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Welcome to /srg/ Semen Retention General
>/SRM/ reading list v1
https://pastebin.com/qbTd4Lai (embed) (embed)
https://pastebin.com/NpdEaKSX (embed) (embed)

What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of abstaining from ejaculation for extended periods, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting sexual energy. It originates from various spiritual, philosophical, and cultural traditions. The idea is that abstaining from ejaculation can lead to increased vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. While there isn’t a lot of scientific research (hard topic to do studies on) on the topic*, there are tons of personal accounts. Therefore, the only sure way to find out is trying it out for yourself.
Reported benefits include, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy*, improved focus, healthier hair/skin, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, and more.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ - study that proves test levels are affected by SR. Average peak in test levels was 145%, one subjects test levels was raised 197%. However it has no data on what happens after week 3-4 and after that.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17268169/ - study that explores how mating until satisfaction affects the brains of male rats and their sexual behavior. (coom =“numb”androgen receptors = body unable to “register” testosterone as effectively as it should)
finna jerk it
finna retain it
>thread baked by a namefag
This is supposed to be an improvement?
im doing anal only 2025 so i dont touch my pp
this counts as semen retention
I was told noone here cares about names and nobody will be butthurt by tripcode. Can you tell me what makes you nervous when you see name?
Why do you have name? Why do you want to be recognized so bad? Its an unhealthy habit anon. Find people in real life and connect with them.
If I meet you in real life, I'm going to slit your throat
I will not be recognised I am still anonymous but I like to have all my posts connected in some way
Previous thread isn't even at bump limit btw >>39604231
>in case of urges

watch this: https://files.catbox.moe/x367xl.mp4

and this: https://files.catbox.moe/qar5i8.mp4
guys I've been on SR for 17 days now, yesterday as I was walking home from the train station, some hot af quality-looking girl asked me for directions for some music performance she was going to. I showed her the way and actually walked her there and chatted for a bit. In the end I got her number, I plan on calling her in a couple days, and I've already got a plan for spots to take her and whatnot, but eventually, when sex happens, (probably 2nd or 3rd date) how do I fuck her without ejaculating? I'm legit afraid of losing my streak because I have noticed a significant energy/focus increase for myself lately, and don't want to lose that.
What are good practices for having sex without ejaculation, or am I just overthinking this?
Also, I'm only asking this assuming I actually like her and see potential in her to be a gf, I don't want to fuck her if I don't have confidence in her as a person/mommy material.
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Dont jerk off.

Semen retention alone isnt enough, avoid p*rn and masturbation.
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Fuck namefags.
Anons, it is really important, o rather, how do the benefits change if you keep a "clean" mind during your streak?
I mean no thinking/fantasizing about women/sex
it depends on your goals of sr, i think. having sex (with ejaculation) with a beutiful woman once in a while and being on sr all the other time can work very well if you keep your mind free of sexual thoughts (only allowed when a woman is physically close to you). your energy is likely to come back very fast. if you want to walk the high effort spiritual path without even ejuculating while having sex you have to learn some techniques (some Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist stuff is helpful here, for example) the hard way: a lot of breathing, meditation etc.
(reposting in case anon left the last thread)
I used to feel the same exact way. It took A LOT of tries, and I'm still getting there, but I'm on my way. One thing that really helped me untangle my mind is psychedelics. I can not stress enough how much psychedelics have changed my life. That's not to say dropping acid is a silver bullet, but if you make a point of repeatedly tripping, you will experience things you never knew were possible.
Semen retention only for sex outside of marriage? And if marriage, marriage AT THIS TIME IN HISTORY? Are you unaware of how awful women are right now? How full the planet is, how shitty other people treat you? How uncertain the economy looks? What the ....

Retard can't figure out that edging gives blue balls on his own?

Very irresponsible advice, sir "repeatedly tripping"
kys junkie degeneracy peddler
i hate pieces of shit like you the most
praying you will find peace
praying you kys slowly and painfully, please holy jesus make him do it soon
Eww. No.
Why do you want us to act in confusion all of the time when this is supposed to be a stable and trusting community.
She’s a jezebutt. Stop chasing and loving the girls Satan throws at you.
When you go with the path of chastity, you open up a door for Jesus to come into your life.
I don't want to derail this into a /psych/ thread, so I'll drop it after this, but all I want to say is don't be so quick to dismiss psychedelics as "just something junkies do." Psychedelics have nothing in common with hard drugs that ruin peoples lives, and in fact they have been a part of spiritual traditions all over the world throughout history.
>inb4 evolution isn't real
Jesus doesn’t want to kill the wicked. He simply has to.
kys asshole pos
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I don't have much problem with SR, but I edge a lot. Can confirm.

I don't want to be a degenerate anymore.
Under Jesus Christ, he will repair your heart as he did with mine.
Psalm 51
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Tbhs, if it heals me of this stupid and damaging addiction..
Please don’t be motivated by the interest of women. Tell me, are the girls you desire any good? Do they want you to be any good? Israel itself was the nation that devolved because it chased after wicked women.
Then give your heart to him.
He desires for every human to be saved and be like him, as his son.
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you're doing God's work, game theory anon
I can't seem to stop. I did 230 days last year in a row, but ever since ending up in the hospital for psychosis I can't go more than 4 days. I think it might be associated with the meds, or depression from the hospitalisation, schizo diagnosis and coming to terms with all the cool stuff I thought was happening last year just me being nuts, idk.
It's been a struggle, though. Feel bad and a disappointment. Haven't even been going to the temple because I don't feel worthy.
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I try, man. I don't want to do it, it's just what I sort of knew for two decades before I started even trying to not do it. Then just something triggers monkey brain, even if it's just me being bored, and then boom, I'm a mess.
This is 17 days. I am currently 18 days in.
This is me now on 18 days. My muscle mass has gone up. My neck is way thicker. I've lost fat. I already have all the benefits... It's working wonders. I had to quit weed for this streak as weed was making it too difficult. I advice not to smoke weed.
And people that I haven't seen in a while are kind of shocked when they see me now.
Hey. I have 2 anti psychotics and a mood stabilizer.

I'm >>39630106

Ask if you can change meds.
If you have something like abilifly as your only medication, definitely ask if you can change to something like Xeplion / Invega
But everyone reacts different to each medication.
Just like some people can smoke weed and stay celibate, I cannot smoke weed and stay celibate myself. Find the medication where you can do SR with.
I wouldn’t be here if he didn’t send a watcher after me to care for me.

pussy, repent and accept Lord Adolf Hitler into your heart that your sins may be forgiven you.

What kind of demon are you?
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your mom...no seriously
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Lord Adolf Hitler loves you
So glowie. The angel of false light.
You really are a demon.
Adolf is a merciful lord, he loves you.
First commandments of exodus 20, there shall be no other gods besides the God of Israel.
Adolf Hitler is the God of Israel, therefore no commandment has been broken.
>Are you unaware of how awful women are right now? How full the planet is, how shitty other people treat you? How uncertain the economy looks?
tell me you spend way too much time sitting in front of the computer on the internet reading echo chamber slop bitching about being a victim and a sad cry baby without telling me you spend way too much time sitting in front of the computer on the internet reading echo chamber slop bitching about being a victim and a sad cry baby without telling me. go outside and get a life and quit complaining about how hard shit is
>echo chamber
>An echo chamber is an environment or ecosystem in which participants encounter beliefs that amplify or reinforce their preexisting beliefs.

but why then faggots here hate on my threads and posts?
Only do foreplay.
Anything that raise dopamine it raises horniness(testosterone increase maybe?)
So coffe, some meds some vitamins literally anything.
You are a fucking bizarre specimen m8y
cause this website is populated by adolescents with mental trauma that are stuck thinking it's cool to be contrarian edge lords as a means of rejecting the whole world that they're too pussy to face while they larp as people who have it figured out
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how long you are going to spam this shit mate?
just don't think about turgid nipples and you'll be fine
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I've been successfully doing a clean streak since new year's, and I feel horrible. And when I say horrible, I mean worse than I've ever felt in my entire life. You see, instead of giving me endless drive and energy, the act of abstaining from sexual activity and all other forms of pleasure has instead made me view biological life in a completely different way. I think that regularly masturbating was bluepilling me to the truth. The disgust is overwhelming. The thought of sex and physical attraction now makes me want to gag. I just imagine two reeking, defecating, and rotting bags of meat squelching into each other. When I look into a once beautiful woman's eyes, all I see are two moist blobs lodged in her skull that are fixated on me. Eating is equally nightmarish, all the sounds and sensations of digestion are so gross. I get nauseous thinking of the acidic, half-digested slop in my organs being converted into vomit-inducing fecal matter to be disgorged from my anus into a germ-infested toilet. What an existence. This isn't what I asked for, or even wanted. I'm living in a nightmare and I don't know what to do. I have no desire to go back to being a blind porn addict, but I see no way out of this terrible state either.
i had the same feeling. meditation and sports did help me a lot to overcome this. hold your head up high, anon!
SR and fasting are baby's first spiritual practices. Start digging for the truth and beauty
>or maybe withdrawal symptoms
Does precum count as relapse? I don’t want porn anymore but sometimes indulge is sexual fantasy which cause a bit of precum. Do I have to reset my time now?
I fucking wish I was larping bud. This is real and it's worse than I can put into words.
Yes. Sexual thoughts and intentions are as draining as the real act. Stop jerking yourself off mentally.
Weird that the moslems are told to either get a wife or fast when sexual desires are close to overtaking them
>When I look into a once beautiful woman's eyes, all I see are two moist blobs lodged in her skull that are fixated on me.
You hate life. Which is downstreams from Christianity. Some bros on here are alright, I mean no disrespect to our brothers in Christ. But your worldview leads to the bottom, which might be the best part about it, because there you find solid ground.

Now ask yourself, is hating life even correct? Appreciate great art, music, take walks and look at things, you don't need to leave your block to see beautiful things everywhere.

I could tell you what you will learn, but that defeats the purpose.
Buddy of mine is 2 years now. No problems anymore, desires are strong apparently but he will avoid looking at women outside. In uni still so lots of temptation. The idea is, at a certain age you need all that power to push you
The problem stems from an unappreciation of beauty. Which is common in Christianity. Which baffles me because all that is beautiful is a reflection of God, to seek beauty is to seek God. To love beauty is to love God. God is beautiful and loves beauty.
Extremely based life-affirming post. Avoid de-motivation campaigns and propaganda. Focus on the unknown and beauty
precum is fine unless you're trying to go 1,000% puritan
as long as you're not orgasming, you will get almost all of the physical benefits
>You hate life.
>Appreciate great art, music, take walks and look at things, you don't need to leave your block to see beautiful things everywhere.
I can't go outside without seeing barking mutts shitting on the ground and their owners picking up their steaming piles with their hands. Everything I see outside and in my own home is filth. Earth and biological life is an abomination and every single thing I see and feel is an affirmation of that.
Earth and biological life is a prison. Work towards as much liberation as you can have other than death. This is why you need money idiots. I'm now far from people in a little villa right in front of the ocean. I rarely have to see ugliness. Surround yourself with beauty, be beautiful
All the beauty is pointless if it's part of samsara. I wanna leave the cave desu.
Yeah so what is like, the point then? The only sense of happiness i got from living was blinding myself with porn and vidya. trying to be healthier and go down the "spiritual path" has just made me want to die lmao.
Beauty is from God and God loves it. It is a small reflection. The qualities of all high noble men and civilization is love of beauty.
In theory, everything around you can be ugly and disgusting. But I don't believe that. I believe you want to believe that, but eventually you will be curious enough to truly test your hypothesis. And then you will discover unconditional love for the world again.

A note. Hatred is not in combat with love, I belive they are the same at the core. Your hatred for terrible, ugly things, shows how much you can love the wonderful and beautiful things.
Go check out /v/ then faggot.
you are a demiurge worshipper.
You are a miserable hylic getting crushed by level 1 of life lmao
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I could swear that I was attacked by a succubus on my dreams.

And the dream wasn't sexual at all. It was about me working as a gamedev on a cool company.

Then out of the blue they jumped on top of me while trying to seduce me. Then I had a WD.

For fucks sake, how can we avoid or repel the succubus?
Let me say that the shills will derail my honest yet harsh remarks about Christianity, into shitflinging and derisiveness.
Your goal is to ignore them.
Don't know if this'll be a white/black pill for anyone, but SR is fucking retarded. All you're doing is giving yourself a higher chance of developing cancer. "Feels good" the same way taking drugs or fasting indefinitely "feels good." It's just a different kind of masturbation.

Total retention is unwise. Control is advisable. Stop jacking it every day, all the time; stop fucking all the time. A couple of times a week is fine enough, esp. on the same day. You'll get all the best results of SR (mostly just test increase, experience of self-control) without fighting an unwinnable war against your body's biology.

There is no "spirit world" distinct from your "mortal experience" where you'll receive rewards for mistreating your body. It never works like that. If demons are involved in any of this shit, it's humans making you think that natural functions like ejaculating are evil (because they're e.g. jealous homosexual monastics). This world IS the spirit world, your body IS spiritual, your cum IS spiritual, there is nothing wrong with acknowledging and acting upon your natural impulses (provided you're not hurting others). Tryhards and delusionals disagree.

Source? Twenty+ years doing this shit. I've never been more functional than when I stopped with all these stupid regulations. Diet, ejaculation, breathing, repetitive activities, ultimately useless. Arguably I had to get there by doing it all first, so I'll never begrudge anyone trying.

Most won't listen because you're convinced that if you just punish yourself harder God or whatever will love you more. Doesn't work like that, God loves you even if you fuck pigs or chihuahuas. What you're really after is self-love, which doesn't come from self-denial. Acknowledging and accepting your body is fine. Denying it can look cool from afar but fucking sucks IRL, restricts your ability to function in the world, makes you distant, callous, incapable of expressing natural compassion etc.
you're right if you were addressing normal, healthy people. but most of us, myself included, spent decades gooning ourselves into retardation for hours a day every day. there has to be looong period of total abstinence in order to heal first, before returning to a healthy balance. body needs to repair and brain needs to rewire first.
>fuck pigs or chihuahuas
ok now we're talking
Jesus Christ will help you if you let him into your life. He protected me from one attempting to rape me.
Are you better than the messiah himself?
I do this because I love God.
>Source? Twenty+ years doing this shit.
Funny thing to say. Your username says Anonymous. Why do you think it does that?

>A couple of times a week is fine enough, esp. on the same day.
That's a lot of "control" there, buddy.
Please become a namefag so I can filter you. Thanks Mr. Goldburg
You two belong in the same hell together
Don't you mean Sheol Mr. Goldburg?
Bros I couldn't resist my urges any longer after 3 weeks, and when I unleashed, it was painful. Be stronger than me and reap your reward of spiritual benefits
Please don’t act so defeated.
Your task is to keep trying and staying on the path of righteousness no matter what.
Leave him be mate, he has some issues
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How do women feel about this ?
You know, I came in here skeptical and ready to write all of this off immediately until I saw the obvious shilling against it. Anons, you have my attention. Shills, you’re the reason I’m continuing to investigate this; be sure to let your bosses know.
The secret is that Jesus wants Chasity in his creations.
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>it's extremely hard to get to 120+ days without wet dreams
>WHEN you achieve that, it's almost guaranteed that ,IRL women will trick to dry your seed
>frequent interactions from lustful women, even if uninvited, will make you more and more prone to wet dreams
What is the "world hologram" guarding so fiercely? It's as if..the reality itself doesn't WANT a man to achieve 200, 300 days of pure celibacy: no sex, not even NES, no wet dreams either...Why would you hire a troop of armed guards to guard a piece of cardboard?
the world hologram is keeping something extremely important, otherwise the whole of Biology itself wouldn't make it so hard, to attain 1 year Celibacy
The word matrice is in the lexeme compound of matrix
which is derivative of matriarch
your seed is the power source for women to perpetuate creation
and they have means to utilise it without you ever being present
Welcome, brother
Read The Coiled Serpent
How many days are you in rght now?
Become a physical beast. Pure and bitter resistance
>be me
>realizing I have a porn problem
>decide to stop cold turkey
>having trouble and relapse a few times
>getting frustrated that I can't do this
>pray for help
>go on a long streak, about 3 months
>today, willpower is breaking
>have a bit of alone time
>decide fuck it, I'm doing it
>Load up my sites
>Doorbell rings
>no one ever rings the doorbell
>it's some salesman who chats my ear off for like 15 minutes for some bullshit I don't need
>go back to my computer
>as I sit, boss texts me that he needs something minor.
>He texts very rarely so it kinda surprises me
>take care of it
>I've got like 15 minutes left
>Fuck it, I load up porn site on my phone
>right as I'm about to get started, my mom calls
>says she just wanted to say hi and hopes she can see me this weekend
>times up
>start thinking over the sequence of oddly timed events that all prevented me from abusing myself
Thanks Guardian Angel bro.
Very nice work angel bros. You got this my flesh and blood brother, what do you want to use your increased energy for?
It's like you're solely focused on the things that people try to ignore in life. It's like if you went to an amusement park and only focused on the urinals and toilets, and related everything wonderful in the park to the urinals and toilets. Those gross things do exist, but they're not the entirety of life anon. To be stuck in your neurosis must be hell though I'm sorry for you.
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Events like these happen to me when I begin to falter. There really is something looking out for us when the lust entities begin to use all their tricks. It began to happen to me when my mindset changed forever and I began to walk this path and never look back.
That’s because Jesus and his angels are trying to bring you into the narrow road of redemption.
i had a streak of over 70 days.
I bought a fixer upper.
I'd liked to fix it up.
My ambitions are small but they are mine.
Hello, i'd like for you to explain in case you're not a shill. First of all if you did it for 20 years i assume you know that the cancer research on SR is an extremely unreliable study that didn't track anything and was like a questionaire. It also makes sense for people to ejaculate less if they have medical problems since their libido is dead. Like eunuchs who are literal slaves with almost no will of their own because they lack the force that drives man.
I want to talk about SR, how did you do it for 20 years? Did you have clean streaks? Combining it with my theory i think it's all about the energy you give to the strongest pendulum there is, the sex pendulum. If you do SR but still edge you still give the energy, if you do SR but still feel depressed cause you're not getting laid or whatever you still feed it. That's why i think some people "feel" the best benefits when they simply stop thinking about it. This combined with your intention. I wonder if doing clean streaks with no lust thoughts but still having the intention to get rich, to get fit, to have sex would work. Diet definitely matters a lot so im not sure what you're talking about. What diet were you on? I think vegan can ruin it since it might tank your test.
Maybe you were one of the guys who just got sucked by the christian pendulum(egregore) and just gave all your energy to that.(many such cases)
Also did you have any addictions? (drugs,goyslop)
I am interested in how you did things if you're not a shill, but i think it's unlikely considering you used the cancer study as an example.
Shut the fuck up degenerate
Lmao deleted
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you're clearly mentally ill.
i've witnessed some sickos in a mental prison and they act and talk like you.
you're dangerous.
>Buddy of mine is 2 years now
people are liars, you stupid fuck.
Just a couple of days into SR and I have a half chub pretty much all the time, I feel like this is good for penile health
Four weeks tomorrow with only one wet dream. WAGMI.
I was on day 22 and was gonna throw in the towel but then stopped and realised the inherent flaw in letting my future self down! But now my whole lower half of my body aches almost like the blue balls have spread inwards and I’m not sure if I should just let one out to not create any damage… however I had the thought of why would retaining cause cancer but being kicked in the nuts is never life threatening only painful. :/
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I require an effective mate
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fuck you goy
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal.
>the Machine is immortal
the flesh is weak but that is tech heresy. The omnissiah requires you to conduct preventative maintenance
Just try it. There is literally no harm in trying to achieve 1 month, and if you can do that, aim for 3 until you try to assess the results.
By 2 weeks you will feel different. By 1 month you will notice a few strange things in your life, and feel much different. I haven't gone 3 months yet personally.
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Imagine the smell.
>now I'm going to be retarded for a whole week
don't do it bros
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you're going to hell, goy
jews will keep me company
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cum at me goy
Sounds like someone needs to chill and make peace with their faggy fantasies in their free time (finger your asshole and shut the fuck up)
Shills think people are bots, once it backfires the shills lose their shit.

My background is science. What you chemically lose in sperm is indeed important minerals but also lecithin. Lecithin is the Censored Vitamin, it was known for a century but oddly left out of basic literature. It can't be made from aminoacids, it can't be made in the body at sufficient quantities without literally killing cells for it since it is related to cell membrane.

A coomer will have low levels of acetylcholine, which is made from lecithin, and released for memory and to move around. The low levels will destroy motivation, make receptors ultra-sensitive, think of sensitive, tight, trigger point filled chest muscles, but also lower working memory, reduced strength etc. Your level of agency goes down. In a feminized, authoritarian, overpopulated, sensitive society, this gets you out of trouble, but it destroys your existence along with any worthy respect you would get.

The result of this satanic self sacrifice is a cult of some transsexual entity, an oversexualized entity that drains resources from society as it throws away its own power and relies on everyone else's.
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what's your longest SR record?
The only thing that stops me if needing to poop
>It can't be made
>2 weeks in
I can actually remember the dreams I had the previous night. Or was I just not having dreams before and am having them now? Who knows.
It's day 15 and I feel like a teenager again. I should have done this years ago.
This is satanic.
im afraid that if i try nofap again bad luck will return
It does not matter how many times you fall off the wagon as long as you keep trying and don't give up. Even if that shit takes years. I was a raging alcoholic and eventually got sober this way, and now I'm doing the same with cooming.
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opposite will happen. anyone who tries knows this for themselves
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going for 1+ month feels like waking up from some terrible nightmare.
how the fuck did I even survive that many years in such a miserable state? I wish I had known this shit sooner so I wouldn't have fucked my brain up so badly.
Thank you anons for giving me the strength and hope. Thank you random Brit from /pol that lead me to this place.
>day after relapse
>urge is strong why not
>get in bed be depressive
>feel something looming
>tell it to fuck off
>get out of here ghost.jpg
>geeet out
>dream about some zombie like creature with fucked up spine scaring me

Ok this is no longer if or whatever it’s real. With god or Jesus I will succeed.
Please keep posting info anons I’m very noob but these threads give me knowledge Thank you baker.
Reading list
>The Coiled Serpent
>Your Brain On Porn
>Semen Retention Miracle
>Quit Porn and Get Rich
>Think and Grow Rich
>Atomic Habits
why is one of the guys signaled with a red arrow?
is he internet famous, or something?
It will be my twenty third day of nofap today.
Amen brother. Keep pushing
you will heal
For me, when I had hands in my pants, I felt a slap behind my back.
Dude, same
Do they still teach this stuff to military guys? I perceive them all to be furries these days
This is the most important thread on this board.
dubs of truth
I've watched hundreds of hours of people having sex, yet I myself have never had sex. Why does society think this is okay?
>this board
This site.
>Be me, sex egregore
>Tfw have to subconsciously manipulate people so they can go and get laid, try to be on their mind 24/7 and affect their choices so they can feed me
>I am the drive of their will but i won't feel good enough until they give me their energy 24/7
>tfw technology improves
>tfw now i can just influence jews to create porn and people are willingly giving their energy to me without even giving them anything in exchange
>tfw they get even more degenerate with a worse payoff and no emotional connection and have a bigger crash which feeds me even more
>even if they stop masturbating to porn they still edge and i get their energy
>even if they stop all together they still feel depressed and i get their energy
>got so strong now i can commence operation AI sexbots
>Hopefully they don't realize it and see they are getting scammed in this exchange
>Commence operation "Science proved masturbating is heatlhy and not masturbating vies you cancer"
Basically it's better for the egregore if you masturbate it doesn't have to invest as much in you. That's why you see people on longer streaks have weird experiences of girls being more attracted. They're subconsciously affected by the egregore. Some people think its possesion or succubus or some dumb shit but egregores are affecting us on a subconscious level in every aspect of our life. If you don't believe in this mumbo jumbo "unseen" force just study astrology and see how strongly the moon affects our behavior. And think, why if something extremely meaningless bothers you, other people will do it and look almost intentional from your perspective. Everything is fighting for your energy and you're giving it out for free.
>2 weeks retaining
>wake up last night
>my covers are off and my pants are down
Did I do this? I've had some crazy dreams, but nothing where I walked or did something in my sleep. What the fuck. Anyone have any other spoopy stories?
the world? (digits decide)
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Remember how Morpheus told Neo that some (plebs,normies) aren't ready to be freed? That's what you are going through right now. The veil has been pierced anon, no going back. The question now is, which way do you go? Cipher or Neo?

Let this be known for those who want ATTEMPT to do SR without any proper initiation, research whatnot. THIS, is what will happen to you.
So I have a gf and practice semen retention. We do have sex from time to time, and the goal is to not cum obviously. Most times I end up cumming. Not only that but it’s hard to perform when you’re so sensitive. It’s really kind of a lose lose. You’ll be way more sensitive than you think. There’s been times were I’m so sensitive that I’m pulling out every 2 thrust. It’s not good for anyone. So I wouldn’t recommend, you’ll probably lose your streak and give an underwhelming performance. That being said. There has been a few times where we’ve been successful. A few tips if you are going to go through with it. Don’t receive head. I’m always more sensitive if I receive head before sex. Be in positions where you're in control. I’d recommend missionary. And go slow, real slow. The slowest you’ve ever fucked. Fuck her like you have Down syndrome. Also if willing alcohol/ stimulants can reduce sensation down there.
You got attacked by a succibus.
In my first time, it would stay in.
How did you get a gf
I don't understand karezzafags. It's like eating a nice juicy steak after starving but instead of swallowing it you just spit it out. Not cooming after a long session is just asking for problems. That's probably what causes prostate cancer in abstinent men.
Fuck off faggot, let the man post. He has every right to be here.
>I'm WFH chad master race
>wife unexpectedly calls out of work
>really rare that we're home together
>during my lunch break she visits me in my office
>most phenomenal BJ ever
>if I spent all this time fapping it probably wouldn't have been 1/10th as good
Denying immediate gratification for the superior intimacy that came later. I rate it 10/10 would try it again.
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What do I do with my fiery dignified uncontainable rage
I did boxing conditioning training for a while and it helped and was fun.
I would argue in this case you should not be performing SR. You're in a sexual relationship and this isn't compatible with an aesthetic lifestyle.

Instead you should be practicing sex magic. Marry and procreate with many children. Those children must grow up strong, then also have many children. In two generations you could have fathered a small town. In seven generations, your progeny could be a nation.
Anyone else get crazy fatigue from porn/masturbation withdrawal? I just want to go home and sleep
I’ve been dating for almost 20 years. My first gf, which was my high school gf just kind of fell into my lap. After your first it’s easier. So I don’t have much advice. If I did offer some advice with women. I’d say treat them like you know them. Imagine they’re your sister. Don’t obsess over every word they say. Just treat them like they’re just another person. Easier said than done I know. It takes practice. Also stop focusing on getting a gf. You don’t need another person to validate your existence. It’s a trap. If you can’t make yourself happy, then no one can.
How did you get a wife ?
How do I practice sex magic?
ok thx
my first gf was a highschool gf and she also went out of her way to seduce me
same with my other ex and I have had some strange fuck buddy situations as well so I am not entirely sure how to approach my next gf ideally whom I will marry
What exactly is your question? Is it getting a gf or getting the right gf?
Your body can finally rest and recover instead of keeping your sexual organ producing at max.
Do you see?
>how do I fuck her without ejaculating?
you fucking faggot shills are so tired and annoying
No BJs. No.
Why do you scum always try to use magic whenever you get the chance?
I edged a bit inside my girlfriend. I don't need to cum to keep her happy. I'm not going to count days anymore because thinking about it as a challenge sets me up or failure. I'll think of it more as a way of life. Make it a habit to not cum even though my girlfriend likes to hump my dick every day as a bonding ritual.
you and me both, bud.
A Loona poster?
Omg, thanks for the gold kind stranger!!!
>posts lust provoking imagery in a semen retention general
don't do this again. you're hurting those who are trying to overcome a wicked addiction.
He’s a demon possessed nazi.
They hate it when people flee from sin.
Egg yolks and beef liver are even more GOAT after learning about lecithin. Most people don't even touch eggs anymore, let alone liver. If you eat 12 egg yolks or more a day, it makes you feel unstoppable. Raw eggs yolk, raw milk and some raw honey in a shake is top tier lads.
imo, retention is bad, bad for your body and bad for your mind. What we should do, is to learn to control the flux. Not to stop t.
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My stomach always hurts like I'm overextending a muscle if I sublimate through my lower dantian after ejaculating. Pain is most likely bad.
You suck
And you suck

The black and white witches.
But I'm not saying anything out of the ordinary. Everything has to circulate, it's in the very nature of existence/reality. Matter, living beings, energy, information... When something stops circulating or stagnates, there's usually a rotting that follows and an affliction to the integrity of the individual or the society or the energy.
It just goes into your bladder instead and you urinate it out.
That's retrograde ejaculation and it's something else, it's an anomaly where the sperm, instead of following its normal path, finds itself redirected towards the bladder. It's an anomaly because normally there are muscular mechanisms that prevent this from happening.
It's an anomaly because you keep ejaculating.
I keep fucking failing bros. 12 year addiction, chronically online. Can't focus on any difficult work or anything longer than 15 minutes. Help, my receptors are all fucked.
Realistically. How much Can the brain and body heal from over a decade of porn abuse? Assuming you never coom again and replenish with good foods every day, would one be able to revert to almost child like state of mind?
One month for every year.
The sperm doesn’t stay in the balls, it’s pushed up the spine. Then once the brain heals, the brain starts to produce a substance that drips down into the gut and heals the gut.
Where can I read more on this?
I've been praying to YHWH not to hook me up but instead to allow for true pathing to a receptive female
About a month and a half in. Stay blessed bros.
Gotta keep busy. Schedule your entire day and stick to the schedule. Idle hands are the devil's playthings.
Bros I'm not having a good time, I did 45 days streak until I jerked off yesterday and realised just how constantly horny I was being and had begun wasting so much time because of it. I was doing the horse stance and holding breath and etc but it doesn't really help for long. Today is the day after and I'm also mega horny, and I'm thinking is there even much point in doing this anymore if it just means I'm constantly going to be living that uncomfy soulless way
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Day 82
Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, have mercy on me, a sinner

First link doesnt work
patterning the reset is important for those of us who are saturated with the pornography of society, regardless of our disinterest for seeking it
9th day and it looks like I have it more under control than previous streaks, will see how I hold up on the 30th day and beyond.
No idea, I’ve only ever heard of anecdotal observations from people practicing SR. At some point a long the journey they start to taste something sweet coming from the back of their throat and that’s supposed to be secretion from the brain that heals the gut.
The harder I work the hornier I get the more I need to resist so I can work even harder
semen is definitely stored in a spinal conduit
or perhaps transmuted there
I'm learning that edging and even just looking at porn have negative consequences. SR seems to be more than just holding in your seed. There is a real dissipation and diffusion of energy that is less tangible but nonetheless subtlety perceivable and real
I gotta just keep reminding myself of the benefits... I can do it this time bros
quads of makin it
This is true by the way
Quads have fortold your success, you will make it bro.
We've talked about this often in these threads, how are you just now learning this? We've said hundreds of times that a retention streak has to be clean for it to really matter, that means no looking at stimulating material.
had my last wet dream exactly 100 days ago
This is just the truth. God made humans sexual as stated in Genesis 1:27. There is also

Genesis 1:28: God commanded Adam and Eve to "be fruitful and increase in number".

Genesis 2:18, 23–24: God designed sex for the physical, emotional, and spiritual union between a man and a woman for life.

1 Corinthians 6:13-20: The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord.

It's not the sin of jacking off that is the issue, it's constant jacking and gooning with hard core degenerate porn that is the problem. The more you ween yourself off from the deamon of porn the better your life will be, and the less you will jack off.
I'm new to the threads. Thanks for the warm welcome faggot
>be me
>battling with lust
>cancel an order for a sex toy I ordered days prior in a moment of weakness
>fall asleep feeling a kind of spiritual relief from doing so
>have a dream where a "female" is sucking on my jaw and jerking me off
>bust bucket loads
>wake up from the intensity of the dream
>I actually did bust buckets
why do they do this
on a 3 month streak but i feel my energy leaking cause if intrusive thoughts and seeing inciting media on accident. how do you deal with this?
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you are not your thoughts, youre the awareness, practice being the Watcher
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watch as if theyre clouds, eventually the sky will clear and the pure awareness, you, remains
>how are you just now learning this
It's always new for someone.
can I get a link to the imgur gallery with screencaps, the urges are attacking me
>coddle me
Lurk faggot. Use the archive.
nvm, found it
the matrix already distracts me and mocks my weak efforts and thoughts
if not me then it will attack or act through my family. it has no class

redditors say that good things happen to them when they abstain from coom. but my situation is reversed. i wonder why. what happened to me, what kind of astral bullies did i attract?
Song of songs seems really good to dissuade the demon
If you're going to have sex, is it better if it's concentrated with a period of retaining, or evenly spread?
for example is it better if you have sex twice a month for a year (24 times) and moderate your sexual energy expenditure, or to retain hard for 11 months then coom hard/indulge for one month.
(same number of sex sessions)

Surely it's much more natural to retain for long periods then coom intensely, than to coom moderately? Like with many mammals cooming only for a month or so in October/November.
Also if you consider a biologically natural (childrearing) style of monogamy, then your partner will be pregnant anyway for long periods, before she gives birth, wait a bit to recover, then you try hard to knock her up again.
Obviously I'm not suggesting having sex is optimal, but if you are going to do it, does how you distribute long-term it matter, or is it only the amount?
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evenly spread while not cooming during the sex if you can help it. takes practice, go slow, explain to wife what youre doing
This is the stupidest thing ever.
Only have sex for the purpose of conception.
I started fucking bitches and ejaculating everyday and quickly developed lethargy, nerve pain, teeth pain, and irritability
Back on track, 10 clean days in. Had a 112 day (somewhat dirty) streak, but after having reached my original goal, I just had to make that 'reality check' to evaluate things. Ultimately, relapsing was nothing but a huge disappointment. Can't recommend it - downgrade in many aspects of my life was apparent, especially recovery from physical activities and to lesser extent, luck. Live and learn, I guess....

While I take no pride in relapsing, there's at least a slight silver lining in what happened - I don't feel like my mind is in the gutter anymore. I've come to realization that leaning on smut was a lazy cope and an self-induced addiction cycle, rather than an actual physical need. Those 100+ days were not difficult in the sense that I couldn't stay away from release, but rather having to deal with the filth running in my mind day to day. Now that thought loop seems to have been dispelled.
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it isnt. if you dont have a wife dont fret your retention will be easier, youll build power steadily and youll choose a wife if thats what you want. be aware that bringing a woman into your life is like asking for more homework
If you take in a wife in this realm, you are supposed to fulfill her needs appropriately. To make the bonds of it a juggling game over the obsession of retaining your power makes you no different from the sex magic sorcerer.
Fasting is much easier on SR. I like to fast for 2 days from time to time.
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her needs are met without spilling ones essence. unless youre both rdy to make a baby, which is what the essence is for. no need to make up your mind right now just think about it, i like your posts for the most part, can tell youre a good man
Yeah, I've found the 2 practices go hand in hand. The inverse is also true. When I relapse on porn/masturbation, it is extremely hard to control my appetite
I did it bros, I resisted last night.
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well done
Congrats, you've now become that much stronger.
>i like your posts for the most part, can tell youre a good man
Well yeah. Otherwise, the work God and the angels put into me would be in vain.
The process of sex itself is something far more sacred, reserved, and definitive of God himself. Which is why when you pervert it, it causes everything to fall apart. Messing with the seeding process in general was punished by God in Genesis, so be cautious of that.

Life itself is a trinity. Christ himself forms his own trinity with the bride, the church, and the saints. Which is why “Song of Solomon” is necessary scripture that will be fulfilled.

Love itself is pre-ordained, where trying to chase after it in your own ways instead of God’s ways would you to destruction.

Adam in general is blamed for being a simp, and Eve is blamed as the wicked one, but Eve was the one that Adam picked, and before her, God offered him a gallery of daughters he could’ve chosen from and the option to ask God “who do you think would be the best an help mate for me?”

That’s why I sympathize more for Cain than for Adam, because Cain’s actions were a result of a natural corruption of loving God, and Adam’s actions were always a pursuit of running away from God’s wisdom to seek his own treasures.
I prefer using fasting to make it easier to resist temptations.
anons any help

physically retaining is easy, but porn has a vice grip on me. i can't stop looking at porn. i need help.
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refuse to entertain unwelcome thoughts, not even for a second, the instant one appears banish it. read physical books instead of being on the computer or the phone. god bless you you can do it, never give up
yeah, Jesus clarified it here, when he talked about cutting your right hand that was clearly addressed towards masturbation:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
>when he talked about cutting your right hand that was clearly addressed towards masturbation:
No. The hand can do all evil things.
Just failed. New record though. 6 days. I know that's low for some of you but but the longest I made it last time was 4 days. New round starts now.

Congrats on the new record! We believe in you Anon.
Analyze your weakness and find out what put you over the edge this time so that you can ready yourself for next time. Think/reflect/meditate/pray/whatever on what made you fail and seek the strength to overcome it next time.
why would he mention the hand doing general evilness, just after mentioning looking and lusting at a woman tho?
I compulsively counted days in the past.
Couldnt last more than a few days.
On every day 4 like a clock I remember getting a mind rush passively telling me cmon dude its been a while uve regenerated time to blow it.

Ever since i stopped counting days its become much easier.

Yes, you can channel while gooning and manifest shit but thats nothing compared to the price you pay in the end.
The older I get, the more I notice that while on longer streaks, I can feel less physical pains in my body.
Whilst in practice of perma gooning, I feel like a nigger corpse fucking dead like rodkill decomposing mentally and physically.
I am convinced gooning and porn in general has deep roots in rly evil shit that I dont understand and simply dont wanna fuck with anymore. Call it demons call it whatever u want its simply evil. It is very real.
Purposefully avoiding porn is essential.

Ive realized that Ive been using porn to purposefully try and an hero myself in a sense.
Its the greatest dampener I could inflict upon myself without actually jumping off a bridge.

My hardcore porn addicted gooner days are over.
You could say I am slowly growing out of it.
I mean, after so much fucking trial and error, only a fucking retard wouldn't realize something's off.

Also yeah, if u rly wanna make it, quit 4chan. Shills build up on ur subconscious and guarantee eventual slip back into the black hole. 4chan is not as bad as porn but it is very familiar with it and will very easily lead to it.

Nofap / SR, whatever u wanna call it is magic and we all know it.
Accept the gift and keep it to yourself.
bro this site is fuckjng doomed
>900 sec wait for a post or verify email
bye bye for a long while again
fuck trannies fuck jannies fuck kikes fuck niggers and most of all fuck shills.
My prolonged streak seem to bring the demons lurking in my soul to the forefront, one by one. I have dealt and been done with many.

But my biggest demon right now, is the need to be needed or to matter to someone emotionally it always get's me entangled in difficult situation, that challenge my boundaries, it tends to be damaged deeply broken people, because I feel i can more easily matter to them. but then... I also realize it will a burden in the long run and I feel it is deeply wrong to get too close to them.
I tried to help someone I felt deeply connected too, with their vices and demons, but I realized I can't help them and when I actually give them the emotional support they need, they will push me away the next day. I feel it is patterns like these that keep me in a cycle of distractions, like I am not moving forward.

I must address this demon, but i often feel overwhelmed when I get the sense to truly connect to someone when they are vulnerable with me (yes these things also made me question my orientation as I feel like i can heartfelt love any gender this way, which made me also struggle with guilt and confusion)

Please if someone has any suggestions to get rid of this weakness, this demon, this need to belong to a human on a very deep level (potentially damaging my relations to my spirituality)... please tell me. This struggle makes me more and more emotional unstable, makes me obsess over people with a lot of vices and so on.
Maybe I am just running away from a deep sense of loneliness I don't know.

So please anons help me, any suggestion is welcome.
I lost the ability to ejaculate after 9 months of semen retention. I can’t really maintain a strong erection either. How do I unfuck myself?
>He immediately fell for the first succubus
Don’t return to it.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Murder, stealing, abuse, creating idols, destroying precious objects, and mockery.
It is but a very difficult thing to do, indeed, to be able to control one thoughts.
I never manage to do such a thing with the mind of mine. But to tell the truth in all its light, I never wished to impose such a way on my thinking, for it would be to restrictive.
Perhaps it is a good thing to recognize lustful imagery in thy imagination and cast them away at once. In the point of view that is mine, only intentions and actions are perilous. Maybe, nonetheless, too much arousing daydreams can manifest in thy actions...
How do you know it if you really lost it?
Anyone who retained for that long knows that wet dreams come eventually and also know that those wet dreams are not full ejaculations with sperm but merely vesicular fluids ejected to clear the way.

Elementary, my dear anon. That's a shill.
i just relapsed and i do not feel good.

i feel like social media and such things have been hijacked to drive man towards spilling his seed

i need to reconnect with myself. i have done myself a disservice with this.
Maybe seek a local community you can be a part of, that way you can get and give help as a group and you won't suffer too much of a blowback from taking on tough cases you can't manage. Like a church group or volunteer group or a motorcycle club or something.
I'm using SR to build a harem of big natural tits OF/IG models. A rotation of baddies.
I know that feel bro. Nothing to do but to keep trying. Restart the streak and get the momentum going again.
Don't worry, brother. As long as you keep the spirit and the desire to become better, you will always rise from such a minor fall.
Do not torture youself for relapsing. I believe that for the warrior who respects himself, the punishment is the act itself and the realization of having done wrong.
Just stand up and keep going! You can do it!
this disgusting shit helps people to not relapse, cuck faggot
>BBC content
is Methuselah back??
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Of all the languages that exist on this planet over the thousands of years that humanity has been through, anon decided to speak True Fax!
Don't reply to shills, brother. Simply report the spamming and nsfw posts.
Mods are actually doing a great job on /x/ and will delete those evil posters.
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>mfw he's posting the wrong porn and it isn't even phasing me
You're going to have to do better than that, faggot.
what's the sauce on that pic??
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9 days in.
Stay strong, brother.
Love that quote by Miyamoto Musashi, I wish I had a teacher like him to show me the way of the warrior.
Hell yeah motherfucker.
May we all prosper on this road less traveled.
No you didn't do nine months and no you didn't lose the ability to ejaculate or get a boner, you're a lying shill, probably a jew. You know what's not a lie? Everyone hates jews and their wickedness kiss your ass goodbye kike
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The fearlessness that the warrior mindset brings is essential to the path. SR/ nofap is key to fostering this. Out of all the spiritual practices I've engaged in, SR is the most powerful, and a foundation stone of all other practices, whether meditation, prayer or even physical.
In penis, unity.
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When does Jesus kill the Shill that makes children do bad things?
>New run starts now.
That's the spirit. You're already 6 hours in.
i’ve figured it out.

whenever you have urges, realize you have been trapped. realize in that moment you are limited. realize you are restricted.

however, the reality is that you are of something beyond any limits. you are from the infinite.

the inner self is the true reality. the inner self is the reality you come from.

the inner self has no limits. the inner self is the infinite, sprawling reality from which everything arises.

man used to be in constant harmony with the true reality. however we live in a time where we have forgotten our infinite selves.

realize that porn is a psyop to keep you from realizing your true nature. porn hijacks your natural desires to keep you from looking within. when you look within and you are in union with the true existence, they lose control over you. these are the times we live in.

once you are in union with the infinite reality, porn has no effects on you. desires go from being violently suppressed to being naturally dissolved by the infinite.

this is the true nature of reality upon man was in constant union with. these principles were as natural as existing.

in the times we live in, this is not the case. however we are coming out of these times.

take a deep breath, pay attention to your inner world.

realize that you are from something far greater than you could ever imagine.
Unironically, why do people ITT have to make grand speeches about not masturbating? Like >>39651706, or >>39650381? You are not fighting the devil for the soul of humanity here, you're refusing to touch your dick.

Don't get me wrong, your goal is noble and there is and should be a sense of purity in mastering ones urges, but are you people not self-aware enough to hear how insanely cringe this shit sounds?
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youre ignorant
My true nature is “That’s not mine. She’s worthless.”
In this image are three dummies.
Watched some porn today but didnt cum. Now my balls hurt.
>You are not fighting the devil for the soul of humanity
Or so the Devil has you believe.
>you people
>a foundation stone of all other practices
I think that's the truth the shills are so afraid of.
Without SR you are doomed to become the demons cum carpet like the late Crowley.
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Anyone here picked up a martial art practice to help keep your mind focus? I want to go to a dojo but fuck paying a monthly fee. How far can you get just reading books and practicing the moves on your own?
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I renounce everything that I said before, taking cum up the ass is the way for the fullest of semen retention. Once I have over 6,000,000 mL of cum, Ill be able to afford a tripcode and become Mega Faggot, Lord of the Cum.
Just pay the fee. It's worth it.
Any tips on finding an actual dojo and avoiding a McDojo>
Looks like I triggered a demon of sodomy to larp as me. Tee hee.
Also, 6,000,000
>six zeros
You beings can’t help yourselves with your symbolisms.
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I experienced a real succubus
When I was in highschool I was practicing sexual alchemy, before I learned about God and Jesus
I would retain and one day I saw a girl pitch black that looked like kim kardashian, wide hips long hair and long nails, she floated infront of me and I thought different ways she could look and she morphed, pitch black as in blacker than night. She turned into an anime girl, then bob hair type girl, then into my crush (back then i was in highschool and that same girl ended up asking me out a year later)

i started floating in the air, not sure if it was a dream or not and she had sex with me and i was paralyzed.
the next day i woke up happy thinking i made the full alchemical ritual, there were nail marks on my back and my ballsack looked like an old mans droopy and empty but i felt very happy

about 4 years later when I went to college I learned about succubus in the Bible, and I understood I worked for a demon in that time and that demon came to collect

weeks after I had that experience I also heard a girl giggling in my ear right before going to sleep and it would scare the shit out of me I would jump up because I knew it wasnt my thought but some external thought in my brain

I heard giggles and only once ever heard moaning, but sometimes I could feel something scratch my thigh in the morning, and have also felt my penis stroked, and felt cold wet tongue, but when I look theres nothing there

Repent of these demons, I was a fool for studying magic as a kid, having a succubus in world of warcraft, always playing a mage character in video games

that demon is right there and it can only get to you if you allow it to
The Bible says Satan is the ruler of the world, that is why he tempts Jesus Christ with the kingdoms of the world, and many other verses.
>Evil needs control, good gives choice
This is why any evil character forces people to be good, yet good characters allow people to be evil. This is the nature of God and Satan.

To answer your question, if anyone were able to be pure their entire life they would be above the laws of God, which every human has failed. This is why Jesus was above the laws of God because he did not fail, and as every sin deserves death, the one that got the worse death committed no sin, he cracked the laws.
In terms of the matrix or something else he literally won the game yet chose the worst fate possible being the designer of the game that could change the rules instantly. So that everyone that loses can look at the perfect one and see he "lost" worse than you even though he played it perfect
> To answer your question, if anyone were able to be pure their entire life they would be above the laws of God,
No. The angels are normally like this and they never go above the rules. Neither does Jesus.
Romans 3:23
King James Version
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Yet angels are not perfect, because a third sinned and followed lucifer.
Angels are who God manufactured to serve him and carry out his command, we are like his children who serve him from obedience and love. Like an employee vs a child.

Jesus went above the rules because he reframed them:

21 Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:

22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Matthew 5:21-22 KJV

The only one that can make the rules is the one that is above them.

Jesus also says if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart.
If it's mostly males, with few or no women or children.
Anon, no.
Jesus didn’t cheat the system. He was sent here to honor it and give inheritance to his children who were born a virus.
The only two people I doubt to deserve salvation is Adam and Eve. They more like beings that were spared because of how it would apply to you and I. Cause he can see the future clearly. Performing miracles out of that knowledge the demons are desperate to replicate.
wtf are you saying, speak clearly
Jesus didn't "cheat the system"
he is here to fulfill the Biblical ideas:
-Every man sins
-Everyone has failed God's laws and must die

Jesus did not sin, and yet he died

It's not cheating the system, it's God using the devil's own prosecutor like law, against him, as we see in the book of Job. Or as we see prophesied in Genesis

Why would Adam not deserve salvation?

1 Timothy 2:14
King James Version
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Timothy 2:14

You likely have sinned worse that Adam and Eve

>They more like beings that were spared because of how it would apply to you and I. Cause he can see the future clearly. Performing miracles out of that knowledge the demons are desperate to replicate.

I don't really get what your saying
But we use iPhones with bitten apples that represent the original sin
Adam and Eve had barely any knowledge, they heard God's voice, and then a serpant.
We know 60+ books by God about sin, from Joseph to Jonah, Jesus and Peter and more.

Adam and Eve didn't know anything, we know far more and yet we sin far worse

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