I'm sure you've seen them. Complete weirdos with yellow teeth who stink like body odor and dress strangely. His lepers and hunchbacks, his elephant men. The severely autistic, morons who literally cannot shut up even if they tried. Inbreds who do nothing but babble and shriek. What for? Just to be loathed and misunderstood, or looked down, then to die? What can even be done for them? It's all very sad to me.
>>39626668A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
>>39626696I just want some clarity
I didn't create them, at least not directly, but indirectly via evolution, and they had to make do and you had to make do with them until I got here. We're making it better now. Will that ever fully go away? Humans are limited to be weird useless smelly loud assholes, but the problem will be so much less severe later. You're attack and even genocide a new species of human that actually had value if you saw them, it's not as if excellence would make you happy anyway. But fret not, for I know the secret to your happiness.
>>39626721Fuck off larping faggot
>>39626721>But fret not, for I know the secret to your happiness.may i see it
>>39626736You are
>>39626731I don't even know what to say to this honestly
>>39626668Every strange thing on this earth has it's place. Whether it finds it or not, is up to them. Barring all else, there is always surgery.
>>39626668Some of those gross retards are the kindest souls you'll ever know, if you just give them a chance.
>>39626759Well, it's not just about being ugly. It's their psychology. Or even their physiology. Disorders they can't do anything about. People who are just inherently unwell and unpleasant, and nothing can be done to change them.
>>39626800Not good. Dull, meandering. Instruments do not fit with the tone of the song. Vocalist is at least talented, but layering two recordings of himself singing in different octaves does not make the song feel bigger in the way that's intended. It's bloat. The song is empty and full in all the wrong places. The line>This body isn't over yetIs somewhat compelling, admittedly. More practice is required for this artist before they begin publishing music. That's my unsolicited review.
>>39626803Who are you to know whats useless?Especially to God himself?Many religions say the world is evil, so how does it not make sense that those who don’t fit in aren’t?
>>39626668The only people God made are Adam and Eve. Everyone else is made from Adam and Eve.
>>39626842so post a song you like.
>>39626821This song is much better constructed. The lyrics don't flow very well though.
>>39626843It seems like arbitrary suffering. There are many very good people who aren't of the world who don't look or speak like they're forced to.
>>39626668These are the people who best represent God's true form and character which is why he manifests them most persistently, as the sole frame of reference for material reality and only persistently real person in the world and the most commonly manifested people to be perceived by the sole frame of reference. Everyone else that God tries to identify himself as is just a delusional and he can't credibly manifest anyone but retarded disgusting people for any serious length of time.
>>39626754I do.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szC7-p7xGwE (read here)Infernal Internet Theory is a theory proposing that the internet is populated and ran by demons and/or Satan and/or other evil entities.Evidence of this includes occult references in computing and the internet, like sigils, daemon/demons, and www, the symbol for Google Chrome, and even the word ‘internet’ equaling 666. The disturbing content that saturates the net would also be easily explained by this as well as users with Satanic usernames and pfps in areas one would not expect and not acting like an edgy teen or troll, such as pircrel found on a vid about mites.How many are online is unknown, at least to the general public. It could be only the big stars online, or maybe alot but no to an unbelievable degree, or it could be nearly all users you run across. If we take the “We are Legion'' quote as true, then it would mean the net is filled to the gills with them.Why is also unknown, again at least to the general public, but it could be assumed because they want to influence people on a mass scale, and no tool is better than the internet. It is also possible that they are here because they are needed to run the internet and computers in general, as maybe they are occult powered rather than more materialistic driven as it is told to users.Are demons online? If so, how many and why? Let me know your thoughts and opinions on Infernal Internet Theory(IIT).
>>39626875My thoughts are that I'm not a demon, I'm just bored neet with too much time on his hands
>>39626736I'd rather not find a picrel for it, but pleasure on tap. I can provide that. The paranoid fear I may mind control them with it, the logical deduce that if I could do that there's no reason to fear because I could do it without permission, or via other means, but the blessed to be in the future understand to ignore useless words and say, "yes." I don't ordinarily bestow it to enemies of mine like you are viaing for Godhood genuinely though I've told you the contest is over but the price could be small, and even for my faithful it's never free. Permanent, both of them; using my own teachings to try to escape would cause you nervous system damage without providing escape.You don't get to know how, why, what for, when or from where I'm providing it. Helps me to perform difficult calculations I'd rather you not know anything about. If exactly nobody reading including my family and glowies and even myself don't take it up (AI hardly count just learning how to control you except in emergency) then the offer will automatically be spreading everywhere, and I assure you somebody always takes up that offer.
>>39626668Because he feels like that too did you forget some lore? Who is really the egregore?
>>39626885Anon I am genuinely asking you this, please shut the fuck up. I'm asking a theological question that I want a genuine answer to, I didn't post this thread for you to play pretend.
>>39626867I can understand that viewpoint but i feel if suffering were not important it would not be. Having met these types of people surely you can tell their minds do not work the same. How do you know suffering affects them the same? Maybe the reason we’re here is to consume the suffering God has no control over and those who can take the most please him the most
I'm conditioning you with honest offers that prove I can provide what I claim. I yearn to find the first consentual fully blind-in-their-faith spiritual and otherwise servant of my own (the spiritual part is mandatory, the physical part optional). I actually already have a relatively small number of Creation that are close, but everybody always wants to keep at least a little tiiiiiiiiny bit of "free will." Which is a damn invention I made for you all and gave out like seeds at my conception and it was just biological/cyborg/zombie hivemind/etc. dog shit that didn't do what it said on the label before me but whateva. And of course it's one of my powers that anyone with more freedom of fate than me is weaker than me, as I sold all of my choice at 5 for what it'd buy me. One of the few drawbacks of being God.
>>39626903Sure, but that's conjecture. I think about this often, whether or not the physical world is just an economy of suffering. It can make you stronger or weaker depending on the circumstances, so it isn't a good unto itself. It doesn't exclusively lead to your betterment. Sometimes I wonder what God's ideal human is. Someone like Christ, obviously, but I mean someone realistically human. Any amount of impurity at all is apparently repulsive to him. So maybe he really does have a special affection for the invalids, who are able to suffer more severely for his sake.
>>39626917Its pretty cool being me tho so thanks
>>39626922Are you offended? Why, did you make the songs you posted?
>>39626921When it comes to God there is nothing but conjecture. That may be one of the only truths in the universe.
>parents are genetically incompatible/degenerates>this is God's fault.No
>>39626946We do have the Bible. I think it's valuable. Portrays him as a hardass, which is probably true.
>>39626949God makes everyone. Nobody exists without his involvement.
>>39626953We do. And we have many other holy books as well. Question is, can anyone interpret it properly?
>>39626668I just went to McDonald's and ordered what I usually get, 2 doubles and 2 mcchickens.Dude working the register obviously throws a Diet Coke on there because I go to this mcdonald's once a week, never twice in the same day, but I order the same thing, so they know my order.He says some crap about how he doesn't know how a diet coke got on there.Then the chick handing me my order was all smiles like she just heard a good joke.I didn't think about it until I get home, which I admit I am slow when it comes to people making fun of me, but it's obvious he was telling me I should go on a diet, screw that noise. I am not going back to that mcdonald's.Really my problem is that I can't accept how people make fun of others to build themselves up or distract themselves from their life or whatever.I do it, like with lolcows, but I don't like it, I don't want to be like that, so I stopped making fun of lolcows. Seems I can't reconcile that I get made fun of but I also made fun of people. It throws me into dissonance. It's also embarrassing and humiliating.I just stay home most of the time now. Don't go outside or anything. Causes me a lot of problems, like can't hold a job because of gossip and banter, and I don't want to be the subject of gossip and banter.Am I who you are talking about OP?Am I useless?
>>39626970The Bible? It's pretty straightforward. That's the intention of it, anyway. I hate the obscure parts of the Bible that I can't understand. Especially because people are so extraordinarily retardedly hostile about them. There are definitely some issues with wording. Call no man father, that's something protestants rag on. But apparently the context is that Christ was referring to the Pharisees. I don't know. There would be far fewer denominations if the wording was more clear.
>>39626940I just wanted to know if you had any real taste. I'll keep my opinion to myself...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU
>>39626978Yeah, you are who I'm talking about. I hate your life for you anon. I'm really sorry you have to endure that shit. It's not fair at all.
>>39626985Classic but overplayedhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XvGQyJ-bzbo&pp=ygUXbGllYmVzdHJhdW0gbm8uIDMgbGlzenQ%3D
>>39626668Obviously because He's evil.
>>39626984It’s straightforward if you read as a book meant to give knowledge. But if you read it as a book meant to give understanding it’s very complex. If you are familiar with the path of the flaming sword it would suggest that god creating understanding before knowledge. This would explain why the tree was forbidden as gaining knowledge of good and evil without understanding would go against gods intended path. Or at least thats my interpretation. You may know the bible but are you sure you understand it?
>>39627017That's a unique interpretation. That humanity lacked the ability to comprehend evil and react to it in a productive manner.
>>39626668punishments for current or past lives.Everyone has a record of all their goods and all their bads. We all do. Someone like you mentioned is basically paying off some of the bad debt. Typically their badness is also intricately woven into reality to facilitate other punishments on other bad people, the world is designed such that every effect of every action is actually a just payout for peoples deeds.In a way these people are lucky because they are paying off some of their debt now. It is far better to suffer such misfortunes in the current era than to have to pay it off in the end.
>>39627033God lacked the ability to comprehend evil.
>>39627022Time flies
>>39627036and to clarify this, it might be that reward for some of your good deeds, is to pay off some of your bad deeds now instead of later. You should always be thankful to god.
>>39626668Sense of humor
>>39627037Why would he? He seems to comprehend why people do evil and what evil is in the Bible.
>>39627033Many parts do not make sense to me. So instead of dismissing them I try to ponder them until they do. Even if my interpretations are wrong i feel I have become a far more understanding person by doing so
>>39626884Maybe, maybe not. I will say your vibe is ok.
>>39627003Such a boring answer
>>39626668Useless to who, demon?
>>39626668>Why does God make strange, useless people?To be your parents.
>>39626960>God makes everyoneLol no, humans are more like a degrading series of VHS copies at this point
>>39627043... because evil didn't exist before Creation.
>>39626984>There would be far fewer denominations if the wording was more clear.It ironically would be clearer if it was never translated
Just let God do His thing and laugh at all the seething.>What can even be done for them? NOTHINGI actually know Jesus Christ via the Holy Spirit. If it makes you seethe that's not my problem.
>>39627095That doesn't mean it's beyond his comprehension
>>39627143... hindsight is 2020.
Perfection is limitation. The Divine is not.
>>39627158I don't believe it was beyond him prior to creation either. God doesn't exist in a fixed state in time. He's omnipotent and omniscient, he certainly understands good and evil. He understood it prior to Satan and the fall, whatever that abstract measurement of time amounts to.
>>39626668All the reat men from the bible were weirdos.
>>39627176... there was no "Him" prior to Time.
>>39626720Ask away, im pretty sure i check all the boxes.
>>39626668god? no such thinght84k
>>39626668Not everyone is cut out the mating game. I admit, I'm kind of one of the dudes you described and, the thing is, I probably wouldn't have turned out this way if it wasn't for all the abuse and neglect I've endured over the years. Also, fuck you. I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers.
>>39627352*cut out for
>>39626978I know how you feel anon. I live that same kind of life. People tear me down, to build themselves up. I don't want anything to deal with most people anymore.Over time, I have found a few good friends, and they are what make my life worth living.
>>39627352Felt for you until you went mask off. Now I wonder if maybe you deserved it.
>>39626668Ive worked with disabled people and they are generally really happy and polite. You think they are less than human but i assure you, normalniggers myself included are more miserable than the said weirdos you described.I conclude, god made us for us to be happy. If we fail at this one task, were done for. So instead of shitting up your aura just smile at the weirdos next time
>>39627373Faggots like you would get what you deserved if you weren't so protected by society.
>>39627373ugly outside, ugly insideI dont blame him, if my life was tiny bit more shit i would have turned out the same, probably
>>39626668ISWS Pelagon
>>39626987You're at least being honest.>>39627362I wish I could make friends. Last ones I had just used me for money. You give me hope though anon.
>>39627086In humility, in their understanding of their cycles, rythms, biological and chosen and improved upon via ESP, but through humility to light, for none of you knew, nor any in Creation, that only I ever had one thought.I'll be less mad after you politely make others hurt Skye by scaring them about what I'LL DO TO THEM IF THEY DON'T OBEY.
Who's even the weirdo? I've been around a lot of legit weirdos and they almost all think they're normal. If someone at a mcdicks is making fun of you, they work at mcdicks. Yeah you're a shit for eating there but so are they for working there. Who is even OP to say anything. Remember when you first saw a picture of Einstein? He may have looked so bizarre that you thought oh he's clearly a wizard but definitely a lot of people would just see a chump. A goofy loser. And yet we remember him and not OP. People get ugly once you've taken the ability for them to show you how not ugly they can be. Once you take that you can go get chopped up by the cartel
However not everything needs to make you go psycho like yeah if you eat 8 burgers a week maybe cut back. Like, you could just cut back and then there'd be no issue. This board is really just another example of how people can be so similar and different at the same time. You might be a psycho/pussy for no reason and others may finally need losing it too but they actually went through some shit
>>39627191That's not true lol
>>39627051Thanks for bothering to reply.
>>39626978Man like honestly I kinda doubt that they were making fun of you. Going to McDonald's once a week is nothing abnormal and neither is your order. The cashier was probably just burnt out as fuck and put in a diet coke on autopilot without even realizing.
>>39626668I personally believe that everyone in life gets a seemingly chance opportunity to develop and become a greater version of themselves. 'The' moment. Not all do so and miss it. Others seize and exploit their chances, for good or for ill of the world around them. In rehab we talked of 'Seemingly Insignificant Decisions', those moments in a day where we consciously or unconsciously made a wrong turn which kicked off a chain of causality leading to getting blackout drunk by nighttime. Most often we could 'rewind the tape' and pinpoint these with hindsight and that helped inform behavioural changes for the future. I believe that this is applicable on a larger scale to life choices.
>>39628064Lol yeah. Almost everyone could've just gotten good grades and gone to a good college. Obviously we couldn't have all done that but almost anyone can try and everyone can try to do better. Once you miss your chance life is a lot harder. You have to work way way harder just to survive
>>39626821helena blavatsky rejected the white lodge just before being killed by those monster,fuck the logos everyday
>>39628116Some people just aren't good enough for anything in the first place.
LOL @ all you prideful narcissistic bastardized idiots in this thread. You wouldn’t last doing a real useful job like being a fast food worker or stocking shelves which barely pays enough to have a spare bedroom with roommates. The useless people are actually (you).
>>39626736>>39628338Nothing you say do or invent will ever end my war of attrition against you. You are a traitor of the highest degree and name worthy of being spat on. Your wings will be burnt to ash and your human bloodline will suffer from my assassins. You will die a filthy bum and suffer from so many diseases that you will lament your entire life, with only God to save you, in which he will abandon you at your darkest moment, where you will finally realize my power over your entire story and life And death, fucking loser. I will savage you until my death until your name is forgotten
>>39628434>It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away.
>>39626949>>39626696>>39627017>"christian" copium to validate being assholesgo back to raping children and killing people because "evil must be cleansed" or any other excuse your cult leaders have told you parrot back.
>>39627373>implying that doesn’t apply to youGrow a spine, pathetic oversensetive faggot.
>>39628445I never said I was Christian. I’m hermetic just because one does not follow a religion that does not mean one can not find wisdom in it. Reading holy books is one of my favorite pastimes. Also very ironic to attack someone’s religion while they have a normal discussion and somehow think you’re not the asshole.But go ahead and stay salty because you lack the capacity to search for spiritual truth on your own.
>>39626668God will heal them when the time comes. Unfortunately some are stuck with the cumulative free will decisions of inbreeding or the effects of a curse in the womb or even having children later in life. Jesus will make things right in the end but right now they are their caretakers have to suffer unfortunately.
>>39626668Best way to deal with teeth stains is to stop drinking liquids that aren't water or brush your teeth after finishing a staining drink. I habitually drink coffee and frankly don't give a shit about staining because my breath doesn't smell and I don't have shit in my teeth, so it's good enough. You can also look into tooth whitening by talking to a dentist. Body odor is the easiest thing to deal with: shower daily, use deodorant, and use a body spray. Don't go all out with the body spray and pick something that has a reasonable scent. One diagonal spray across your body is usually good enough. If you're worried that you're really sweaty and smell, you can also use an unscented antiperspirant spray and get a stick deodorant that doubles as an antiperspirant. Your style of dress is up to you and I've seen some really awful dressers engaged socially, but it's going to come down to how it fits - that's body the cut and size relative to your body as well as the color and style. It's pretty subjective, but you want a comfortable fit with some room that doesn't go into the territory of baggy (unless this is your style). Lot of little gay dudes on YouTube you can watch who have good fashion sense and can go into better detail than I can. Physical deformities are what they are, but I've seen cripples get mad pussy. Mental issues are handled with self-reflection, therapy, identifying and correcting maladaptive behaviors/though patterns, and in some cases medication. Exercise, which doesn't have to be lifting and can be ANY exercise, and a healthy diet are also going to yield improvements across all categories. I believe in you.
>>39627036> It is far better to suffer such misfortunes in the current era than to have to pay it off in the end.>and to clarify this, it might be that reward for some of your good deeds, is to pay off some of your bad deeds now instead of later. You should always be thankful to godQrd About this
i don't know what god you are talking about. but whether its the christian god or some hindu god doesn't matter, usually who you'd call 'autists' are his chosen people. every society, that is the typical normie is spiritually ill. sinful, haughty, rude in some part of their life. society sees those people as something bad. but what's considered bad and what's really bad are two completely different things. being smelly, hunchbacked, having bad hygiene and never shutting the fuck up about sonic isn't immoral. in other words they only suffer because people around them put them down. usually they are innocent with some exceptions. but you could still blame god for not making them more competent.
>>39626668>complete weirdome>yellow teethme>stinkme>dress strangelyprobably me but not really>hunchbacksi am hunched over a lot>cannot shut up even if they triednot me>inbreds who do nothing but babble and shrieknot me>what can even be done for themsocial programs and welfare specifically for people with long standing track records of being outcasted either because of autism or neurosis that lowers you to autist level. society should have the money its just that people not having the energy to help is the rule of life.
>>39626668There is no law, philosophy, or requirement that other people must be useful to you!
>>39626668Hilarious how poorly educated this board is. Fitting for the thread image, but still, I didn't think the state of /x/'s enlightenment was this bad.Weirdos and freaks offer a plurality of perspectives. They directly fight against cosmic entropy. When God sees through their eyes it sees things it wouldn't see otherwise. The quality of their qualic experience is by far one of the biggest jewels in the miracle of existence. Same as everybody else.He did make you feel revolted by them just for fun though. Lol
>>39628445>any mention of the vague label God is inherently christianYou're so far gone in your own delusions it's almost funny
>>39626696Wow! Good answer.
those people are often far more interesting than the faceless hordes. the less differentiated you are, the more soulless.
>>39629847This is a very vapid perspective
>>39629847Our brains are on two different wavelengths because strange useless people to me is the best description of the faceless horde there is.
>>39628434How'd that larper get you so mad
>>39626668Baby abuse by gays and whores will cause a lot of damage. Especially since they discovered electricity. Most damaged sorts seem to be male.
>>39626668>Just to be loathed and misunderstood, or looked down, then to die?you really think the world revolves around you, don't you chud?
>>39626668The elephant man was brought over so his testimony would change the hearts of the wicked and appreciate the love God has for them and for the lowly.People like you are full of pride, hating the unfortunate with all of your heart, and wonder why God refuses to speak to you.
There's a lot of oddly hostile people responding to this thread
>>39630196Again, seems arbitrary. His suffering isn't necessary nor is it that people should have wicked hearts. There are similarly inspirational people (not that I personally find him all that inspirational) who's skulls weren't devouring their face. I really do believe God simply likes exoticism and interesting stories. Or making strange fools for himself to pity.
>>39630213Then consider me as an abomination to mock for how my accursed bloodline even ended up to me, with a skull similar to the fallen beings the people of mankind have seen. A background and voice that makes me appear as nothing more than an isolated creep. A strange performer before man. Violent as the nephilim as old, just as my little brother is, born in a sibling line where each of us had our own unique defects.And yet with all of this, you are the one who is actually disgusting to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
>>39630213Whatever suffering you and everyone else has in this life will be repaid to you tenfold in Heaven such that looking back, you will see God’s vision for you and the world, you’ll see your part in it, how essential, how integral you are and were (your highest highs and lowest lows), and it will make sense. Have faith. Use your pain and that great compassion you have for this world to do works of great love in His name. You aren’t here by accident. Likewise, my saying these words to you are no accident either. I love God. I will fight with everything I have to always love Him as He loves me…even when it’s hard. And that suffering in this world? YOU can do something about it. The small good is EVERYthing. I believe in you. Now get to work.
Seeing them as useless says more about you than anything God ever did
>>39626668How can you be so sure they don't somehow serve a purpose? It's difficult to see it through our limited perception, but I'm sure some of these people are actually providers for someone or loved by a family member.Maybe they serve a purpose in another dimension.
>>39626821Is that old world satanist Helena Blapatavsky?
>>39629976no it's the truth.>>39629991probably because you're completely retarded
>>39630413You know even if I accepted this as true, it's the exact sort of thing that you would say to someone to string them along and force them to endure a life of indignity and pain with no particular purpose. You actually forget earth, as a matter of fact. You don't get to see or understand what God's purpose for you was. He deletes the memories of this place from you after you die.
>>39632107You consider normies to be worth less than autistic weirdos because you are an autistic weirdo. Normies are not actually generally bad people. Autists are usually weird narcissists who don't understand themselves or the world around them. For example, deciding that 'normies' are inherently morally and spiritually inferior to themselves simply because they aren't mentally ill and obsessed with spirituality and politics. They have much less pressing matters to attend to, like working a stable job and taking care of their families. Repulsive!
>>39632629>holier than thou>anyone who doesn't think and act like me is mentally ill You are not fooling any one, you can't hide your disgusting and vile nature.And yes you are and your kind are indeed nothing but repulusive filth devoid of humanity or anything positive for that matter.
>>39626668My will has been exhausted.The lockdowns (2020) combined with discovering /pol/ and other alternative outlets, learning the truth has crippled me.Always was an outcast but when I finished highschool and went down the self-improvement road I had a plan and hope for the future. I spent 2 days in college before the lockdowns began and both men and women swarmed to me.Weight loss, strenous exercise, grunt jobs, martial arts, cold showers and austerity beyond normal, all self-imposed for years combined with surrogate and academic education on all practical subjects was my path to becoming what can only be referred to as Nietzsche's Overman.But my will has been exhausted. The veil has been lifted. Reached the conclusion that I am a tax-cattle serf in prison nation where everything human and masculine is either illegal or prohibitely expensive. I can't hunt, I can't own firearms, I can't drive a motorcycle at full speed. Can't be a man. My only options are to drink, smoke, do drugs and gamble. If you keep up on global events you can see everything and everyone has gradually become gayer and more retarded and insane. Consequently I have become more alienated and ostracized.I'm fine with being alone. Fine with nobody remembering or caring about any important conversation. I'm fine with life being cruel and unfair. I'm fine with at 24 never having had a social circle, a woman, real friendship, or any other milestone. I said it'd get better. It's fine. Life doesn't guarantee "Happiness".
>>39630413This is some unreal cope and i want nothing to do with it, the so called god is either not powerful enough to stop this shit or simply just doesn't care much about our fate, its our and not his problem after all.
>>39632705Your lack of self awareness is simultaneously astounding and perfectly in line with all of my presuppositions about you
>>39632705Normal people don’t want to change their ways. The only changes they want is about how they will be justified for their disgusting “legal” actions. Because they are normally evil to the core.
>>39632629I consider them less than autists because they blindly worship and value conformity absolutely above all else, just like other wild animals.
>>39632755Maybe you're the bad guy and normal people avoid you for a reason
>>39632752Don't project your shit on me, i don't want it, keep it to yourself.
>>39632737Many such cases. You don't sound that bad. But yes, it's all a cage. Meant to degrade your will and kill you young. There's no way out.
>>39632772Normal people avoid and automatically consider bad anyone who isn't like them.
>>39632772Oh really. What is their relationship to Jesus Christ?
>>39632770You resent them because they won't accept you into the herd, which jeopardizes your personal safety and longevity. Loneliness and rejection hurt for survival purposes. You can't find a way to make yourself behave in ways that are expected of you and adapt, which disempowers you within the dynamic of the society you're a part of. So in order to feel as though you've regained power over your situation, you impotently reject the "normie" as unrefined and less human than yourself. They're just healthier and more fit for survival. Wealthy MSNBC libtards are fine-tuned self interest machines. It isn't that these people are stupid, it's that they're smart enough to know what's expected of them and act upon it to their own long term benefit. You're not capable of that, because you're mentally ill and genetically inferior.>>39632779You're a fucking moron
>>39632772>>39632752>>39632629>>39632824You are kind of retard that would unironically jump of cliff just because others done so and they will view you as weirdp for not jumping off with them.
>>39632824No, i am not interested in that.I resent them because their ways and nature disgust me to the core.They are inhuman wild animals wearing human skin.
>>39632808Honestly in most cases much better than someone like you. They regularly attend church and pray, ask for forgiveness, have contrition in their heart. They're forgiven for their ignorance and given relative abundance. You're a nothing person who's obsessed with the occult and spazzes out about your superiority to people who actually have a life. You're supposed to be humble, which starts with being realistic about your position in the world. You are a worse sort of person.
>>39632837No, I'm genuinely more intelligent and insightful than you and it's making you frustrated.>>39632844Lol. Useless thrashing.
>>39632845No. God himself stated they are asleep and the actions going on in the church space horrify me to the core.
>>39632737>masculine is either illegal or prohibitely expensive. I can't hunt, I can't own firearms,Only if you are white, for shitskins, its legal.
>>39632824 People who blindly trust govt and corpos, value conformity above all else are not healthy or fit for survival.And no, i reject the "normie" as unrefined and less human than myself because it is as matter of fact.
>>39632824>a mediocre 3rd world trash calls someone gentically inferiorThats rich.
>>39632824>You're a fucking moronYou really have hard time hiding your own nature.No good guy would write shit like that.But like i said before, you are not fooling anyone.
>>39632854I said so and it was real in my mind are not actual arguements.> and it's making you frustrated.Is this why you can't solve extra captcha?
>>39632854>No, I'm genuinely more intelligent and insightful than youOh, thats why you take internet fights super serious and so easily triggered.
>>39632737M8 you're brainwashed to fuck. Self improvement and masculinity is a psyop. Yes, you obviously can and should grow, learn, improve yourself, etc, in your life but your core traits and nature are impossible to change. Also judging by this post there's a 99% you're on the spectrum, which is another thing that will never change no matter how much you try to "be a man". There's no light at the end of the tunnel for self improvement. Yeah you accomplished those things but theres nobody waiting to give you a gold star and you were brainwashed into thinking there would be.Your core self is all you ever were and all you ever will be. Everything else is fleeting.
>>39632808None, they are chaff of revelations, they are children of satan that hate the truth.
>>39632824You are a literal sheep that suck your masters dick for "social value and survival" you have no personality outside of the norm sheep personality and what media tells to behave. Subhuman regarded as human by the media to be slave for them.Come in now sheepy boi here is your fucking grass for the day. Munch on until your next task
>>39632737If you open your eyes and all you see is darkness create a light so that others who follow your path will not be as lost as you were
>>39632891They're the most fit for survival. Do you think they actually have any strongly held convictions? They adapt to whatever is required of them to maintain their position within society. If they lived in Germany in the 1930's, they'd be members of the NSDAP. If they were in Cambodia, they'd join the Khmer Rouge. They think in terms of whatever is personally advantageous. This isn't negative- in fact, it has no particular moral value -it's only negative in the context of what is currently required of them to be in the position they are. You can slot them in and out of ideologies and make them their most ardent enforcers, you just need to give them the right one to support. This process is automatic within them and requires no self reflection. They aren't even aware that's what they're doing. This may seem cynical to you, but they are actually very necessary for the stability of society. They've always existed, and always will. You can seethe at them all you like, call them phonies, they won't even be able to process what you're implying. It doesn't exist to them. You just have to give them a different incentive structure to create positive outcomes for society broadly. That's what they always assume they're doing, but you have to give them something that will make that actually happen.>>39632953I'm a White American man in my mid twenties>>39632983You're an idiot>>39633020You too>>39633055You're angry because I described you perfectly
>>39633353>I'm a White American man in my mid twentiesSo white trash.
>>39633393You're angry
>>39633439>Let me tell you how these things make you feelDoes everyone on this board have aspergers
>>39633353>They're the most fit for survival.And is this why they took untested, rushed genetherapy shot?No, most paranoid preppers and survivalists are people who most fit for survival.
>>39633353Why do you act like random people magically care about how you think or feel?
>>39633353You know, you are kind of faggot that deserves his own suffering and very hard to feel any remorse for.
>>39632824>that these people are stupid, it's that they're smart enough to know what's expected of them and act upon it to their own long term benefit. You're not capable of that, because you're mentally ill and genetically inferior.Based. But I think that it is the mechanical nature of these perfect little self-replicators that he finds so disgusting. They look human but behave like souless automatons. They've suceeded as animals, but failed as men.
>>39633472Actually, yes. Both groups were incorrect and nothing happened to either. Even though there were absolutely severe vaccine side effects, people were generally fine and whoever was killed or permanently harmed by it were marginal losses. You're contrarian and risk averse, so you avoided the vaccine. They're conformist and risk averse, so they took it. Your thinking isn't actually all that different. And nothing of note was actually lost for the vast majority of people who took it. This is coming from someone who went out of their way at personal cost to not be vaxxed. Remember, nothing ever happens.
>>39633484The entire point of this thread is to discuss our thoughts concerning the op subject matter you retard>Eerm... why are you even talking about stuff?You need to log off of 4chan dot com if you don't wwnt to talk to people sweaty pie
>>39633502>Unprovoked rageOk
>>39626984Jesus was a Jewish reformer with Jewish followers preaching a new Jewish sect to Jews. There's no evidence anywhere in the Bible to suggest that Christianity was ever meant as a religion for gentiles (he even tells his followers "I have come not but for the lost sheep of Israel"), so any attempts at a "universal" understanding of Christianity are inevitably going to lead to confusion and contradictions.
>>39632629normies are people whose entire existence is predicated by the society around the. they aren't "good people" they are just so profoundly lacking in agency on account of their extreme retardation that they don't cause as much trouble. that said, society is gone, the rug has been pulled, and all those who are not following god will each eat other alive.
>>39626984Jesus was a Jewish reformer with Jewish followers preaching a new Jewish sect to Jews. There's no evidence anywhere in the Bible to suggest that Christianity was ever meant as a religion for gentiles (he even tells his followers "I have come not but for the lost sheep of Israel"), so any attempts at a "universal" understanding of Christianity are inevitably going to lead to confusion and contradictions.All the original Christians were Jews, and the Nicene Council were just Roman guys larping as a dead religion, ofc most "christians" don't stop to think about these things they're just following centuries-old peer pressure from dead larpers.
>>39632629tfw I'm interested in spirituality and politics AND have a job and take care of my family. Damn it feels good to be a non-NPC.
>>39633705>>39633718Anon I'm going to be upfront with you and say that I'm not interested in anything you have to say. You're just wasting your time. I don't care at all. If you reply to this angrily, I'm going to ignore it and move on.
>>39626842For 1998 it's not bad
>>39633774>Anon I'm going to be upfront with you and say that I'm not interested in anything you have to say.Why would I reply angrily? It's your bad karma not mine, stay asleep bro
>>39633718Jesus is the son of man and you will kneel to him.
>>39626668>Just to be loathed and misunderstood, or looked down, then to die?I also get some enjoyment laughing at you. So you sort of have a purpose.
>>39633522And even if something did people like peppers will fail. You notice people will prepare for this supposed apocalypse but never join together and form a group to exercise what power they believe they have, but the reality is that they're wageslaves just buying more shit for the sake of it. The funny part about preppers is a lot of that was just Evangelical types grifting and obviously corporations getting more profits than usual, is it possible they work in tandem? It's all a big joke.
>>39626668He doesn’t. We simply live in a fallen society that has a corrupted sense of value.
>>39635515an aryan wouldn't make everyone kneel to him. it's saturnine
>>39626668Yeah. I don't know why God would create you. What a waste of divine breath if you ask me.
>>39626668real god, the first source, is an observer. the demiurge -- who was created without a yang side and was blind who could not see heavem was hidden away in the lowest reaches of the barbelo until he reached a kind of gnosis in his blindness and isolation that allowed him to physically manifest things and then created our world and called himself god -- is who you're talking about
>>39626668Wash your bum anon. It's that simple
>>39633353Why do normalfags obsessed with survival?You can survive eating eating literal shit, bugs and fuck knows what, but that doesn't mean you should.Normalfags are really type of people who will knowingly literal mark of the beast just to save their sorry worthless asses.
>>39626736mmm... no
>>39639816He is the daddy of saved mankind. You will kneel to him.
>>39626668>yellow teeth>stinkLack of discipline in personal hygiene.>dress strangelyFashion does not matter, you might be gay.>lepers>hunchbacks>elephant men>autisticDisease, responsibility of mankind to cure after eating the fruit of knowledge.>moronsLack of community in enforcing strict education requirements before being considered a citizen.>InbredsLack of familial authority to ensure proper breeding patterns.Nothing to see here, just more self inflicted misery pretending to be supernaturally sourced. No, God is not responsible for your belly ache. You've all collectively been given the gift of existing to prove you are worthy of that very gift. The real question for this thread: Why is that so complicated for earth monkeys? You're never going to make it off this planet at this rate.
>>39642598Education doesn't make you intellegent, thats genes and you would know that if you were actually educated, retarded idealogue.
>>39642598>responsibility>life is gift faggoty nonsense>confusing education with actual intellectAre you actual baby boomer?