Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:>Recommended /div/ links and books:>MEGA with Divination Books:>Guides made by some of our readers:/div/ starter spreads:'s tarot and rune guide:' revised divination guide: compiled Rider Waite card explanation>Useful tips before posting:•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right/wrong.Previous Thread: >>39625806
No idea why the last one archived so fast.
AQDid I manage to throw yesterday's stalker off my trail?
Trading demon
AQWhat is something I need to be told?
>>39631921>>39631846I'll trade you guys, what's your Queries?Mine is, will my letters send successfully, or should I just send the new one?
>>39632142Mine is: Will she be faithful?
>>39632151queen of swords, four of wands, 5 of swordssimple answer, if going by these cards, no
>>39631680Sun r, Fool rYou need to focus more on your life projects. Stop procastinating here.>>3963178510 of cups r, Emperor r, Knight of wandsSomething else caught his attention. It doesn't really look like you can shake this one off though.>>39632074Empress r, 3 of swords, Lovers rYou really need to release your pent up sexual energy.
>>39632161can we trade or could you AQ me? what might N think of my letter that I'm about to send him?
AQWas that injury caused by her?
>>39632142I'm the demonic one. I'll be brief because I'm at work but this is pressing and really important.Have I done enough to destroy my [self-proclaimed] enemies?Your Q?
>>39632142Page of cups 2 of pentacles King of pentacles They’ll send successfully >>39632156Can you explain your interpretation of these cards? Just curious
AQHow much will my health concerns hold me back from making progress?
>>39632181>Have I done enough to destroy my [self-proclaimed] enemies?King of Wands, 3 of Pentacles, 9 of PentaclesYes, but the results are going to take a while to come to fruition My Q is should I be trusting my intuition?
>>39632188thanks :) yes I'll explain in the next post
>>39632188>Can you explain your interpretation of these cards?queen of swords, four of wands, 5 of swordswell you asked if she'd be faithful, and the queen of swords coming out really seemed to represent her. notoriously, the queen is cold and frigid, there's nothing "emotional" there, which came across as lacking loving feelings in this connection, or at least, the inability to feel guilt if they're unfaithful. the swords are sharp and can be used to slice/sever ties and connections. that ties in with the 5 of swords, which is a card I've always associated with a broken relationship, a third party, and even cheating. the 4 of wands came across as the relationship where the cheating could occur. definitely use your own intuition, but that's what I got from the cards
TradingWhat will L think of me by February?
AQIs the reception to my game, once released, going to be enough to help me to stop overthinking myself into feelings like I am irredeemable and that killing myself is the only escape from the pain?
>>39632193>Page of Cups, 2 of Cups, Page of Wands, Devil, High PriestessI would say for the most part you could. Objectively speaking your intuition is right but you also like to spice things up a little.The devil paired with the high priestess is letting us know your intuition is high but needs more cleansing and objectivity.
>>39632193>results are going to take a whileThat's good all things considered, I'm not really fond of curses and hexes but these people "Shot" their own occult stuff first so I'm just retaliating to pacify this whole mess.
>>39632161>785>something else caught his attention>can't shake this one offThat seems contradictory. Do you mean he got interest in someone else? Or did he notice something about me that will make him keep trying?
AQWhen will I ever need to work with Sb again?
>>39632260>temperance, le monde, 10 de coupesThe public release will moderate your feelings and bring some happiness and closure, yes. You bring your art to the world and the waters you hold settle back at the very bottom of things where they belong, some part of it is bottled and given away. That is the part that relates to others.
>>39632364Thank you very much.The story I am telling, and stories I hope to continue to tell, are very personal to my heart. Half of it is that I just want the world to know my side of events I was never allowed to tell as per a personal vindication, and half of it is that I want to let people in similar positions to me know that it's okay and that they don't need to live their lives in misery.So this reading is incredibly reassuring to me. I appreciate you picking up my AQ.
AqWill i meet the love of my life this year? What should i do to meet her?Also, will i get a New job in april with my dad?
AQWill he add me on whatsapp?
>>39632429is you last name C?
I'm looking for someone with the last name that start with C"He will break through the bumps on the after stumbling for a seemingliy uncomfortable amount of time">>39632520alrighty
AQWhat will help me change my perspective on nothing in this town being of value to me?
Real psychics/diviners/mages of /x/, reveal yourselves!
>>39632559why? for yet more hurrdurr next gf? pass
>>39632565No not for that, not for anything love related actually
>>39632567Then air query and get ignored like everyone else.You just want a pussy-pass bitch.
>>39632559right upper thigh, what's that? near groin
>>39632660My right or yours?
>>39632670i'm looking down so they're both the samehairy ass mf
>>39632700Indeed I am, there's nothing on my right thigh though
trading about a girl
If anyone is interested in a celtic cross tarot reading I'll do one for them.
>>39632731sure, hit me. do I need anything to ask anything?if so: outcome with the whom I currently am making an effort not to talk to.
>>39632731can I get one for my 2025 please?captcha w08w
>>39632714not necessarily on the surface; touch around, maybe get checked idkmaybe it's not now? maybe it will beyou'll make a post about it when you find out but i won't be here to read it
>>39632731How are my finances looking in the near future? Can this be answered with this spread?
>>39632744I got something weird in my left pocket, thought maybe that's what you meant lol
>>39632731This please>>39632191
>>39632832what's yours?
>>39632731I would like to ask how my career will go during 2025 if possible? I'm something of an e-celeb.
>>39632731I'm interested. I'd like a love general, if you could.
>>39632731love life in 2025, please. Am single.
>>39632735Your cards were >1. Ace of swords >2. 5 of cups >3. 8 of pentacles >4. Death >5. Knight of swords >6. The lovers >7. The tower >8. Knight of wands >9. 6 of wands >10. The hanged manBased on the hang man you will approach the situation with discernment. The lovers indicates that reconciliation is on the horizon; but the tower tells us that you do not wish for reconciliation at this time. Death indicates that a change in heart is your only tool at hand.
>>39632731is my shoulder healing?
>>39632925what does that mean? That even though I don't want them in my life anymore they're gonna come back like the world's shittiest boomerang?
>>39632731Sure! What’s up with my final grade as a C? It happened last month and I’m still pissed off that my professor gave me that grade.
>>39632743Your cards >1. 8 of swords >2. Death >3. 6 of swords >4. 5 of swords >5. 4 of pentacles >6. King of cups >7. 2 of wands >8. 10 of cups >9. 4 of swords >10. 7 of pentacles The cards in this reading are exceedingly unclear. It appears you have many options before you. Let's begin with the 10 of cups, those around you will experience felicity and contentment of the heart. Death indicates that change is an obstacle for you. The two of wands tells us that you either regard yourself with great esteem or are despondent regarding your situation, perhaps both at varying times. The king of cups indicates that a man will enter your life that is beneficent and well disposed towards you. The 4 of pentacles would indicate that you're currently incredibly possessive of your personal belongings. The 5 of swords indicates that you have nefarious means at your disposale, and they may be the most efficient means of resolving situations throughout the year.
>>39632957Yes, you'll likely be present with an opportunity(s) at reconciliation with them it's up to you to decide how that goes.
throwing this out there because I feel lost about it.I am a musician... I used to perform. Now I just produce music solo and so far after 37 albums nothing has gained any traction. I also animate things and host a community for voice acting related to said animations. I try my best to uplift people and encourage creativity. Also, I do some coding/game-design.When will my career begin to actually help me out? Will my legacy matter? Is it all for nothing?Am I just doomed to be unseen/dismissed forever and never being good enough?
>>39633069That's unironically the bane of artists. Everything you do in this life will only become unvaluable when you die.
>>39633030that's lame. They hurt me too much, they don't get to be forgiven by me
>>39633116How do I kill my insecurities and gain the confidence I want? Yours?
>>39632731Is Steve someone i can trust and go into business with?
>>39632758Yes it can, your cards are.>1. Death >2. The hanged man >3. 5 of pentacles >4. The Hierophant >5. Page of pentacles >6. 7 of wands >7. 9 of cups >8. Queen of cups >9. Justice>10. Temperance Temperance indicates that you will circumspection, frugality, and thrift. The 7 of wands indicates that you will be successful, but it may be a hard road with some set backs; don't expect easy goings on your current path. Death indicates change is on your mind/occurring currently in your life, while the hanged man indicates that you may not be approaching your finances with the best judgment at the moment. The Hierophant indicates that you may have recourse to a fruitful alliance.
>>39632731How do I cultivate a happy / healthy long term relationship / marriage with my current S/O?
>>39632787I did a simple yes no question, phrased as such "will anon's health issues hold back progress". Your card was. >1. 5 of wands Yes, your health concerns will hold you back, but you will make progress nevertheless, and ultimately achieve your goals. Sorry, I'm not sure your original question can be answered by the cross without more intimate details.
>>39633143Cultivate a strong emotional foundation by embracing adaptability, trusting your intuition, and prioritizing open, harmonious communication over external validation or control.
>>39633198Thank you so much kind friend
>>39633222Thank you for taking the time to read on this. Trips checked. Both of us have some issues with insecurity and have been burned in the past. Can you possibly go into a little more depth with this added context?
>>39632731I have been keeping a story I want to write in my head for a while now, and I'm curious to know how it would be received.I'd also like to know if I should try learning some drawing skills to make it into a web comic instead of a light novel
>>39632855Your cards >1. 5 of cups >2. 7 of swords >3. 8 of wands >4. Page of swords >5. 10 of cups >6. The Hierophant >7. Judgement >8. 2 of wands >9. King of cups >10. Ace of pentacles The ace of pentacles indicates that you'll meet with happiness and success. The heriophant hints at possible alliances in the future, possible collabs with other e-celebs? Despite the ace of pentacles the 7 of swords would indicate that you have misguided ideas on how to grow your celebrity/subscriber count. The 5 of cups would indicate that you feel dissatisfied with where you're at currently, while the ten of cups would indicate that you've already achieved a modicum of success that you should take joy in.
Hi everyone, good morning.
>>39633287Good morning. Hope you’re having a good day. I’m half way through my work day and am very excited to go home to my girlfriend.
>>39633069**This is the only reading I have time for at the moment, sorry Anons**An important type of person over the years, you have a relationship with cash. Hello, see how your character changed with you internal? Musician, another voice enters, you deserve open hands, carry a recent sound, electrical sound, it is persistent, reality is developments inevitably, see what I give you, just speak up, this is the Divination result, I have to step away, reading for personal endeavors for now. There are many, a collective, they hear you. There is a chance. I am done, will it help? Absolutely, Yes.Stichomancy Divination 1/14/25 *Anon, keep plugging away at something "recent" you have been creating. I think the rest of the reading is pretty straightforward. Hope this resonates, Peace Anon...captcha 2xYJ**I am out of time for now**
>>39633287Mörgen Had panettone with yoghurt
>>39633257Moonstone:Moonstone whispers that it’s okay to ebb and flow like the tides. It knows the pull of insecurity and fear of losing stability, but it teaches patience with emotional chaos. Fragility isn’t weakness—it’s the birthplace of connection. You’re allowed to need comfort.Frog:The Frog sings a cleansing anthem: “Let it go—shed the stories that trap you.” It knows the weight of thoughts like “I’m not enough” or “this will end in pain.” The Frog invites you into renewal, where doubts dissolve and affirmations rise: "I am safe. I am loved. I am worthy." Through adaptable dialogue, you detox old wounds and speak new truths.Aquamarine:Aquamarine hums with oceanic calm. When fears resurface, it reminds you to breathe. Emotional security isn’t built in urgency but in soft, steady reassurances—a touch, a glance, gentle words instead of sharp reactions. Love can be serene and steady.Score Breakdown:Terra (1): Your roots may feel loose at times, but that doesn’t mean you’ll fall. Create grounding rituals—a shared song, morning coffee, whispered promises: “We’re still here.”Sol (2): Self-expression is like a shy flame. Small acts of bravery—sharing a fear or a simple "I love you"—build trust without grand gestures.Luna (4): You both crave validation and reassurance. Don’t hide from that—it’s your heartbeat. Emotional presence strengthens your bond.Mercurius (5): Your strength lies in open, adaptive communication. Speak truths before shadows grow, even in quiet moments.This journey is about shedding old armor and learning to trust that you’re safe in this love. You’re not just surviving—you’re creating a home where your vulnerabilities can breathe and your hearts thrive.
>>39633302Thank you.
anyone trading atm?
>>39633287I hope you are well. What has your morning been like thus far? Have you gone anywhere? Had any genuine smiles?
>>39633326I am
>>39633313Wow this was so beautiful and made me feel closer to my partner. I have a really good feeling about her and believe this can go all the way and I really hope it does. Thanks so much. If you want to trade or anything I’m around
>>39633336what’s your Q
>>39633431Just a general for 2025 would be nice, yours?>>39633347it was my pleasure.
>>39633441Mine is: would Rx be dtf now that I’m single?
>>39633291Justice, four of swords, strengthYou might face some unfair situations or notice some things that shouldn't be happening at all, you'll suddenly become extra aware of your environment. "You cannot heal in the environment where you got sick". If there's something bothering you, be patient for a little longer, a safer option/place/whatever for you is still in process of being created.>>39633293Thanks, have a good shift!Ace of cups, page of pentacles, page of cupsYou two seem like a positive relationship, a balanced one. If there's enough balance and trust, you can even start a little business together, or just a little project. Something that keeps you busy but creative AND gives you money at the same time. For some reason I saw a couple cooking together a good amount of food to sell.>>39633312Hallo, mein Schatzi.Knight of pentacles, three of pentacles, eight of swordsI feel some sort of confusion here, like you should meet people that can help you grow in a profesional way but to keep it just there: profesional, to not expose yourself too much or you can just end up damaging your reputation and self perception. I think it's just basic be nice and friendly but stay away from gossip and people who don't really do their job. >>39633327Busy, this new job keeps me busy and I've probably cried more times than smiled in these first 14 days of 2025. What about you?Lovers, Death, SunDo not tolerate things that you wouldn't like for yourself, in any kind of level. If something feels forced or maybe you're idealizing things too much stop it right there. Whatever needs to die, let it die and don't cling to any sort of idealization, put your feet on the ground, and if there's stuff you don't like and cannot be worked on let it be. Stop holding onto things that are hurting you, if they leave is to make space for something better.
>>39633492>293Thanks! I really love her and I think she might be the one
>>39633481The scores in Luna and Sol seem to imply, ye -- or at least there is a potential.
>>39633287Good morning !!! Can you help me understand why I got a C for my final grade? I got it last month and I am so confused about why? I’ve improved and did submitted multiple works. My friend got a B while she didn’t have multiple works for the final. I just feel it’s unfair from that professor lol.
>>39633287Good morning :)
what do you anons think of my custom cards
>>39633556The backings reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh haha
>>39633576It's time to D-d-d-d-d-divinate
>>39633556Those are pretty cool. Do you read with them?
>>39633584sometimes when i close my eyes and think about certain things i see images in a cone at the center of the darkness, is that me scrying?
>>396334414 of Cups 2 of Cups Rx King of Pentacles Judgement RxNot much going on emotionally or in relationships but you’ll still enjoy yourself and make progress in career/material things, your intuition will be misplaced and you’ll have to rely on external help quite a bit
>>39633287Hey Kochka, the day is good for sure. Randomly met someone the night before who's as interested in astrology as I am, hopefully something nice comes out of it if we keep chatting :)What sort of job is your new one if it makes you cry? :( If you don't mind me asking. Usually the stresses get a little bit easier once you get in the groove, you can do it!
>>39633633sometimes>>39633637heh... Thanks progress in material and career sound good for this year desu... not so sure on that relying on external help thing tho but ye thanks
>>39633287What's good anon, I hope you're doing well and having a good day! I don't know if you're open to reading for everyone but just in case - Could you tell me if NUH will ever start a conversation with me again? Whether you take this reading it or not, best wishes and have a blessed week.
>>39633287Morning! =^-^=
>>39633556Very nice. Do you need test subjects? :)
>>39633928What will happen between me and K in the next three weeks? Yours?>>39633931Query?
>>39633947>928Would Rx be dtf now that I’m single? Would pursuing something with them be a bad idea?
>>39633955starting !>>39633981any romance at my next job? you're up next
>>39634031Should I text T when I'm in town on Thursday?
>>39634040What will my coworkers at A think of me ? Starting
>>39633955waiting on you now, I'll post when I see mine. I don't tradecuck.>>39633981I'll start yours right now
AQI just had a dream that I was watching this airplane with a crowd of people that was flying weirdly in the sky going in odd patterns before it finally fell onto the ground and blew up. I was in this nook a bit below ground level and appeared to be safe from it. What would that dream mean?
>>39634050ace of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, deathThey'll pretty much think well of you as long as you're a hard and successful worker who makes the business money. It seems like this is kind of a competitive job, is this a sales position? Whatever it is, they need someone who can pick up the pace and is kind of shrewd and theyre not really interested in socializing, just getting paid. Sounds like it kinda sucks if you're hoping for a chill environment, but if you just wanna work then it'll be good
>>39633947World 6 of Cups 8 of Swords All reversedProgress will be halted, my guess is you’ve struck a good shot at them but you’re gonna lord over that past moment instead of building over it, you’re at a risk of losing your momentum if you don’t become more active in pursuing them
Is anyone trading right now or are we just tradecucking ?
>>39634080No they're really sick at the moment actually I met them yesterday and they have COVID. Thanks.>>39633955>Ace of Wands Rev >Three of Wands >Seven of Coins RevNot a good option. It might seem like so at first but nothing can really come out of this. They might not just be down to fuck and they might actually want more than this. That's what that seven of coins means to me here.
>>39634040three of cups sun six of wands Go for it, seems like it'll be good.>>39634078good enough, thanks
AQNext work??
>>39634176Will I work at A or N this year? you?
AQIs healthcare still the industry for me, or do I need a course correction?
>>39634180What’s my future look like at my current company? Starting
Train today?
Could someone answer a simple question about tarot reading. Do i need to shuffle half my cards in upside down? Wont that give me negative readings?
>>39634229eight of wands reversed - hanged man - two of swords - six of swords You'll have a choice to make but not soon. The choice will be either between stagnation at your current job or finding something else but you won't see much change in your position for a while.
>>39634264How does P feel about me?
>>39633492>291thanksI fucked up my knee twice within the past month. I'm really in a lot of pain right now.
>>39634285this one >>39634180since anon is a tradecucking faggot starting yours but post first
>>39634304>N10 of Wands and Queen of Swords>AThe Moon and King of PentaclesI think A is the more likely one and the one you should focus towards, N seems like a nightmare to work at
>>39634336 thank you>>39634285P sees a good future with you but they feel like something about you might tie them of swords-eight of swords
>>39634420How's it going to continue for me in my current relationship? I'm a maleYour Q?
>>39634433What will happen between me and K in february? starting
>>39634456Starting yours too
>>39634456>Eight of Pentacles, High Priestess, The World>Page of SwordsI'd say the male (K?) in this spread is represented by Eight of Pentacles and so on his part there will be some ongoing work while the female here is more of an idealist and not as concerned with practical matters. There is harmony between the two of you, so it is likely that you two will get much closer together, and get to know each other better. Only positive news as far as I can see.
>>39634483K is the female actually>>39634433Empress/Four of Wands/Ten of CupsAre you worried about something? Because I'm only seeing very good things here and indicators of things lasting, even indicating marriage.
>>39634530>Are you worried about something?Yeah, it's long distance and I don't think the two of us will stay together even though things are going well.
>>39634545well you'll be okay but maybe you think it's not tenable so you end things
AQHow will my (M25) relationship with D (F24) develop in the short term? I am a bit skeptical about her intentions.
>>39634692Now that it's been a year since we've talked, how does V feel about me?you?
>>39634265You can choose to read reversals or not, I think it's bad practice but I can't stop you if you choose to. Flipped cards just happen as a consequence of certain ways of shuffling, though you can adjust how you shuffle to avoid that happening.
>>39634720Any romance for me at my next job? Starting
>>39634734six of pents, king of swords, queen of cups, strength r, nine of cupsYou may have a romance at your next job that forms between you and someone kind and nurturing. They will think you have an air of stoic mystery around you and this will be attractive to them, but I don't think foundation will be very strong as they seem to be idealizing you here quite a bit and projecting qualities you don't actually have onto you because it's what they want in a person. Regardless though, the relationship will be nice while it lasts and the two of you will be incredibly happy together.
>>39634720four of cupsnine of cups three of swords rxthey don't seem to be all that fixated on you at all. they are valuing their independence much more and are very much over whatever it is happened between you two. so no thoughts really about you.
>>39634784thank you, sad but i cant blame them
>>39634731>You can choose to read reversals or not, I think it's bad practicenta, but why do you think its bad practice? A friend of mine who also reads feels the same way and doesn't read reversals
>>39634869diff anon but i read them because i don't intend to let the cards flip, so if they flipped themselves then there's a reason for that.
If I am the hanged man in reverse who should I evolve into? What do I have the time to evolve into?
>>39634863a lot of reads point towards a next gf at my next job, could you describe her or her appearance if possible? yours?
>>39634886in about 8 months time, what kind of person will my online audience see me as?starting
Practicing reader hereLooking to trade but I can do a few AQ's. My first question is sex related if its ok.
>>39634886king of cups, four of swords, four of cups r, queen of pents, knight of pentsShe's a pretty down to earth type of person. She's tomboyish in appearance, but she looks really good, almost princely in a way. She doesn't wear makeup, I think she just finds it a hassle, but she may worry about her appearance sometimes and if she's wasting her youth or something. Despite her tomboyish appearance though, her personality is pretty feminine and she's a gentle person. She's very slow moving, she's not impulsive, she values taking time to make solid decisions so she doesn't have regrets, but four of cups reversed makes me think that this turns into a fault with some severe overthinking. It may ultimately be bad anxiety that causes her to be this way, but she masks it well.
>>39634932is my shoulder healing?
>>39634869Because the cards have their own meaning already and a different orientation shouldn't make any difference, so it's just unnecessary. Doubling the number doesn't add any clarity. It seems to be more the product of excessive positivity in interpreting spreads so someone arbitrarily decided "reversed" cards must "flip" the meaning in order to add some contrast to the gushy and soft "normal" readings.
>>39634932what will my valentine's day be like?
>>39634901queen of swords five of wands rx fool They'll see you as someone accomplished who's overcome a lot of hardship and with a lot of potential and room to grow. Someone who's poised to become something much larger.
>>39634932Was that what she wanted?
>>39634971thank uutrade again?
>>39635006yes query? mine is how long will this relationship last ? more than six months? a year?
>>39635056how much discussion online will my work drum up by the end of 2025?starting
>>39634694ᛦ, merkstave, and ᚦ, uprightYou're correct that it doesn't look good here and now, this woman is immodest, possibly vulnerable to perversions or prone to cheating.She will try to disrespect you, and you're supposed to stand up for yourself and show your confidence as soon as she starts shit-testing you and checking how masculine you really are.Don't let her intimidate you.Whether it's best to re-educate her into a more wholesome attitude or to break up with her is your choice, depending on the impression you have of her after your coming confrontation
AQ>Male>GeminiWill I eventually be a father?
>>39634932Will I find something worthy to live for, in 2025?
AQWhy is H (M) and H (F) still together?
>>39635084tower rx three of coinspage of swordsA fair amount but probably not as much as you'd hope. You'll have a lot of people reaching out to collaborate and learn more about what you do
aqis A my next long term job? as in i'll be there for more than two years?
>>39635056the high priestess, queen of wands, ace of cups, four of cuprs r, nine of swordsI think it'll last at least 3 months, but it gets a bit shakier after that, I think she's a bit immature emotionally and keeps up a facade of looking mature, but she tends to get kinda bitchy when her feelings are hurt? But she might suck at communication bc she has anxiety. There's a lot of potential here, but it seems to mostly be potential and a lot of it is up in arms and how you're able to handle navigating her issues.
>>39635089omg hi rune anon yayyyyy are you taking queries?Can I ask for a message from my ancestors please?
>>39635117thanks anoni am kinda egotistical sometimes so it makes sense hahahalast trade?
>>39635091ᚴ, upright.Yes, you very much can continue your kin if that's your wish. For that to happen, you should continue to develop your personality and your personal talents, as well as try to keep away from negative people that could sabotage your morale and siphon your attention away from rewarding and fruitful activities (such as making money, expanding your social network, discovering new hobbies).Stay focused.
>>39635148ᛋ, upright.Your duty is to take good care of yourself and people you care about. You have the chance to make the difference between victory and defeat in their lives, and you also retain the opportunity to exercise your free will in your own life, without succumbing to pre-existing deterministic forces that would otherwise have the last word in matters concerning your life.Whatever you have your eyes on right now can ultimately lead to victory, you just need to let inspiration guide you. The situation is not hopeless, but you need to focus on the objective and not let your ego get in the way, adopt a big-tent approach when it comes to dealing with potential allies.
>>39635172Will I be a father?
>>39635220Hi rune anon, what do I need to focus on the most right now?
>>39635220thank you <3 this makes a lot of sense. i appreciate it runey
>>39635220rune anon, whats the best way for me to overcome lust?
>>39635220Hello anon! I hope you're doing well :]I don't know if you're taking queries but could you do this one for me?>>39633736
>>39635172Rune anon, may I also ask a query? Some people have told me that others will be interested in collaborating with me later this year, can I ask what types of collabs will be offered to me?also can i ask a personal question, why do you come here and give readings?
>>39635223ᚾ, upright, and ᛘ, merkstave.That's probably not going to occur, seemingly because you wasted some good opportunities to be one in the past, and the portal doesn't seem to be open anymore.You may have missed out on the right occasion due to certain improper energies that characterised the environment you were raised in. Could be a disfunctional family or bad company, or both. In other words, the game may have been rigged a long time ago.You're welcome to try anyway if you wish, but I doubt much wwill come out of it. In turn, you should understand that not all failures are your own fault, so you should be ready to accept that this frustration isn't meant to be a matter of life and death>>39635236ᚩ, upright.You have been feeling stuck in a certain situation for long enough, and your strongest wish right now is to figure out how to break free from it, no matter how strongly you may have identified with the present circumstances in the recent past.Some people could help you out if only you were to reach out to them, and for this to occur you need to be more open and talkative, but not necessarily pretend to be happy when you're in fact struggling in some way. People who are capable of helping you out will also accept you as you are, without any need for posturing and embellishments.Some idea you have had in mind for a while requires further nurturing to be completed, but once it has grown past a certain stage, it's bound to reward you and make your day>>39635242ᚾ, upright, and ᛘ, upright.What you call lust is simply the byproduct of a healthy young body, and there's only this much you can do to contain it right now. You are definitely supposed to exercise self-restraint around others, but aside from what etiquette and customs impose, you cannot turn yourself into an asexual being at will.You're meant to get engaged at some point, but your would-be partner cannot materialise herself into your life yet, so hold the line a bit longer
>>3963531942 that's reassuring, i hope im mature enough and mentally strong when i meet her.
>>39633736ᛅ, upright.Yes, it may happen, and in fact the bond between you two could grow considerably deep, if you're just willing to be completely honest and loyal to this person.You are supposed to reassure them in some way, because so far they have failed to grasp how serious you are being about this whole thing. Don't give up too quickly and try to handle this whole thing as graciously as possible, as soon as an opening presents itself.>>39635246Gibor.This will be some collaborator you are going to feel comfortable about sharing secrets with, any sort of sensitive information. Don't worry, you aren't going to be backstabbed with a leak of any sort. In fact, this person wishes to earn your trust to become something of a lifelong friend, and they have some proposals to make in regard to the nature of the project, possibly because they have some great ideas they'd rather not try to develop all on their own.>why do you come here and give readings?Why not? If people wish to buy, someone had better be selling
>>39635319>223Feh, I make my own path.
>>39634993>The Star, The Fool, The ChariotLooks like a big yes to me anon.
>>39635527Awful but thank you.
>>39635407Hi again anon! I thought they found me unimportant and wanted to forget about me or had already done so, but the result of your divination got me by surprise. I hope I can get them understand what I felt. Thank you for the reading, I wish you well :]
Aq>male>virgoWill i get a gf soon? Where? In the gym? In the church? In the Subway? No where?
>>39635626ᛘ & ᚴ, upright.Yes, soon enough.You are going to meet either at work or during your free time, as long as it's an activity that a girl would find potentially interesting and worthy of respect, in that it's somehow connected to your talents. Could even be your church, if and only if you go there regularly, know the local folks and participate to their charitable activities.Whatever you do, don't shut yourself inside your bedroom, the world out there may turn out to be surprisingly receptive to your energy if you are simply willing to actually engage with it on a constant basis
>>39635650How would it go if i let K over at my place tonight? I'm a little hesitant. Your Q?
>>39635662Thanks you, runebro, this help me a lot
>>39635681Will I attain victory today or suffer defeat?
>>39635690starting when you confirm
>>39635721>10 of cups, moon rx, worldWell the cards are very clear here that you'll achieve an overwhelming victory and accomplish all the goals you set out for and more but not in the way you were expecting it might even seem like a failure at first but trust that it's for the best. Only good and victory will come out of this confusion.I would type more but the cards just say overall satisfaction and emotional stability from this with some confusion in the middle
>>39635681Judgement, magician, knight of cupsDon't hesitate. You have all the tools at your disposal in this moment. You decide where this will go. Should you let K stay over the outcome can be better than you anticipate
>>39635662Hi, Runeanon! Glad to see uou hereMay I ask for any insight on whether I will succeed manifesting romantic relations with T(female)?
>>39635754Thank you anon. Your read resonates, my intuition has been giving me an identical response. Would you care to trade once more?
>>39635796Yea we can,are we likley to hook up tonight when she get here? your q?
>>39635805i will do a reading with normal standard playing cards im super highly intuitive i swear >:)whats your query?
>>39635857Who do I have a better chance of sleeping with this year? L or V?What's your query?
>>39635836My previous spread appears to to indicate that would be very likely. Still, I will draw another oneWill he honour my request or seek my destruction?Starting
>>396358759 of diamonds, 2 of diamonds, 9 of clubsbottom of deck is 3 of heartsL, V might seem appealing but is probably somewhat shallow. L has a deep and calm attraction most likely and 3 of hearts confirms this.I feel tears of v coming from the 9 of clubs my query is what are some steps i can take to resolve the situation with S?
>>39635886thats ok you don't have to if we're going off ur previous spread.also this is very occult sounding. Who are you working with?>5 of pents rx, 9 of swords, 2 of pents rx, 3 of wands rxWell, it seems like neither really, there are things you have to refine in your request for it to be heard and respected and followed through on. It seems like the way it;s being proposed right now isn't very viable or there are obstacles in the way preventing it from getting done. there are other steps you need to take before making this request. What exactly? Thats for you to figure out.If your working with the Goetia Maybe the spirit your asking is the wrong one, not sure if this is occult or not just a guess
>>39635662Art thou single?
>>39635916thank you>the tower, the hermit and the chariottake a step back, reflect, and seek wisdom before taking action. The outcome looks promising if you remain focused, determined, and willing to move forward with clarity and confidence.
>>39635976thank you, anon
>>39635994Whats your query?
>>39636008if i paid someone to rework my resume would i be more successful in finding a job or is my current one fine? you?
>>39635836King of wands (rev), queen of wands (rev), emperorThe king and queen stand reversed however this does constitute a negative outcome, not with the emperor present.These two souls are inflamed with their own selfish desires. This is about what each wants to to take from the other rather what they can give. It would appear you will sleep together consumed in carnal pleasure to restore one anothers ego
>>39636018>The hermit (reversed)>The magician >The foolreversed hermit suggests current resume seems to be lacking, the magician and fool point towards taking a leap of faith and to go for it and pay someone to rework your resumeWhat is M's problem? (not with my in particular, just in general)
>>39635935My query was not of an occult nature yet I still have the answer I sought. I know what step I must take.Again you have my thanks
Howdy lovelies!Anyone looking for a trade?
>>39636042>>39636078thanks anon.if your still here would you be able to help me with one more trade/read? all fine if not
>>39636182So cute
>>39636204I am here. Tell me your query?Since we are discussing carnal pleasures and whatnot, indulge me. Will she take me up on the offer I made her regarding today or will she rebuke me?I will start once you post your query
AQany progress in my life in 2025?
AQHow does M feel towards me after opening up that night
>>39636282Dude if you don't make any progress in life over the course of a whole year it's 100% your own fault, this is a stupid question
>>39636060sorry didnt mean to tradecuck you something came up5 of cups rx, 6 of swords, 5 of swords rx, 7 of swordsthey seem very conflict avoidant and want to avoid depressing themselves/others, and instead of arguing, argreeing to disagree....this person wants to move on and leave and avoid as much as possible with these cards
hi /div/. how are you today?
>>39636343I don't know, man. Not that guy, but I'm in my 30s and I've had more than a few years of things just not working out. Injuries, unexpected deaths, betrayals, etc. etc. Life has a lot of complications, and I think it's fair to be interested in what those may be. And besides, you shouldn't be pestering people who aren't asking for your opinion.
>>39636447What's up Coffinhead.Can you read me my fortune?
>>39636447Hey coffinMind telling me how will this year unfold for me?
>>39636419I'm telling him to get off his ass, set some goals and get to work. You can't plan for the unexpected but that shouldn't stop you from working on them (the query is vague in the first place). Besides, if some reader tells him "no", is he supposed to be like "well shit" and sit around waiting until next year?
>>39636447Hi coffinheadCan you tell me about my next girlfriend?
>>39633523>>39636447Can you read me please?
>>39636447Coffi!!!!Will I move to D with M?
>>39636447THE OG THE ONE THE ONLYYYYbrudda do I get married to this man or nah?
>>39636447Good evening. Could you do a love general for me from March to August?Thanks .
>>39636447Hey Rich this year?
>>39636447can you give me some good news, CH :( life is so hopeless lately
>>39636447Will me and him work out?
>>39636447What’s my future like this year
>>39636462At that point, one may as well just not deal in divination altogether. Too many people come here with too much lust for results which is anathema to any spiritual operations. Better to come here out of whim and nothing else.
>>39636577Howdy! I'm down for a trade?>Can i please know, what my friend K feels about us meeting? Hes a friend of mine i met on the internet
>>39636447Destiny this year?
>>39636454what’s upwhen you go be careful at night now save money
>>39636460hey anonit will go exceedingly wellyou will meet your royal consort and be transformed
>>39636447Hey coffin, Could you tell me please if the health problems that I've been dealing with are coming from an occult attack or something of that nature? or is it just something that I'm unfortunate enough to have as I age? am a 26yo m cancer
>>39636447Hey coffin, what will this next year look like for me?
Trading occult
>>39636646Thank you CoffinWishing you all the best fren
>>39635172Thank you
>>39636655Aloo coffin, hope you’re okayCan you do a pull to see if I’ll get the job I interviewed at today?
>>39636655Oh myThank you
>>39636447What are D's feelings for me?
>>39636447How will this year go for me?
>>39636447Hi Will I marry my current bf?
>>39636447Can I get a love general for the first half of this year?
Will I hear from that date from tonight again?
>>39636597I forgot whether that was me.> two of pentacles, EmpressPretty good maybe wants to fuckWhat can I evolve into fast?
I don’t mean to spread hate or anything, I care about you guys. Society has an extreme sense of entitlement. If you’re not for us, you’re against us, no middle ground. There is middle ground, I’m on it. I don’t agree with tarot/astrology/new age practices, but I’m not here to spread hate. from what I’ve heard, this sort of thing is dangerous. It can lead you down a dark path if you go too far into it. It’ll never satisfy you. It can lead to drug addictions, depression, and even demon possession. Pls be careful. There’s a YouTube channel called almost false, it has a lot of powerful testimonies of people who got into astrology/tarot/etc. and God rescued them. God loves you, and I love/care about you too. I’m sorry if this offends anyone but if someone’s in danger you don’t stand there, smile, and tell them that they’re doing great, do you?? No, you warn the, if you truly care about them. God loves you, saten doesn’t, his minions, demons, are behind the new age practices. It’s a matrix of lies! Pls don’t go there!We’ve all sinned against God, and because of that, when we die, we’re going to a place full of suffering, loneliness, pain, fear, etc. AND IT’LL LAST FOREVER!!! But God loves us so much,he sent his son, Jesus to die on the cross so that you wouldn’t have to go to hell if you accept the free gift of salvation, pls watch this video for more info: you for reading, have a great day/night!
AQCould we have fcked tonight?
AQIs IC the one for me or is it all in my head
>>39636848+1. I actually think that’s kind of correct.
Hi div I'll be picking out runes for the next half hour
>>39637464Did she want D to get injured?
>>39637474Gibu, Mannar, WunjoBig time, just the idea filled her with joy
>>39637464What does E feel for me?
>>39637464is my iq increasing?
>>39637464Could we have fcked tonight? We got drinks so this is better than many who ask that.
>>39637464What are her feelings for me?
>>39637464Will I get a bf soon?
>>39637464Hello. Will I find a gf this year?
>>39637483Damn, that's fucked up. This is the second reading saying as much. Thanks
>>39637464Hello, general for this year?
>>39637464Will I move to d with m?
>>39637491Wunjo, Hagal, Soweluhuh, they are shocked at how much they like you. Like literally in denial they are into you / find you SO appealing, enjoy your company a ton.
>>39637464Is B's plan to get D to move in there?
>>39637492Pertho, Urur, AnsurAny increase is / will be proportional to the work (actual effort, no wishful thinking) you put into it
>>39637464Rich this year?
>>39637493Raido, Bjarkan, WunjoYeah that would have been nice
>>39637513Huh, I thought they aren't into me at all. They're not showing it really
>>39637495Mannar, Dagr, Tyr"Man is man's joy". You're warmth.
>>39637464Did she want D to get injured because of B??
>>39637464is my shoulder healing?
>>39637538Yeah, you wouldn't know about it if they're just realizing it I'd say.>>39637500pretty fucked :/>>39637497Ansur, Laukr, KaunaNot unless you find out what's blocking you from getting such a connection. There's something in your subconscious that is repelling romance, you have to take a deep dive into your habits / behaviors or even identity so then you can get that energy flowing.
>>39637464What is a thing I need to be told about at the moment?
>>39637540Thanks. Feeling is mutual I guess?
>>39637524well that makes sense, one could hope
>>39637534Omg lol
>>39637499Dagr, Hagal, Ansuryou have to go through a death and rebirth before that happens. It's kinda out of your control but you come out into way better times, I'd summarize it as the crumbling of something foundational leads you to love opportunities. Think of big change as a chance to build new and better if what you had planned fails big time.>>39637503Wunjo, Raido, Perthoa journey to joy and good luck. Nice times brewing, but you're gonna have to endure the wilderness to get thereGonna have to leave it here folks, thank you for asking
>>39637585Thank you for reading for everybody
>>39637464How does L feel about me nowadays? Not romantic.
>>39637585First one thank you, I hope you have a good day.
>>39637464please do mine !is steve someone i should go into business with ?
AQI want to know if B has just been deceiving me our entire relationship. All that manipulative bs about being "twin flames" and divinely created for each other and what not. Am I just clinging to an abusive relationship because of lies
>>39637464How does d feel about me ?
>>39637649ProbablyWhat does your intuition say?
>>39637464Will I marry my bf?
Trading.What version of better version of myself can I create fast? What does he look like?
>>39637464Hi man March general for me? Financial side of affairs concerns me the most
Hi hi hi... Willing to trade -- but I don't want a query I just want you to listen to my music, let me know what you think and in return I will give you a reading using my custom cards:)
>>39637788Yeah, give me a link to ya tunes
>>39637795 vid of me hand dancing to the tune while baked hehehWhat is your query :)
>>39637804As a fellow musician, I'm really digging it.What will help me stop getting caught up in the ego games with KB. The dude is up to know good and trying to distract me from my goals.
>>39637823Incoming interpretation here's what I drew.
>>39637823>Cards DrawnTurquoise (0, 2, 1, 1)Serpent (1, 1, 1, 1)Bee (0, 0, 1, 3)>Turquoise: Communication and CalmMessage: You need clarity and calm to avoid falling into reactive cycles. Turquoise represents balance in communication and emotional strength. Instead of matching KB’s energy, stay collected and choose your words wisely.Key Focus: Detach from drama by using intentional speech and focusing on what matters most. Maintain boundaries without over-explaining yourself.>Serpent: Balanced Wisdom and RenewalMessage: The Serpent symbolizes transformation and balance across all aspects—mind, heart, body, and spirit. You have the wisdom to recognize when someone is trying to pull you into unnecessary conflict.Key Focus: Shed old reactions and habits. Approach situations with calm confidence, knowing you’ve outgrown these dynamics. Protect your space while remaining adaptable.>Bee: Community and DiligenceMessage: The Bee thrives on collaboration and hard work for a higher purpose. This card urges you to stay diligent and focused on your goals, especially when distractions arise.Key Focus: Channel your energy into meaningful connections and progress toward your vision. The more you stay in "builder mode," the less sway KB will have over you.>SummaryTo stop getting caught up in ego games with KB:Stay calm and intentional (Turquoise)—respond, don’t react.Embrace renewal (Serpent)—don’t be afraid to walk away from outdated interactions.Focus on your work and community (Bee)—let your diligence speak louder than any distractions.When you focus on building instead of battling, their noise fades.
>>39637804its weird and not very good imo but if you like it then that is all that matters, making music is a very good hobby
Choose 3 and I will read in response to your question.
>>39637847air jadesahasraramaybe you would tell me about my next gf?
>>39637838Thank you!May the music never stop flowing
>>39637852Your next girlfriend may be a blend of intellectual freedom, emotional harmony, and spiritual wisdom. She will likely value meaningful communication and be someone who helps you heal and grow. The relationship may feel transformative, opening doors to new perspectives and deeper self-awareness. Expect a connection where both minds and hearts are deeply engaged, and where you both grow individually and together.
>>39637857that will be like a healing potion. thank you.
>>39637847SageAirSahasraraHow's this year gonna be for me?
>>39637887>Sage: Wisdom and GrowthThis year will be about gaining wisdom and learning important lessons. You’ll have opportunities to deepen your knowledge and make thoughtful decisions. Trust your experiences—they will shape you into a stronger, wiser version of yourself.>Air: Change and ClarityExpect a fast-paced year with new ideas and fresh perspectives. There will be moments of mental clarity and breakthroughs, but you'll need to stay adaptable as changes come your way.>Sahasrara: Spiritual AlignmentA year of spiritual insight and personal reflection. You may find yourself drawn to deeper questions about your purpose and path. Inner peace and enlightenment are within reach if you listen to your intuition.This year is about wisdom, adaptability, and spiritual growth. Embrace learning, stay open to change, and trust your inner voice. You'll come out of it feeling more in tune with yourself and your purpose.
>>39637847Aries cancer saturnShould I try moving in there?
>>39637847Your song is catchy. It’s stuck in my head now
>>39637847Jade Saturn SageWill I ever become financially successful to the point where i can buy a large property and do the things i want ?
>>39637906>Aries: Bold ActionThis card encourages you to be courageous and decisive. If moving in feels aligned with your goals, don’t hesitate—take the lead and make it happen. However, be mindful of impulsivity.>Cancer: Emotional ConsiderationCancer brings a focus on emotional security and connection. Think about whether this move will provide comfort, safety, and a supportive environment. Your emotional well-being should be a top priority.?Saturn: Discipline and ResponsibilitySaturn asks you to consider the long-term implications. This isn’t just a short-term decision—it will require responsibility, structure, and commitment. Ensure you’re prepared for the challenges that come with the move.>Yes, if you’re ready to take bold action (Aries), seek emotional stability (Cancer), and handle the responsibilities involved (Saturn). Think it through, but don’t let fear stop you.>>39637926<3>>39637930>Jade: Steady GrowthFinancial success will come through balance, patience, and smart financial choices. This card suggests that healing your relationship with money and staying grounded will be key to achieving your goals.>Saturn: Hard Work and ResponsibilitySaturn emphasizes discipline, long-term planning, and perseverance. Success won’t come quickly, but through consistent effort and responsible actions, you can achieve lasting wealth. This card reinforces the need for structure and commitment.>Sage: Wisdom and LearningYour financial journey requires gaining knowledge and making informed decisions. Learning from experience and seeking expert advice will be crucial. The Sage encourages you to stay curious and strategic.You may become financially successful, but it will require patience, discipline, and wisdom. By staying grounded (Jade), working hard (Saturn), and making smart choices (Sage), you’ll be able to reach your goal of owning a large property and fulfilling your dreams.
>>39637847SahasraraAirSageWill I have success with my project?
>>39637847Uranus sahasrara air What’s my future this year?
>>39637976The realm of mind supports you.>>39637983You will learn a great deal, evolve new traits and step more into your self.
>>39637942>906Interesting divination method. Thx
>>39637989Cool method thank you
>>39637999trips checked
>>39637942930thank you ! the advice is kind of "obvious" but im a negative thinker so at least the cards didnt tell me to quit or to kill myself immediately , thanks for the read !
>>39637847Black Hole, Sahasrara, SaturnWhy is this person sometimes seeking to spend time and speak with me non-stop, and other times totally silent and unresponsive? Am I doing something wrong?
Occult aq, I will try to make a servitor tonight. I want to ask if I will be successful?
>>39638144Update. I just finished my ritual. Can I ask if it worked?
>>39637847gemini sagitarius tarauswill i get my wish?
>>39637847gemini, balck hole, uranassrry thought it was all zodiacwill i get my wish?
>>39636260Cheater you have a wife that loves you and yet you slut around
>>39638416You idiots encouraged that behavior.Due consequences.
>>39638433At least have the balls to tell her you're cheating
>>39638439I'm not that anon.I'm just saying.
>>39638433Who encouraged this btw did everyone tell him to cheat on her or what retard?
>>39638449My God, you're just actually retarded
>>39638433Meh if a man loves his woman he wouldn't cheat on her in the first place, he will be loyal to her no matter what and no matter who gets in the way, I hope she realizes she deserves better someday
>>39638462So long as it's not the constant "better" mind trap nonsense.
>>39638470At least a person that is actually loyal and isn't asking about other women or entertaining other women irl or online
>>39638477But do you hold yourself to the same standard?
>>39638488Of course loyalty is a great principle and I wouldn't cheat on my partner not even if they pointed a gun at me I would rather die than ever cheat on the person that has trusted me with their heart
>>39638493Very goodBut do you participate in insecure people's games?Loyalty tests and all that.
>>39638499Not really but I sympathize with them because these tests wouldn't be a thing if they didn't cheat in the first place, those so called things are usually done on people that have cheated in the past thus creating insecurities and uncertainty
>>39638513Can be dealt with therapy and healthy communication, though.
>>39638521I do agree but no matter how much therapy one takes if the commitment isn't there then yeah why even bother with the relationship. In a relationship it takes two for things to work, what good is therapy when your partner continues to cheat and entertain women.
>>39637847>Gemini, Sage,SahasraraWill my love related problem be at least partially resolved this year of 2025?
>>39637847Cancer, Jade, SaturnWill J suffer for being such a fucking creep to me, and how?
>>39636848only a non loving, non merciful and sick god would punish someone for eternity. What you believe in is called ECT, eternal conscious torment. There are alternatives in Christianity I hope you will explore, that are backed up Biblically.Here is Yale philoshopy professor's take on one of them.
AQWill I talk to E again?
>>39639164>>39639166well it makes sense that we trade each other right?query?What does L feel about me nowadays? not romantic
>>39639166Is n gonna send me nudes?Your query?
>>39639172king of cups, five of swords r, king of swords, the hanged man, king of pents, the magicianYou may need to encourage this person a bit as I'm sensing that they want to but they are also really shy and may also be scared of them getting used against them later. They can be easily reassured though, just tell them everything is okay and you think they're pretty or whatever and theyll send some.
>>39639171Fool | Queen of wands r |Queen of cups | High priestess r | LoversAre you sure this ain't romantic? It looks like there was something going on between you two.None of this matters though. He's doing his own thing and he's even looking down on you because of something unrelated to him. It looks like you failing at life and with your relationships are putting him off.
>>39639199damn i was gonna take a shower but that pisses me off actually lol cus i can see it , trade again?
AQIs it time to go back to that place I was once at?
AqIs it cheating asking for nudes?
>>39639268Yes anon, have some self respect
>>39639253>Chariot, King of Wands, X of CupsYes>>39639268Yes.>>39639007>III of Disks Rev, VII of Wands, VI of CupsNot any time soon, there seems to be something from the past getting in the way at the moment.
>>39639368hey fren, mind trading me for an incredibly petty query?
>>39639374For sure, send me yours and I'll send your my petty query also.
>>39639368If I quit my current job will I find something better?
>>39639377i wanna know how much suffering me releasing this project will cause that group, including any domino effects from any future successes it brings me.they caused me so much emotional damage and i thought i had deserved it and i needed to reflect, but it's come to my attention that they literally just make fun of my suffering as an in-joke now so the gloves are
>>39639394Does she miss me as much as I miss her?Starting yours
>>39639402Am I on the path I wanted to be?Your Q?
>>39639410Why does my gf keep saying “don’t go anywhere” and “don’t go away” ? Starting
>>39639368Hey THNTZ, can I ask what would be the outcome of taking that job offer in sales?
>>39639406the world r, king of pents, the high priestess, knight of cups, two of cups, two of wands rI think she does miss you greatly, but this is an emotion she's suppressing because she has difficulty facing these types of things. She seems like the type of person who struggles unless she's leeching emotionally off of a man who she puts on a pedestal, and instead of facing any kind of negative emotional residue she has from what you two had together, she's seeking out a rebound as a drug of sorts to forget the pain.
>>39639416>8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, Page of Swords>Page of Pents Rx, 2 Wands Rx, Hermit>DeathShe's being insecure and she has a huge fear of losing you. Whether this is founded in reality or not is irrelevant. Her fear is taking control of her actions.
>>39639406TH, can I ask for a query as well pleaseIs IC the one for me or is it all in my head
>>39639406Hello frens!!How's it going?I have a simple query if you'd not mindEither way I hope you're having a swell day, get comfy foodz
>>39639410High priestess 2 of cups6 of pentacles Yes, especially signified by HP and 2oC. You should be using your intuition and gut feelings to guide you forward at this point; don’t ignore them. You’re on the right path and you’re heading towards prosperity but it’s important you don’t go astray or let outside influences pull you away. Trust your gut and instincts. You’re doing fine
>>39639445Thanks. Trade again?
>>39639368Hello, THNTZI had a query for you last thread but you went missing ;-; Can I get a reading?Did I manage to throw that stalker off my trail?Male, C, aries.
>>39639368romantic prospects for this year?
>>39639434>Emperor Rev, Chariot, Fool, Hermit, Princess of CupsYou're right, it will indeed cause a powerful negative domino effect, people will be lost without knowing what to do or say. But at the same time it seems to be the right and fair thing to do. You're on the right track and you should do it regardless of other people's reactions.Just do itRegarding the other reading anon making requests, I'll try to do them in a bit now I can't, sorry.
occult aqi was trying to call naamah spirit and ask some help for my poor self. is it's gonna be a problem to me? should i stop?
>>39639481thank you anon.i can definitely understand the part i played in all of that, but to make my traumas into a joke is just a low blow and suddenly my empathy for them is majorly decreased. i'm suddenly locked the fuck in.when you get the chance, let me know if you want to trade more, because i'd love to.
>>39639486i'm kinda worried right now. feel strange.
>>39639543>>39639268If you know this person, if. It's like buying or like media of a porn star from your buds it's notCheating is always moreso about breaking trust so as long as these count just as porn I don't think it is but you'd hve to talk it with your partner
AqWill he try to stay with me?
>>39639392>Ace of Swords Rev, X of Cups, VIII of Wands, IV of WandsI don't think leaving is the best thing at the moment, it seems to create too much confusion in your life, but start looking for something different for sure.There's something good in your future.>>39639428>King of Wands, Hanged, IX of Cups Rev, II of CupsEmotionally it may not be the best for you, but financially and career-wise it seems to be exactly what you need to achieve what you want. Especially the contacts you're going to make.Whether you can give up your happiness and peace for money is up to you.>>39639434> She seems like the type of person who struggles unless she's leeching emotionally off of a man who she puts on a pedestalThe only part that didn't resonate much was perhaps that desu it doesn't seem like the kind of thing she would do. Otherwise good read, thanks.I really miss her lol I miss her more than my ex-wife which is crazy to think about.>>39639457>II of Cups, Magician, King of DisksYes, you're right.>>39639460I'm especially sentimental today, but I think it'll pass.Send me your q
>>39639470>II of Wands, Moon, III of DisksYes, it won't be the last time you have to deal with him, but yes for now.
AQWill I ever need to work with those losers once more?
>>39639587>434thanks for the feedback!would you like to trade again?
AQWhat would be better for me: M or N?
>>39639616Those are activations for locations by the way.
>>39639587My q is as followsWill Giro ever be back in my life? I don't mind how just if he will
>>39639593Deal with him in what way?I already changed my habits in order to avoid another meeting. Do you see anything else?Thanks
aqwill i go insane? will i heal myself? will i find truth?
>>39639587>>39639457im right that its all in my head? why is that?
>>39639658He is the one for you
>>39639555Kek such a coomer take pal It's cheating even if it's from a "friend" especially if it's from someone you know, you're breaking your partner's trust and making them more insecure and distrustful of everything Being cheated on sucks
trading or AQwhat will L think of me by February?
Anyways, doing some readings, Provide genders and context if it's romantic, no third parties, no vague queries and I'll skip whatever I want. Cheaters can fuck off
>>39639688thank you TH. <3
>>39633523>>39639710Can you answer this one? lol I’m always at the cutoff. We’re all female if it’s important.
>>39639710how does IC (female, virgo, 19) feel about me (AJ, male, capricorn, 19)?context: we saw each other briefly before she ended things but i still have feelings for her and i feel like our story is not over
>>39639710i was trying to call naamah spirit and ask some help for my poor self. is it's gonna be a problem to me? should i stop? i'm worried.
>>39639710Petty q but will me finishing this project metaphorically put me above them in a way they'll struggle to refute? I'm sick of them looking down on me and feeling justified.
>>39639738>7 of swords, 9 of swords, 5 of swords >Queen of swords RxSeems like your teacher is a straight up petty bitch? Seems like she is somewhat resentful of something you did or she might be thinking "she can't be too perfect" seems like an ego power trip to push you down, maybe she hates the goody too shoes over achievers, she might have painted her in that image. But you might need some proof in order to open any case >>39639740>Temperance, 6 of cups, 3 of wands >The star Ah, there's a chance pal, but you might want to take some time and start building trust again, it will take time and love and friendship as well with some subtle hints that you still want things to work out but don't be brash and bring it upfront trust me women catch signs easily she will also let you know. But seems shit is promising if you take your time to rebuild what is broken again >>39639761>6 of swords,8 of cups, magician >High priestess There's nothing wrong but you might want to try again BUT you should banish any remaining energies purify the area and give yourself a month to prepare, you have to prepare better before you try again but make sure you come with knowledge and assurance. You have to be assertive and secure of yourself if you want this spirit to help >>39639774>Strength, king of swords, ace of swords >4 of wands Yeah if will give you what you need but you have to make sure you have everything in check because there will be people trying to question you and see any flaw in this presentation you have to look out for any possible casualty but your success is guaranteed only if you prepare to battle it with your all
>>39639802last, thank you! <3Does it count as third party if I ask if they try to say anything to me at all about it instead of just internally seethe? whether they try to cancel me on twitter or dm me or something.idk sorry im just extremely pissed rn after trusting they were acting in good faith towards me
>>39639710Good morning, afternoon or evening!Could you please tell me if me (F) and my fiance (M) will stay together this year? I'm sensing he's getting a bit of cold feet about our marriage and about moving overseas.Thank you!
>>39639802>738 So I’m in an art portfolio class and my class wanted me to do it in a different style. Which I don’t know how to do? Then I taught myself which I think I did good. The photo in this reply is one of my favorite! My professor asked me to do 9 artworks in total for the final. I had like 3 in the midterm and failed. So I’ve definitely improved. I called her a cunt in the anonymous professor review afterwards LMAO.
>>39639823One card >5 of swords Yeah they'll try to be a hater or send their followers to hate on you but you'll be able to slap them off like the pathetic bitches they are. The key is not to get mad and be sure you're confident in secure in what you're selling, they'll hate that which is good for you I guess
>>39639710Male is my plan for this year good?
>>39639802>you should banish any remaining energies purify the areacan you give me a little instruction on that?
>>39639840>The moon, the lovers, ace of cups >10 of cups Short answer yes. He is insecure about something you did or said and he is somewhat doubtful about that thing so you may want to clear that shit up. In the long run he is willing to go all the way with you he is willing to start a family but something is clouding his mind maybe someone whispering things or something you said that he took out of context you really need to have a serious talk with this dude to make the relationship stronger, make sure you know each other's boundaries and what bothers each one of you. Being in a relationship isn't all sunshine and rainbows it also involves heavy conversations that need to had in order to restore harmony and live a happy long marriage >>39639845Yeah it seems she is somewhat of a hater but ignore her and focus on your goal which is passing the class and getting over it. Don't focus on the shit you step on, clean your foot in the grass and move on. You'll be fine >>39639858>World, wheel of fortune, king of pentacles Yeah seems like you're at the right path keep going pal >>39639868Look up the lesser ritual of the pentagram and get some holy water or sage incense
>>39639599>8C KnD 9HNope.
>>39639900>Look up the lesser ritual of the pentagram and get some holy water or sage incensei will. thanks!
>>39639900>845Oh yeah, my friends and family don’t agree with the grade. She’s not going to be my professor for this class though for next semester. She’s going to be my professor for my graphic design class omg.
>>39639710maleis my shoulder healing?
>>39639710male, femalewhy doesn't sh talk to me?
>>39639710maleI've been going through a period of struggling to find a romantic partner recently and I would like to know what is on the horizon for me this year (if there is anything)
>>39639691I did agree to that, what i mean twas if some friend just shove it on your faceAnd then againIt's something that has to be talked about
>>39639710>>39639638Please ?
AQWill we go on a date together this year?
>>39639710What location would be a more ideal fit at the current moment: M or N? Thanks.
Was taking a cig break, I really miss the Marlboro reds. Stuck with these faggy white ones that do jack shit>>39639913Np>>39639921Try to be fake nice and feed her ego a bit to get on her good side even though she is a crack head bitch, best of luck lass >>39639931>Temperance, 9 of wands, 10 of wands Yeah but you need to take it easy pal, don't be doing shit you shouldn't be doing for now. Your shoulder needs rest in order to heal properly bud>>39639957>6 of swords, king of wands, world She is probably elsewhere of moved on to greener pastures a man is entertaining her heart >>39639960>Hermit, 8 of pentacles, 4 of wands You might want to venture yourself out there if you're looking for a chance at love you might want to go to a class of some type of course where you are obligated to interact with people like a music of comedian club something that has you sharing your passions, you might find something there >>39640017Yeah I guess, but letting your partner know is the correct thing to do if such thing happens. You shouldn't entertain the idea of such thing and tell your friend you're in a committed relationship. Love is hard to find now a days, whores there's plenty of those but a genuine woman is hard to come by especially in today's dating scene. Don't throw something good away only cuz you wanted to coom >>39640027>9 of swords, 8 of swords, 3 of swords Not for now a least there's too much pain in his heart at this moment. Maybe he hasn't forgiven you for something? He isn't willing to do so right now
>>39639900>840Thanks anon, this resonates a lot. He has some weird gripes and he get jealous easily, not only that but he holds grudges. I will need to have the big talk (tm) indeed because we are running out of time because due to the moving. We've been together for more than 10 years now so he has no reason to be this insecure, but alas.Thanks!
>>39639910I guess that’s a good thing.
>>3964013931 thanks a lot , you're the first reader to answer this query, fucking fags always ignore it.
AqIs S dating anyone?
>>39639710C femaleC maleWill we get married?
>>39640144Holy shit and he still hasn't married you, I would have been there right away. I get it tho I too had a long relationship but she decided that she wanted an an open relationship I wasn't in to that shit. I broke it off, polygamy and polyamory is something that never fucking works and plus I don't want to be a cuck. Anyways you need to have a deep one on one and ask him what he is insecure about and if you both can go to couples therapy. Ten years is a long time to throw it all away, if you both care you'll both do your best to keep this relationship a happy one, it's a road that goes both ways, with that I wish you best of luck >>39640162It's not that bro, health is a very delicate thing and we don't want to misguide others especially with their health, right now you need to take good care of that shoulder doing whatever it takes to get of back to health from resting to physical therapy. Be safe man
AQWhy did that bitch come into my life?male asking bout female
>>3964019162 i hear you
>>39640177>Lovers, 3 of cups, sun Yeah without a doubt you'll be tying the knot, seems like a happy and solid relationship might have children early in the marriage so watch out if you're not ready for children
>>39640195>8 Diamonds, Tower, 7 SpadesTo fuck shit up. She saw something nice, that stack of 8 diamonds and wanted to kick it over.
>>39639710MaleWill this connection with her, if it becomes serious, be aligned with my path and be fruitful?Thanks!
>>39640139>921LMAO okay. She can’t handle my work ethics. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
AQWhat will be the thing that brings K back? Thx.
>>39640225What's the context of your relationship >>39640241Some people just like seeing others down but don't let that bitch get to you, you know your worth and she is just a basic bitch that will probably do nothing with her life other than teaching
Anyone trading?I'd like to know why uasnt this person talked to me since December 26th
>>39640272>241Oh yeah, I’m trying to remind myself that her grade didn’t matter. Just trying to think that at least I reached my full potential on it.
>>39640139>0027Is it because of what I did or because of what he did to me as well??Tbh i don't mind him hating me but I do hate the idea that he feels regret>0017And yes I agree with how you should react to it, it's just I don't think it's an absolute but it's always about respecting what the other feels anyway so it's both about not doing it in secret and not making it into a scandal
>>39639710I recently met a girl (A) in an anonymous chat but we shared contacts after bonding over astro stuff. She seems into me and is fun to talk to, but seems a bit fickle and I'm not sure what to think of her after a few nights of chatting.Would it be worthwhile to ask her on a date to assess her in person?Thank you in advance for your insight.
>>39640212Wow tysm