whether it be religion, esoteric sects or philosophical schools of thought, everyone is seeking their one ideology that they can live by and benefit from. however, nearly everyone is doing it wrong. the human being is satisfied by extremes; it's simpler and easier to apply, whereas nuanced states are more complicated and harder to apply. and so, most people will seek the extremes in which they already partake in, even if partially. for example, the humble and meek may find refuge in christianity or buddhism, whereas the proud and ambitious may find motivation in hermeticism or gnosticism. problem is, if you're already on one extreme and going further in that direction, your virtues become corrupt; the humble and meek becomes the passive and enslaved, and the proud and ambitious becomes the arrogant and hubristic.the solution is simple and especially freeing to apply: the paradoxical intention effect. by seeking the opposite extreme of where you are, you fulfill your needs by strengthening your weaknesses. as above so below, as below so above. if you're on high, go down low. if you're down low, go on high. yin cannot be without yang, yang cannot be without yin. here is an exercise to help you find where you stand and to what extreme you must go.>1. ask yourself what is your immediate desire>2. ask yourself why that is your desire>3. do the contrary of 2.>4. by doing the contrary, you end up fulfilling your desireexample A (right hand to left hand path) 1:"i want to follow god's will" 2:"i'm afraid of not following god's will" 3:"i won't follow god's will and follow my own" 4: result: by following your own will, you end up doing god'sexample B (left hand to right hand path) 1:"i want to be powerful" 2:"i'm afraid of being weak" 3:"i will be weak" 4: result: by humbling yourself you reduce the pressure on you to perform
So much text.. come on
>>39652438>everyone is seeking their one ideology that they can live by and benefit fromNot me. I seek things beyond the context and limitations of what people call "life" in this world, which is actually closer to death than to true life.
>>39652519die in a hole zoom zoom>not op just hate you illiterate insects
>>39652530if the soul did not need the body and mind, there would be no body or mind. this is the true life, for the soul made it so.
>>39652547You assume the soul doesn't make mistakes. If that were so then there's nothing for you to learn. There's no point in you even making this thread, because if someone doesn't know something that's just according to plan right?Then just sit back and let the system do whatever it wants to you. And "learn to love it" as the new agers are so fond of teaching.
>>39652563you're mistaking the soul for the mind. the soul is perfect in the same way the sun is perfect; it is simply a source of will, nothing more, nothing less. the mind and body are tools for that will to be carried out, and those are imperfect due to lack of knowledge among other things. the purpose of this thread, or any ideology for that matter, is to perfect the mind, that it may be rightly used to carry out the soul's will.
>>39652581Well we just have very different views. And I still stand by what I said, that I am not seeking a path _in_ this life, because I seek beyond this life (in my view: to re-awaken to what true life is).
>>39652438> everyone is seeking their one ideology that they can live byI’m not. I’m Studying all of them so I can figure out which ones are clearly larps/bullshit/spiritual scams so they can be discarded, and then I plan to take the good parts of what’s left over and roll my own syncretic approach like a custom Linux distribution.
>>39652438if you want to be protagonist, act as if you are an NPC, and the world will reorganize itself so that the protagonism naturally falls on you
>>39653995>roll my own syncretic approach like a custom Linux distribution.i used to say the same thing, but as it turns out, you don't have an ideology if only one individual believes it. we are social mammals, for a belief system to work for an individual, it must work for multiple individuals also. otherwise you're in your own little world, separated from others.
>>39654145>otherwise you're in your own little world, separated from othersnta but that's exactly how it is
>>39654157how can your little world be communicating with mine? through a bigger world. not that your little world is invalid or worse than the bigger world, but that means the little worlds in the bigger world can communicate with each other, and more importantly share ideas/ideologies with each other.
>>39652438>>1. ask yourself what is your immediate desire>2. ask yourself why that is your desire>3. do the contrary of 2.>4. by doing the contrary, you end up fulfilling your desire>1. I want to be rich>2. I don't want to live in poverty anymore>3. I will become even poorer>4. By becoming even more power, you will get richI'm not sure that's how it works
>>39655978not op, but on the spiritual sense, money is energy, and poverty is self imposed limitation, as part of the matrix experience.so, what you want is money, because you perceive yourself as lacking, in some area, lacking in energy, ultimately. the solution here is not to become poorer, but act as if you have no energy in the form of money, that is, spend less, be frugal, and the matrix compensates you in the form of having more luck or something