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Most important esoteric orders
>founded by Catholics
>mostly Catholics
Intelligence agencies
>controlled by Catholics
Most of those responsible for the Federal Reserve system were Knights of Malta. They prop up Jews so they can be sacrificed if something goes wrong.
Officers on both sides of WWII were KoM and would conspire in Rome to put Protestants on both sides against each other on the battlefield.
Masons were taken over by Jesuits long ago.
>"call no man your father"
lol. catholicism and christianism as an egregore are the most powerful organization in the world and in the astral. they're literally the king of this world yet everybody is always thinking about jews. lol. just think about the catholic church in the middle ages... niggas were the absolute tyrants of the whole civilization basically.
What kind of an egregious disinfo post is this? Billy still paying PR to unjew his image?
How does anyone not know better by now?
Do you think you should literally cut your hand off if it offends you?
Do you really betray the words of jesus himself to appease the church rather than the book it's based on?

My post went over your head. Do you guys think it's wrong to call your literal dad "father" too?
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They will conveniently avoid addressing the books taken out of the bible by protestant founders while simultaneously pretending their selection is the literal word of God. You can ask them a poignant and direct question on theology and they will simply reply with a fake article about the Pope or something.

Critique but rolls off of them like water off of a raincoat, but quote Matthew 16:18-19 and watch how they recoil. How they suddenly shrink back in horror, “I haven’t read that book,”
Jesus left us with a church, not a book.
I call my dad, dad. Do you call your priest, "dad"?

Why do worship idols?
He left us with teachings which were written down then cherry picked by an organization proclaiming to be the church. Trusting strangers at the vatican to curate what books were acceptable and which aren't. Didn't the pope approve of evolution now too? Thought man was made in the image of god, not mutated from some ape like ancestor.
Your silence is deafening. Better confess your sins to a man in a black robe rather than a prayer to god, that's certainly how to seek forgiveness for our sins.
Same people would simp for the church to have the bible written only in greek and hebrew and curse martin luther for allowing us to read the word in our own tongue without needing a medium man to interpret it for us.
Bill was never a Jew wtf are you talking about poltard
I think you are mistaking The Roman Empire with The Body of Jesus Christ. Go educate yourself and come back again, please. You are embarrassing yourself. The Roman Empire is not Jesus Christ's church, alright?
>hur dur i fell for the most basic trick
When Inquisitors asked St. Joan of Arc whether she believes in Jesus, or the Catholic Church
>About whether I believe in Jesus or the Church, I just know they are the same thing, and we should not complicate the matter.
That's not proof of anything you dumb poltard
Show me proof bill was born Jewish or shut up
>catholicism and christianism
it's the same thing
Protestants love bringing up idolatry without even knowing what it means.
Back in the time the Old Testament was written people would make idols as a literal form of bordering sorcery, the statues were not just a representation of the kings and deities they were modeled after but a literal extension of their "realm" and power of influence. Having a statue of a Babylonian king wasn't just portraying him, he was literally physically there exerting his power upon the people by that statue. I guess the closest we have today would by sygils but they're not meant for even remotely the same purpose, idolatry was fucked up and whole towns would gather across statues, make sacrifices in front of them and fear them. Needless to say this is violently different from having a lil model of Mary in your house and praying to a rosary with a lil picture of her in it, do your fucking homework dumbass.
Anyway does anyone have a video of that one protestant pastor saying God granted him his private jet?
Yes, and you should pluck your eye if it leads you astray. That is more than just the literal you know… Anything you can live without, that leads you astray, you must separate from it now matter how painful it is or how much you think you need it.
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Libshit conspiracy for boomers who are mad at their dad
Are the Rockerfeller related to the Windsor?
This Unperson isn't a Catholic, he's a radical Depopulationist scumbag - This greedhead's immense wealth is used to harm people, and he admits it.
>ignore the Catholic supremacy
Sometimes, people 'ignore' things that aren't real.
The golem tools that profess catholicism are jesuits. Jesuit "IHS" club is zionist jewry, but for shills that choose catholicism to be their fake religion, rather than judaism which they all ultimately serve. (Satan is ultimately who they all serve, but this is just in relation to jewish trap fraternities)

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