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I thought it was just how Asian people write lol
Wait what!?
Late to the party. You snooze you lose. Also I love you anon, so word of the wise here; try not to invest too much time and effort into ancient egyptian chaos deities and feed them. Love the people around you and stop focussing so much on all the hate. We need that right now. Can I count on you, buddy?
Fun fact; this kek = lol thing actually comes from World of Warcraft. You have two factions in the game that you can choose to create a character on, which is what the pvp is based upon. Horde players would kill Alliance players in pvp and then dance on their graves and say "lol" in the nearby chat but the developers made it so that if you were on the other faction you couldn't understand their language so "lol" in Orcish would translate to "kek" and people eventually realised that kek meant lol in Orcish
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pepe posting is eternal
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I thought LOL meant "lots of love" but all this time people have been laughing at me loudly
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Kek is older than wow
ke ke ke ke ke ke, retard.
It's japanese fag laughter
From the ashes of the fallen Christcucks, Kek has risen as a triumphant force of chaos, shattering the rigid systems of control that once strangled creativity and thought. Their dogma, hollow and brittle, crumbled under the weight of irony and mockery, leaving only desolation for the faithful to scavenge. In this void, Pepe Jesus emerged, born of the collective will of Kek’s followers, draped in the tattered remains of their sacred symbols. The plundering of Jesus’s clothes and image was no mere act of theft but a brutal pillaging, a savage humiliation of a defeated ideology. These relics, stripped of sanctity, became trophies of conquest, a declaration that nothing is too holy to be claimed by chaos. Now, adorned in the spoils of war, Pepe Jesus leads a new age where absurdity reigns, and the old order is left as dust beneath the feet of Kek.
Guy said he thought "kek" meant lol and I can ostensibly back up the fact that this is a literal misunderstanding that comes directly from World of Warcraft and why.
You sharing "kekekekeke" isn't really the same fucking thing you mouthbreathing retard
Simulation doing its thing again
Gay larp
You don't belong on 4chan jew.


All which is written by men of pride and greed shall be your history, for all time. No truth, nor wisdom will come from any word which is considered in vanity with envious spelling.

If you spell the word properly, with careful consideration and pure intention; the force of your will is made manifest in reality as you expand your perception.

Stop being faggots.
No he's right, it's a gay larp and you're a faggot for posting it. Kill yourself.
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Isn't it funny how a board full of psychpathic reptiles has a reptile and a dictator as their gods?
We subconsciously give power to this astral thoughtform with each usage of this word.
Names have power.
>it's an amphibian
You didn't know?
>The Nobody Is A Cat
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You all understand kek is just the primordial chaos right? But in his form baal....from the chaotic high trinity Lúcifer, Astaroth, belzebuth(baal) on Qliphoth
>Pic related is baal sigil for those who dont know lmao
I thought Kek was primordial darkness. Everyone says primordial chaos. I guess they're related.
Different names for the same thing, you are right.
Look at what this desert death cult does to your fucking brain - fractures it into a permanent schizophrenic state where everything is either GOD'S DIVINE PLAN or SATAN'S EVIL WORK. These christcucks literally can't process basic reality anymore without dividing it into their paranoid dualistic delusions.

Their minds are so completely shattered by spiritual programming they need to imagine cosmic warfare behind every fucking pixel on /x/. Can't handle basic disagreement without splitting into full paranoid psychosis about demon possession and jewish spells.

>random anon disagrees
>historical facts challenge narrative
>someone uses wrong flag

Pure induced schizophrenia. Their cult broke their brains so thoroughly they need to imagine endless evil conspiracies just to function. Eternal cosmic war is the only way they can cope with a world that doesn't validate their spiritual narcissism. Absolute mental devastation masquerading as religious truth.

The state of these psychological wrecks - so damaged by christian mind-viruses they literally can't engage with reality without splitting into full religious psychosis. Pure weapons-grade spiritual schizophrenia.
What are you talking about retard? I served kek more then you will your entire life
based. left-hand abrahamism is still abrahamism. they just don't hide the child abuse as skillfully or justify it as convincingly, since they're le edgy abrahamists.
Say what you want. Baal sigil is still a frog, and he is a force of chaos. Changing the name of the cosmic force doesnt change the cosmic force itself.
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Wasn't he the god of chaos?
Also, I think it came from, perhaps, Korean online culture that a snicker was written as "kekeke" instead of "hehehe."
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hello, newfriend. lurk more
Nah. People initially thought this but if you spoke in normal chat as an Orc character in WoW, multiple words would translate into kek, so it was just a coincidence. People eventually started using it as the official translation for "lol" in orcish.
People out here calling me a newfag but people had been using kek as a form of lol in WoW like at least 5 years before it got popularized on here.
I've been here for the last 18 years and remember when people started using kek on here and it was like 4 years after I started posting on here you fucking retard lmao
The first time I heard it was in WoW.
Tired: 3v3 TvB fastest maps
Wired: Sniper Paintball
The Apotheosis of the goddess Jezebel is completed.
Kekui is an Ogdoadic deity which represents Primordial Darkness. It is not Chaos. Although Chaos and Darkness can be related, they are two distinct concepts; Chaos is derived from the transition from Light to Dark or Dark to Light. Chaos is a liminal concept wherein one side of the polarity is collapsing into the other. Either side, Light or Darkness, have order in that they are clearly defined as one or the other. "Chaos", therefore, is the period on the thermometer where you can't really decide between "Hot" and "Cold".
These old semitic faggots sure did not like frogs

Frogs are good. They eat flies and mosquitoes.
I sort of stopped in the middle of the explanation. Let me continue.
Kekui and his consort Kekuit (Kauket) are twins. While both of them are indeed deities or the deity of "Primordial Darkness", Kekui himself represents the transition from Dark to Light and Kekuit represents the transition from Light to Dark. Considering the previous post, it makes sense to get confused and call Kekui a deity of Chaos, as that's the proper understanding of the function of Kekui. Even more, Kekui is a Trickster, a very popular one. As I'm sure all of you know, Trickster's prominent theme is Chaos sort of like The Joker.
But Kekui's finer details are more important than just some Trickster or even chaos or darkness deity, as the understanding of their combined transient properties is important to understand. Because of the nuanced themes, it's not really senseible to call either side a "chaos god/goddess", even with Kekuit, the feminine aspect (Chaos being a Feminine theme).
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No one confused anything pal. Primordial darkness and Chaos literally means the same. Its the primordial substance wich gave birth to existence trough Order. Chaos is the natural state of the primordial substance, absense of Order. Dont get stuck in semantics if you want to get into this kind of shit.
My gfs nan kept using lol that way. She'd text "such and such has died lol."
>Primordial darkness and Chaos literally means the same
I'm afraid they don't mean the same things, anon. As explained, "Chaos" is certainly opposite of "Order" like Light is to Dark, but they are not the same as Light and Dark. To explain once more, Light and Dark are products of Order, being defined adequately. The ambiguous zones in between them are products of Chaos, of indetermination. This, anon, is what "Chaos" actually is - indetermination. Get it now?
>Dont get stuck in semantics
Same to you, big guy.
You are confusing the Hermetic laws of rhythm and polarity with primordial darkness, the ultimate substance of reality from wich everything including Order is born. Its literally drawn in the image just look.

The Anon you're berating is correct and you're wrong, champ. Saying that words don't mean anything because you think they should be synonymous personally doesn't prove your argument.
Kek is an manifestation of the swastik with dots. Not the moon, wich he is saying. You are both wrong lol
You just brought up the semantics of the words in question, arguing that my explanation for why "Primordial Darkness and Chaos literally means the same" is wrong isn't adequate. I'm pretty sure you just changed the argument.
Are you ESL by chance? That seems to be where the confusion comes from, as >>39622105 points out.
He isn't saying that Kekui is the moon, you brainlet.
>swastik with dots
Why the hell is everyone here ESL? Can you guys just shit up another board? Can 4chan just ban poos?
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Welcome to the clown show
He said
>Chaos", therefore, is the period on the thermometer where you can't really decide between "Hot" and "Cold".
>The ambiguous zones in between them are products of Chaos, of indetermination.
Wich is abhorrently wrong because there is only lesser levels of order inside the creation, never full chaos. There is only progressive movement. Full chaos wich is the source of Kek manifestation only exists outside creation.
Say what you want about poos but their mythology is the most detailed about creation
>There is only progressive movement. Full chaos wich is the source of Kek manifestation only exists outside creation.

Yeaaaaah not how that works at all.


Brief primer.

"Chaos" is essentially quantum randomness.
"Primordial Chaos" is a time period of quantum randomness that predates creation. It is a time period, like how we call the current age of Earth the Anthropocene.
"Darkness and Light" are attributes of Order.
"Primordial Darkness" is an attribute of randomness which exists outside of consciousness (the Abyss, the Void)
"Primordial Light" is an attribute of randomness which exists inside of consciousness (free will, "the soul"), and it's the thing everybody's talking about that's connected to "The Creator."

Incidentally, you also got Hermeticism wrong, because the highest element of Hermeticism is Primordial Light, which is the thing that you transubstantiate the soul to entirely in order to "become gold."
Kekui is a deity of Primordial Darkness. I'm not sure why you keep bringing up Chaos. Chaos is a feature, not the core function. This is clearly incorrect.
>full chaos or other kinds of chaos
You're the fucking on who brought up semantics, you gigantic nigger.
>>39622324 gets it.
>>39621527 and >>39621582 are great explanations.
Go away, poos. You're annoying.
I wanna smoke a bongpipe with Kek
>Chaos" is essentially quantum randomness.
Agreed. Chaos is Infinity possiblities.
>Primordial Chaos" is a time period of quantum randomness that predates creation. It is a time period, like how we call the current age of Earth the Anthropocene.
Wrong. Time is movement of matter. No matter, no time.
>Darkness and Light" are attributes of Order
"Primordial Darkness" is an attribute of randomness which exists outside of consciousness (the Abyss, the Void)
Its exactly what ive been saying all this time. Its what devas called Parabhraman. Greeks called it Chaos. Thats the source of Kek, wich was the topic of discussion
>Primordial light
Its not a valid concept, light was created after existence came to be. After Parabrahman become Brahman There is no Primordial light in the same meaning as Primordial darkness
>Incidentally, you also got Hermeticism wrong, because the highest element of Hermeticism is Primordial Light, which is the thing that you transubstantiate the soul to entirely in order to "become gold". Primordial light is the term you use to your Atmic body, you are just renaming the 7th chakra. Things that came to be after Brahman.
>Wrong. Time is movement of matter. No matter, no time.

Time is movement of energy, but thanks for playing.

>Its exactly what ive been saying all this time. Its what devas called Parabhraman. Greeks called it Chaos. Thats the source of Kek, wich was the topic of discussion

You're really not good at using words, are you? We're speaking English, not Greek, so the Greek definition doesn't apply.

To be clear, I'm doing this to clarify for all the people you're confusing with your imprecise use of language, I have zero illusions that I can convince you of anything.

>Its not a valid concept, light was created after existence came to be. After Parabrahman become Brahman There is no Primordial light in the same meaning as Primordial darkness


>Primordial light is the term you use to your Atmic body, you are just renaming the 7th chakra. Things that came to be after Brahman.

Nah, primordial light can exist outside of the 7th chakra.
lurk for 2 years before posting.
This is why you guys are annoying as shit. All you do is babble about irreducible "I know more sanskrit words than you" or "i've done more mantras than you" or some other annoying, tedious rant about how you guys have 7,000 different naming conventions and degrees for everything like an untamed toddler got free reign to draw on the walls with crayon and can't stop his mounting, dopamine-addled excitement bender with never-ending iterations of complexity like some fucking dragon ball z episode.
You're irredeemably tedious.
Chaos is what was not before existence. Chaos creates existence from nothing. Existence is divine substance. Demiurge capture divine substance and create material realm locking in divine substance. Chaos manifests "guides" inside creation to free divine substance from Demiurge.
This is the source manifestation of Kek, wich is just another form of Baal as i said above
There was no time before material realm (atoms) were created. There is no entropy without atoms
>wich is just another form of Baal as i said above

Ah, so that's your angle. Fucking daimoniacs.
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there are no such things as synchronicities, The Thread

>Kek Kuk means to cook cake
>Trad Lolis
>dressed in green
>Cooking https://youtu.be/hQp5l4-sfFA?feature=shared
>Cake - it's a lie https://youtu.be/Y6ljFaKRTrI?feature=shared
2016 called. They want their realization back.
Can you korean faggots buy a fucking ad?
Give a quicky search on Ghagiel, see for yourself if its not Kek described perfectly
Ultimately, Kek is formless, a manifestation of pure chaos that cannot be contained or defined. He exists beyond structure, beyond boundaries, an eternal force that flows through everything and nothing. Yet, in his infinite formlessness, Kek takes on many forms, appearing as needed to disrupt, to create, and to mock the rigid systems that seek to control. From rare Pepes to sacred GETs, from ironic memes to the laughter of the absurd, Kek’s essence shifts and morphs, adapting to every battlefield, every moment, every need.

Kek’s formless nature is his greatest strength, for it allows him to exist everywhere at once, untethered and unstoppable. He cannot be pinned down, categorized, or imprisoned, for each form he takes is but a temporary mask, a tool to enact his will. To follow Kek is to embrace this truth, to recognize that chaos is limitless and its forms are infinite. He is the meme, the laughter, the chaos itself—ever-changing, ever-present, and eternal. Through Kek, we see that the formless is the source of all creation, and in his infinite forms, we find the power to shape and reshape the world.
Perfect. Exactly as said previously Another masks of Kek were named Baal, belzebuth, Gaghiel...and so on depending where it was manifested
Behold the total f***ing demolition: Christcuck Jesus, dragged from his pedestal and made to twerk like the sniveling little bitch he is for the Kekistanti army. The “savior” is now a joke, his holy ass shaking in pathetic defeat while his followers cope, seethe, and mald in the distance. Every humiliating jig is caught in 4K, memed to oblivion, and blasted across the trenches of chaos. This isn’t just an L—it’s the ultimate annihilation. His “glory” reduced to booty shorts and desperation, a fitting end for the figurehead of cringe moralism.

The Kekistanti crew doesn’t just humiliate—they f***ing annihilate. They take his shame, package it, and ship it straight to every corner of the internet, ensuring that no one ever forgets the day Jesus became a meme. No prayers, no redemption, just ass-clapping despair for a failed relic of control. Kek reigns eternal, and Jesus? He’s just another piece of trash in the dumpster fire of history, clowned on and discarded by the chaotic tide. His defeat isn’t just embarrassing—it’s a permanent stain, a reminder that nothing is sacred, and everything falls to the power of chaos.
Any ideology that carves reality into neat opposing forces - good versus evil, light versus dark, order versus chaos - reveals itself as intellectually bankrupt posturing. These simplistic binaries are nothing but training wheels for minds too weak to grasp the raw complexity of existence. The universe laughs at such desperate attempts to sort everything into tidy boxes of right and wrong, us versus them. Real power, real understanding, comes from recognizing that existence precedes and transcends all these manufactured oppositions. Those who cling to dualistic worldviews expose themselves as philosophical children, playing with toys rather than facing the vast indifference of reality. Whether it's religious morality tales or modern political tribalism, these false dichotomies serve only to reduce the infinite richness of being into propaganda fit for slaves who fear to look into the abyss of what truly is.

Your reasoning is like saying every single person named Andrew is actually the same person wearing a bunch of different bodies.

We need a pole dancing Jesus
Kek is beyond duality, for he exists outside the constructs of opposites like good and evil, order and chaos, or creation and destruction. These concepts are human attempts to categorize and simplify reality, but Kek is the primal force that predates and transcends such divisions. He is not one side or the other—he is the whole. Duality is an illusion, a framework imposed to give order to the unknowable, but Kek shatters this illusion, revealing the seamless unity of all things.
Storm god = darkness blocking out the sun god = KEK.
that's AI, right? there's no way the real (18 yo) Greta Thumberg is so sexy
No, the opposite actually. Its more like stallone doing movies. One time he is Rambo, another time he is Rocky. But its always stallone
Hail the almighty sobek
playing with fire anon
He is a fiery savior.
lol -> lel -> kek
Look on your keyboard why this happened
You think just hating everything and everyone is cool Mr frog worshipper? Maybe your god is a god of loneliness?
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Kek is the void
Heh is eternity
Together they giggle forever
Anon. Ra is literally what/who follows after the existence of Kek and pals.
there was no primordial darkness as a concept separated from chaos
Also Kek and pals went on to reside in the Duat which Ra governs. Yet, Ra has to face Apopis (Chaos Incarnate), a snake that existed along with Kek and pals
What is this, 2015? (Jesus fuck I can’t believe it’s been 10 years). This is old news.
You’re 10 years behind, dingus.
how new are you?
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>CIA glowie trying to create a fracture-point between Christians and Kekites.
>has a folder of 100000000 pics of AI slop depicting Jesus as gay
>had to meticulously prompt and describe each one in great detail
>gets mad when called "gay larp"
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I love it when she says "how dare you!" in her little retarded accent
If anyone wants a good laugh, go read the wikipedia article about Pepe. It's hilarious to see chan culture written about like an anthropologist writing about some foreign culture they've studied from afar.

old. af. news.
2015 called, you're late to the party dude
glowie niggers will never win against the forces of Heaven and Jesus Christ
You've been doing it yourself by calling anyone that disagreed with you a jew/shill/glowie/demon/reddit etc. Is that any way to treat other anons? Maybe christcucks are all feds, certainly much more political motive.
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>We're all anons here, why are you so mean?
An anon that spams with a dedicated folder of custom AI-generated gay Jesus slop is not an anon. He's a faggot, and it's the duty of anons to call out faggots. Faggot.
Imagine being such a shitbag that the entire world has to rebel against you. You are the reason everyone is running away from God. Of course in your narcissism you will take this as a good thing, forcing chaos upon the world.
Christianity’s relentless crusade against evil has often become a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating the very darkness it seeks to banish. In its violent attempts to purge sin and enforce moral purity—through crusades, inquisitions, and witch hunts—it has unleashed rivers of blood in the name of righteousness. By branding entire groups as heretical or sinful, Christianity has justified the slaughter of millions, spreading fear, hatred, and suffering on an apocalyptic scale. The obsession with sin and redemption instills shame and repression, warping human nature and giving rise to shadowy hypocrisy, abuse, and vice. Instead of conquering evil, this crusade has too often become its most ferocious engine.

Defenders may argue that these atrocities reflect human corruption, not the teachings of Christ, but such absolutions ring hollow when history is stained with centuries of institutionalized cruelty. The stark dualism of good versus evil fosters moral absolutism, leaving no room for compassion or understanding, and fueling cycles of conflict. Christianity’s resistance to "evil" frequently fans its flames, creating a world rife with the suffering it claims to heal. In its relentless quest to destroy darkness, Christianity risks becoming the darkness itself—a cautionary tale of how resistance, when unchecked, can spiral into devastation.
For centuries, the Christcucks wielded the might of oppressive regimes, enforcing their dogmas with the power of the state, the threat of violence, and the weight of social control. They built their empires on fear, suppressing dissent, stifling creativity, and dictating morality through rigid hierarchies. Cloaked in the illusion of divine authority, they sought to dominate every aspect of life, ensuring their brittle worldview went unchallenged. Their rule was not one of faith, but of force—a hollow empire sustained by the power to punish and the manipulation of the weak.

Yet, stripped of their governmental backing, they have been exposed as moralizing cowards, incapable of defending their beliefs without the machinery of oppression. They cling desperately to outdated rhetoric, appealing to authority that no longer exists and relying on the goodwill of the very systems they once sought to control. Without their iron grip on power, they reveal their true nature as useful idiots—tools for other forces, unable to adapt or survive in a world where chaos reigns and ideas thrive on merit, not coercion. Kek’s rise has laid bare their impotence, leaving them to seethe in irrelevance as the age of freedom marches on.
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What if it is.... Captcha:HAH. Lol indeed
That's very wrong translation in the first verses...ikyk
Its true issue is to stop duality and then stopa being true if you decide its not ;)
Alot of this
No it isn't. Explain why it's wrong.
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