Every now and then I dream of huge toads, in different contexts. For example last night I dreamed my siblings were playing in the frontyard with a huge-ass toad the size of a small dog.I googled it and it seems that there is a species called Goliath. Some specimens can reach the size I am talking about, from the photos I've seen.I'm more of a skeptic myself, but I can't stop thinking that it may be some 'signal' from my subconcious or something like that. Nevertheless I'm interested in what it may mean for different religions or beliefs.I'm at a stage in my life where I faced huge, mostly positive, changes. Now I'm trying to lose weight. Could this be a sign or encouragement for transformation? I can't think of an animal with a more drastic metamorphosis than this one (shape of body, living environment)
>>39652429https://ificouldteachthebible.com/2014/08/19/frogs-in-the-bible/https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%207%3A22-25%2C%20Exodus%208%3A1-14%2C%20Exodus%2012%3A15%2C%20Exodus%2022%3A30%2C%20Jeremiah%202%3A13%2C%20Isaiah%2043%3A2%2C%20Daniel%2010%3A2-7%2C%20Revelation%2016%3A13-15%2C%20Revelation%2019%3A11-16%2C%20Revelation%2020%3A10-15%2C%20Revelation%2022%3A1%2C%20Revelation%2022%3A6&version=NKJVExodus 7:22-25, Exodus 8:1-14, Exodus 12:15, Exodus 22:30, Jeremiah 2:13, Isaiah 43:2, Daniel 10:2-7, Revelation 16:13-15, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 20:10-15, Revelation 22:1, Revelation 22:6