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File: Steiner_um_1905.jpg (406 KB, 773x1276)
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He seems rather underrated. He's the only western esotericist I can name who isn't an obvious crank
Anon the 4chan user base doesn't understand anything beyond "muh dik"
>He seems rather underrated
He's literally one of the most famous.
>He's the only western esotericist I can name who isn't an obvious crank
Because he was too stupid to be a crank, he fell for Theosophy. The Steiner School concept was good though.
>Because he was too stupid to be a crank
Who isn't a crank than?
Depends on what you're after. Agrippa wasn't, Israel Regardie wasn't, Evola (mostly) wasn't.
>isn't an obvious crank
you and Steiner are retards. theosophy is the bane of western esotericism and if you see anything that so much as speaks positive of it or any of it's figures you should drop it. if you want anything of value you would have to look to =<1600 europe, pre wahhabi Islam, or if you read classical chinese alot of daoist shit or even some translated texts. there is prob other things I am forgetting but you get the point.

also alot of jew magic is just worse versions of shit that existed in other cultures for example the creation of the golem was done using Hebrew lettering to bind a virgin soul to a body of clay while the chinese used to practice corpse magic where the same principle would take place but instead of with a effectively committing a kidnapping the magician would instead use a talisman to bind the soul of a spirit he had made a contract with causing much less issues in the long run. the zombie (Jiangshi) could be easily disabled by removing the talisman from it's head similarly to the way a golem could be disabled by changing the word yhwh to mot but the chinese way was easily reversible by putting the talisman back on it's head.

you can keep looking at Steiner if you want though. Some people like getting raped and it's pointless to shame them for it
Anyone who posts tranime is demonic and should be shot dead
damn struck a nerve goldberg. the asians are 3000 years ahead of you
I thought the Jews got that from the Neoplatonists? Theurgy that is.
they did but many magic systems have had a form of convergent evolution. my main point was that anything done by kabbalah can be done much better elsewhere.
also wouldnt ainimating a corpse/body be considered closer to Thaumaturgy rather then Theurgy. I will admit my knowledge of Neoplatonism is limited though
Based spiritual seeker that came and went with important warnings for the 21st century.
>Waldorf preschools employ a regular daily routine that includes free play, artistic work (e.g. drawing, painting or modeling), circle time (songs, games, and stories), outdoor recess, and practical tasks (e.g. cooking, cleaning, and gardening), with rhythmic variations.
>Rhythm and repetitive patterns are considered important in anthroposophy and are believed to hold spiritual significance.
Why was he obsessed with making kids chant and sing? What does sending your children to his schools accomplish?
Ngl, that actually sounds way better than our modern school system. Our modern school system tries to turn children into machines
His stuff is just Blavatsky crap with all the Pajeet shit replaced with ((Western esotericism)). My problem with him is the same as my problem with Ouspensky - a tendency to want to explain spiritual matters through a framework of scientism.
I'd say Evola is about half and half, he didn't understand that the nazis and fascists were obviously materialists and modernists and that there is literally nothing political that can be done about modernity. When he acknowledges the last fact and shuts up about politics he's actually a good philosopher/mystic.
anime website
>he fell for Theosophy.
He said they were too crazy for him and left when they claimed a Indian boy was the reincarnation of Jesus (the Indian guy also disagreed). I'm sure there was other reasons
I recall Steiner criticizing Blavatsky for hating Christianity. He himself thought that Christianity was the religion for Europe
It was less about Christianity than it was about the personage of Christ. Steiner's ideas about religion could be quite idiosyncratic. Calling him gnostic or neognostic wouldn't begin to fully convey his heteredox ideas. To the mainstream Christians of Europe in his time, he would have been "too crazy" for them.

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