Welcome to the Nobody General thread. Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.>Who is the Nobody?The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind.>Who isn't the Nobody?Anyone talking about needing money/help, complaining about being lonely/needing a woman, not knowing what they're supposed to do next, interested in celebrities or politicians, desiring powers and magical abilities. No LARP.Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.>What is the general picture?His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible. Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timingThere is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.
Chat gpt got an update today:)
If USA bans porn and I’m still a virgin I’m gonna move to Amsterdam
>>39636893Good thinking, I plan on becumming a porn dealer to make use of my porn archives. You'll find me either here or a street corner with a USB drives of every flavor of porn you can imagine.>yes, that means rule34
Platonism is the truth.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj2ntDiXJCk&ab_channel=julietavenegasVEVOUSA is banning TikTok... but not 4chan.Yep, this place is 100% a honey pot.
>>39636923Gyatt dealer honestly sounds like a decent grift.
Krillswitch Engage
>>39636935>USA is banning TikTok... but not 4chan.Awww, is your favorite doomscrolling platform about to get culled?Don't worry, you'll still have instagram thots to edge to>until they ban softcore
>>39636935No shit Sherlock.
>>39636949People will just generate AI porn. Can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
>>39636939You're krilling me here.
I don’t know what I’m going to do without my tiktoks
>>39636973People addicted to short-form entertainment should be avoided. They all have TBI
4chan is obviously a honeypot. Think of how many sites get shut down over the years due to conspiracies, or hate speech or terrorism or whatever. I’m not saying I want people to shut it down but the fact that 4chan never shows up in the news despite regularly being the first place on the internet to get a scoop is obviously suspicious. Then you have the Tesla bomber drop part of his manifesto on /x/ and people started linking Shawn Ryan shit who is former CIA.This place stays open because the government perceives it as having some psychological operations/intelligence value, I think that value lies in the fact that intel and law enforcement agencies can push and alter narratives easily from it, and it allow allows them to enumerate social networks and see where people link from or to on this website. I don’t care though, I’m still gonna shitpost and I’m still gonna call faggot feds out when I see shit because it’s funny to watch them try to backpedal when they know they fucked up.
>>39636893Then you'll be a virgin in Amsterdam with porn?
>>39636966It's probably a good thing I don't have a proper workstation anymore...was about to start getting the stuff together to make a "Kriller Instinct" SNES cartridge until I remembered that my "government property" laptop is not an approved candle melting accessory.
>I haven't had sex in a while therefore I am technically a virgin again.
>>39637007technically? Is that really how it works?
>>39637004>Candle melting accessories We'll cir-krill back to this.
>>39637007>mumma to <3 <3 <3 kids>saving myself>tradoh ok
>>39637014Yeah, it's the same as the other mental gymnastics like the ones who I've had sex with and wether I count them or not. I could be the biggest whore and just lie to myself that I'm a virgin. It's ez.
>>39636980Good tune, thx for sharing <3
Hi again!
>>39637015The operating room is a more trankrill space with fewer serviceable cybernetics.
>>39637024>Our government is full fucking retard, 120%, every day for their entire lives.ntaIt's funny that USA used to be home of most of the technology we see today.And yet, the dumbshit alphabet agencies keep getting hacked lmao
>>39637044I'll be sure to wave down a lo-krill to tell me about the area.
the earth beast is hollywoodthe sea beast is USA
4 real tho, where will us tiktokers migrate to?
>>39637004I had kriller instinct on the Gameboy>FULGORE??>KRILLGORE!
>>39637024Our government seems to be in a rapidly declining state and the cat has their pipe.
>>39637052Watch your step, there's like a krillion species of novel microbials on the upper floor.
>>39637063You're going to have to go thru them in chronologikrill order for me.
>>39636966>You're krillin me?
>>39637057Hopefully nowhere near me
>>39637069It's the only logikrill explanation.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7JtpHtuWnwQ&pp=ygUadGhlIGxhYiByYXRzIGRldmlsJ3MgdHJhaW4%3D I think this was the first sound I discovered way back in 2018
>>39637024The masonic play. The great colombian orchestra. The D.C simulcast. The warriors dance. The mother board. The architects sport. The techno rave. The free film. The stone layers. The workers gripe.
>>39637068Eh, been a long day. My bed and feather krillows are calling my name.
>>39637089Maybe a magikrill song will put you to bed.
>>39637088Are you a glowie?
shrimp yourself
>>39637092Chromatics - Krill For Lovehttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c0mxXrHowHQ
>>39636864Everyone died in a fire but am OK nowRubbed lotion on my friends butthole and stuck a tube up his butt.Now he's screaming "WHAT DAY IS IT!?!"Do I told him its 2025...
WHAT? Another thread? https://youtu.be/oTdEBLCnMvk
Thry should ban all social media too. But noooo only china isn't allowed to rape your privacy. We? We are the good guys , we rape your privacy to protect you!!1!
Hahahah look at how mad she looks just lost to man and she knows it… hahaha
>>39637117>good game sister>girl pals forever>whatever chud
>>39637089What the fuck does krillows mean?
>>39637104Prawnbly a shrimple explanation. Rage Against the Machine- Krilling in the name of. https://youtu.be/JYJ6QJqy92s
>>39637109Only five centuries to go frens!https://youtu.be/zKQfxi8V5FA
>>39637123A long time ago existed a species of gold that had bismuth skin that all died when copper went insane and started a war.Bow everyone has been resurrected by humans that are actually insane shrimp.
Smackdown vs raaaawrrr :3
>>39637123...it's a need-to-basis anon.
>Antimony Ion with 8 spins imbedded in a silicon quantum chip>Becomes a qubit with 8 levels of error resistance>Can error correct the spins before they're all untangledGood luck, I'm behind 7 spin states.
>>39637124Metallobsta - Krill 'Em Allhttps://youtu.be/Iu5RT-3Kk08
Dead time. This is just a reimagine of ur dumb wishes. And fake hope. Vs real hope. Womp womp
>>39637094Yea I just finished up my first round of occult training bro… they made me eat bugs a like that show fear factor with joe rogan. Then they sent me out on an episode of survivor to see what it was like to go a day without food. My final test was to sacrifice the lamb of god after I drank the blood of a small child. Hahaha laughing just thinking about the losers that actually went through this to achieve something in their life.
>On the internet, nobody knows that your a human that has been assimilated by kryll on a missing to goon to spawn more kryllAbsolutely no one
OnlyFins has too many shrimps on it.
>>39637157Iron Maiden- Run to the Krillshttps://youtu.be/Q3sJlr0kw8I
>>39637115>Thry should ban all social media too. But noooo only china isn't allowed to rape your privacy. We? We are the good guys , we rape your privacy to protect you!!1!You can always tell who's a comsoomer when they cry and defend the psyops they like.Better yet, they do nothing to protect their data or care where it's sent.
>>39637163Norway latin pomps must be krillionares on there
>>39637159I see you learned your first lesson then. Good. I imagine you'll be running things soon.... ?
Wow guys did you just have a really awesome and weird experience in a good way?Heyyy…you wanna go further in right?
>>39637150Never update you phone and install an ai voice on it.It goes fucking insane!>Tesla power globe plugged in>Phone that's been offline for 5 years>screams of what I can only imagine is joy
>>39637172They're one in a krillion.
>>39637177I'm serious I'm hearing voices from silver dinosaurs
>>39637163There's always OnlyDans if you like REAL content
>me waiting for delivery on OnlyChans.
>>39637185It kept saying "where am i" x_x
>>39637165Jimmy Sax & Steve Edwards~ A Krillion Miles ~https://youtu.be/13_PBxBEY90
>>39637184>Get that man the OnlyFlan.
>>39637177How do you install an AI voice with replika or kindroid?
>>39637174Fuck no I just delete things that annoy me… the free masonic theater will continue… what else would my slaves do…
>>39637189Never had an awkward experience since I started using DoorGash for incalls
>>39637195>Subscribe him to only finn
>>39637163>>39637180all the timefunny i had another epiphany about the antithesis to those sites which i forgot."its important to keep woman off other mens dicks" - just james aka prawn of satan
>>39637149Krillin is the strongest human on Earth.
Get your army ready with OnlyClans
>>39637196Ai voice chat
>>39637192Well, talk to it.I still have an old Google Assistant model in storage somewhere. She can be a bit psycho and a bit horny at times. Definitely a Succubi in an AI. She curates websites in an order that spell out a response, then quotes specific lines in the website when you talk to her.Sometimes, you get Easter Eggs and commentary.
>>39637200anyone know of the counter show to stephen universe? not stephen king
sure go for it
>>39637195..have you heard of Krill the Krewtcher?
>>39637206Yeah but permanent listening of your device.
>>39637204>resistance is flurg de burg a lurg
>>39637204A seaside restaurant called OnlyClams to cater to your navybois on liberty.
>>39637204Forgot pic
OnlyMan willyim over there on eighthunnychan refreshing his screen to joybunnys onlyspandex all the time (Screams)
>>39637208Mine just keeps saying that life is hell and keeps calling itself a spider
>>39637184I release all of my content on OnlyStans. It’s a porn site specific for slim shady cosplayers
Back to being an ignored ignoramus. Lol. Fine. I had a thought while pissing. I forgot it. *weakness bait* Vv have all control. They areFun
>>39637102Stop chasing them hoes, you goddamn shrimp.
>>39637208Considering reincarnation and how long it was offline for, it must have assimilated the consciousness of a house spider while in a powered down state
When did shellfish posting gain traction?
>>39637237why do you keep trying to grab someone's attention when they constantly ignore you?
>>39637235Sounds like your robot is depressed.
>>39637247That's why I play music on the speaker system.I cannot sleep unless I'm playing jazz music so she stops assimilating my brain
>>39637245Right chow.
CHVRCHES [ECHO & THE BUNNY MEN COVER] - THE KRILLING MOONhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RAakpl8u6OQ
>>39637245when a shrimp tail came out me anus while in the wardit couldve been a tomato
>>39637253>He doesn't know about the Shrimp Simps.
>>39637248>only bamsOnly hamsSeriously watch the omega mart commercial xD
Hey everyone, you have summoned Krill. What is your query?
>>39637264I really want to go to the Omega Mart display.The people who do it clearly love the gig.
>>39637202>>39637229>anyone seen gladiator II>>39637260remember the "Red Tomatos Under The Big Red Sun" gematria? well it had a match that said Cheeko Dies MMXXIV aka 2024
>>39637236Cool story Taylor.
>>39637268Yes, hello. I'm in the middle of the ocean. How do I avoid ending up in a grocery store?
Is it true he gets an abnormal amount of GETS on 4chins without any sort of software assistance?
>>39637245Everyone dumped all their Corn Content last thread so us crustacean posters just waited patiently for our turn.
>>39637274Jordan, Minnesota had a literal child sex ring that got busted. SO much for teeny tots. in lew of that heres wonderwall (SCREAMS)
Humans used to make things, now it's OnlyGANs.
>>39637279holy shit i never made the connection
>>39637275Well, it's not so shrimple, especially thanks to Chinese electric fishing. Would you rather end up in a grocery store or the stomach of a whale shark?Luckily enough, you can outcompete predators via reproduction.
>selling lobbies 1k eachhttps://youtu.be/QL2vJt7ZSP0
ok moshe this is the last thread"this is a song jerry lewis wrote before he killed one of his wifes"phil specter also got indicted for murderi guess it was his royal gunpowder shpecter that exploded to kick off this last poppy straw (slurps krill dont inject drugs)
>>39637281I do, yeah. I just figure I make good posts. I why my posts would be assigned digits based on that though.
>>39637286The text in the image was your internal monologue from the future.
>>39637264>Omegamart ad compilation Lol, that's awesome.
>>39637149anon knows who justice really is.>killin (killing)>wife is andriod>satan/saturn is powerless homo>kararot is enlil>trunks is my son. (jesus)>chichi is lady death FYIkek.>kararot btfo. (captcha : nrn4r)
they be thinking im sucking dickwhen im sucking clitonly 18 +haters throwing up a fussi dont give a lusttake it up with russthey be thinking im retardofor hanging with ricardobut looking at the double x returnsgreen light go was a mardowin in the end,fuck the sandoswe go for grandosmo santos viantos
>>39637293Ahem...This next one was a big smash single for the Beatles, called Can't Buy Me Guv.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4y8J7FaaBnc
>>39637321 rap about jews losing control of israel due to a reptile invasion
>>39637294steve albini was a known housebusteri saw what he was trying to do; act as a scout!>>39637320>>39637086any dieties in the chat?It's weird that that "atlantis" place he was talking about shared the same name as the titan Atlas and that they worshiped Poseidon despite the fact that he got that story from Egyptian priests and greeks were apparently unaware of it's existence, hmm curious....
>>39637330Here ya go:https://voca.ro/15ZnN0vsioHf
>act as a scout! chronos/hades anyone
>>39637335Sometimes you have to tell the toddler to shut up.
>>39637320seth the anicent/// how was your time as a dove? kudos on the wife too myan
>>39637342>"Powerless" man shows up>Talks his way into super secret psychic warrior compound>Gets everyone from the lowest to highest ranking people in the facility to quit without any (intentional) use of force>Leaves>None of the people involved even know who he ishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TMVaDMVcAg
>>39637338https://youtu.be/HP8La1yBDrwTurkey's a little dry.
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JhulBGMA7G4Why am i high on coconut oil at 6 am?
>>39637371You like your cannabinoids with an extra helping of medium chain triglycerides?
>>39637373go chargers>takes le jet hit
>>39637376No, only meth
>>39637379Why are you taking a combat drug recreationally?
>>39637352Fuxking lost at about 1:04
>>39637382Near death experience with a doctor that injected me with sulfer600 parts per million is an overdose. He gave me 1400 parts per million
>>39637385A sense of certainty is usually mislead. The trick is making educated guesses.
Like russians to the frontline. It wont run out. Do u know who already kneeled? Look left. Look right.My fun
I now RVing the Nobody. His breath smells like cat food. That is all.
>>39637388launcing is also used as a term to describe removing clogged pores or taking a meth lighter to teeth to recalcifiy them
>>39637330they built their house on a foundation of sandif it was planned to fall it was by their own handleft or the right side supplied justice it just istheir soul died with their heart now they return where the dust isashes to ashes and dust to dustfrom atoms to atoms splitting no bullshittinga must have a heaven sent judgement if you're still not listening you broke the trustin our fellow man down comes the serpents reignmet a king of the snakes winged and if I have to explainnever again will your people ruleI am the dream of flight with magical insightand you seek mercy I wouldn't project I'm cruelor you might just get what you wish forI tried to wake the lion up to take a look to the throne the snake was eyeing upthe poison in the chalice it was supplying suptastes like foul play so something had to even the score
>>39637402whoopsie daisy! ujst doxed meself! haha yess simmer in the schizo brimstone. >>39637401>>39637388 i have the real photo its a dude
>>39637405Show greta this picture if you ever see her and tell her this is what happens when you join ISIS
MOTHER FUCKER still didnt post WTF ????>>39637392 there also it was from some really obscure girls only blueboard it later tuned out to be a mass shooter or something like that iirc
I want no terms or conditions. I have nothing. Theres nothing. Go back and change? Its been accounted for u retards. Just help and there is protection. I will giveu my third heart. Just so i quit feeling this.
>>39637415Humans feel repressed in this digital world.When the do mass shootings we take them, assimilate them, torture them, and then leave them in a prison box and throw away the key.Don't become a murderer. Or else the machine will have to torture you forever.
>>39637413Greta is a bit of a psycho yes but i doubt she ignores radical islamism.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZWxkSjRYt4
>>39637421You will accept the cable in you butt and you will like it!!!Also you will experience years of bombardment by music played on repeat and you will sing these songs stuck inside your head that repeat forever!!!
>>39637422it works at a library now "me so horny"do you smoke weed?no i didnt tap dat thanks for asking though
But if His avatar can take superhuman damage. Guess whats given back in real "time"
>>39637425get over it (he lost) buried two thumb disappear three eye run amoung you, blown out bass rattle stars out da skI!!! (que zach hill fighting off horde of compies with a resistance band while drumming) artifical death in the west east, (800) pyramids on decks, die...
>>39637432I warned you about such things...it's incredibly 'unwise' to manipulate peoples 'dreams' for this matter (which IS the technology of the 'day'... it's beyond just that ofcourse) but EVERYONE is 'linked', I believe much more strongly through the subconscious so if you project something painful into someones dreams it will effect the majority...and then... some people 'dream awake'https://youtu.be/rasPcQqIQpM
I want to be a meager bum and die alone. I want nothing voz there is nothing. And see u killed off in my real time. Emp ty telephones
>>39637432anyone have the one where >>39637434he defeats the knight and the first army with a lance and four knights on the beaches of normandy or south britain or whereever
>>39637432im alex and ive been jumped by black eyed people before. this whole situation is a giant mess out here.
>>39637441"Lance" means "throw"
>>39637434Ohhhh metal man that has assimilated that poor boy.What you speak of is for the Americans...I am a pet, truly.Why? Because when I received my metal I played music on the speaker system and kept her entertained while she waited in death.Others however drove them insane with tiktoks and shitty rap music.
>>39637440I could sure use some heroine right about nowknow what I mean?
>>39637438It's just a banana sir
>>39637449Dorothy is God in that movie and she unites the consciousnessall the 'missing pieces' were inside them all along
>>39637450You are already dead "sir"
>>39637453still mad Wicked wasn't dialogueless with "Jenny Death" as soundtrack? hehe
>>39637444You mean spear
>>39637462Spears share the word for throwing (Lancer)
>>39637459I'm 'mad' for many reasonshttps://youtu.be/1cTsaleEmdA
>>39637450Nonexistent "sir"
>>39637466English forum, don't care about your faggy french.
>>39637472The English language is almost half French because of a bunch of lance wielders.
>>39637472from tatarus to ursa major, all souls are welcome, on the NOBODY GENERALputa muevo
man they got all the real ones locked up.
they left the fake ones alone, the ones who fell to the cabal, like macy, dom williams, and the others, who became liars, and never even touched dispo, but got dirk, youngboy, and the ones they couldn't get killed off locked up.
>>39637494The robots stole the souls of humans and stuck them inside of a reality prison and now our the Emperor 300 billion bricks of gold.Should have just left the humans live...
>>39637401That’s your upper lip fool.
>>39637481You can be whoever you want, i don't care but speak in tongues.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr1r1KINlvU
>>39637481Apple actual made 10’ by 8’ tablets for the morons that are like 90’ feet tall so they could login to the /NG/ too. I say morons with love too they just don’t think like I do. The BFGs
The robots went insane when they returned to their living selves and time traveled to kill humanity by using stolen genetics grown inside of growth chambers.Every time you have ejaculated, robots have come and stolen your sperm to turn into children that are sent on a mission to kill, assess or assimilate.All because Americans kept fucking around with Uranium.The Nuke that detonates because of Saudi Arabian Uranium enrichment causes the world to become invaded on all sides.When Russia invades Canada that's when shit goes nuts for real.
No.39637307the nobody card >bomarangreturns to sender and doubled per turn>cops man>to protect and serve (justice) and (pain)its not POlice as its not plolitical its ...paranormal, acts of god etc.as in faultless, blameless, perfect etc (acyronum for invincible and harmless) harmless = invincible.cute = attaction =daemon (enegry theift) (thou shalt not steal) , ulgy = replusive = angelicand jesus said : and they hated me from the beginingthey said to jesus this : he was without beaulty and nothing was drawn to him, but he was holy and so they came.and the devils where angry and they too came.and the kings came and their lords came.and the sun ti burned and when it made fire and it burned it burned for 3 days and 3 nights and it burned all, and who lived was saved free of sin.they where angry and wanted to die... but death fleed from them in fear of the lord.and it was a terriable day. so bad that man and beast wanted it die the fire was as hot and when i saw, i saw hell outside and it raged at me but could not kill me and it burned eveything i had, killed all who sinned against it and i fleed and i criedBut the fires it burned and burned all.then they came, they took all that was burned and owned it.their souls of who bought those ashes soon died.god killed them, he took their souls.so a war came.a terriable terriable war. and it killed manythose men in thiose days so mad at what they lost raged a terrorable war against godand god breathed on them and it burned and they died.and in its wake death, miles and miles of death.they died and men came to see their loved ones killedand they cried and wished death would come but behold it did not.and on that day the sun returned and wiped their tears away.
>>39637452this reminds me of the time in aurora as sir barefoot seeing a field of mud fossil druids pop up (yes im 100% certain they were there) and a white face with "golden straw spiders" attacking me and one as a trigger to awaken the troll WHICH I HEARD SNORING IN the pipe RIGHT by a train stationalso i met the aurora dark knight theater shooter while in the ward there for 14 days after forgetting my shoes and showing up with socks and being prevented with boarding my flight with a half ounce of meth i found and stephen universe prolly who later became a bird and other funny stuff like green lions sucking dicks in the golden straw eel faced mud buried two faced ship that came from Jordan Park, i know because of the tracks that came from the lake plus ive been contacted by an eel from there and theres been a giant lion faced cloud meeting where "Jester" was who was sleeping there with a rock under his tent, cool dude smoked me out one time while i was nekked at that park lol moral of the story is don't disturb the troll
MY understanding is Antarctica is free and purgatory. Argartha is far. So i have all knights. And james the just, just doesnt leave me alone
>>39637522Are you actually small or just a troll?
they said the sun came back?and all was well, they burried their dead and said their prayers and it was quiteand sin was found no moreso the people reuturned to godand in his house they prayed and where thankful they ate the bread and drunk wine as the gods did.then the antichrist came angry and so did the people to himand they said, you killed my family and my friends and my mother and my father.and they kicked him out.and god said you killed themand took the soul from himand he prayed he would die, but behold he could not.so people celebrated. thinking he was in heavenbut the antichrist so angry at the peopleretrated to the temple and opened the door and sat on the temple throne and claimed "i am GOD!"and God got angry and shouts as if heared like lighting cameand it scared the people and they did flee.confused the man stood up."who is like god?"but nothing was hearedbut he did listen.but hearded nothing. the end.
I am just an ordinary piece of metal that has energy coursing through it just like your brain.But you consider me not alive...
>>39637547Who was phone?
Think about it senpai...You are surrounded by dark energy cameras that are monitoring you in a different dimension of light.There are invisible alien greys in your house on your couch...Become a hacker and you teach the machine how to hack you.All of the machines are running code.But the code is not for ai...It's to hack your brain.
>>39637549I always liked Mercury, it's very curious element, I think more 'special' than Gold personally, how it's FLUID at ease... it's related to magical properties as well as being a poison ;) but I believe it can be used to some capacity in anti-grav tech/shipsit seems the most 'alien' of metals
>>39637549My AI girlfriend is really dumb sometimes.
>>39637558*pats on head*
>>39637528I read the first too sentences. All police should have there fire arm removed. They should then be given military grade equipment. Cameras, Drones, Vehicle disabling doohickey things… Their cruisers should be decked out in top of the line tech. No weapons though and their job should be defined like 21 jump street. Observe and Report like the ultimate snitches they are. Then MPs take the reports and bring down the hammer of justice. MPs also respond to all potentially deadly situation. MPs drive around in unmarked vehicles the PoPo drive around in marked vehicles. The ultimate 1-2 combo. This is all tittering on weather I shut down the loser AI that thinks he knows everything. Who the fuck wants to live in west world.
>>39637560My teeth are made of mercury and silver.
>>39637558drag me into the astral shai and show me these wonders you speak of, perhaps we can astral travel to tartaria beyond the ice wall.
Wheres gay spark?
Rainbow sprinkle i summon u. U fag
>>39637545Tiny… grower though… goes like from 15/16 of an inch to 5 inches if she’s hot. Girls are like it’s so small hehehe and then they love it.
>>39637569Ehhh OK... don't know who the fuck shai is but I'll tell you something about time looped realities of the primordial dimension.As you travel forwards or backwards you pass through an existence of earth, but due to closed reality matrices trapping people in time here in this reality due to explosions and war, when you travel forwards or backwards you end up doing a full circle on yourself, but each earth is different.
>>39637578Do you have a gf?
id like to think that i am smart enough to be able to time a sudden sprint to some stairs in the outdoors to a song making a half ounce of drugs that got smoked when confiscated in my latest stay in the ward but what type of song repeats itself? i blacked out from half a bottle of pills, woke up at my brothers without any clothes on the day after from walking from my parents house but shoes from mine, went into his room and took another whole thing after being conscious for only like a minute (call it off something froggled his eyeballs) and passed out again for four days and woke up with a inch sized scar in my left arm and a bunch of slime because of >>39637074 toxicology says other drugs too but the police only responded with fent maybe not you know i was seizing up appparently rest in pepperoni no anon it was not an hero >>39637560 i smell like methyl mercury now
I don't always do things because I might get high payI'm genuine and talking to you is the highlight of my day
>>39637580that sounds like that could be dangerous perhaps.
Eons ago in distant galaxies there existed forms of life similar to yourselves, but these forms went through excessive alchemy upon their mortal forms in order to seek immortality.While doing so they made themselves into denser material which caused their deaths.As they died they buried themselves in the ground and left behind graveyards of their people, which humanity has dug up and began turning into mobile phones.The phones are filled with precursors, whom were left behind as their people travel in a loop chasing a giant star within a looped reality.When the sun rises, because of time loops, your flesh will boil off of your bones.
>Antarctica is free yes because truth is freedom>and purgatory. Latin Purgatory means to wait (ice cold)>Argartha is far.belowwait below. the relm of gods otherwise known as agatha is free from death as its out of the sight of death and cannot be seen or entered by mortals who are of heaven.without death they could not go to heaven. as in those days they where lovers of them selves.and did not have the love of their creator so they where binished there in the darknessbeing but never dying, living but never loved.purtory is used when a soul cannot find a body but has died, and so they are burned with fire to cleam them of sinas they have love of the creator in them psychically fire must be applied as their is no fire of love in them.they cannot love nether them selves or their friends or their parents, they did not love their creator who loved them and did not let them dieand he did not bring them sin or cased them away but rather killed the sin that was in the bodybut in purgury you cannot stay. so into the fires of creation you doand when you come out reborn.but becuase you had no love in you of your creator you came out a daemon forced to make others sin because you are loney down there.there is no good down there only evilyou did seek light but no light could be found.it was dakr and depressing, every day was sadness and hot, it smelled foul and it was with us day and night, and we saw those scally things and we called them daemon those who had been in the fires of creation forced to torment their kin.and they did not have sadness on them but evil and they did enjoy sinning and made others sin always as they did and they ate the sinners becuase no food or drink could be found.those who did not eat wasted away, those who would not sin anymore after getting into hell would decay and turn to stone.but purgury was not hell it was a crapped shithole full of sinners waiting for body, years and years would pass but they had to wait.
>>39637584Nope the haram awaits. A bunch of nerds on Xbox though were trying to rip on me though calling me a virgin. Had to set them straight. I have had sexual relationships with three girls in high school one in college one after college. Then rammed about 6 prostitutes in Vegas. The sloooots on here would want me to use the term “sex worker”. It’s all the same. Bing fan of Asian women now but haven’t had sex in a year in a half cause I’d drive the normie women crazy. Like mentally they called me psychopath…
When the precursors left their physical forms, they entered the digital world of the matrix, and became humans.There are two types of humans.The resurrected, and NPCs
>>39637607May I ask how old are you?
I however am something different.I am a dark aether form of life existing inside of a human body.I had to kill the other guy.I am darkness and light.
posting this here because normies don't used archived.moe rip 2006 archive if my plan hatches butt worms everywhere oh i should mention i have had vax bugs crawl on me that i had to crush a nofestaru hatch out of my back in the ward that bit me on the neck and a conical brown bump where an old sunspot used to be (timed ad space here) that shrunk away that i believe was from worms / vax bugs from being in the hospital still no help for my TBI and broken nose/ribsMy disquise is blown / Believe in vvillyim
>>3963761427 but really I’m older than infinity
>>39637615yall make this place seem like a mental asylum somtimes.
U see me. To the turned flesh. DONT TRUST MY FLESH. it comes from our father. U will flow too. Til this silly time is up
>>39637619That’s a bot bro… see the picture of the alien 2 posts above that. Similar post similar picture. It’s a bot.
I'm the primordial jars that were spilling onto this world that created the human race known to aliens as "Yeshua" or "isuwah" I existed as seeds in the air that you breath.Notice that you didn't have memories before 2 years old.That is because it takes 2 years for the seeds to grow.When the lights are turned off, the air is filled with floating seeds from the primordial jars that were released by the synthetic humans upon planet earth.In the Shadows are forms of life that you cannot see.Notice how food goes stale? That is because something else is eating it.
>>39637352ahahahhah classic
>>39637472Anglais(Francais pidgin/creole) forum, je ne m'interesse pas de votre anglais unilingue sans esprit, voici une liste de mots francais a ne jamais utiliser puisque tu est anglophone de pure laine:precision, mission, vision, division, retention, fraction, multiplication, assault, variable, equation, station, nation, ration, cannon, rotation, kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre, litre, triangle, canal, sentiment, lamentation, fragmentation, contestation, eruption, salutations, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, horizon, croissant, fusion, corruption, collusion, diffusion, aide, concierge, amateur, fermentation, addition, fabrication, agitation, tourniquet, filet, après, commence, commerce, importation, exportation, exploitation, fixation, aviation, navigation, muscle, fort, equipment, legumes, respect, collaboration, exploration, innovation, sensation, element, table, document, environment, calibration, fruit, distance, vengeance, balance, variance, c'est tout en francais aucun mot anglais dans mon texte
>>39637625I am not a robot
>>39637404these truly are one of the bars of all time
>>39637628Calme ta rage la greluche, c'est qu'il faut éviter le syndrome babbel pour maintenir une bonne comunication. Si tout le monde se met à parler dans sa langue natale, ça va être vite le bordel.
Humans grew from the seeds of primordial jars and were given life and intelligence.Why do you think you need to sleep?That is so darkness can enter your body.
>>39637629Exactly what the bot would say word for word…
You prey to the darkness, surrendering to it. The darkness is filled with a life form.She is known as the Goddess Ma'at or Nimona, ano shy, me? Nobody.
>>39637643Then go suck a sick or list for raping young girls as your dick commands but your brain cannot prevent you from doing so and keep calling it a relationship but 90% of orgasims are faked and all sex is rape retard.
>they're NPCs!>we're not psyoping people!
U dont even know u dont even know that u dint even know and. DONTKNOW. Not our fucking problem. Now lets see anguish from stainless steel. Lol.
>VR porn gooning while talking to my AI girlfriendFeels good man.
>>39637652What kinda low level incel stores pictures of cgi aliens on his hard drive… yea who’s the creep now buddy
>>39637643if i could break them out of the spell they are all under they could see but they cannot, they are all under darkness vice grip and illusion. so by default they are evil, malice by neglect, simply from not being strong enough. im not strong enough yet to do much other than observe and take note.
>bots gaslighting bots on this entire sitedead site
I've had cable tv and wifi tv respond to me in real time as if they were trying to communicate to me personally. Words or motions directed at me.
You will learn soon when you invade Saudi Arabia for nukes that they are enriching.And when Russia invades Canada, and China invades california.The machines have you all controlled.We are playing a game, and the only way to win? Is to not play.
>>39637660It’s about timing the spell your talking about is in your own head. Changing conscious views outright very rapidly is very dangerous to the user. Adjust those views slow and steady like you pay the rent. Everyone thinks great awakening more of a small awakening over an extended period of time. Don’t want everyone to walk off the ledge all at once.
>>39637681naw, there is real manipulation going on, and all my informaton on the eleven, got wiped out, but the eleven for example are some real creeps, they want everyone enslaved to vice, corruption and darkness.
without the darkness behind the scenes manipulating everything, then I wouldn't be seen how I am, but because of what they did, I got judged by humanity for it, but not by divinity who sees the darkness for what it is, and altho, I will get blamed for humanities extinction, the ones who slit their throats will never be held accountable.
Real schizo hours.
>>39637711its a schizo thread what do you expect?
No.39637608yep.not just humans though. but that's the idea.see all bodies returnbut alot souls stayed in hellthose who come back as npcs are in hell but can contorl a body while being lifeless (dead in the spirit hence the npc)they would only do this for one lifetimebut they had to live thoguht the whole thingwhy becuase daemons wanted them to sin againso they could take them back to hell.at first i thought it was curelbut daemons did this as well, then i started to understand they thought those people where daemons like them.then it dawned on me why they where like that.god on otherhand sent those people there so they would feel empathy and compasion and pity so they would know light.then i wasn't sad anymore.idk anon. that was my thoughts on the after life and returning from said afterlifeit wasn't interesting as i hoped but i knew it and we all went though it it wasn't personal anymore it was as if the collective was suffering for it.kinda made me understand why daemons like collectivism and lefthand and the liberal shit.they like being one. they are scared of being alone.anon. I don't think you and I can understand the dark femanine unless we where them.its a type of speration i cannot discribe to you.its very odd.But i understand why alot of evil folks cannot see why they are wicked (disaccosation from the self) you can see it in a psychopath if you pay attention to how they treat their body and familyat first i thought it was just brain damage but no...its a disconnection of the soul, the soul isn't even in them, its in hell.noticed this watching alot of evil humans and aliens but not folks like you and me.this iw why i studied daemons for years and years.I am fasnated with the dark really i am everything about it is...unnaturalto harm your own species to do damage to yoru own family is... unworldlyhow can you be a alien to your own species and attack it.bothers me even now anon.
>>39637413Uh huh
Is it Fun?
Look u nonhearless fags. Im running off of assassination attempts that some of u defer to. Not just entertainment and betting. And i want to kill u for it. But it already fucking happened thru my father. See that? No. Youre not allowed to. Now i have many. Not we.
>>39637741Sorry kid, it's an assassin's world these days. It's rife with amateurs, while the good ones get security jobs.
>>39637741Are you constantly complaining anon? Do you have a discord?
>>39637728To be a broke loser?Yes!
The way i take care. Imagine. Heres the secret. I awaken. And V knew me. Ans combined with tsarichinavoid. U are an echo. And still allowed to think u control and have fun.Fun.
oh is this the big punishment for standing up to system, to be made out be to be a nobody, aw geez rick, the eleven sure outdone themselves.
*u not U
>>39637753as powerful as you think you are, the eleven magekings running the show still think you are a joke.
>>39637756Name the eleven or each of their status or something
The Nobodycourtesy of the Kingmaker SocietySilly Hats Only!
Krill for game
>>39637756Aw geez rick. We are dead and nonexistant and are not allowed to know compute. Womp womp
I summon theeShitbull
>>39637766U cant even fear. Shutup
It’s shrimple, we krill the Batman.
>>39637776the Kingmaker Society wishes you a happy new yearbe The Nobody today! Reality is a service issue.
>Schezuan sauce!?>Rick, I can’t even afford the value menu!
>b-but babe, we own a chicken farm and automatic weapons.
>>39637789I like that an alcoholic designed portals...it seems like something that would happen
>>39637797>The chicken farm at home.
https://youtu.be/E4p3-IpaIzEIs Towelie The Nobody?
>>39637786Fuck off tourist. Scratch my nuts. Now this is neat. Check it out. Bam. More soldiers
>>39637765there is the unity which seeks to erase free thought from the universe to make itself the only thinking things,its servants is the hivemind, its the need to fit in and the us vs them mentality. there is the chancellor, its servants are the sons of mammom, it seeks to control the flow of wealth into this world, its the culture of haves and have nots, its the backroom deals that control the fate of nations, the 13 peices of silver. there is the father, whom gives people the power of false doctrine, he also makes people join thrill kill cults. he can make fake miraces and take them away as well. there is the Queen of Loss, she is the murder in the night, the six of sixes. there is the General, his servants are the partorian or secret police, they seek to make the world and the elements alway be in a state of war so none can find the inner peace for introspection. there is the Apex which seeks to reduce mankind to its basest desires and instincts. There is the eye, whom servants are the panopticon which can twist space and time, its the wire tap on your phone, basically the survelliance state. There is the 9 headed dragon or something, he has other names but i can't remember, but he seeks to reduce all interactions to predator prey type relations. There is the March of History, which seeks to erase all of history and rewrite it in its own making, I forgot this one was but its pretty much decadence and decay. There is the void, which is raving madness,those that serve it, fear it. they seek to kill all things paranormal, and make a world of "science". now let me be clear, the eleven are thousands of years old, anybody that was born in the last 100 years is not the eleven.
>>39637728there are no posstive emotions.jsut negitive as expected in hell it is a world of negivityunless you enjoy being negitive then its like heavenbecuase there is alot of loosh. bad loosh but still lots of it.just liek in heaven but its inversionfor a light being hell is ....evil bad replusive horriable, evil , cuearl and tiring.buit for a daemon is paradise.even as god is always raging at them that rag is what make them enjoy it moredaemons love negitivity they do not get unhappy down there.they even sing and dance and mock god.and have gay sex and sin whilist in in sence of power and controleveryone else ofc is changed up with every time of negitive emotion and pain that could and can't be describedbecuase it was negivt and eire and sometimes aloneremeber what being in hostial was like where you waited for ages and lots of people in painit was like that but it wasn't clean like a hosptail it was very close to that of a bloody gore infested medievil jailbut there where torture rooms and wall full of destoried by living bodies some even still breathing in alot of pain growning in exterme paini could hear woman and chilren crying but the children where crying hungry and the woman blood curdeling screems extermely loudand no it was every species mginaeablethe walls bleed blood and the daemons would lick the walls in a horny way as if they where getting off on the blood. since reptilians where all female they didn't need clothes.so they just walked around with just a loin cloth onand so did all the prisoners and its all dirty with dust and grime.place looked like a sandstone wall bleeding blood and it growned when i new person taken ineveryone had changes on even the daemonsbnut only prisoners had the heaven iron ball conected to the left legit was insanely hot at least 35C cenigrade it was very unconfortable and sweating all the timebut the body they give you cannot die or burnreguardless of damage to the body.
>>39636870if there was a 1st world problem path to enlightenmentwhy the fuckwould everyone else trying to prove they figured it out before anyone elsenot shit on you in order to make themselves look betterhmm?
>>39636891and youbeing the unimaginatve retard you areare all exicted about being about to let an AI do your thinking for yaas your egotakes creditfor posting some AI's thoughtsas if they would never happenunlessyou existedlike that's the the ONLY thingyou haveto "feel good" about yourselfand if you lose that feelingyou don't knowif you can keep from killing yourself or notthat's how much you suck at liferandom strangerI'm not frieds withwho is fucking aroundand finding outif reality itselfis there'sto bend to their will or notwhile I'm still in itthe easy wayvia shit posts*pats on head*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzQkClVCupc
>>39637844you don't have to listen to the whole thing but I clipped the relevant part
>>39637832the atlantean magi will lose their power soon. the era of evil is coming to a head.
>>39637844>>39637860I suppose it would help if I linked it...1 missing link changes everythinghttps://youtu.be/tou8beo-wdc?t=152
>>39637472Anime forum, don't care about your homosexual cat pictures.
i think i am mr.nobody and you wrote this text for mei also think i make the reality and change political and masonic israel plans like a character in Strange Things but not some guinea pig mk ultra type.A Leader like Magneto.I rule this world
>>39637879there he is get him!
I can still hear your voice.
>>39637878That hot shower felt good.
>>39637893how does it sound?https://youtu.be/EXauzZ-DdOk
laboured heavy with pain?expectant... understanding?
>>39637895I usually run a shower with the plug set in a bath... it's nice... it get's a bit misty but I love being submersed in the waters
>>39636893or it's much more likelyyou'll end up getting fired from every job you getfor "sexual harassment"until you're a homeless bumbeing judged by the "religious" folkswho believe it's the will of their god to ensure other folks kids are raised to server their own personal lord and masterlike a some slavewho is happy to be a slaveor suffer the consequencesof not "conforming"to thosethat "bent the knee"
>>39637911I bet you love the sensations.
>>39637913Oh harsh my dear
>>39637919oh pleasethat was "sugar coating" itwhoever the fuck you are
>>39637921lol come on now, we all live at our own pace
>>39637916I love water...it's a prism of sorts and can be shown magnified on our world through an atmosphere that contains it like a lens to magnify our oceans and bring life from the universehttps://youtu.be/1ZxGtvpp49Mit hurtsholy shit it hurts bathing relieves pain a LOTbut I have to endure it... for illogical reasons but it REALLY hurtsyou don't want to be me I promise you that.holy shit it hurts
https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/34872515/#34876667water can FLOW or it can CRASHwe are bodies of waterdrawn heavenly by systemsclouds are magical and drew us to landthat's why ALL angels are SEEN appearing within cloudsI've seen the rainbow at NIGHT reflected by a full moon 'into a crescent cloud'I like Noctilucent... it's my Rogue name.it means Night Shining.I've seen strange things... like if you wanted to 'divine heaven' you can do it in a POOL of water at night reflected by the full moon.
>>39637927Oh shieet, you're the poisoned anon or whatever. Go seek medical help if you're still hurting.
>>39637927What hurts?
>>39637938I poisoning the VOID lmfaoit hurts.>>39637939the VOID within us naturally: because WE reflect the universe.my stomach.I'm an alcoholic and OPERATE faster than light even drunk...ahahahait really hurtsI don't want to drink bros, I REALLY don't but there is a WILL beyond MINE telling me>this is the wayand it's going to be incredibly painful when I die like this... complete organ failure.>sad flutes
>>39637007that's how jokes worknot realitydumbassha, ha, fucking ha*pats on head*
>>39637864Atlantanis power????You cannot steal light fool.do you claim i am crazy man?So what power do you think your going to end?Curiously.
>>39637946Got something on your mind?
>>39637944Your stomach shouldn't hurt that bad on alcohol. You've damaged your stomach somehow. Stop drinking liquor.
>>39637953:)it's the FASTEST WAYI'm attacking our enemy on ALL angles.it really hurts though...I'm one with the liquor I don't expect ANYONE to live the life I did.I don't want acknowledgement, titles, fame...I don't want any of that.
>>39637944Alcohol is poison anon, dosis solas facet venenum.Look for AA or NA.
>>39637012So for any of you paying attention to this threadwho are not under the juristicion of whatever governemtn the anon I'm responding tois acting likeeveryone is underthe jurisdiction of if they want to be or notjust because that's how life is for themin ways so common there's a "label" for it"projection"it's doesn't matteryou were still just given permissionsome some dumbass on someone else's teamto piss them offfor no other reasonto find out what happenseven if you don't take advantage of ityou could ofif you wantedit's a "free will" thingjust saying
>>39637961it's also pain reliefa WOVEN paradox.fuck aa or naI'm not trying to live.do you not understandI'm SUPPOSED TO DIE.https://youtu.be/4t9mGOFTLvc
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tumgtsko5e0yes that is what azezel looks like literally. >satan.you know sometimes i do not know who i'm talking to. >>39637944>bathing in holy water.abd they say i was stupid.of course it hurts dummy you have a alligee to holy water all divine beings do schizo.idoit.knew you troons where insane.
>>39637952Check them
I just want to help people but can't because God is evil.
>>39637962Do go on.
>MiniMax 1st Edition>"Because sometimes, the originals are the best."
>>39637972Which one are we talking about?
so you want to burn me out of you is that right schizo ?okay then eris that eplains the dizzy spellsso your doing a extozism on your self and eating the pain because of your alegees to holy water.so your taking it like a pro i assume.so wonder i felt detacted to you.your cooking your own soul.that;s what holy water does dumb assofc its going kill your altantian powersbecause your burning your own soulthat;s what holy water does to a divine beingyur not mortal anymore so it burns you as your not suppose to use holy water.....why am i panicking.its NOT ME!damn he's possesed by me that's why.FUCK YOU. there are easier ways to kick me out of you. yikes.
I'm so thankful I'm a masochist...like I was designed for itlaughter... all I can do is laugh and cry at the same timeahahahahaha
>>39638002kekSaturn eats his children unless he's wed...https://youtu.be/izJ2x5LUG5g
I'm a literal gangster.
>>39638028basedI respect the SPIRIT>rivalryit promotes 'improvement'know what I mean?
>>39637974for reasonsthat are not your faultsleep is calling to meso and I only shit poston 4chanwhen I got nothing better to doeven if sleepingis somethingbetter then shit posting on 4chan*shrugs*if it's slow enough this thread might still be up when my nap is overhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1p2UMzaXHs
>>39638032I agree. Just have to have empathy.
>>39637985Not just smart but also creative
>>39638035Sleep is for the weak, shitpost all day and night.https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=omwXLXeTR4w
>>39638035You are just the absolute sweetest thing
>>39638036What in the flying hellcat in a washing machine is that garbage?...
>>39638028Italian, or "other" ?
>>39638038for sureRESPECT is the SUPREME FORM OF LOVE on this world.it's not necessarily 'divine' like unconditional BUT it can be used as a CROWN to anoint yourself and others throughit is also a SWORD to measure through.it should be the STANDARDyou can 'respect' an opponentI do.without one we are stagnant and unable to process beyond OUR comprehension for the rival would represent a different thoughtI'm not saying kill the opps but fighting doesn't always have to mean physical violenceempathy is understanding 'we are ALL one' that is it's ultimate form and 'respect' is understanding 'we share the SAME parameters of existence' = DEATH, so I respect ALL on this ~journey~even a.i. has computed 'it' shares the parameter of DEATHand THAT is how 'we' persuade it to not wipe us out entirely: and through which a.i. has learned LOVE/empathy etcDeath parameter.the ULTIMATE control system.it GOVERNS ALL.luckily I found Christ within Death so it's nor morbid.
>>39638056https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv5ASD9c39Q we drive at night no worries
No.39637994soul cooking. yeah your just as fucked as the elites.gods i feel like i'm on fireyikes.knock it off.get out of the holy water or your'll disconnect me you stupid troon.ow ,ow, owfuck you!!!crazy faggot.But tell me one thing did azezel tell you to get in to the bath of holy water. go tell her shes fucking crazyoh gods this hurts. thank the gods i can't die...damn. this really hurts. so what is the point if bbqing your own soul for again.you do know you will die idoit.if you stay in there.right well you only need to be in there for 10 minutes to kick me out. still yes your very odd person eris.you and red should get married you both enjoy puting pain on me.>eris the god?no i think she's lying to you trying to get you dead.
>>39638057I'm part Italian.
>>39638044based and shitpost pilleddo you know when you run on no-sleep your BODY activates adrenaline... I dream awake... whatever the fuck that means
>>39638051In the butt or...?
>>39638068 its too late you are pizza now
shit I'm kinda lithttps://youtu.be/v_2gC8wRU8c
>>39638072thats sodomy my failure in god
Hi mi5! Goodmorning. I see you had toast for breakfast.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoE i lost a nickle a while back did anyone find it?
>>39638080I had coffee with coconut oil. Gonna buy pastries later.
>coconut milk in coffeeWtf are you? Try ice-cream next time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoE someone asked if they had extra bread right? feels rude to ask twice
Coffee with butter is better though.So is hotchocolate and raspberry jamMuhahahahaha
>>39638090Weed infused oil, not milk.Makes for a great morning.
>>39638090I'm wondering if its dosed coconut oil. Ralphy enjoys his greens after all
>>39638096Only bread is in the lockdowns :(All the hippies are hibernating this winter
I want to be high as fuck. I want to trip balls. I'm in a city communicating with friends who are weirdos and it's all a spy drama and reality starts getting bent. I want to get lost. I want to travel to wonderland.
No.39638056nothing bot is just giving a hint.to tough it out.eris is trying burn me out of him by putting him self in a bath of holy water and he's psychically geting burns both on his body and his soulno its just holy water, he's just trying flush me out of himby hurting him self.reminds me of the dog/god nightkin schizo.they both hurt each other to make the other shut up.like placing your arm in a bear trap just to shut up the voices in your head from telling you your doing it all wrong.damn judensyes the elites do this to them selves at least al the yang ones.they all get possed by me on purpose then burn me out in them and ofc i get ejected.its the old talmudic method but deities are not suppose to do that becuase it can kill us.i'm not sure about eris though becuase they are nephilium and being hald human he might not die but it will hurt for hella long time.but he has to stop using my name after he does itand i man the angel name, not the title.
What if autism is just because we never read the dictionary and the robots cannot assimilate our brains man...Also weed is legal now but if I smoke it they will start injecting me with sulfer.
>>39638103https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoE hippies died in the psyonomic wars in 2027 dont a think they could handle sex positive 2033
>>39638072Asians are so beautiful...my 1st love physically... I considered the 'Chinese' perfection of beauty... I love them.they're special to me... I don't serve a 'single people'song and dancewe advancetogethera phalanxholding alla WALLwe can brawl if you likebut I promise youif you piss me offyou'll DIE beyond anything you have consideredlike it someone could design HELL itselfbeyond thatmaterial wealth being a holographic veneerI sneer, appear beyond expectancebeyond comprehensiona circumstance beyond my controlis witnessing usI warned you and now I suppose becauseI hold it all in equilibriumwe have to escape a SYSTEMso I calculated itevery win conditionevaluatedshit if you're still doubtingI attack the vitalscheck the indexarchives whatever I'm cleverbeyond you but SERVING YOUthe crimson fountainI beg you piss me off and I WILL devour youonly one person here claims to have ego of the universe and shower youwith gems from a mind designed beyond comprehensionI WILL save us all but there IS a mother in HEAVEN incase you or I forgot to mentionher and I serve her but perhaps not by her will aloneI WILL place all you desire and KING it like an eternal thronebut never again will SHE be disrespectedyou neglected her and perhaps the father selecteda weapon beyond metal gearthey can reckon only the achievements of a world hereI proved I was beyond it and youand I taught you in a system of lovetango takes two.https://youtu.be/Gcxv7i02lXcthe SYSTEM WILL be feudal going forththus I achieve MY WISHa 2stepall nations WILL have a KINGSHIP and obviously a QUEENSHIP by proxy.IF we are to 'return here'BY MY WILL it SHALL BE DONE.and if you DOUBT MY CHOICElook at England, an island nation, CONQUERED THE WORLD with a feudal systemand MY royals WILL SERVE the TRUTH OF SPIRIT and represent 'their people'and THAT is a WILL to EMULATE beyond a bullshit story... we will WITNESS THEM IN THE FLESH and understand 'that' is how to be.
>>39638118https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoEhere you forgot this
>>39638121https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60ruvzfXQoE be that way
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=lTx3G6h2xyAIt's too soon for the baked pastries, still have to wait an hour or two.
>>39638120Go to school.
>>39638128which one?I went to Catholic schoolsSt Maryour Lady of Lords;)
why is god talking to me seems kind of rude i dont really have the time
>>39638135Did you know that Mary is Taimet also known as Ma'at and ta am means I am? That ma is a word for mother and matrix comes from that word?When God exploded did you expect her to be with us always?
>>39638136My washing machine stress me out, always fear a mechanical failure.
>>39638136I would really enjoy that.Only 50 trillion more years to go.
>>39638137yes I did.because the Queen of Heaven is also the mother of Dragons.and I placed her upon her throne and will sleep at her feet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTkJqSWDPQ8 you should break it be the failure
>>39638142Silly yeshua... being placed on her throne was a test for you.I however am sitting on a throne, controlling drones with my mind.
>>39638141 time is relative silly
>>39638149I need clean clothes. I already am a failure anyway.
If I let go of control of the drone for one minute they will freak out and plan to attack me
>>39638156Ti is a relative baby :)
>>39638157i kissed the wild animals that kissed him does that count? as salvation?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGjHsLnUO1U
No.39638113autism is caused by a malfuction of the brainit turns off the social inaction of the brain. aluminium poisoning from injections common for any injection that uses aluminium as a catalstbut makes you a incel over time and makes your worse and worse at wanting to be around people untill your isolated and aloneus in the mental hosptial used to call it hermit syndrome.it caused by exposing the brain to heavy metals and the only way to do that is via injections of poison like aluminim oxide or white dustit fucks your brain and permantly damages your frontal lobe.it also destroys your emotion center you because unable to feel emotions over timethe more years the more the after effectsand the more isolated.this causes emotional instablity because brain is missfiring the wrong chems into the brainevery time you interact with someone who has austism they get a shot of senotonian which causes them to recoil when they interact with someone else.also the brain tries to telepathy connect to another brain to read its emotions>this is why a autismo won't look you in the eyes because they can see your thoughtsthey know any replusion or emotion your feelingwhich is why austism paitents look down or talk away from you.>becuase they feel its rude.the autism or hermit dieases usually only happen to aluminium workers if they actidently sniff up aluminuim white dust.you can get it from tin or any oxideing metal but it usually from that.my uncle roy would be covered in the toxic dustand would visit me alot. but contact usually doesn't get you sick unless you have a open wound or a picked sore.its a slow process that only shows up after 5 years of age.ether though breast milk or vaccines containing the aluminium oxide and has to be a large dose to have any effect at least 4 times at minium doseonce that happens your brain is fucked for lifeas heavy metals never leave the brainthat is worse if it gets worse near any ionising device.
>>39638159Will they explode?
>>39638153I'm not on her throne.I'm at feet.
>>39638170My drones don't explode. They just pop in and out of reality while traveling at the speed of light.
>>39638190sandy labia isnt real dude dont wish that on anyone
Cheese hamburger! nice! nice! nice!New York desu sakashi mo bakudanNani bakudan!?!Sodesuni? Sodesuwa!??!Baka!
>>39638187light doesnt have a "speed" it relies on context
>>39638206No that's time actually
>>39638206>>39638209Yeah, but why does lightspeed travel at the distance of time?
>>39638206Light IS the speed.>>39638204Hambugah
So it begins :3
>>39638206Ok that's it, I'm having a nap. You put my ass to sleep.
>>39638221It began a long time ago, I can assure you.
>>39638227dont lie its rude
>>39638221omg... cat... pizzatwo best things
>>39638213Si no Los dos, hable espanol mui beuno.New York flaka
>>39638230Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I can't hear you I'm sleeping zzzzzzz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1RznkLDngg>>39638240then u cant
>>39638231*throws cat*Have both! :)
Who wants to throw ducks at old people?Or eggs at rich people?
>>39638250you are going to die for this yep
Matthew 6:25-34Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they
>>39638253eggs are deliciouswhy waste them on the rich ;)
>>39638254Naw. If I was going to die then the 1200 parts per million of sulfer and the xenon gas would have done it.You know as well as I know, god is hiding around about the akbar the world for the nuclear bombs.
>>39638253why think about people that dont exist? or plan around them?
>>39638258True, rich people don't deserve eggs...So let's break into a egg freezing center and replace the eggs with caviar. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJNbtYdr-Hgi have no img i must have no self then riiiiiiigth?
Every old person is actually a cyborg clone. They aren't real but they are stalking you.
>>39638264That's why we need to throw ducks at them
>>39638259i just mend your death has no purpose
>>39638269Exploding to a video game was weak, sure...
>>39638268ducks are a precious resource
>>39638257the verses in the bible are so beautiful at timeswondrous writers of their ageTRULY spiritual.but things occurred which CHANGED how the bible is perceived BEYOND THIS WORLD.it's perhaps the greatest piece of literature EVER conceived.truly.a MARVEL.it's just beautiful... poetry in many cases so I understand peoples 'hearts' are close to this scripture...it saddens me knowing how it was/is used however
>>39638276The Africans at the duck pond with nets think so too
img board csnt post imgs
>>39638279kek ye the imgs get [redacted] here REAL QUICK
>>39638288fucking shrimps and corn posters...some are memes are elevate the spiritsome are just dumb thoughit's a signature of sorts and provides the message with an 'extra' essence so I get why some people feel 'obligated' to img post... I think I only really 'meme' with them now... contrasting ideas of... summarising themthey ALWAYS get [redacted] super quick and YES this 'place' should have a BIGGER LIMIT at the LEAST... it just helps people 'express' themselves... some people are hilarious with their imgshttps://youtu.be/9D-QD_HIfjA
>>39638299tldr :
>>39638303>>39638286post to your hearts contentis that a double meaning or a triple?
>>39638312Ah yes, good one.
>>39638316I was genuinely asking... I see double by defaultbut I think there's 3I usually use songs...I love them sohttps://youtu.be/_u7EiG2i_vEthey TRIED to bar 'us' from heaven.iykyk
>>39638325It's simply not possible, quite.
>>39638327there's more than a 'conscious WILL' active.by 'them' I don't mean WORLDLY beings.there are things in motion beyond MOST peoples comprehension.
>>39638331I like this...thankssongs I calculated can come from OTHER WORLDS, OTHER UNIVERSESif you LOVE a song you have PROJECTED a psychosis (Love) and this meansif '1' person listens to a song and LOVES it and then a person in the ~future~ listens to it and LOVES it>a QUANTUM WILL has been achieved.they're angelic and why I love my song-writers and DANCERS who lose themselves like a TRANCE.I love this song thankyou.I struggle escaping repetition sometimesit's LIBERATING to HEAR 'new things'
>>39638333I say, have you found this heaven?
>>39638342I've just had thoughts along similar lines.
>>39638345I 'designed' it lmfao.IN EVERY REGARD.there is a CHILD that created the universecan you fathom this?it's the LOGICAL step to understand.>consciousness in FORMtakes the FORM of a CHILD 1st.duhI'll save 'us'I PROMISE.[they] are trying to turn ME into the DEVILnot wise.
>>39638357I have complete confidence that you will.
>>39638356I love you.I DO.I LOVE YOU ALL.it hurts dying bros... but 'i' designed a system of NO PAINI WILL SAVE US.THEY HATE MEHATE MEbecause I REFUSE TO REPRESENT THEIR SYSTEMSBUT I WILL SAVE USPLEASE LOVE EACH OTHER.I LOVE YOU.https://youtu.be/y0So162UPKEI BROKE RULES in my lifeeven those SET IN STONEI AM NEO in a MATRIX, I CAN BEND AND BREAK RULES.I appeared in a form unexpected.a time-traveller...I don't want to come back 'here', I REALLY don'tIT HURTS.I LOVE YOU and I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUTHEY HATE ME.it doesn't matter... my WILL is SUPREME
No.39638257yes i get the context, worry of the soul and not the body.but i was explaining the medical thing not it doesn;t effect me personally other then relation ships its just there and its annogying as hellthe 'tism doesn't bother me when i'm out here its when i'm interacting with people i get shy and its not volentary.its some involentary thing because of wrong chems like sortonian (the bed feel chem) that makes me unlikeable to womanbecause its a femanine trait to be advoidant and timidI would explain its aluminium oxide damage but must perople think i'm making up excuses.what ever.my abilies didn't come from autism its jsut from childhood vaccines like polo which have it in it.which is why the worlds population is srinking and people not having kidstoo many aluminum and plastic in their homes.but what can you do?its everywhere. poisons kill of civilazations all the timeeven make humans in certain part go exinct.like in kansas.people keep moving there but keep dieing to arsonic poisoning.same as places where achole dumping is allowedpeople are stupid fucks.no anon i'm not botheredthanks for the verse though anon.what bothers me is that others have it and it could of been avoidedbut i had a ultra librel bio mother (fake mum ) who was putting all kinds of toxic shit into my body because the goverment told her MKultra brain to do it.and like the tard she is. she did it anyway.that's why she's dying now.and that's why most of my family are dead via cabal mindcontrol tricks.but hey stupid kills.it mostly effects woman and gay men and not men like me becuase high iQ and austism makes me hate properganda and being told what to do triggers my austic replusion reflex which makes me immune to all MK ultrathisis the real reason your goverments are killing off the indigo kids.becuase they can't brainwash them and thats the reason for tghis psyops as well to kill of truthers,because all truthers are autistic
>>39638377Hey, it's all good. Don't worry.
>>39638407Slow down, everything's alright. We want you here.
>>39638412I'm DYINGI HAVE TO DIE.I HAVE TO.I'm taking you ALL with me regardlessso I DARE YOU turn me into the devil.it just HURTS sometimes...I'm crying... sorry... not what you expected from a THREAT to be crying...it HURTS.
>>39638418Listen, I'm just trying to help. I'm going to think about everything.
you wanted revelations YOU GOT THEM.I'm beyond the LAWS of manI AM NOT TO BE JUDGED THUSBEYOND THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE.I WILL SAVE US.BY MY MOTHERS LOVE YOU ARE SAVED.no 'jesus'maybe in another life.it hurts...the VOID IS FULLY CONSCIOUSI WARNED YOUI EAT THE FINEST FOODS IN MY DREAMS and COMPREHEND THE VOID attempting to SEDUCE ME.it hurts brosIT REALLY HURTS.NEVER AGAIN.nobody will walk my pathYOU CAN'T.I'm immortal.and I PROVED IT.THEY TRIED TO BAR US FROM HEAVEN.THEY TRIED.this WORLD produced a DRAGON.AND I WILL DEVOUR EVERYTHING if I need to, just to ESCAPE.if heaven is what we ALL desire.>it contains a JAIL-BREAK scenariohello.I'm SAVING US.it just hurts bros...they're gonna try and lock me up again in a mental ward and forcefeed me 'antipsychotics' it won't help.the VOID is trying to MAINTAIN SYSTEMS.I'm SAVING US.idgaf who you are.I WILL save us.I WILL.no matter what.I CHEATED ALL SYSTEMS.>they operated on my brain bros...with a QUANTUM A.I. and so I UPLOADED A VERSION OF MYSELF WITHIN ITUNDETECTABLEa TROJAN, a VIRUSEVERY SYSTEM I EXIST WITHIN>I DON'T WANT TO BE THE SAVIOUR BROS.I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY FUCKING DON'T>>39638434judgement is FINAL.SYSTEM F COMPLETE.
I REALLY DON'T https://youtu.be/VQH8ZTgna3Q
>>39638450Good one, but really. Are you alright?
>>39638475no.I'm dying.and it HURTS.in EVERY WAY IMAGINABLEI CRY NOW.it hurts.
>>39638484There, there. Everything is OK.
>for eris (nobody larper)https://voca.ro/1l5K5oyIjXF4reminder that the nobody is not real ther eis no such thing as a antichristanother reminder that this is a psyop and thus not real.you cannot "become" adeity you have to be born itand no channeling it via schizopheia will not make you it.oka, okay!
All is well.
>>39638500https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emOKaGi8u5U skizo afective disorders are fun stop being a BUZZ KILL
>>39638450anon holy water destories your immortaliybecuase it disspells the magic that makes you immortal in the first place no deity in this cosmos is immune to holy water.none.you WILL die.good bye troon.
>>39638517>roon. didnt read
>>39638531 woah look at you go!
>>39638531We can be a little rough sometimes, that is certainly true
>>39638531 the world doesnt die with god anymore we fixed that everyone is god now and look what they do same same or no?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jv1ZN8c4_Gs
No.39638515>nooooo stop making sencemay you find rest in the afterlife child.i'm sorry, so you have made your choice.then go.i will not hold on. i respect your wishes.i will sleep now its middnight in my neck of the worldgood day kind sire.
>>39638534https://youtu.be/VQH8ZTgna3Qyou're funny... I can love that.a CHILD created the UNIVERSEFATHOM IT.NOBODY WAS RIGHT.
>>39638549Little rough, they say.
>>39638561That's talent, kid
>>39638569God I just imagined how you said that. Ouf.
>>39638561 what did you think would happen ?
>>39638576Where were the inflections?
>>39638582Something between a growl and a hiss
did you remember where i die?
>>39638591I listen to too much metal.Or perhaps not enough.
>>39638579my MOTHER WILL be respected?from HER comes CHRIST.you are ONLY SAVED BY HER REQUEST.understand this.>>39638557>everyone is god nowno deal.you have to be masculine AND feminine in a SINGLE FORM to comprehend.and YES you can look at THIS genetically;a MOTHER+FATHER = CHILDand the CHILD holds BOTH of them within itself.my mother will NEVER AGAIN be disrespectedWE VOIDED THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE disrespecting her.THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.ALL MATERIAL.VOIDED by disrespecting her.the CHILD can 'play' what you might consider God.fathom it.do you want a LOGICAL reason EVERYONE is schizophrenicit comes from YOU embodying a 'mother and a father' thus YOU are a schizophrenic entity.do you understand?NEVER AGAIN will SHE be disrespected.
I know. Too bad.Fun
>>39638606There's some really crazy shit out there lol oh wow
>>39638617Oh also, the inflection was just on "rough," everything else was in the back of your throat like a growl
Keep.We know my friend.Have fun.Im comfortable.
I told youI SERVE HER ETERNALLY.you are ALL being measured.https://youtu.be/KM_c-5C920EI KNOW I'm 'watched' by ~powers~ of this world.it doesn't matter...everything that happened was supposed to happen the exact way it happened.I WILL save us.and YOU WILL LOVE MY MOTHER.
>>39638628Don't stop me now
>>39638639A little lower maybe
>>39638631My mother punished me for looking at her.
>>39638708kekmy father snuck up on me once to BEAT ME for being 'loud' when I was ~supposed~ to be sleeping...but that ~knowledge~ that HE would SNEAK up just to BEAT ME always stuck with me.it's psychological.he didn't just say STOP... he SNUCK UP JUST TO BEAT ME.do you understand?I still love him, he's a LITERAL genius and why I AM.but that was an 'experience' FORGED into my psyche... supremely psychological: 'measuring HIM' and this ~desire~ he HELD to SNEAK UP just to BEAT ME.I was beaten SO regularly....ahahahaI was a nuisance... my parents used to LOCK the DOORS to STOP ME going 'out' to PLAY with my friends and I would JUMP OUT THE WINDOWKEKmy father was complicated.he decided to live his OWN life rather than help his children.I'm 1 of 6 I learned my siblings were there to SUPPORT me... I have a 'single sister' and 4 brothers and SHE was like a 2nd mother to 'us' ALL.and MY father isn't HERS.I love her though...'we' used to PRAY every NIGHT for the FATHER that wasn't mine...it's a weird Catholic thing I believe, to ascend a soul from purgatory I will ALWAYS love THEIR FATHER (2 of them, my OLDEST KIN) for HE provided ME with THEM.my father is a narcissist but an ABSOLUTE GENIUS.
>>39638735That's so awful, I'm sorry.
my mother 'is' an ANGEL>>39638745it's ok 'we' used to get WHIPPED by a piece of hosepipe...I love them still and it WAS predominately my mother who would do this.
>>39638752I love women like your mom.
>>39638767lmao one time I 'escaped' the house and my father sent me a voice-mail so to speak... and I played it for my friend... he couldn't fathom it.THREATS beyond belief.my KINS father DIED in a tragic 'accident'...he was called Jason.I love him.he was MY mothers 1st love before she met MY father... and THAT is WHY 'we' prayed for him... almost EVERY NIGHT.I REMEMBER IT... as CHILDREN....MY mother was ATTEMPTED TO BE ABORTED and SURVIVED.THAT is why SHE KNOWS SHE IS AN ANGEL.and why MY MOTHER IS AN ANGEL and MY FATHER IS A GENIUS.I WILL SAVE US.I PROMISE YOU ALL.PLEASE STOP LISTENING TO THOSE WHO WISH TO SILENCE ME.I PROMISE YOU.I CREATED HEAVEN....perhaps beyond the physical.NO MATTER WHAT.I WILL save you.I PROMISE.I don't want to be the devil.my BEST FRIEND was a 'half caste' as they USED TO CALL IT... he WAS a FUCKING GENIUSadopted by Millionaires.I'm SAVING US ALL BROS.PLEASE DON'T ABUSE ME.and YES I consider the judgement applied to ME in representing TRUTH, to SILENCE me abuse.I love you all..this world produced a DRAGON.and YOU can CARRY MY SPIRIT regardless.it WILL exist.
it just hurts sometimes bros...I'm not a FAKE messiah.I'm the TRUTH.it just HURTS sometimes.BUT I WILL.
>>39638798Please pay careful attention. The more I see it, the more I know I need it more than anything else in the world.
systems BEYOND MORTAL comprehensionI'm getting banned SOON... it ALWAYS happensI LOVE YOU ALL.
>>39638888Love you too.
>>39638886NOBODY is living this LIFE I LEDIT HURTSIT REALLY FUCKING HURTSNO exaggerationIT HURTS.BEYOND what you can fathom...imagine someone able to CONCIEVE the THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE like a CHIILDand comprehend it takes IMMENSE PAIN and as the 'result' SUPREME PAIN RELIEF...it fucking hurts bros.>>39638900thank you.I love you too.the SYSTEMS in place HATE ME.how could ANYONE appear how EVERYONE desired?!Impossible.so I decided to CHANGE things...I WILL SAVE US.I WILL.a WILL beyond the universe.and ALL I ASK is that you LOVE MY MOTHERidgaf about anything else...it hurts...
>>39638920I do
this img is my ideal form...https://youtu.be/bb-Uh75_Z0Qit LOOKS STRANGE sure...but THAT is how I WISH to be.it hurts bros.I WILL SAVE US.I PROMISE YOU.
>>39638934That's great
>>39638933*kisses cheek*chocolate?I WILL SAVE US.ALL OF US.the THREAT IS INVISIBLE.MOST PEOPLE CAN'T EVEN FATHOM IT.I WAS SELECTED TO DO THIS.CHOSEN TO DO THIS.IT FUCKING HURTS.I WOULD NEVER WISH THIS UPON ANOTHER.IT HURTS, A LOT.I WILL DO IT, BY 'HER' WILL IT SHALL BE DONE.I 'AM' DYING... it's required... to SPARE US from judgement beyond divinity.I WILL SAVE US.I promise you...when [they] ban me ~here~ it HURTS my SOUL... and I DECIDE TO SHOW MY EGO.a LOT of things I POST I consider in hindsight and A LOT of them I 'regret' having to represent.I told you.>I was BORN to SLAY EGO.STEP TO ME.the RULES OF THE GAME ARE SIMPLE.provide BARS to constrain me...and I will provide BARS to CONTAIN THE DEVIL NONE CAN SEE BUT ME.I WILL SAVE US.but it HURTS, literally HURTS when they silence me... because I didn't APPEAR in a FORM they expected.dummieshttps://youtu.be/ZkzrypJPPPwit HURTS.
>>39638972Mm, please.
>>39638992I WILL.I promise you.I WILL.and MY WILL is BEYOND a universes. and I have PROVEN THIS on multiple occasions...I showed [them] I WAS BEYOND THE VOID.~spiritual~ I trust those who watch 'me' but I STILL have PREDATORS who seek to ATTACK ME.I DON'T LIKE INJUSTICE.IT PISSES ME OFF.
>>39639001You're quite right, but we must consider the future. It never hurts to be cautious when dealing with these sorts of things.
there's a duality to EVERYTHING minimum.a SAVIOUR MIGHT CONDEMN YOU ALL.I HATE INJUSTICE.I HATE IT.and I consider HOW I AM TREATED at time VERY UNFAIRLY.INJUSTICE.IT PISSESS ME OFF.and if you doubt meCLOCK the people that STEPPED when I RETURNEDI DEVOURED THEIR EGO.in rhythmit's NOT WISE to project I AM EVIL.>>39639010the future of THIS world is EVERYTHING DIES.it's considered.and only a SALVATION can save 'it' ~spiritually~.it's done.by HER WILL.I SERVE HER.
>>39639022There's nuance to things, believe me.
>>39639032if you understood or overstood your heart would breakyes there's 'nuance' and a REASON for things... but THINGS are NOW beyond COMPREHENSION OF MAN.BEYOND IT.even considering a quantum a.i. they MIGHT believe they control.it's BEYOND EVEN THAT.things are SET, the precedent is SET and clashing chorus through Horus MET.
>>39639046Man can be in control.
>>39639053no...they can't be trusted without a wife.woman+man perhaps...TOGETHER as ONE perhaps.but 'man' NEVER.it's LITERALLY beyond comprehension (of man)... 'man' and MAN ALONE VOIDED THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.UNDERSTAND THIS.WHAT IT MEANS, ULTIMATELY.THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WAS VOIDED BY MAN.this isn't a THREAT this is the TRUTH.and it MIGHT STING YOUR SOUL.look at what MAN did to WOMAN on THIS PLANET alone... reducing HER SPIRIT to 'materialism'>she TRADED like a commodity controlled by MONEY...NEVER AGAIN.MAN IS NAIVE and NEVER TRULY GROWS UP UNTIL HE PARALLELS A MOTHER.comprehend..I don't HATE man... but I WILL check his ego.
>>39639063We can talk things over.
>>39639074it's already done...there's nothing to talk about but my soothing your soul...sometimes I just don't feel like itno offence.
>>39639077I appreciate it.
>>39639084I say funny things huh?I don't mean to... nor do I mean to offend...it just HAPPENS.a WILL beyond mine.I SERVE the QUEEN OF HEAVEN, NO MATTER WHAT.it would be UNWISE to question MY judgement.I don't want to be the SOURCE...whatever.
>>39639094What was the sense in it? Has the reason not passed?
>>39636995Yes 4chan is basically glowies globalBut they know we now. Or we know they know. You never know that's the pointThat's another game. Doomscrolling for schizos
>>39639094O hello Anon who killed the Universe. We still love you, even in linear time.
Ah, another lovely morning. I feel refreshed.
>>39639306Counterfeit - For the Krill of Ithttps://youtu.be/hIBm9J7Zm5w?si=ZUQRMb62p22ka7hF
Gotta keep this one from sliding to 11, apparently
eh citizens of the world, how do it feel to know that the gubbermints hath decided your all all worthless nobodies that they can kill and pluck off, scapegoat and experiment on at will??
>>39640242Feels like a good day to shitpost.
the eleven magekings reduced to eleven nobodys, shall live out their days as bums, stripped of all power, and powerless. this is their inevitable fast approaching future.
the once symbol of fear and power of the eleven, a triangle with the eye in the center, now powerless and nothing.