Bonus points for Sauce
>>39622788There was a documentary about an old woman who donated her body to science, and the most disturbing part was when they showed her body after being cryogenically frozen. The moment I saw it, I immediately regretted watching the documentary. That shit was nightmare fuel. They then proceed to slice her body in half with a saw and the showed the entire thing.
>>39622788Swiggity Swag
>>39622788I remember at the start of the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022 on /pol/ there was image of Russian man getting blown away by a tank or artillery shell. I think it was part of a video. But if you freeze the frame immediately after the tank/artillery shell made contact with the person, it had the shape of a flame being screaming in absolute terror and horror. Like the person was for a split second replaced with a flame being that was screaming. Definitely very weird, I kind of regret not saving it due to its unique nature
>>39622788That picture is demonic.
>>39622788most of these are from my time on the chans/liveleak1. dog being cooked alive in a wok filled with oil2. uncensored isis vid of people being executed with a pistol at point blank, the video is high quality and slow motion so you can see their heads blast apart.3. another Isis video of kurdish PoWs getting burned alive, also slow motion… particularly disturbing is you can see steam come out of their mouths as they slowly die in agony3. shovel dog4. random chinese industrial accidents5. african lunch mobs beating and setting victim on fire, attacking with machetes, what really disturbed me was when one guy threw a cinder block on the victims head and you could see how it caused instant catastrophic brain damage…6. some random ppl webm back in 2017 which was just a rapid compilation of some of the worst things you can see, I wasn’t expecting it when i clicked on it but it was like giant cancers, people being semi-conscious after being partially decapitated, boat properers hitting divers… people drowning, I don’t remember the rest, I wasn’t as desensitized as I am now but I remember literally shaking after watching it.What’s fucked up also is how there’s levels to this shit, I never even saw any sexual abuse vids or cartel stuff so I know even the horrific things I’ve seen can be topped :(
>>39623947>lunch mobsdamn they must have been really hungry
>>39623947you're young enough to remember liveleak? lol
>>39622788Does it need to be online?To me it was a black orb floating mid-air in Bristol, UK.>Pic related, that was my POV.After a couple of seconds, the orb started to move and disappeared between the trees on the left.I remember I couldn't hear any sound and my mind was clouded - if that makes any sense.The only strange thing I noticed about the location, is that there was a person living there but that only came to my attention in the winter, after the leaves dropped I could see a torn, ripped and abandoned (I suppose).> sorry for my bad English, not my first language. I'm Portuguese and live in Portugal.
>>39624182>*I could see a tent torn, ripped and abandoned
>>39622788the aftermath of a car accident.
>>39622788quiero agua, the video where the cartel slices a guy's face off and he's asking for water as they mock him. Stopped watching these kinds of videos ages ago so I'm sure it has been topped
>>39622788real ghosts I saw when I was 3-10 years old and having a psychotic breakdown. There is nothing on the internet that could possibly transcribe the way those things look. They are fear itself
>>39623378The surface level war is only about 20% of what's really going on there my bro
>>39622788>>39623947I've seen plenty of gore videos( executions, cannibalism, accidents, rape, torture, medical), none of these have made any effect on me, I have almost 0 empathy, they just slide off of me like goretex( no pun intended). But there was one video that really fucking shook me. It a video of a russian guy( early twenties) committing suicide by methadone overdose, and he broadcasted it on a discord server, and all his "friends" started laughing and joking. The video cuts to 3 days latter, when the guy's parents arrive at the scene, and their fucking faces man, I'll never forget that. That video was from 2 or 3 years ago, but I'm sure that they're still affected by it to this day. Also, my father killed himself when I was just a kid, so that video is even worse. The world's a cruel place, but I thank God that despite everything, my life is good. As the platitude goes, it is what it is
>>39624182This video talks about lights that appear out of thin air and display "animal inteligence". He also mentions a black ball he witnessed. He believes these entities are from earth, not space creatures.
corpse lab at university. if you take high enough anatomy and physio classes you get to work on the cadavers donated to science. nothing quite like a room full of toe tags.
>>39629796Russian propaganda
>>39624182When abouts was this?
>>39628081any suicide videos where you can see the aftermath really shakes me. convinces me not to commit suicide. i'm not saying to show it to everyone, but if you have a morbid curiosity, take a look at how parents react. it's the most depressing thing ever.
>>39622788some faggot shitting directly into a baby's mouth
>>39630786wtf where d you even find those vidsfor me it was around the pasta fence thing with the big guy, someone posted a webm of a man torturing a young girlim not sure why that vid hasnt gone viral or why people dont talk about it like dd
>>39630832on /b/ years ago>it was a different time
>>39630786>>39630953I remember that.
that guy on youtube that accidentally catches a werewolf sprinting past his house while he is livestreaming and smoking out of his window.
>>39624196>I'm sure it has been toppedo yeah i've seen the same one but with a female, kinda looked like pic related
>>39623947>lunch mobTruly an African development
Of all the cartel gore, live leaks, and 2000's Internet wild west stuff, nothing beats that retard who listened to /b and tried to suck out the pus inside of his rabbits eye by a fucking syringe with a needle. Another prize takes the fucker who mutilated his cat alive and hanged its body with two CDs.
>>39630227it's not gory, but one time i saw a livestream of two jap cute jap girls who did a double suicide together and leaped off the top of a building. the sad thing is one friend literally changed her mind at the last sec but it was too late. the girl who was livestreaming it on her phone caught the whole thing. next thing you know the phone does this obvious frantic shake thing and there's like 14 minutes of siilence afterwards as the phone is pointing to the sky. there's no breathing. the girls were dead
>>39629796>>39630020Ukraine has long been a hub of human trafficking. It's well known throughout Eastern Europe that the Ukies (and to a lesser degree, Czechs and even some Poles) have a huge "underground" economy with pornography and prostitution closer to the surface, with slavery/indentured servitude right beneath it, going all the way down to organ harvesting.
>>39622788I'd have to think about that. I don't like gore vids. 9/11 was disturbing. IRL I've seen car accidents, hit and runs, stabbings, and shootings, including fatalities. I saw a legal organ harvest. I got to stand at the OR table for over two hours as they took heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. While it's not necessarily disturbing, the scariest thing I ever saw was a UFO close encounter. And like many witnesses, it is strange that I also consider that one of the greatest moments and hope to see one again.
>>39631607>mutilated his cat alive and hanged its body with two CDs.FUCK, I remember that one and the CDs hanging. I wonder why CDs were hung, to make us always associate CDs with that image of the cat? I heard US will torture muslim extremists with Coca Cola bottles so that they freak out whenever they see the Coca Cola logo or commercials.
That one cartel murder image where they lay out the guy's eyes, ears, nose, lips like Mr. Potato Head pieces. The fucked up part is they probably cut those off while he was alive.
does anyone know?
I have seen videos of murder but nothing makes me more uneasy that the pictures and statements of UAP leakers. These machines were made by someone non human. it is hinted that it is Not from space. This planet MIGHT have 2 intelligent lifeforms capable of building technological marvels.
>>39623041Please describe
Internet stuff used to stick with me. I could describe any number of liveleak videos or similar shock sites full of horrible stuff.The ones where people are doing nothing at all to deserve their fate, only to suddenly be dead - those bother me.I remember one of 2-3 women just walking, and some car comes around the corner, loses control, and launches all three of them 75-100 feet instantly. They barely had time to see it coming. It's not gruesome like the dismemberment or torture videos out of south america or ISIS drownings/burnings, but we just assume most of those victims were combatants somehow.The one from China, where a woman can't escape her barred window during an apartment fire will always stick with me. She's got her arms and legs out of the bars and the fire just slowly burns her to death as she screams.These are innocent people just suddenly found in deadly situations out of nowhere.In real life, I've seen dead bodies and been around dying people - but I guess that doesn't disturb me unless they're particularly sympathetic people.I've seen the aftermath of a dog hit by a car, with his arms ripped off. Well, I saw the whole thing, actually. But the aftermath was the worst because the dog was fully conscious and wailing. Sad.Come to think of it, I guess life hasn't hit me with that many horrifying sights.Yet.
>>39628081I am sorry for your loss Anon, God Bless you!
>>39632788...what is it?
i worked in a morgue for years and the most disturbing thing i ever saw was an autopsy body, the most disturbing thing i ever did was embalming people because you have to cut their chest and reach in and pull out their pacemaker then use this giant spike to shove into their body to pop all their organs
>>39629796just like every other country not all the people are bad, and the original reason given from russia to begin the war was something along the lines of war crimes commmitted and the similarity to the nazi regime. this is one of the members of the 1st strike team sent into urkaine for spec ops, whose job along with intel gathering was something along the lines of seek and kill.whoever their target was they never caught, and instead stumbled upon (and i do mean stumbled, the sheer dumb luck of this was either intended or an act of extreme fate) an uderground system of child and human trafficking on the scale of the cartels, with the main difference being that the intended targets for trafficking appeared to be children.there is one of two possibilities for this : 1. the dude's experience is legit and he saw some truly horrific shit 2. it's fake and gay and was used by the russian oligarchy to hasten their political agendabeing that it's from the area of the world with beet eating drunks who only care for their grandmothers' and noone else, i personally lean toward the second option because the only thing these vodka fueled reatrds dont fuck up is family time with matriarchal grandma.
>>39622788Paper cuts from jackass.
Going to sex clubs in Portland Oregon thinking it will be like a porno orgy but instead its a place where the fattest ugliest girl in your office goes so she can feel desired as all sorts of rapejeets and incels and mexican day laborers line up and vie over their opportunity to stick their half hard 3” cock into one of her holes. And I mean, literally, bitches that weigh ~400 lbs +. Huge fucking gut hanging past their fupas almost down to their knees. All of the skin on their body except for their face with the texture of oatmeal.
>>39629657There's pace in western North Carolina called Brown Mountain. On the Blue Ridge Parkway there's an overlook with a plaque talking about the Brown Mountain Lights saying they usually appear at 11 and 2 or 3 AM. We were staying at a cabin nearby and decided to drive back there at night and see what it was all about. Sure as shit there was a steady stream of orbs being emitted by the mountain. I had that Stephen Greer iphone app to summon aliens and played it when we were back in the car. Then an orb "few" near the side mirror and dashboard. Sort of through it, inside and outside at the same time. Then a big one appeared above the car. Sort of angelic looking in that it had rays and felt like it was aware of our presence and arrived because there's a big valley and good distance between the overlook and Brown Mountain. Definitely not from outer space, at least not those lights. Even though it was in the middle of nowhere there was a dog somewhat nearby incessantly barking the whole time we were up there adding to the spookiness.
>>3962979650k kids are missing since the start of the war also Ukraine has no definition of what constitutes as pornography, do the maththe number is outdated af so the real stat is probably a lot bigger>>39623947this is just an average /gif/ rekt thread
>>39634317you can see in his eyes that he's not lying, if it was propaganda theyd still be shouting it from the rooftops
>>39627053>>39629796>>39634385>50k kids are missing since the start of the war also UkraineIt's the jews. Unironically this entire conflict is the jews, from top to bottom. Why just genocide the children when you can cash in on fresh organs? Why stick to conventional war when the most extreme satanism is practicable?>>ITS THE JEWS<<
>>39627053The eyes, those fucking eyes, I know for a fact he's not lying, it reminds me of my father who had severe PTSD and was also a war vet
>>39634747Yes, if you can read people you'll know this guy is speaking the truth. Ukraine is a strange place, lawless and full of predators
>>39634652is always them
>>39634615I vaguely recall early in the war there was propaganda of those themes being posted. However, that sorta posting ceased for reasons I hardly remember. I’d guess probably due to both sides being involved and such it’s not a topic I’ve seen discussed for a long time. I’d probably believe what that guy in the vid was saying, though.On topic for the thread though. Probably would be photos of above. I remember a photo that contained a stack of dead bodies, probably a family and a few kids somewhat covered dust in a room. One kid was naked with their hands bound behind their back. Apparently, there was another similar photo with a kid that had a bloody asshole and a condom sticking out of it.
>>39632788is he who this is based off of?
>>39622788Who is the woman in the photo? Is that picture digitally altered?
A grey alien. No, for real. Just looking at them evokes a primal "NONONOOHFUCK" I didn't even know I had.
>>39632788is he going to be okay?
>>39636356Our brains must be wired very differently. When I see a pic of a gray ayy I want to hang out with it and do cool shit.
>>39623041Gunther von Hagens?
>>39631293shoooooow meeee
I once met Michelle Obama. To this day I still have nightmares.
>>39634652>>39634385Russia literally kidnaps Ukrainian children and bombs orphanages and schools in Ukraine… and then retards like you go ITS DA JOOZ and fall for obvious Russian propaganda which is just Russia just projecting whatever sick shit it is doing in Ukraine into the Ukrainianskilly yourselves >During the Russo-Ukrainian War,[3] Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to areas under its control, assigned them Russian citizenship, forcibly adopted them into Russian families, and created obstacles for their reunification with their parents and homeland.
>>39634747are you fucking kidding? you must have autism because that Russian faggot is a shit actor
>>39627053Russian propaganda, shit over-acting, reminder Russia kidnaps and kills children (and worse) >>39638171
>>39622788I was at Opryland amusement park when I was young and I saw an old man with some kind of cancerous growths on his face walking around with his family. It looked like his face was melting. Never forgot this.
>>39623041Is this the Channel 4 documentary called "MY DEAD BODY"? >The extraordinary moving story of Toni Crews, a young mum with a rare terminal cancer who charted her illness online before donating her body for medical research and public dissection
>>39631551The one you're talking about was a woman that took hard drugs, passed out and her dog ate her face. I assume it was a pitbull.
I wont even say its name
>>39631763This but it's Russia, Belarus, Turkey, and Iran
when i was a kid (~4yo), my grandma had this friend that never ever brushed her teeth. i mean know how when you go get your teeth cleaned, they dig out all the plaque build up from in between your teeth? she never had that done, and when she smiled, she just had one, big, yellow tooth that went from one side of her mouth to the other. (picrel somewhat, but even worse.) it kind of looked like a boxer's mouth guard, but it didn't take up any extra room, so her face was normal until she smiled.and, me being the grandkid, she always smiled and pinched my cheeks when she saw me. everyone thought it was the pinching of the cheeks that made me cry and run from her, but it wasn't, it was her funky giant tooth when she smiled (and the accompanying dragon breath) that freaked me out.
>>39635551>he went to the ukranian war, the ultimate madman!is this the new zoomer challenge?
>>39622788Its funny how you can see the goriest shit of people being mutilated and murdered but somehow rape vids are impossible to find. How is that?
>>39638171Russia is basically run by Chabad, fool
>>39631763 Visit any beach town on us east coast. The staff at these tshirt shops are all blonde Eastern European chicks. At least it was, 15 years ago.
kitten laying on it's back with 4 stubs for limbs and salt on the wounds, laying on a salt bed
>>39634250How was the pay?
>>39638894Anything for the updoots on reddit
>>39638527The Miracle of Life? I used to fap to that documentary on PBS as a kid. it's probably my least proudest fap
This guy has raped and killed over 300 animals on video and there's a mountain of evidence against him For some reason nobody has done anything about it
>>39641798Is that the one with the internal creampie shot and lots of footage of pregnant chicks?
>>39642509on basic cable, they literally showed a baby squeezed out of a hot woman's, stretched out pussy lips. even some bits of poo came out of her butt, if i recall correctly. i heard memes about it in school, so i checked it out myself. i knew it was wrong, but as soon as i saw her naked, i got an instaboner and had to HANDle it lol
>>39622788Most disturbing sauce I have ever seen.
>>39622788That holocaust kid where they mirrored her face vertically. Someone here will know what I'm on about
A pedophile's house. It was like something out of SWAT 4. Trash piled to the ceiling, dog shit on the floor. He had drilled little pinholes in shower for tiny cameras, placed at every angle you can imagine. Boxes full of USB drives, multiple cell phones. From what I know, he would record his son, daughter, and some other girl doing unsavory things in the shower. There truly is evil in this world.
>>39622788The ISIS drowning video always got to me way more than the other ones. They built this giant cage, locked the guys in it, and slowly dunked it into water. They had these super high-quality cameras underwater filming everything as well.Other than that, the worst stuff I've seen have always been things involving kids. That truly is where all the evil of the world is. The video of the kid getting stuck in-between the elevator and the elevator shaft is one that I was never able to get out of my head. Last year I saw a video out of Palestine of a father holding a plastic bag full of his 4-5 year old son's body parts. That video has stuck with me so much ever since I saw it. I remember being there for the David Kalac thread in 2014 as it happened. I got to see the photos live and I felt so much dread when reports started coming out about the lady's son discovering the body.
>>39638930They disguise them as normal porn videos, anon.