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Why do you think THAT is the divine masculine?
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not that anyways
You dumb fucking faggot hahaha
Why? Why not that?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
What qualities or aspects about him made him the divine masculine in your opinion?
Care to list some out?
John 1 contains critical elements of it, but no amount of books in the world can ever unveil everything about Jesus.
Would you be upset if Jesus ended up looking way different than how he's usually depicted looking?
I actually expect him to be greater than anything we can depict of him.
holy based
Good answer. ^_^
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Thy Father who art in Heaven
Kenshiro from fist of the north star.
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Why do you consider that to be the divine masculine?

Well that does it for the meme masculine... How about the ACTUAL divine masculine?
I'm no expert on the divine masculine - in fact the God I follow is sort of the female clone of Zeus - but the father/shepherd/teacher/king type of divine spirit describes Zeus very well. He's the model, the goal.

>Captcha: 2XYX
I wonder what that says about us. That women match and men don't.
definitely not lusting over feminine trances
>I wonder what that says about us. That women match and men don't.
How do you mean?
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Baphomet-buddha reconciliation.
I don't know, it's almost like maybe something about women, some feature femininity has, is almost like a coin with two heads. A trick. Or that they are men with something removed, and the remaining bit doubled. Do you get what I mean?
rwminds me of that retard who proposed einsteins formel with added ai at the end. total bogus but good to know that nobody g3neral is full of satanist. i always ignored you
Jesus represents the masculine and the feminine in that God is the source of these. I’m not saying he’s a hermaphrodite either as he is biologically male. He is lord, the masculine head, and the one who punishes evil and sets the rules but is also the one who comforts, soothes and even nurtures. He is the water of life like the woman feeds her child with her milk he too feeds his flock with his body and his blood. Jesus is lord but also completely humbles himself before the Father representing head and helper or the roles we see in Adam and Eve.
I still have a pretty classical/traditional view of such.
I feel it embodies the Red King better.
Jesus has the bride, the Church, a strange entity in herself that is represented by the moon. And Mary beholded his bountiful penis and mistaken him as a gardener because of it.
Willing things that are Good into existence.
Right, Jesus represents the restored Adam and Mary the restored Eve but Christ does represent both masculine and feminine aspects. Man meaning mankind was made in his image.
Is there a reason you're posting images constantly with young boys?
That's Puer Aeternus.. not divine masculine.
Too old and you get the sage, death, or time.
Too young and you get the Puer Aeternus; the Peter Pan character who embodies the tyranny of youth and it's short-sighted thinking and goals applied over a long stretch of existential time.

We can see that the Puer Aeternus is not a generally "good" archetype with the rise of the manchild as well as simple classical works such as Peter Pan. The Puer Aeternus doesn't embrace the concept of time, never pushes a social envelope. It embodies a tunnel-vision as a directive of "things I want" and "things I don't want." A Puer Aeternus lacks the empathy granted by strife and reduces the depth of what it observes to fit within it's own shallow worldview.

If this is where you're going with "divine masculine" I think you're conflating things horribly. Divine Masculine is the Red King or Yin. It is a creative, building essence as well as an essence of solidarity, security, and stability. A Puer Aeternus is none of these, it seeks:
>Fulfillment through it's own play
>Will destroy what others have built on a whim
>Dodges responsibility because it doesn't fit their secular goals

I find it incredibly off that you would assume these two are the same.
The dude is just a gay pedophile. Bro is cranking it to those pics.
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>Is there a reason you're posting images constantly with young boys?
They are not young boys, they are men. Just because they are not YOUR version of men doesn't make them young boys - it just makes you ignorant.
>Too old and you get the sage, death, or time.


>Too young and you get the Puer Aeternus; the Peter Pan character who embodies the tyranny of youth and it's short-sighted thinking and goals applied over a long stretch of existential time.

Incorrect. The entire distaste that has been focused around the young male is one born entirely out of past evolutionary fitness. That is it. There was no time nor ability to be the starry-eyed, soft-featured male with boyish features because reality was too harsh, and nature even more so. And so you need a man of utility - a man of muscle built for purpose and THAT'S IT. A sapient species whom is unable to move past the man of utility is a species that is doomed, as they are stuck in the past with their men, unable to actualize them in neotenized paths of beauty and innocence - the male is eternally stuck being and old, utilitarian beast of burden for his societies and the women he "serves" - not allowed to just be a boy with youthful vigor and the imagination of a child-god. The same kind of imagination, btw, needed - USED to make the many invaluable inventions of which you are directly benefitting from RIGHT NOW as you type your messages and read mine.

The entire metaphor around Peter Pan was simple - to not shirk yourself from responsibilities oh which you are beholden to - and that lesson was being taught to WENDY, THE FEMALE, not to PETER. Time after time again I run into insufferable imbeciles like you, who egregiously misinterpret entire aspects of ontology and then feel like you're some enlightened folk. Utterly content in your ignorance and self-stultification.
I feel a lot of things when it comes to the Divine Masculine; Order, Will, Virtue, Severity, Justice, Analysis, Authority, etc. But these are just masculine traits. I think the Craftsman and its elements of Competence and Pride are important to note here too, just like the Phallus, symbolizing (masculine) Fertility, Vitality and so on.
In the end, I think the general theme of the Sword/Scepter/Rod/Vajra is important, as it establishes Order, sure, but also Justice, Truth and other subordinate functions (Virtues, really) which constitute the Masculine theme. It also has themes of Sacrifice, Abundance or Prosperity, Strength and Aesthetic (sure, women are a product of Beauty, but we're talking here about crafted symmetry, design and extrapolation, like sculpting clay or a body or constructing "the perfect sidewalk").
The Divine Masculine is a conduit of Order achieved through exercising Will, to really reduce it.
Oh look, it's a retard. Hello, retard, don't you have retard school to go to? I see you're doing what retards like you are best at and lying about other people because you are too retarded and despicable to change or understand anything. And so here you are... disparaging someone many times greater than you will ever even dream of being.

Because retard gonna retard. Mmk, then well I don't have any retard candy for you right now so you're gonna have to just scooch on through and let the adults talk, mmk? Go on. Go on, shoo. Before I get the hose, retard.
Go away, Diogenes, poster, no one likes you. Also, I get the explicit inference that you are trying to infer something here that is gonna make me explode in your face, so I advise FOR YOUR SAKE to get the fuck out of dodge real quick, ok? I'm not in the mood, bud.
The old roman IVPITOR is my idea of the Divine Man(the archaic triad in general), not Greek Zeus, being closer in origin to the origional Deyus Pater before other influences changed his character like with the (Celtic) indignous Europeans and Germanics or the Near East and Greece, old roman religion started as household animism* with some Etruscan influence. Jupiter is the archetypal patriarch, stern lawgiver and unquestioned master of the pantheon, his is a role closer to an Abrahamic god than say Zeus or Odin, his is the sky king, he is Sovergin and mortal soverginity flows from him and is read in the portents of the weather and the augeries of the sky (the domain inseperable from him), he did not have such an antagonsitic relationship with Saturn as Zeus and Chronos. As the male had his divine nature in his Genius, so the female in her Juno, the same equivalent applied to Jove's counterpart, being his Anima rather than a distinct entity like Hera**
>* The oldest Latin gods are animistic representations of the Domus, Janus was the door and the boundry of the property, Vesta was the hearth, Mars was the farmer in his field(Campus) defending his land, Vulcan was the god of housefires, etc. Later mythic additions to these gods occured due to forgien influence as the native latin tendency was to seperate aspects of existing gods into their own deities and syncretuse them with other gods, Bellona(War) was an agressive war goddess, her femininty from the grammatical gender of her name, Minerva was syncretised with Athena on the most tenuous connection of being goddess' of craftsmen
>**Hera is the archetypal greek wicked woman whereas Juno is a more sympathetic figure, also, an addendum that the older gods had their own Juno's and the priest's (of the particular god) wife would be the priestess of said Juno while the priest was concerned with the Genius
Towards Ascended Master, Towards Divinity
Psychological Maturity, Health, Virtue, Value
Look it up on Google books?
Look it up on ascensionglossary?
Look it up in The Ascension Glossary?

Here's one from centreofexcellence: 'The divine masculine is a spiritual concept that symbolises a set of qualities or energies traditionally associated with masculinity. However, it transcends gender boundaries, meaning anyone can embody these energies. It's a fusion of strength, action, rationality, integrity, and emotional endurance'
That's an eternal twink with wings. Twings.
Mary is not Eve.
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Green man archetype

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