience of the vibes.Trifle.
>>39621973TempleOS is God's confirmed third temple developed by Terry A. Davis to talk to God. Terry realized that the language of God is true randomness, so through the implementation of his own custom programming language, he developed an OS solely for recreation with God. The RNG in it pulls words out of a dictionary when you press F7. It can also pull bible verses at random, or create music. Terry considered this to be God's very own words, creating amazing synchronicities.
>>39623124Steering fine mountains kind of sounds like a yes doesn’t it? Even if it is degrading as the rest of it makes it sound. Idk oh well thanks tho
>>39623103oh damn she gonna like me a lot.>magician rx, ace of swords, king of swords rx first its a little unrealistic to become wealthy so quickly but it will take a big mental change from you. You're going to have to become more selfish and manipulative in getting what you want and also a little cut throat when necessary. Remove your emotions from your work and don't be afraid to use others to get to where you need to be to climb to the positon that you want. The cards hint at really changing whats going on mentally as a hurdle for you to become independent
>>39622381Keep going at it, it's literally just awkward timing.
>>39622900If you don't take care, you will relapse.
>>39623152do people feel my energy when i ruminate about them?
>>39623114sigh, sounds about right, some people are so annoying ?
>>39623139IMO, keep going but you need to be detached of outcomes.>>39623125Not likely.
AQHow do I drive this malignant parasite out of my local music scene?
AQNext cock when?
>>39623313Tits or you're a fag.
When will we get a new thread?
AqWill i meet the love of my life this year? What should i do to meet her?
AQ Will I meet the love of my life this year? What should I do to meet him?
Offering some readings for probably the next half hour.>No generals>Please include nickname/initial, approx age and gender for you and anyone else involved in your query>I'll skip any queries I don't feel comfortable reading>Please enter into your query with a deep calming breath
>>39623917M 36 initial Vam i cursed? it seems the good future that readers see is being stolen from me. and i feel it was always like this. my whole life was stolen from me.
>>39623917hello. j,21, male. i have been in a rough spot for a while and want to ask if i will be coming out of it soon
>>39623917F 26 femaleIs E (26, male) my next bf?
>>39623925Firstly, even if you were cursed, there are many ways to remove curses. Sometimes we are walking around with the energetic equivalent of dog poo on the soles of our shoes even without anyone trying to harm you. And you don't have to be particularly talented in occultism to remove them- "curse removal" "energetic cleansing" "protection from the evil eye/demons" and so forth are the bread and butter of folk magic. I would recommend looking into limpia/egg cleansing as a first resort, and you can also look into your own tradition of choice. >Three of Swords, Knight of Swords, Seven of CupsYou possibly have some sort of curse/energetic problem. This is actually mostly manifesting as internal distress that's causing you confusion and emotional hurt. 7 of Cups reminds you that your future is not fixed and is determined by your behaviour, not fate. You have many options and paths ahead of you. Knight is suggesting you stop worrying so much. Find a way to "cleanse your energy" (mostly for peace of mind), and then proceed with logical steps towards your goal or desired future. Nobody's stealing your future.
>>39623946>curse/energetic problemthis energetic problem is caused by me?
>>39623932>The MagicianIf you want to get out of it, you can. It's within your control, so don't wait. Let's pull some advice cards.>Three of Wands, Five of Cups,, Three of PentsSo, yes, you've been experiencing grief or regret. Maybe things you had hopes for have disappointed you or you're mourning events of the past. That's okay, and it's important to accept that feeling these things is part of healing this rough spot. Three of Pents suggests that your community will help you here. Reach out to a friend, loved one, or professional and explain that you're going through a hard time. Collaborate with them regarding ideas and don't be afraid to ask for help. Three of Wands to me echoes the Magician- it's a card of leadership and new frontiers. If you do the same thing you'll get the same result. You are being asked to step out of your comfort zone and try a new approach with help from those around you.
>>39623957thank you.
>>39623955Mm, maybe? I'm not seeing a situation in these cards where anyone has said "I'm going to curse V". Sometimes we just pick up unhelpful energies through the course of our lives, and it's always a good idea to cleanse these periodically. We can cause our own negative energies and we can get influenced by others. Again, a "curse" as you call it is a very scary word for a very very common (almost universal) spiritual issue with some fairly straight forward solutions. Relax!>>>39623935>Queene of Cups, Nine of Cups, Six of CupsLol, these cards flew out. It can be tricky to read tarot for yes/no questions, but this one is probably a yes. With some caveats. Your next boyfriend will respect you. He will meet your requirements and fulfil your wishes for who you'd like your boyfriend to be. And he'll be generous, kind and will show a kind of sweet, innocent love. If E meets these criteria, then yes. If he's stringing you along, selfish, or disrespectful, then no.
Could anyone give me a second opinion on this, my minds eye is clouded
>>39623917villain/S 32 maleim not sure what to ask but what advice would you give me ? i want to be succesful financially but im not sure what im missing or if i should even put any effort
>>39615236I want to know I wanna know if something good is going to happen
>>39623988What chart positions did you use for this Cross? And which way is the right way up? >>39623989>Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Pents, Ten of WandsYes, you need to put in effort. Shit tons of effort, more than you think. You need to understand that success is attainable and within reach for you but it comes with burdens and obstacles. Wheel of Fortune is a good sign that your situation will change, but ten of wands reminds you that this comes from your labour and stress. Nine of Pents speaks to discipline and holding yourself to high standards in order to get the finer things in life.
>>3962391726F SI want to know how safe I am rn?
>>39623999I might be able to read for this but I would need more context. I won't read for any query that is too high-stakes or where my answer may cause someone to endanger themselves. Or if you have another query I might be able to read that instead.
>>39623995>>989thanks, yeah it just seems hard because ive struggled a lot but so many reads have said that i have the potential to make moneythanks for the read
>>39623995>>39623988Sorry i was reading from the right side of image
>>39624001I just feel really anxious. It's not super high stakes, I just feel a little financially scared as well as scared of being attacked online. I just wanna know the reality of my situation so I can maybe calm down appropriately
AQMu friend who dabbles in occultism told me that I claimed by some demon. I told him he is full of shit. Just in case, can someone make a read?
>>39623917Hi, Jean! A beautiful day or evening for you.B, female, 31About A, male, 34Will he like my embroidery?Thank you so much
>>39623917Hi, there Jean! I have two queries:1. Any insight on my success of manifesting romantic relations between me (A.V, male, 24) and TB(female, 25-35)?2. What impression did I make on A.P (45+, male), CEO of company I work in at a meeting today?If that's too much, First one would be more then enough!Thanks for your time