Is there a universe model where the Earth is not flat and gravity exists, but outer space is still fake? That's what I suspect is happening. We have known the world is a sphere for thousands of years, but Mars is still Devon Island and the moon was still a Hollywood studio.
>>39648068why does it have to be fake? what is it about space that offends you so much?
>>39648084>what is it about space that offends you so much?Devon Island and Kubrick faking the moonlanding, and the fact that Elon Musk is the current face of space exploration
>>39648097gay niggers in outer space?>>39648099lol
>>39648068>Mars is still Devon IslandPeople took pictures of that island, shopped it red, and said it was from NASA.And you fell for it.
>>39648068maybe going outside is fake and gay but, the space can be still true, at least on the definition of outer space.Planets being named with pagan names don't help at allEarth being a ball is still kinda sus
>>39648068Yeah it's called Forgotten Realms, a campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.
>>39648068If you want to speak completely scientific, look up the Van Allen belt. It’s impassable radiation layer in space that would effect, among other things, telescopes, microwaves, electromagnetism, and even viewing things with the naked eye. All of this would fuck with actual sizzles and distances of objects beyond it, meaning the planets and stars.
>>39648068concave earth + variable spacial compression - all the cosmos is within the shell of the earth.
>>39650442Good thing they went around the BELT.
>>39650442>look up the Van Allen belt. It’s impassable radiation layerno its not, who told you that?was it a youtube clip made out of 3 second cut out fragments?
>>39648068I came to this conclusion after realizing the universe is mental, so it can't be much larger than what we perceive of it. Not only in space, but also in time.
>>39652282>I came to this conclusion after realizing the universe is mentalWas that before or after you realized you were God?
>>39652282>it can't be much larger than what we perceive of itSo for people with no perception and mental capacity - there is no space.Interesting.
>>39650442this is what you get for all your many hours of youtube moonhoax research
>>39652585i cant imagine spending untold hours watching that youtube nonsense, its crazy people actually gobble that shit up.
outer layer is the astral realm
>>39648068I think you people just want reality to be a lie. There's no solid reason for it to be so, and all of the schizo conspiracy shit conflicts with itself and doesn't add up.There are coverups and secrecy but not with bigtime shit like basic observable reality. Objective reality like space and stars and sun and the moon that we CAN SEE for ourselves by going outside and looking up.Why the fuck do you nuts have to question the basic stuff? Are you really that bored? Are you that far up your own asses? Are you just trolling? WTF? I really don't get it. Why are you questioning things you KNOW are true because you can see them? What's next? Planes are fake? Most have been in them and we can all see them and yet I can totally see you retards claiming 'planes are fake'. Why do you want to live like this? Why have you decided to think like this? And then why do you get defensive and accuse me of being blind and stupid for believing what I can see and not questioning it?This is so insane.
>>39653105>true cuz you can see themplato cave retard
>>39653105>I think you people just want reality to be a lie.they want to be the main character in their very own detective movie, to be the One who uncovers the Truth and is pitted against the entire world as they bravely persist against all opposition, defying the Powers The Be.They are not, of course. In reality they are just arrogant little retards who look down on everyone else. Using dumb garbage like flat earth is a final resort for these people.
>>39653455Just imagine how much comfort they will get, alone at home dying in their bed, to know that they never accepted the globe and fought hard against the machine by making a stranger online mildly annoyed at their stupid questions and willful ignorance.
>>39653530its quite the legacy
>>39648099Just because the landings were staged does not mean that outer space isn't real though. It only means that the space agencies are making it seem like our technological capabilities for interacting with outer space are more advanced than they actually are.
What effect do (((scientific descriptions))) have on the immatterial world?What are these ritual acts of language holding back?What do you see?Is your brain made of dirt?Are you an NPC?
That wouldn’t make fucking sense dipshit, in the heliocentric model the sun and moon are in space. So if the earth is a sphere and space is fake, where would the sun and moon be? Space being fake is works with flat earth model.
>>39653105I always find it so comical that globe earthers think they’re intelligent. Only the dumbest motherfucker that has ever existed would think that the items in picrel are spinning a thousand miles an hour. It’s like you people don’t have a brain. All you do spew retarded nonsensical contradictory bullshit.
>>39654770what if theres zero relative velocity difference between everything in picrel and the rotation is very very smooth with no roughness in the bearings?
>>39652585I have never in my life done that. I learned about the Van Allen Belt in uni. Clearly you aren’t educated.
>>39654874then you learned a bunch of shit. post text books.
>>39654678>That wouldn’t make fucking sense dipshit, in the heliocentric model the sun and moon are in space. So if the earth is a sphere and space is fake, where would the sun and moon be?Rude. Very small and flying above the ball Earth? Why wouldn't that be possible?
>>39654988what happens to objects that get much closer to you and then go much farther away again?
>>39655099Yes yes they get visually smaller, I know. The reason why I suspect outer space is fake or not how they describe is the massive propaganda machine attached to it that has been operating since the cold war.
>>39655118i guess you can go with observed reality OR your unfounded suspicions.
>>39655131Why do they lie about Mars and the Moon then?
>>39655185what do you mean by lie?
>>39652295I suspect both of those things happened simultaneously as anon’s farts escaped his asshole and entered his nose.
>>39655199Humans haven't actually "gone" to either the Moon or Mars. Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing on a Hollywood set, and Mars is really Devon Island in Canada
>>39655232none of that is true though.
>>39655253I'm going to bet you think Elon actually launched a car into space too huh
>>39655259why would it be necessary to fake that? rockets take things into space all the time
>>39655281>why would it be necessary to fake that?Yeah why would it? Unless... they don't actually take things into space
>>39655316no idea where that video came from, when it was filmed etc. if theres one thing to believe in its that you should never, ever, accept at face value any video or image posted by a flat earther.its a good rule for life.
>>39655337>no idea where that video came from, when it was filmed etc. if theres one thing to believe in its that you should never, ever, accept at face value any video or image posted by a flat earther.Copity cope cope cope. Don't believe you're lying eyes, TRUST ELON
>>39655343*yourNot even a flat Earther btw
Toroidal earth.
>>39655343so where is the original? you must surely have checked it all out before posting your little clip.
the classical idea of the spheres, where everything is like a nested onion of spheres, and each layer has different celestial objects embedded in it. In this model the transparent parts are still quite solid
>>39654908Post text books? Lmfao you’re retarded dude. Who keeps their textbooks?
>>39655403who posts your load of nonsense and claims to have been taught it at 'uni'.
>>39654807>very very smooth1 year is not 365 days
>>39655385When it happened it was being posted hundreds of times every day newfag
>>39655507there should be some left up then i guess
>>39655316>fairing jettison video replayed>flat earthers get all excitedmany such cases
>>39648068That object is an angel depiction.
>>39655696It was not being jettisoned, it spontaneously appeared and then disappeared
>>39655185because solar warden is classifiedand mars colony corporation has been doing stuff to the indigenous up there that makes columbus look like a saint
>>39655232>Devon IslandPeople took pictures of Devon Islandand photoshopped them redand told you they were from NASA.
>>39655773they just replayed the jettison footage. what the fuck is it with flat earthers and getting so fixated on simple dumb shit like this?
>>39654770I think it's comical that your mind is so simple that the idea of the spinning earth conflicts with balance. Like you don't understand scale and think that there should be massive winds because we're spinning "so fast". You can't understand relativity at all, so it must absolutely blow your tiny mind when you're riding in a car traveling 60 MPH and you toss a ball up in front of you that it doesn't destroy your face. You know, because that's how you think things work. And you have the temerity to think YOU are smarter than everyone else. It's like you don't have a brain. LOL, you'll never even realize how ignorant you are either. Because of Dunning-Kruger you think YOU are the superior one. So simple you are. So simple and stupid. Where you got the ego to question objective reality is beyond me. But you're really unworthy. You're not smart enough to be skeptical because you don't understand how anything works. Everyone who knows you thinks you're retarded. You don't even pick up on it.
Earth is round. Science is based. Space is glorious. Flefarf is fake and gay.
>>39655281But that's IMPOSSIBLE!! We're not capable of anything. Just dumb humans on "god's" flat earth. We can't leave the surface but we can make advanced technology to FOOL everyone into thinking we can. It's all an illusion. Don't trust your eyes. Projectors on the ground. Powerful tech. You don't need to understand how anything works. Just know that what THEY are telling you is all LIES. We don't know how or why, we just know that it's not real. We'll come up with the explanation later. For now though, we just foment distrust and paranoia. That's the entire plan.